I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 146: The perfect ace army! The whole world is watching!

In the dark realm, Wuque saw an unprecedented army.

After a hundred days of training, they were completely different from before.

A hundred days ago, each of them was as majestic as an ox, with muscles on their bodies as if made of steel.

This is the result of decades of carrying boulders on my back.

But now, their body shape has completely returned to normal.

It doesn't even make people feel strong at all, just like a normal person.

And the eyes.

A powerful army's eyes are often full of murderous intent, but the eyes of these five hundred people are very dull, not even much different from before, they still look dull.

From the outside, this army shows no fighting ability at all.

Moreover, he had no armor on his body and was only wearing linen clothes.

And the weapons on them can't even be described as rough.

Bows and arrows are the most conventional weapons in the world. The bows and arrows of any elite army are very sophisticated.

An excellent bow takes at least a year or two to make and requires careful care.

A top-quality bow among the elite troops is worth at least thirty taels of silver.

The most powerful armies, such as the most elite silver-clad guards in Sky Book City, even use steel to cast their bows.

The five hundred ace troops in front of Wuque used bows that were simply bent from wood and tied with a rope in the middle. There was no trace of polishing at all.

It was simply cruder than the bows used by villagers for hunting.

Moreover, these bows are really made of bent branches. Some branches are not even straight, and are full of pitted scars. They look crooked and ugly to the extreme.

Wu Que took these bows and pulled them hard.

I...fuck you!

This, this bow is so strong?

Wuque is now at the level of fifth-grade martial arts. Although it is expressed in internal strength rather than strength, the strength of his arms is absolutely amazing.

Moreover, he extracted the archery skills of archery master Li Jiqian, and thought he could draw this bow easily.

But after pulling away, I was still shocked.

This bow weighs at least four hundred pounds.

On Earth, a two-hundred-pound bow is the limit.

A four-hundred-pound bow was simply unseen and unheard of.

If you want to draw a 400-pound bow, the strength of a thousand pounds is not enough, or even far from enough.

Because all the strength of a thousand pounds is basically the strength of the whole body, not just the strength of the hands.

Moreover, a powerful archer needs to shoot twenty or thirty arrows in a short period of time.

Therefore, it is impossible to imagine the extent of the arm strength of these five hundred people.

Take a good look at the bow body. What kind of branch is this? So tough? It's completely beyond imagination.

He soon saw that these were the branches of the giant black corpse tree in the dark realm.

And the bow strings turned out to be the sinews of these giant black corpse trees.

This giant black corpse tree was originally alive, with sinews and blood vessels entangled, but now it is in a semi-dead state.

All the thick veins in the arm shrunk to less than three millimeters in diameter, and were directly used to make bowstrings.

"This dark giant tree, whether it is branches or veins, is very tough and cannot be processed at all. It is cut using a flame in the secret base of the Dark Academy." Jiumoka said.

Wuque asked: "What about the arrow? Are they also made from branches of the dark giant tree?"

"Yes!" Jiumogang handed over an arrow.

It's still very, very ugly. It doesn't even have a metal arrow, it's just sharpened wood, and the tail doesn't even have feathers, it's just made of leaves.

Wuque turned his head and looked at the giant tree. Although it had shrunk several times, it was now only two to three hundred meters tall.

But if it is used to make bows and arrows, I don’t know how many more can be made.

And if you can continue to give it power, the materials on it will be completely inexhaustible and you won't even notice it.

Menjief stepped forward and said: "This giant tree is full of treasures. We use the trunk to make bows. When we make arrows, we need to peel off its bark. As a result, we can use this bark fiber to make the best Armor.”

Then, Menjeff handed over something like a small vest and put it on the dummy.

"This is the two-stone bow used by the elite troops outside!" Menjef said: "My lord, please test it."

In this world, one stone weighs about seventy pounds, and a two-stone bow weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds.

Absolutely strong bow.

Only the best of the best use the two-stone bow.

The two-stone bow was only used in the empire's military examinations and archery examinations. Those who pass the exam are not soldiers, but mid-level and high-level officers.

Wuque bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot it fiercely at the dummy.


The arrow hit the dummy like lightning.

But... the entire arrow was directly bounced away.

Looking at the dummy, a hole was dented in the living person, but this layer of dark wooden armor was not penetrated.

Depend on!

Is this protective power comparable to the best bulletproof vests on the planet?

The key is that it is so thin and light. This vest only weighs less than half a catty.

But it also has a disadvantage, it is too soft.

So even if you don't get shot by a bow and arrow while wearing it, you will definitely get a broken bone.

Menjef said: "The cost of this kind of fiber soft armor is very high, and it is too difficult to manufacture. It is impossible to equip it on a large scale. So the most direct way is to use bark plate armor."

Then, he took out a piece of armor.

What an ugly armor, it is made of bark.

The bark of the giant black corpse tree.

Put this bark plate armor on the dummy.

Wuque shot an arrow again.


This time, the arrow was directly bounced out. When he looked forward, he saw that a small hole was still shot in the bark plate armor.

The protection is not as good as the fiber soft armor, but it is enough to provide protection.

Because the arrow shot less than half an inch, it will not cause fatal damage.

Besides, this bark plate armor is very hard, and there will be no situation where the skin is not broken but the bone is broken after being hit by the arrow.

Wuque said: "What about shooting arrows with the dark giant wooden bow?"

Menjiefu said: "Try it."

Wuque took the ugly dark wooden bow, took a deep breath, bent the bow and put the arrow.


This bow is really hard to pull.

Bend the bow to the limit, and then suddenly release it.



This is amazing speed.

Wuque estimated that the arrow's flying speed was at least more than 170 meters per second.

It's unimaginable, too terrifying.

In the modern world, the maximum speed of a bow and crossbow is about 120 meters per second.

And a normal bow and crossbow is only 90 meters per second.

With a flying speed of 170 meters per second, you can see how terrifying the lethality will be?


A loud bang.

The arrow shot fiercely into the dummy's body.

It easily penetrated two layers of protection.

This is the typical relationship between spear and shield, but the spear is far superior to the shield at present.

This black corpse tree is full of treasures.

For a long time, he will be the source of equipment for Wuque's army.

Now 500 soldiers should be able to afford it.

When it is necessary to equip thousands or tens of thousands of troops, this big tree should be stretched to its limits.

Menjief said: "Next, I will put all my energy into the research of this black corpse giant tree and develop the best weapons and equipment for us. This tree is our most valuable strategic resource."

Next, find a normal iron armor and put it on the dummy.

Menjief handed over another arrow.

Wuque looked at the arrow carefully, and this arrow was interesting.

This arrow is still sharpened by the dark wood, but it is coated with a layer of metal on the surface and then sharpened.

Menjief said: "In our secret laboratory, there is the top steel with unparalleled hardness. But the quantity is very small, and we can't make a complete arrow directly, so we can only coat a little arrowhead."

It's really amazing.

How can normal wood be coated with a layer of steel? It was directly scorched by molten iron.

But this black corpse wood can withstand unparalleled high temperatures, so it can be directly coated with a layer of steel.

Wuque used the three-eyed heavenly master skill to scan and was surprised to find that this kind of steel actually penetrated directly into the wood, almost fused into one.


This black corpse wood is so awesome, it's really full of treasures.


Wuque began to bend his bow and shoot arrows.

Continuous arrows burst out.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

He shot more than a dozen arrows in one breath, all shot with the black corpse wood bow.

The dummy wearing iron armor was completely riddled with holes.

The whole body was completely pierced.

This power is amazing.

Next, it was the performance of these 500 ace troops.


Wuque's 500 warriors all bent their bows and shot arrows.

And 300 meters in front of them, there were hundreds of dummies.


With an order.

These 500 warriors began a crazy performance.

Crazy bursts of shooting.

Wuque discovered.

Because the training time was too short, they couldn't hit the target every time.

Their archery accuracy was equivalent to that of ordinary elite archers. They trained for two months, which was equivalent to two years of training for others.

However, they couldn't reach the level of archers.


Their shooting speed was very, very fast.

Shooting fifty arrows in one minute.

Who can bear this?

And he can shoot for three minutes without stopping.

This is a terrible firepower coverage.

A 400-pound bow can ignore any leather armor defense within 200 meters.

Within 50 meters, it can ignore normal mail or even armor defense.

Under this crazy firepower coverage, accuracy is no longer important.

I can't hit you with one arrow, how about ten? How about a hundred?

Jiumogang said: "In the great war among the princes, our long-range strike capability should be able to win by a crushing margin."

"However, according to previous practice, there will also be heavy cavalry and heavy infantry."

"Heavy infantry should be the enemy's last killer."

"Because in every great war among the princes, the heavy infantry is the one who ultimately decides the outcome. They are no longer soldiers, but pure power warriors, and each of them is an amazing strongman."

"Whether it is the Mi Palace or the Shen Gong family, they have hundreds of strongmen."

Wu Que has seen such strongmen, and they are completely different from the normal military force of the Shen Gong family.

They exist just for the great war among the princes.

Each of them is more than two meters tall and weighs more than four or five hundred kilograms, giants and strong men.

When the great war comes, they are all wearing thick plate armor, weighing more than a hundred kilograms.

This kind of plate armor is really invulnerable to swords and guns, and no bows and arrows can penetrate it.

And their weapon is a two-meter-long horse-killing sword that weighs about eighty kilograms.

This sword slashed down, and even the man and the horse were chopped to pieces.

There are such giant Han warriors in Prince Mi's Mansion and Shen Gong's family.

Moreover, every time the princes compete in a battle, the two families have a tacit understanding not to lose each other and take turns to win the first place.

Therefore, this giant Han warrior is the absolute trump card of Prince Mi's Mansion and Shen Gong's family in the battle of princes.

Wuque asked: "What about our melee troops?"

Jiumoka said: "Everyone in our ace army can shoot arrows. But apart from that, it is divided into two parts. One is the agility type, and the other is the strength type."

Of course Wuque knows.

When I was drawing pulses, there were 300 people from the agility system and 200 people from the strength system.

In terms of their respective talents, they have been fully utilized to the extreme. They are one-in-a-thousand and one-in-a-thousand.

"Agility-type people don't have to perform, because they carry boulders on their backs on cliffs all year round and it's as if they're walking on flat ground. They don't even need any training."

"And the strength type has to deal with the enemy's heavy armored infantry."

"I used all the black corpse wood fiber soft armor and wood veneer plate armor on this close combat infantry."

Next, Menjef put the complete fiber soft armor on the dummy, and put a thick layer of wood veneer plate armor on the outside.

His whole body was airtight.

Then, he handed Wuque a horse-zanting sword, a full two-meter-long horse-zapping sword.

"My lord, please give it a try by chopping." Menjef said.

Wu Que picked up his sword and slashed at the dummy.

A loud bang!

Suddenly, the outermost wooden veneer plate of the dummy was split into a crack, but the layer of soft armor inside was unharmed.

This protective power is amazing.

Wuque asked: "What about our melee weapons?"

Jiumogang took out a stick.

This... what is this?

Stick? Or a wooden hammer?

Menjef said: "This is a complete black corpse giant tree branch. The hammer part in front is its natural tree burr. We found that this burr part has greater density, greater strength, and greater hardness."

Then Jiumogang handed the wooden stick to Wu Que.

Wuque took it over.

So heavy!

Shockingly heavy.

This two-meter-long wooden stick weighs at least more than 200 kilograms.

Next, Wuque began to scan it.

I was surprised to find that this wooden stick contained a lot of rare metal components.

It's clear that this was not Menjef's making, but it was born.

This giant black corpse tree absorbed many elements from the entire earth.

The metal content in this burl part is higher.

Moreover, these metals have completely grown and merged with the giant black corpse tree.

Menjef said: "Master, we have found a lot of burrs on this giant black corpse tree. Most of them have absorbed a large amount of metal, but a small number of them have absorbed substances we don't understand, and even... There are radioactive elements you mentioned.”

For a moment, Wuque was completely stunned.

Is this... this giant black corpse tree trying to bring together all the elements in the periodic table?

If that's the case, that's horrific.

Is this the core of the Dark Empire's strategy in the Dark Academy concept?

The tree of darkness?

World Tree?

No matter what, everything grows from this giant black corpse tree?

Menjef said: "In addition, we suspect that this giant black corpse tree is still in its infancy. Because it has not swallowed enough lives."

Wuque said: "In other words, when Ji Xin's dark empire was still in its infancy, it was betrayed by the four kings under his command, which eventually led to its destruction. Otherwise, as long as he was given even a few decades, his dark empire would have been destroyed. It will completely cover the world.”

Menjef said: "Obviously so."

Then, Menjef said: "But now we need to know how many black corpse trees there are in the world."

Jiumogang said: "My lord, you'd better try the power of this hammer of darkness."

Wu Que raised the hammer of darkness, which weighed more than 200 kilograms, aimed it at the dummy wearing heavy armor, and smashed it down hard.


There was a loud noise and sparks flew everywhere.

Immediately, the heavily armored dummy was smashed down.

The entire heavy armor was completely deflated, and the dummy inside was also shattered.

This weapon!

So domineering.

This amazing density and hardness are truly indestructible.

The hammer has always been the most powerful weapon against heavy armored infantry.

And the hammer of darkness in Wu Que's hand was terrifyingly powerful.

Of course, it's also too heavy.

It is impossible for a normal elite weapon, even a strong man, to wield it to kill.

Next up!

The crazy show begins.

The 200 warriors of Wu Que's ace army are focusing on the powerful Tiancan Vein Gate.

He began to swing the hammer of darkness weighing two to three hundred kilograms, lifting the weight as if it were light.

Real water cannot be poured in.

When you wave it around, you really can't even see its shadow.

The roaring sound was like thunder.

The sound of breaking wind was deafening.

They don't have many moves, only dozens of moves.

However, they possess extremely amazing strength and amazing speed.

On the battlefield, absolute power, absolute kingship.

"So, in this battle between princes, we will definitely win!"

"The Bones Leading Army will surely become a blockbuster!"


Win the state!

The six major princes in the southern part of the empire were all present.

King Mi was not present, so Mi Gou presided over the ceremony.

"Everyone, the Zhenbei Palace has given Shen Wuque an elite force of 500 people." Mi Gou said slowly, "Someone has broken the rules of the game. What should I do?"

Shen Gong Ao didn't speak, but Shen Wuyu spoke.

"The Great War of the Southern Princes is a massacre game played by the imperial royal family to consume us." Shen Wuyu said: "We all serve as the Xia family, so we naturally obey the responsibility of this game and kill each other every five years. But now the emperor Your Majesty has extended his hand, I think there are some rules of the game that you don’t need to follow.”

"We collectively put pressure on His Majesty the Emperor." One of the princes said: "The Emperor has only been in power for less than a year, and he is young and ignorant. Six of our princes filed a petition to impeach Shen Wuque for his unfair behavior and Princess Liyang for violating the rules of the princes' conference. . If the emperor sits idly by, we will all withdraw from the war of princes."

After the six princes discussed it.

They jointly wrote a memorial and sent it to the emperor.

He severely impeached Princess Liyang for secretly lending troops to Shen Wuque, which undermined the fairness of the war between princes. His Majesty, please rebuke him and uphold justice.

His Majesty the Emperor simply stayed in the middle without sending a message.

One of the princes was so angry that he once again made a secret report to impeach Princess Liyang for sabotaging the princes' war, asking the emperor to punish her, and depriving Shen Wuque of the qualification to participate in the princes' war, otherwise he would withdraw from the southern princes' war.

As a result, the emperor recovered: Good!


It was a tragedy for this prince. He inexplicably withdrew from this war of princes.

In the next five years, you can only get the minimum number of troops, warships, and trade routes.

He was instantly extremely angry.

I fuck you, sir. As I said that day, if the emperor does not uphold justice, we will withdraw from the war of princes together.

As a result, only my family quit?

You are so despicable.

Next, several major princes began to spread the word.

Shen Wuque had an ulterior relationship with Princess Liyang, and became the male favorite of the most powerful widow in the world.

Therefore, Princess Liyang would lend troops to Shen Wuque.

As a result, Princess Liyang was furious, while Shen Wuque was indifferent and even eager to admit it.


Sky Bookstore takes action.

It was originally scheduled for November 19th, when the Emperor of the Xia Empire and the King of Dali would meet on the border for an alliance.

As a result, King Dali was reported to be unwell, and the alliance meeting was about to be postponed.


He directly placed the young emperor there.

Originally, King Da Li was supposed to go to the capital to meet the emperor and declare himself a minister.

Because of the rebellion in the Dark Academy, because of the failure of the imperial court to suppress it, and because of the pressure from Sky Book City.

As a result, His Majesty the Emperor had no choice but to condescend and come to the border in person to make an alliance with King Dali.

Now, King Dali actually claimed to be ill?

Where do you place the majesty of the emperor?

If the day of the alliance comes on November 19th and King Dali does not show up, then where will the emperor’s face be?

And at the same time!

The empress dowager sent a sculpture rider and delivered the decree.

In this edict, the Queen Mother severely reprimanded the emperor for his nonsense.

The battle between the southern princes is related to the majesty of the empire and the fairness and justice of the world. How can it be a piece of cake?

The meaning is very clear, please take back the emperor's order immediately.

Immediately withdraw the five hundred elite members of Zhenbei Palace from the White Bone Collar.

The emperor remained silent.

No words can describe the anger in his heart.

He has already taken charge.

What did these people think he was?

As soon as I moved a little bit, all kinds of pressure came on, including the Queen Mother's instructions.

What should he do next?

Just back off like that?

Remove those five hundred elites from Shen Wuque? !

It's a small thing.

But after he took office, he couldn't even make the decision on such a small matter, so he had to be lectured like this?

Absolutely impossible!

He has a strong personality and would rather give in than give in.

Just walk away in anger?

Go back to Beijing directly?

Aren’t you, King Dali, in poor health? Aren’t you allowed to show up on the day of the alliance?

Then I will go back to Beijing directly and will not join your alliance.

I will leave you, King Li, and let Sky Bookstore hang out here.

This doesn't work either.

But once he does return to Beijing, he will be completely irresponsible for state affairs.

Nowadays, the war in the Dongyi Empire is fierce, and the Dali Kingdom finally has to make an alliance, because he, the emperor, left in anger, and the next unjust one will belong to the emperor.

Because King Dali only rumored that he was ill and might not be able to attend the conference.

But... that's not the end of the story. So once the emperor leaves, all responsibilities will be borne by him.

After thinking for a moment, the emperor sent an emissary to the White Bones Territory to hold talks with Shen Wuque.

Two days later, Xu Enzeng went to the palace on behalf of Shen Wuque and publicly reported to the emperor.

"First, the White Bones will use its own troops to participate in the war of princes. Anyone is welcome to test it. If there is anyone who is not from the White Bones, Shen Wuque will withdraw from the war of princes and voluntarily admit defeat in the civil war with Shen Gong Ao."

"Secondly, Shen Wuque invited King Dali to participate in the battle of princes. He thought that the Dali Kingdom was a barbarian country, so he was allowed to dispatch twice as many troops."

"The Shen family is willing to use Hongtuling as a bargaining chip. If it loses to Dali Kingdom in the princes' battle, it will cede Hongtuling to Dali Kingdom for free. But if the army of Dali Kingdom loses to the Shen family in the princes' battle, then the king of Dali will kneel down to the emperor on the day of the alliance and shout long live the emperor!"

As soon as this memorial was submitted.

Everyone was shocked.

You... are you Shen Wuque crazy?

In this princes' battle, it is not enough for you to have only one opponent from the Shen family?

You also want to drag the king of Dali into it?

You also want to use Hongtuling as a bargaining chip?

Is this Hongtuling yours? It is obviously Shen Gongao's.

You are being generous to others!

Are you so loyal to the emperor?

Are you willing to humiliate the minister to death?

But... your army of Baiguling can't even beat a village man, right?

You actually want to go to the most tragic battlefield of the princes' battle?

Shen Gongao and all his retainers and generals jumped up when they heard the news.

A prodigal son.

A rebellious son!

We dispatched 30,000 troops to suppress more than 100,000 rebels from the Dark Academy, and only then did we recapture Hongtu Ridge.

You, you sold it out again?

What qualifications do you have to agree?


The most terrifying thing happened next.

King Dali publicly announced that he was willing to postpone the date of the alliance, and that the Kingdom of Dali was willing to send troops to participate in the Southern Princes' Battle.


The entire South was speechless.

King Dali, where is your national dignity?

You and the Great Xia Empire are brotherly countries. Once you participate in the princes' battle, don't you admit that you are a prince of the Great Xia Empire?

For a mere Hongtu Ridge, don't you care about your face?


Countless impeachment memorials poured into the palace like a tide.

Flooded into the emperor's palace.

Impeach Shen Wuque for acting recklessly, damaging the national system, and easily talking about ceding land.

Such treacherous ministers and rebellious sons should be stripped of all their titles and arrested and imprisoned.


The emperor kept all the memorials.

He met Shen Wuque secretly and talked for half an hour.

Then the emperor issued an order!


Suddenly, the world was in an uproar!

The already very lively battle of the southern princes instantly attracted the world's attention!


Time flies!

November 15th!

The world-renowned battle of the southern princes of the Great Xia Empire officially began!

The armies of all parties left their garrisons and headed for Yingzhou.

Participate in the most tragic and most eye-catching battle of the princes.


Note: The first update is here. I will eat something and then write the second update. Thank you.

Brothers, if you have monthly tickets, remember to vote for me. Thank you.

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