I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 127: The cruel and inhumane Bai Yuchuan! Cuckolded on the spot!

Beneath the cliff several hundred meters away is the roaring river.

Although the surging water is better than the water on the mirror, if it is dropped from a few hundred meters, unless the body is plunged straight into the water, there is no difference from being hit directly on the concrete floor.

It becomes minced meat directly.

However, Ning Piaoli opened her arms and closed her eyes.

Wait quietly for that moment to arrive.

His body was shattered into pieces and his bones were completely buried in the river.

Perhaps every good child who is controlled very strictly by his parents has a very rebellious soul hidden in his body.

Seeking death for her love was probably the most daring thing she had ever done in her life.

However, she didn't regret it at all.

The falling speed is getting faster and faster, faster and faster.

The rapid river below flows eastward.

The distance is getting closer, getting closer.


She was about to hit the water and be completely shattered.

But at this moment!

"Bang!" The water surface suddenly exploded.

A figure rushed forward suddenly.

It turned out to be the weirdo Liang Buxun, and he was not dead!

Of course he won't die!

With his martial arts skills so high, he would certainly not die if he fell from a cliff hundreds of meters into the water.

He rushed out of the water, grabbed Ning Piaoli's belt, and lowered his feet.

After crossing the river for tens of meters, we came to the cliff bank.

Ning Piaoli thought that he would definitely die, but he didn't expect that he would not die.

Instead... it fell into the hands of this monster.


She let out a shrill scream.

"Don't touch me, I'll kill you, kill you..."

Then she waved the dagger in her hand and stabbed Liang Buxun crazily.

The weirdo Liang Buxun dodged easily.

Seeing that she couldn't kill him, Ning Piaoli didn't hesitate at all, and stabbed his neck with the dagger in his hand.

She wants to commit suicide!

And also disfigured.


But the next second.

The dagger in her hand was knocked away.

Ning Piaoli was stunned, and then the whole person slammed towards the cliff.

Seeking death again and again!

He was just afraid that he would fall into the hands of Liang Buxun, and his life would be worse than death.

But, she failed again.

The weirdo Liang Buxun easily pulled her back.

"Stop!" Liang Buxun suddenly shouted.

He stared at Ning Piaoli blankly, the expression on his face was extremely painful and complicated.


He vomited a mouthful of black blood.

He stared at Ning Piaoli's face for a long time, and then glanced at the surging river water.

"He is willing to die for you, you are willing to die for him..." Liang Buxun kept repeating this sentence.

"How could this happen? All the men in this world are close to you because of your beauty and your power, but I am the only one who has true feelings..."

"Why is this? He died for you, and you died for him?"

"Then who am I, Liang Buxun? Am I a clown? Am I a clown?"

Liang Buxun let out bursts of wailing. He stared at Ning Piaoli and said: "At that time, you pulled me out of that urine pit. Your eyes were obviously affectionate. You held my hand and it was clear that we were committed to life. ”

Ning Piaoli stared at Liang Buxun and said slowly: "It's completely impossible. I pitied you and sympathized with you at the time. I have lived until now, and I didn't know what the love between a man and a woman was until just now."

Liang Buxun let out a sad smile.

"Liang Buxun, you are a monster, you are a monster, no one has ever liked you, everyone hates you, hahahaha..." The weirdo Liang Buxun let out bursts of shrill laughter.


He stepped on the water and ran towards the west.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go die somewhere no one knows."

"Liang Buxun, your life in this world has absolutely no meaning."

In the blink of an eye, Liang Buxun's figure disappeared without a trace.

After he left!

Ning Piaoli's whole delicate body collapsed and sat on the ground.

Then, she quickly stood up, without saying a word, jumped into the rushing river, and dived into the water, searching for everything.

"Where are you?"

"Where are you Wuque?"

"Whether you live or die, I will find you."

"All the gods and Buddhas in the sky, please protect me and find him."


Ning Piaoli dived into the water and went down the river, searching desperately.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour.

Shen Wuque was not seen at all.

She was really desperate.

And almost exhausted.

She even wanted to sink herself directly to the bottom of the water and drown herself at the bottom. Maybe they would float together, right?

And at this time!

She saw a figure downstream downstream.

This is a corner, and there is a figure stuck on the stone corner.

Immediately, Ning Piaoli rushed over.

It is perfect, it is perfect...

She was ecstatic!

He stepped forward and picked Wu Que up.

Using all his strength, he carried him to the shore.

At this time, the flawless face was like gold paper, without any color.

And he wasn't breathing.

Ning Piaoli learned the first aid technique from Master Lin Daomiao.

He pressed his intact abdomen with all his strength to make him spit out the water.

Then, artificial respiration was started for him.

Artificial respiration was performed again and again.


It seemed like I was breathing, completely out of breath.

Looking at his body again, it was simply extremely miserable.

The whole body was covered with scars, especially the wound on the chest, which was directly pierced and was about two inches wide.

"Wu Que, please don't die, please don't die..."

"Can you hear me?"

"You can't walk toward the darkness if you can hear the question."

"Because there are still people in this world who love you very much."

"As long as you can survive, I will agree to anything and be willing to do anything you ask me to do."

Then, Ning Piaoli, who was obviously exhausted, seemed to have given birth to countless strength.

He picked Shen Wuque up on his back and ran forward with all his strength.

He left the riverside and ran towards Yingzhou City.

We met a carriage on the road.

She rushed towards you and ripped off the gold and gemstone earrings from both ears.

"I'll hire your carriage. Hurry, take me to the Ning Family Courtyard."

The coachman was stunned and said: "But, I have to pick up the guests...forget it, saving people is more important."

Ning Piaoli carried Wu Que into the carriage and said to the coachman, "Do you know about the Ning Family Courtyard at the foot of Hongye Mountain?"

The coachman said: "You said it's at the foot of Hongye Mountain, and I know it. There is only a gorgeous mansion there. Just take a seat."

Then the coachman twitched the draft horse hard and pulled the carriage towards the Ning Family Courtyard.

In the carriage, Ning Piaoli desperately pressed on Wu Que's wound and held him tightly in her arms.

Less than half an hour.

The carriage rushed directly into the quiet and gorgeous Ning Family Courtyard.


The only owner of Ning's Villa is Ning Piaoli.

This is the dowry Ning Daoyi prepared for his daughter.

Because Ning Piaoli likes peace and quiet, this place is some distance away from Yingzhou City.

But the entire courtyard covers dozens of acres and is exquisite and luxurious.

There are dozens of servants and a dozen warriors inside.

Everything is available inside.

This courtyard should be regarded as the wedding room of Bai Yuchuan and Ning Piaoli.

But Ning Piaoli has basically never lived here. She has always lived in the dormitory of Tianshui Academy.

Although it is said to be a dormitory, it is completely private. She has a small pavilion of her own.

As soon as he rushed through the gate of Ning's villa, several more warriors rushed up and tried to intercept him with force.

Ning Piaoli stuck out his face and said, "Go find a doctor quickly, find the best doctor, including Master Lin Daomiao."

When those warriors saw the hostess, they couldn't help but be shocked, then bowed and said: "Yes!"

Then, these warriors got on their horses and rushed in different directions.

The carriage rushed into the inner courtyard.

The servants behind just followed up.

At this time, Ning Piaoli had exhausted all his strength.

"Quickly, carry him to my bed and let the doctor in the mansion take a look at him first."

"In addition, give the driver a hundred taels of silver! No, five hundred taels!"

Suddenly, the driver was stunned.

Five hundred taels of silver?

Even if he earns ten years, he won't be able to make so much money.

Suddenly, I was extremely ecstatic.

Ning Piaoli said: "Brother, after you go out, can the things here be kept secret?"

The little coachman said: "Don't worry, you are like a fairy. Even if you beat me to death, I won't say a word."

Next up!

Several maids helped Ning Piaoli enter the room.

Take off your clothes and get into the tub.

After being soaked in the hot water inside, the whole body came back to life a little.

Not in the mood to take a bath.

After regaining her movement, she immediately stepped out of the tub, put on her clothes, and hurried toward the room.

At this time, the doctor in the mansion was trembling and anxious.

"Miss, he is too seriously injured. I can't cure him, and I don't dare to cure him..."

Ning Piaoli rummaged through the box, took out a precious elixir, and fed it into Wu Que's mouth, trying to catch his breath.

Exactly an hour later!

Master Lin Daomiao is here.

Ning Piaoli burst into tears and cried: "Teacher, please save him quickly, please save him quickly!"

Lin Daomiao said distressedly: "Lili, why do you look so ugly?"

Ning Piaoli said: "Leave me alone, save him quickly, save him quickly!"

Lin Daomiao stepped forward to check the injury.

Seeing Wu Que's face, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"This, is this Shen Wuque?" Lin Daomiao asked in surprise.

Ning Piaoli said: "Yes, it's him. In order to save me, he was injured by evil people."

Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Master Lin Daomiao immediately checked Shen Wuque's injuries.

Listen to the heartbeat, listen to the pulse, check for wounds.

Quite a while.

He trembled slightly and said, "Why is it so seriously injured?"

Ning Piaoli trembled: "Can it be saved? Can it be saved?"

Lin Daomiao said: "I don't know, this sword pierced his body directly, and it was stabbed directly towards the heart. But his body is different from ordinary people, his ventricle has shifted by about an inch. This kind of The probability is about 4 to 5 in 1,000. Fortunately, his ventricle was slightly deflected, otherwise he would have died."

Ning Piaoli couldn't help but tremble when she recalled that scene.

That monster Liang Buxun didn't hesitate at all. He aimed at Wuque's heart and pierced it with his sword.

At that time, Ning Piaoli felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Lin Daomiao said: "Even if he didn't stab his heart, he lost too much blood."

Ning Piaoli said: "What should I do?"

Lin Daomiao said: "I need a blood transfusion."

Ning Piaoli said: "Transfuse my blood. You have checked it for me. My blood is a universal blood."

Lin Daomiao said: "There is no universal blood. I want to check his blood to see what type it is."

Next, Lin Daomiao immediately took action.

The medical skills in this world are much more advanced than those in ancient China.

The types of blood are also known.

And this is not from the Western Church, but the discovery of the Dark Academy.

Soon, after checking Wuque's blood type.

Ning Piaoli's blood can be used.

But Lin Daomiao was reluctant.

"Go find strong warriors, let me check their blood, draw their blood, and transfuse blood for Shen Wuque." Lin Daomiao said.

Ning Piaoli said firmly: "No, you must use my blood, you must use it."

Lin Daomiao said: "Girl, you look bad. And as long as the blood type is consistent, everyone's blood is the same."

"No, it's different, you must use mine." Ning Piaoli said.

In her opinion.

Shen Wuque is handsome and talented.

Although he deliberately acted very fast.

But in fact, his whole body is noble.

Ordinary people's blood entering his body is just a stain.

She felt that only her blood was worthy of Wuque's body.

Lin Daomiao could not resist Ning Piaoli's will, so he began to draw her blood.

When he drew about half a pound, Lin Daomiao was determined not to draw any more.


Ning Piaoli was extremely persistent.

He drew almost a pound.

Then, he injected it into Wuque's body little by little.


Wuque's face gradually regained a little bit of color.

But he was still unconscious!

Master Lin Daomiao immediately took out the precious elixir, but he didn't dare to use it all, so he used a quarter.

Then, he started to stew it with various precious medicinal materials.

After more than half an hour.

He poured the medicine juice into Shen Wuque's mouth little by little.

At this time...

Shen Wuque's heartbeat gradually became stronger, and his breathing was finally no longer weak.

Lin Daomiao said: "This first gate of hell has been passed."

Ning Piaoli said: "Is there a second gate of hell?"

Lin Daomiao said: "His body was pierced, and there are wounds all over his body. He is also very weak. So next, there will be a severe inflammatory reaction. Only by passing this second gate of hell can he survive."

Ning Piaoli said: "Then what should we do?"

Lin Daomiao said: "Four of his ribs were broken. I have to straighten his bones, suture his wounds, and take medicine every day. When he has a high fever, I have to untie his clothes and wipe his whole body with strong liquor to dissipate heat. When he is cold and shivering, I have to warm him up."

Ning Piaoli said: "Teacher, can you stay here until he recovers?"

Lin Daomiao said: "Of course I can, but I have another very important patient who is also in critical condition."


Ning Piaoli has been guarding Wuque.

Lin Daomiao suddenly remembered something. Before, Bai Yuchuan and others slandered Shen Wuque as a demon spirit and a body snatcher.

So, he took the opportunity to check Wuque's whole body.

Then, he sneered.

What body snatcher? What demon spirit?

All nonsense.

This is a normal person.

The only dark energy is the wound, which was left by the enemy's sword.

The person who pierced Shen Wuque's body is a master of the Dark Academy.

Lin Daomiao said: "Ali, I'm old, I'm going to rest outside for a while. If there is any change, call me."

Ning Piaoli was stunned, then nodded and said: "Okay."

Then, she continued to stare at Wuque's face.

In front of Lin Daomiao, she did not hide the deep affection in her eyes.

Lin Daomiao sighed in his heart.

This girl is a married woman.

In fact, this room is the bridal chamber, and the big red happy characters posted everywhere have not faded.

But at this time, persuasion is not possible.

Lin Daomiao walked out of the room and said to the servants outside: "Anyone, don't reveal a word about what happened here? Otherwise, you will bear the consequences, understand?"

All of the servants knelt down and said: "Yes!"


The next time!

Ning Piaoli did not leave Wuque for a moment.

Just looked at him quietly.

This was her first real love since she was born.

This feeling cannot be described in words.

Just staring blankly, not feeling tired at all.

And... I can't even feel the passage of time.

Uneasy, worried, but full of happiness.

While looking at this handsome face, the previous memory scenes kept appearing in my mind.

Shen Wuque tied her up on the chair and wanted to defile and ravage him.

This memory scene made people feel hot all over.


More scenes.

It was still Shen Wuque who rushed out to save her and pounced on the weirdo Liang Buqi.

As a result, he was pierced by his sword.


All the scenes condensed into one picture.

In order to save her, he still had a sword stabbed in his body, and he rushed directly to Liang Buqi and jumped off the cliff.

They died together.

He was still shouting, A Li, go quickly.

Such a handsome, excellent, talented, and charming man was willing to die for her.

It was not a slogan.

But...really did it.


Ning Piaoli's heart was almost completely filled with emotion and happiness.

When someone you hate sacrifices for you, that's a burden.

When a person you like sacrifices for you, that... is happiness for life after life.

Looking at Wuque's handsome face, Ning Piaoli even began to imagine in her mind what his and her child would look like.

What is your son like?

What is your daughter like?

As I thought about it, I became crazy.

Then she started to worry.

Father knows what to do? What should the family do if they find out?

People can't just live for themselves, but also for their families.

But for the future.

She will do her best!


at the same time!

The strange man Liang Buxun kept going west and west.

Pass the town, pass the outpost.


It must be seen at several key locations.

And the memory is profound.

It went west for hundreds of miles.

Came to a barren mountain.

He took a long breath and paused.

Take off the wig from your head.

He pulled off the pockmarked human skin mask and the extra prosthetic leg on his right leg.

This is not Liang Buxun, but... Jiumogang.

He stripped off his clothes, burned them on fire, and threw the ashes into the river.

And completely buried the sword with dark energy in his hand.

Of the whole body, probably only this human skin mask is real.

To this day, he still has lingering fears.

The whole process was so thrilling.

Because I really didn’t expect that girl Ning Piaoli would jump down and die in love.

Although it was unplanned, it was still considered before.


Jiumoka's performance was still very good.

Especially the extra scene at the end is absolutely top-notch.

In addition, why is his performance of "Weird Maniac" so expressive?

In fact... just put in his own experience.

His most outstanding son died in the Roulan Massacre.

His wife turned against him.

In order to protect Wu Que, he killed his uncle and cousin with his own hands.

With so many things happening, it’s remarkable that Master Jiumokaang hasn’t gone crazy yet.

Even when he was performing Liang Buxun just now, he felt that his emotions were completely invested in this person's spiritual world.

Take a long breath.

"Wu Que, this is a good girl. I hope you don't hurt her too deeply."


at this time!

Meng Guang led his people south to continue the mission, and searched everywhere for the whereabouts of his younger brother Meng Fang.

After Bai Yuchuan rested for two days at his home castle, he continued northward with two hundred silver-clad warriors.

He wants to transport these eight crystal pillars back to Sky Book City and store them properly.

And at this time!

A warrior rushed over. The warrior responsible for protecting Ning Piaoli from Tianshui Academy was from Bai Yuchuan.

"My lord, my lord, something bad has happened. Madam was attacked on her way to visit Master Lin Daomiao!"

As soon as these words came out.

Bai Yuchuan was suddenly shocked!

His head felt like it was about to explode.

His wife was attacked? !

In his eyes, Ning Piaoli was not only his wife, but also the lover of his dreams, and his greatest glory.

Even more than glory.

But all his future.

He took the detached route of Sky Bookstore. Because he was Ning Piaoli's husband, he naturally became the heir to Elder Ning Daoyi.

He is more than protective of this wife?

I really can't bear to let her get hurt even a hair down.

Every time I hear people say that Ning Piaoli is the most beautiful teacher in Tianshui Academy.

I heard countless people admire their wives.

How proud is Bai Yuchuan?

He even knew that although Fu Caiwei was famous, his wife Ning Piaoli was the perfect couple in the eyes of all nobles.

Because she is pure, virtuous, noble, elegant and kind.

He also knew that Zhenbei Palace and the royal family had proposed to Ning Daoyi and wanted to marry Ning Piaoli.

It's just that Ning Daoyi is worried that his daughter will be wronged if she marries high.

Therefore, in Bai Yuchuan's mind, Ning Piaoli was not only his wife, but also his most dazzling crown jewel.

I heard that my beloved wife was attacked.

Suddenly, he dropped everything.

"You escort these eight spar pillars back to Bailing Marquis Mansion and keep them under strict guard, but remember not to put them in the Marquis Mansion Castle!" Bai Yuchuan ordered.

"Yes!" said Baihu, the silver-clad guard.

Without saying a word, Bai Yuchuan turned his horse's head and ran towards Yingzhou in the north.

Wearing the stars and the moon, traveling day and night.

Nothing in this world is as important as his wife.

Even his family business is not as important as his wife.


Master Lin Daomiao left because another important patient of his became ill.

He needs to rush over for treatment immediately!

Ning Piaoli had been guarding the place for almost a day and a night.

She didn't hold back in the middle and just lay down next to him and slept for a few hours.

But soon...she was awakened.

Because Shen Wuque was constantly trembling.

She reached out and touched her forehead.

It's really hot!

Definitely has a fever.

And the temperature is amazing!

"Where's the teacher? Where's the teacher?" Ning Piaoli asked.

"Master Lin Daomiao's patient is sick, so he left first. When the patient over there is stabilized, he will rush back immediately." The servant outside said.

Ning Piaoli recalled what the teacher had said before and ordered: "Go, get some liquor and a towel."

Soon, several bottles of liquor and urgent towels were found.

Ning Piaoli extinguished all fire sources.

It was already dawn by this time.

"All of you, get out." Ning Piaoli said.


All servants go out.

Ning Piaoli lifted the quilt and took off all Wuque's clothes.

Not a single thing was left.

Then, she paused for a moment, and her heart trembled suddenly.

This...is this lust?

The thought flashed across my mind.

Then, according to the teacher's instructions, Ning Piaoli soaked the alcohol with a towel, and then kept wiping it on Wuque's body!

Over and over again.

It took half an hour to wipe.

It really works!

Finally, Wu Que's high fever subsided little by little.

Suddenly, Ning Piaoli breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, she looked at a certain place in a daze.

Blushing beyond ears.

This feeling is really shameful.

She has always been pursuing a spiritual state.

At this time, I felt as if I had fallen a little.


Night is falling!

Although Wuque hasn't woken up yet, it seems to be stable.

Master Lin Daomiao has not returned yet.

Ning Piaoli took the opportunity to bathe, change clothes, and drink a bowl of soup.

Wait until she returns to the room.

The situation has changed again.

Wuque on the bed kept shaking.

He seemed very cold.

I have a fever during the day, and I feel extremely hot during the day.

It was so cold that I shivered again at night.

My lips were so cold that they were in heat.

The whole bed was shaking.

Ning Piaoli quickly moved two layers of quilts and covered Wuque's body.

"Cold, cold, cold..."

Wu Que was still unconscious, but he was talking nonsense and talking in his sleep.

"Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali..."

Ning Piaoli burst into tears, held Wu Que's hand and said, "I'm here, I'm here..."

"So cold, so cold..."

Ning Piaoli poured more than a kilogram of hot water and drank it all in one breath.

Then he took off his clothes, leaving only his pants and bellyband, got into the bed, and hugged his naked body tightly.

Wuque was unconscious, shouting: "Ali, Ali... I love you, I love you..."

Ning Piaoli hugged Wuque tightly with her delicate Xueyu fiery body, kissed his face with her lips and said tremblingly: "Wuque, I love you too, as long as you get better, I promise you anything, I am willing to do anything, please Get better."

Then, Wu Que shouted in his sleep again: "Fan Fan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Ning Piaoli hugged him, pressed her cheek against his, and murmured: "I'm also sorry for Sister Zhifan, but... I can't control it anymore..."

And right now!

There was an exclamation from outside!

"Uncle, you can't go in, you can't go in..."

All the servants and warriors came over and tried their best to stop Bai Yuchuan.

Bai Yuchuan said angrily: "This is my home, why can't I enter? What happened to Ali? What happened to Ali? Don't block me, don't block me..."

"Ali, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"Ali, don't be afraid, your husband is here, your husband is here!"

Bai Yuchuan rushed in unstoppably.

This was the bridal chamber where he and Ning Piaoli were married, with red letters posted everywhere.

But...he has never stayed in this bridal chamber.

He is not in a hurry, he is patient and gentle enough, waiting for this beautiful woman Xue Yu to open her heart to him.

Therefore, nothing should happen to his beloved wife!

This is all his glory, all his support and future.

This was the reason why he dared to lead thousands of silver-clad guards into the White Bones Territory, kill Shen Wuque, and try to massacre the entire White Bones City.

This has also been his dream girl for many years.

"A-Li, don't be afraid, my husband is here..."

Bai Yuchuan's voice became gentle.

He pushed open the door suddenly and rushed in!

Entered the bridal chamber!

Then, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him!

His beloved wife, the lover of his dreams, his pearl of glory Ning Piao Li.

Lying in Wuque's arms, hugging and kissing him.

Shen Wuque should be naked under the covers.

And his wife, Ning Piaoli, doesn’t seem to be wearing any clothes? !


There seemed to be a hundred crystal pillars exploding in Bai Yuchuan's mind.

It was as if a huge thunderbolt hit him hard on the top of his head.

For a moment, his mind went blank.

The soul is gone!


Note: The second update is here. Today’s update is nearly 15,000! Dear benefactors, if you have monthly tickets, don’t keep them.

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