I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 136 A life-and-death fight! Too cruel!

This time, the Governor of Piaoling City once again led the merchants to the dock to welcome Wu Que.

Seeing that there is only such a small boat in Wuque, you can't help but be surprised?

Where is your desk clock?

Thousands of clocks cannot fit on such a small boat.

"Master Wuque, where are your products?" Governor Tumen asked.

Wuque pointed and said, "Here, there."

Jiumogang got off the boat carrying a wooden box.

Just...just a box?

How many desk clocks can be installed in there?

For a moment, Governor Tumen felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that Young Master Shen Wuque was destined to lose in this year's Golden Bell Conference.

However, his smile remained unchanged. Last year, Shen Wuque made the entire Piaoling City a huge benefit. He couldn't just change his expression when Shen Wuque lost this year. That would be too shallow and snobbish.

Then, Wu Que took Ji Fan to Qiankun Pavilion, where the Golden Bell Conference was held.

"Master Wu Que, our life in Piaoling City will soon be difficult." Governor Tumen sighed.

This is natural.

Elder Ning Daoyi led 20,000 silver-clad guards to the Dongyi Empire, which represented that the conflict between Sky Book City and the Western Holy See had begun.

Although there was no formal war.

But the situation will definitely become more and more tense next time.

Piaoling City is designated as a neutral city between the East and the West, a legal trade location for both sides.

But as the situation intensifies, the space for this kind of trade will become smaller and smaller, and Piaoling City will lose its living space.

"Castlevania is about to make a fortune." Governor Tumen sighed: "Pirate Queen Jade Rakshasa is about to become a real queen."

Once formal trade between the East and the West was ended, maritime smuggling was destined to flourish.

A considerable part of the smuggling in the Eastern and Western worlds is in the hands of the Jade Rakshasa.

Moreover, the navy in her hands is so powerful that both the Eastern and Western worlds will win her support.

After sending Shen Wuque to a luxurious suite, Governor Tumen hesitated to speak.

Wuque said: "Mr. Governor, we are good friends. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Governor Tumen said: "Just a few hours ago, the fleet of Master Master of Sky Book City also arrived. His Excellency King Piaoling and I went to greet them with members of the merchant committee."

Wu Que was stunned.

There was no such big pomp when Mi Qi arrived in Piao Ling City that day. Only the governor came to greet her, and the Piao Ling King and the merchant committee did not show up at all.

When the Master of Exquisiteness arrived, there was such a big pomp to greet him?

Governor Tumen said: "Because we want Sky Book City."

The two pillars of power in the Eastern world are the Imperial Court of the Great Xia Empire and the Sky Bookstore.

When these two pillars decided to completely stop the trade between the East and the West, the status of Piaoling City was no longer guaranteed.

"As for business and trade, the Alchemy Department and the Ink Industry Department of Sky Book City have a huge say, and Master Jingqing has a big say in the Ink Industry Department." Master Tumen said: "Because there are many people in the Eastern world. The products are all certified and authorized by the Alchemy Department and the Ink Industry Department of Sky Bookstore.”

It's easy to understand.

The Alchemy Department and the Ink Industry Department of Sky Bookstore have the power to set standards in many industries.

Are many products compliant? The Alchemy Department and the Ink Industry Department both have the final say and the right to interpret.

"So..." Governor Tumen said: "This Golden Bell Conference must be an absolutely fair contest, and no additional means are allowed."

Completely understood.

Any methods such as subverting one's strengths and substituting pillars must never be used.

At least the ink department of Sky Bookstore has exerted full pressure.

Wuque said: "I understand, don't worry!"


An hour later!

Governor Tumen led several members of the merchant committee to the dock again to welcome the arrival of the Shen Gong family's Star-Zhaing Pavilion.

Shen Wuyu personally led the team.

Shen Lingluo led dozens of warships to escort.

"Greetings to Mr. Shen!" Governor Tumen greeted him enthusiastically.

Several members of the merchant committee also came forward to greet him warmly.

Wuque stood high up in the Qiankun Pavilion and saw this scene through the window.

The governor of Piaoling City was not rude to Wuque, but to a certain extent, he had already made his choice.

Because his standards for welcoming Shen Wuyu were higher.

He already felt that Shen Wuyu's Star Reaching Pavilion would definitely win this time.

Shen Wuque and Ji Fan's Star-Zhaing Pavilion will definitely decline.

"Miss Bishop, we meet again." Governor Tumen smiled and said, "You are still so beautiful."

When he saw Chu Chu, Tumen's governor's expression became even more exaggerated and enthusiastic.

"Wow, please restrain your beauty a little. I can't open my eyes anymore."

Chu Chu smiled reservedly.

"The exquisite master of Sky Book City has arrived, and I have arranged for him to be placed on the highest floor of Qiankun Tower." Governor Tumen said: "As for Young Master Shen Wuyu, and the two pavilion masters, your residence will be arranged on the top floor of Qiankun Tower. Sub-high level.”

At this time, Chu Chu asked: "Then I would like to ask, on which floor are Shen Wuque and his wife arranged?"

Governor Tumen said: "The fourth floor is several floors shorter than yours."

Chu Chu said: "This floor is not very auspicious."

Governor Tumen said: "I believe Master Shen Wuque won't care too much."


The warriors of the Shen Gong family carried the cargo boxes onto the dock.

More than two thousand boxes were piled into a hill on the dock.

Chu Chu asked: "I heard that there was only one small boat coming from Shen Wuque's side?"

Governor Tumen said: "Yes, and there is only one box. I really can't imagine where to put his clock? That box can't hold at most five clocks."

Chu Chu said: "Isn't it possible that there will be another rip-off in the Qiankun Tower? When we wait for the Golden Bell Conference to be held, our clock will become Shen Wuque's."

Governor Tumen said with a smile: "Master Chu Pavilion is joking, this is completely impossible to happen! This time, the entire underground warehouse of Qiankun Tower will be given to your Star Reaching Pavilion for use. Your Excellency Shen Wuque only has one box, probably There is no need to use the warehouse. And this time we will not only send people to guard outside the warehouse, we will also send people to guard inside the warehouse. Not only the warriors of Piaoling City, but also the warriors of your Shen Gong family will guard the warehouse to ensure that Foolproof.”

Shen Wuyu said: "Thank you for your hard work."

Suddenly, Chu Chu stopped talking.

Governor Tumen smiled and said: "This is our honor!"

Then, under the protection of thousands of Shen Gong family warriors, these two thousand boxes were transported to the underground warehouse of Qiankun Building.

Fifty warriors from Piaoling City and fifty warriors from the Shen Gong family entered the warehouse directly.

From now on, they will not leave even half a step, and will take turns sleeping, guarding these clocks twenty-four hours a day.

Outside the warehouse, more than a thousand warriors surrounded him.

It is absolutely impossible for Shen Wuque to resort to any other tricks!

Next, Governor Tumen personally sent Shen Wuyu and the others to the sub-floor of Qiankun Tower.

"Tonight, the Governor's Mansion will host a banquet. Please be sure to come to the three distinguished guests." Finally, Governor Tumen issued a warm invitation.

After Shen Wuyu moved in, he immediately took Bi Xiaoxiao and Chu Chu to the top floor of Qiankun Building to visit Master Jingqing.

Only half an hour.

Master Subtlety asked them to leave, and he was going to continue his research.

This master of craftsmanship has a big air, an extreme personality, and is also moody.


Wu Que, who lives on the fourth floor, is playing a shy game with Xie Fan.

The two of them were playing cards, the kind of person who would take off his clothes if he lost.

As a result... all Zhifan lost their money.

So, the losing side poses.

This dog couple is having a great time.

But when he saw that Zao Fan's eyes were about to sparkle, Wu Que quickly stopped.

If he doesn't stop, Fanfan will force him to take off his human skin and have sex with her.

Wrong time, wrong place.

"It's annoying, it happens every time." Zhifan glared at him, then got into the tub and soaked in cold water.

After taking a shower, she put on gorgeous brocade clothes and sat in front of the mirror to put on makeup.

At least another hour.

After putting on makeup, she looked stunning.

"Would you like to visit your teacher?" Wuque asked.

"Not going."

Wuque said: "Would you like to visit Shen Wuyu?"



Facing Shen Wuque's visit, Shen Wuyu, Bi Xiaoxiao, and Chu Chu were a little stunned.

Shen Wuque acted very enthusiastically, as if he didn't have any grudges at all.

"Miss Bi, how are you doing with Lord Miqi? He has been a monk for a year, so when you go to see him, take care of him for me."

"Chu Chu, are you having a good time in Star Picking Pavilion? Are you in love?"

"Second brother, our family has no connections in high-level circles. We have no backers either in the high-level empire or in Sky Book City. You are so awesome that you even invited Master Jingqing. I admire you."

"Speaking of it, I, Shen Wuque, am truly a lone star. Last year, when I came to Piaoling City on behalf of the Shen Gong family, I was miserable. I didn't receive such a warm reception at all, and I had no backer. In terms of momentum, I was completely suppressed by Lord Miqi. . But when it was my second brother’s turn to lead the team, Master Jing was in charge, and both the Piao Ling King and the Merchant Committee came to greet you. It was really amazing.”

"If you are enlightened, you will get many help, but if you are unfaithful, there will be few help. Second brother, you are really enlightened."

In your words, Shen Wuque, you are always sarcastic.

Even hinting at it.

In recent years, Shen Gong Ao has only focused on expansion and has no knowledge of life. The Shen Gong Ao family does not have such a big reputation at all.

Now that Shen Wuyu has taken action, your face has been so great?

The Mi family stopped suppressing him, and Sky Bookstore even supported him.

Is there no ghost here?

From the beginning to the end, Shen Wuyu maintained a polite and reserved smile, as if he didn't bother to argue with Shen Wuque.

At this time, Chu Chu suddenly said: "Your Excellency Shen Wuque, I have something to say to you."

Wuque said: "Oh, please speak."

Chu Chu said: "Why is your road getting narrower and narrower, with more and more enemies? Why is the second brother Shen Wuyu's road getting wider and wider, with more and more friends? Shouldn't you reflect on it? But you are still obsessed with it. ?”

Wuque said: "What you said makes sense. I have learned a lesson."

Chu Chu was furious again.

What she hated most was Shen Wuque's attitude.

The kind of look where you're right, you're right, and you don't bother to argue at all.

Why are you proud of yourself? !

You will have nothing soon, what are you proud of?

If you weren't the third son of the Shen Gong family, you would be nothing.

You are already dead.

"Then, see you at the Admiralty Conference tomorrow!" Wuque said, "Farewell."

Shen Wuyu said: "Goodbye."


In the evening Governor Tumen held a dinner to entertain all the distinguished guests.

The trade conference in Piaoling City brings together businessmen from the Eastern and Western worlds, and is of course not just the Admiralty Conference.

However, the Admiralty Conference is the most important one.

There were countless delicacies at the banquet.

But the businessmen had no intention of enjoying it and were worried.

Everyone is talking about the war situation in the Dongyi Empire.

Since Elder Ning Daoyi led the silver-clad guards into the battlefield, they finally stopped the shogunate's defeat.

The combat effectiveness of the Sky Book City Silver Guards is indeed super strong.

A few months after entering the war.

The shogunate faction not only stopped the decline, but also recovered more than a dozen cities one after another.

"Elder Ning Daoyi and the general are discussing to abolish the emperor of Dongyi Empire and establish a new emperor. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"The Western Holy See is about to increase its troops, and the Dongyi Empire will probably fight hard!"

"If the battlefield stops at the Dongyi Empire, then the situation is not bad! Once the war spreads, the consequences will be disastrous. At least all trade between the East and the West will stop, and Piaoling City will lose all its status."

"At least the Dongyi Empire has been completely blocked. There is not a single merchant from the Dongyi Empire at this trade conference."

"I heard that the negotiations between the Dali Kingdom and the Daxia Empire are finally completed."

"Under the pressure from Sky Book City, the Daxia Empire will have to accept an unfair contract. By returning 20,000 square kilometers of land and only calling it a country of brothers, the Dali Kingdom will no longer be a vassal state."

"This rebellion in the Dark Academy was not at the right time. The key point was that the imperial court sent troops to suppress it but failed. The Kingdom of Dali felt that the Daxia Empire was strong on the outside and was strong on the inside, so it became stronger."

"The hundreds of thousands of Dark Academy rebels were wiped out in just three months by Shen Gong Ao leading 30,000 rebels. How impressive!"

"This is actually not surprising. In the south of the Daxia Empire, the strength of the empire's center is already weak, and there are many princes here."

"Yes, the real ruler of the three southern provinces of the empire is King Mi, followed by Shen Gong Ao and many princes! It is not surprising that anything happens to the imperial army in the three southern provinces."

Both Wu Que and Zhi Fan had a strange feeling.

Every time I was at home, all I could see were the Shen Gong family's territory of more than 10,000 square kilometers, and at most the struggle with Prince Mi's Mansion.

But once we arrived at Piaoling City, our vision completely changed.

What you see is the whole world.

When they were in the Bone Collar, almost everyone was indifferent to the war situation in the Dongyi Empire.

But after arriving in Piaoling City, everyone's attention was focused on the battle situation in the Dongyi Empire.

Because this battle affects the fate of everyone present, as well as the fate of Piaoling City.

And at this moment, there was a loud shout.

"Marshal Li Huamei has arrived!"

Suddenly, everyone in the audience looked towards the entrance of the lobby of the Governor's Mansion.

Almost all the businessmen rushed forward.

A moment later, Li Huamei walked majestically into the hall.

She was still wearing her combat attire, a tight python skin suit with armor on top.

He is 1.85 meters tall and has two amazingly long legs, which are round, straight, slender, and full of explosive power.

Her body curves are also full of explosive sex appeal.

The beauty of that power, the beauty of wildness.

Wuque's waist felt a slight pain, and it was indeed pinched by Xie Fan.

Because Wuque's eyes stayed on Li Huamei's waist and hips for too long.

All the distinguished guests present went up to greet Li Huamei, and even flattered her.

She became the center of attention.

Troubled times are coming!

The person who controls the army and force is the real king.

Li Huamei, who was the pirate marshal before, almost never appeared in such public places.

And now, she appears at this banquet.

This means that Castlevania will also participate in this chaotic situation.

In the war between the East and the West, the pirate queen Jade Rakshasa, who has a powerful navy, has a decisive power.

It's just that this mysterious pirate queen has not shown her face until now.

Every time, whether it is a large sea battle, a large plunder, or a major negotiation occasion.

Those who came forward were all Marshal Li Huamei.

Moreover, every time she appears, she can definitely suppress the situation.

Li Huamei left just as quickly as she came.

The focus of the entire banquet suddenly became Shen Wuyu and Shen Wuque.


Everyone present knew that Shen Wuque had a three-war agreement with the Shen Gong family.

As a son, Shen Wuque was extremely weak, but he took the initiative to declare war on Shen Gong Ao and compete for the position of lord.

Moreover, he used huge moral weapons to make the empire's center recognize the three-war agreement.

In everyone's eyes, Shen Wuque's move was of course like using an egg to hit a rock and using a mantis' arm as a chariot.

But... it's full of heroism, isn't it?

Today's Piaoling City has become the first battlefield of the Shen Gong family's civil war.

Suddenly, Governor Tumen appears!

"Silence, silence!"

"The Crown Prince of the Great Xia Empire, Shaobao, the Governor of the Southern Conquest, the son of Zhenhai Marquis Shen Gong Ao, and the Young Lord of the Zhenhai Marquis Mansion, Shen Wuyu, are going to announce an important decision!"

"All businessmen who are going to attend the Golden Bell Conference tomorrow, please come out!"

Suddenly, dozens or hundreds of businessmen came out.

"I would like to invite His Excellency Shen Wuyu, the Young Lord of the Marquis of Zhenhai Mansion, and the two Masters of the Star Reaching Pavilion."

After a while, Shen Wuyu and Bi Xiaoxiao made a grand appearance.

Today's Chu Chu's clothes are even more gorgeous than those of Zhao Fan, and she is also more gorgeous than others.

Shen Wuyu came to his seat and sat down, with Chu Chu on the left and Bi Xiaoxiao on the right.

The governor of Piaoling City and all the members of the merchant committee were also present and sat in the back.

This posture is very much like a press conference on modern earth.

There is also a long table in front.

Everything in Piaoling City is indeed different from the Eastern World.

Shen Wuyu stood up slowly, holding a document in his hand. After opening it, he read aloud: "Dear King Piao Ling, Your Excellency Governor Tumen, Dear Members of the Merchant Committee, dear friends, good evening to everyone."

"As we all know, there is only one Shen family in the world, and that is the Shen family represented by Marquis Shen Gong Ao."

"There is only one Star Reaching Pavilion in the world, and that is the Star Reaching Pavilion represented by Master Jingqing, Miss Chu Chu, and Miss Bi Xiaoxiao."

"Everyone else who claims to be the Shen family is illegal, and everyone else who claims to be the authentic Zhaixing Pavilion is illegal."

"Here, on behalf of the Shen family and the Zhaixing Pavilion, I make an official announcement!"

"Completely block the illegal Star Reaching Pavilion, and completely block the separatist forces of the Shen family."

"At this Golden Bell Conference, all merchants are not allowed to purchase all products and services from the fake Star Reaching Pavilion, otherwise they will face the complete ban of our authentic Star Reaching Pavilion!"

"Announcement completed, thank you everyone!"

Then, Shen Wuyu sat down.

After a while!

Shen Wuque knocked on the cup in his hand.

Everyone looked towards him.

Wuque said loudly: "Respected King Piao Ling, respected Governor Tumen, respected merchant committee, dear friends, good evening!"

"I admit that there is only one Shen Gong family in this world. And I, Shen Wuque, am challenging Shen Gong Ao. This kind of challenge may be very rare in the Eastern world, but in the Western world, this is a common thing."

"I am very honored that the three-war agreement I sent to Shen Gongao has been recognized by the other party and signed and sealed."

"Not only that, the three-war agreement between Shen Gong Ao and I has also been recognized by the imperial royal family and Sky Bookstore."

"There is only one Shen Gong family in the world, but who is the sole leader of the Shen Gong family still depends on the outcome of the battle between the two sides."

"The battle of Zhaixing Pavilion was the first battle between Shen Gongao and I."

"As we all know, my wife alone founded Zhaifan Pavilion, so Zhaifan Pavilion belongs to Zhaifan, and of course it also belongs to me, because everything about me belongs to Zhaifan, and everything about Zhaifan also belongs to me."

"This is a battle of honor."

"Some despicable thieves stole the Star Reaching Pavilion that belongs to us."

"Then in this battle, we must legitimately take back the Star Reaching Pavilion that belongs to us."

"There is only one Star Reaching Pavilion in this world, and that is the Star Reaching Pavilion represented by Xie Fan."

"I believe that our authentic Star Reaching Pavilion will completely block all other illegal Star Reaching Pavilions."

"At this Golden Bell Conference, all merchants are not allowed to purchase any products or services represented by the fake Star Reaching Pavilion represented by Master Jingji, Chu Chu and Bi Xiaoxiao, otherwise they will face the complete ban of our authentic Star Reaching Pavilion!

"And I once again announce to the world that we will completely block and sanction Master Jingxing, Chu Chu, and Bi Xiaoxiao! No country, no force, no organization is allowed to do any related transactions with these three people, otherwise they will face our authentic Complete ban on Zhaixing Pavilion!"

"Announcement completed!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

This Golden Bell Conference is going to become a real battlefield.

The two sides are completely fighting to the death.

Winner takes all!

Of the two Star Reaching Pavilions, only one is destined to survive!

Then, Shen Wuque suddenly said: "Your Excellency Shen Wuyu, how about we escalate this war?"

Shen Wuyu said: "Please speak!"

Shen Wuque said: "Tomorrow's Golden Bell Conference, winner takes all! Because there is only one Star Reaching Pavilion in the world, and the losing party must hand over all the products to the winning party for free."

"In other words, if I win the Golden Bell Conference tomorrow! All the clocks you brought will be confiscated by me."

"If I lose, everything I brought will be completely confiscated by you!"

Everyone was stunned.

You Shen Wuque didn't bring any goods, just a box.

Wu Que said: "There is only one Star Reaching Pavilion in this world, isn't it?"

Shen Wuyu said slowly: "Okay!"

"Slow down!" Bi Xiaoxiao said: "There is only one Zhaichen Pavilion in this world, so we have to be more thorough. Otherwise, if we win today, there will be no end to what Zhaichen Pavilion you can set up next year."

Wuque said: "What do you mean?"

Bishop said: "Tomorrow's Golden Bell Conference, the loser will be banned from designing and building any clock products for life."

Wuque said: "Okay."

Bi Xiaoxiao said: "It's empty talk. The loser will publicly break the tendon of his right hand. Only in this way can he completely stop getting involved in the clock business."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

So... extreme? !

How cruel!

Wu Que didn't say anything, and Zhi Fan stood up directly and said: "Okay!"

Suddenly, everyone felt excited and their scalps were numb.

The two Star Reaching Pavilions are already completely locked in a fight to the death.

It's all about completely destroying the other person.

Then, the Governor of Piaoling City, Tumen, stepped out and said slowly: "We in Piaoling City fully respect the property rights of designs! So I declare that the winner of tomorrow's Golden Bell Conference will become the only Zhaixing Pavilion recognized by Piaoling City. The loser will be expelled from Piaoling City and will not be allowed to do clock business in Piaoling City under any name from now on."

"Because we also agree that there can only be one Zhaixing Pavilion in this world!"

In this way!

At tomorrow's Golden Bell Conference, all merchants cannot be free and must choose sides.

It is impossible for me to buy the loser's clock after the winner's clock is sold out.

At tomorrow's Golden Bell Conference, only one Zhaixing Pavilion can survive from both Zhifan and Master Jingqiao.

Even the King of Piaoling, the Governor, and the Merchants Committee came to witness this battle thoroughly!

And endorse the result of this battle!

After the announcement!

Shen Wuyu left with Chuchu and Bi Xiaoxiao.

Shen Wuque left with Zhifan.

The following banquet also became uninteresting.

All the merchants left.

Everyone was looking forward to the Golden Bell Conference tomorrow, how intense and how climaxed it would be.

Even merchants who participated in other trades would be there to witness the first battle of the Shen Gong family's civil war.


It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when they entered the Qiankun Building.

Wuque smiled and said, "See you tomorrow!"

Shen Wuyu said, "See you tomorrow!"

Chuchu said coldly, "See you tomorrow on the battlefield!"

Then, the two sides separated.

Just entered the room!

Zhifan kissed her madly, as if his whole body was on fire.

"Please, love me..."

Then, the two got into the bed.

This woman actually reached out to take off Wuque's skin.

This skin is completely grown with the body, how can you take it off?

Don't you see what kind of occasion this is?

But she had already started.

Wuque had no choice but to shed his skin in the bed, and then burned with her.


The next day!

10:30 in the morning!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

Zhifan took Wuque's arm and walked into the hall of Qiankun Building.

The Golden Bell Awards officially began!

The battle that would decide the fate of Zhifan, Chuchu, and Bi Xiaoxiao began.


Note: Here is the first update. I'll eat something and then write the second update!

Brothers, do you still have monthly tickets? !

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