I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 153 The great battle is over! Shen Gongao was defeated miserably!

Shen Laowu is dead!

Shen Wuque had a silver sword stuck in his body, and was about to fall.

At this time, behind Wuque, there were only 98 White Bone Leader warriors left.

On the side of the Shen Gong family, there were still 180 people left.

Both sides suffered heavy losses!

But the number of people on the Shen Gong family was still twice that of Shen Wuque.

The most important thing was that the remaining 180 people were very strong in combat!

Most of them were wearing spider silk soft armor and had taken the elixir of the Demon Spirit Sea, which increased their strength by 30%.

Shen Wuque looked at the ground.

There were corpses everywhere.

There was blood everywhere.

It was so tragic.

Wuque slowly stepped forward a few steps and came in front of the 98 White Bone Leader warriors, as if he was blocking everyone behind him.

He was alone, facing the 180 giant warriors of the Shen Gong family, giant warriors like steel beasts.

"Come, fight!"

"Keep fighting!"

Wuque roared loudly.

Then, he found that he had no weapon, so he slowly pulled out the silver sword stuck in his chest.

Blood spurted out directly.

Wuque held the silver sword in his hand and shouted to the 180 giant warriors of the Shen family: "Come on, come and fight!"

Thousands of spectators in the audience watched this scene in shock.


A person rushed out and jumped directly from the stands.

It turned out to be a child in his teens. He rushed directly to Shen Wuque's side at a very fast speed, suddenly pulled out his small sword, and shouted to the 180 giant warriors of the Shen family: "Come on, come and fight!"

All the audience in the audience were immersed in a certain atmosphere and did not react at all.

Let a child rush to the battlefield.

Then, a noble lady screamed and jumped down from the stands.

Because the child who ran to the battlefield was his son.

No one stopped her. The weak woman came to the battlefield trembling and carefully wanted to take her son away.

"I won't leave, I won't leave..." The child waved his little sword and stood beside Shen Wuque, saying, "I want to fight side by side with Shen Wuque."

The child didn't leave, so the mother hugged the child tightly and raised her beautiful eyes to look at the more than 100 giant warriors of the Shen family in front of her.

"Come on, come on..." The child shouted at the 180 giant warriors.

The 180 giant warriors of the Shen family stared at this scene blankly.

Shen Wuyu shouted, "Come on, take the mother and son away."


No one moved.

"What are you doing here, keep fighting!" Shen Liuqi said sternly.

The 180 giant warriors of the Shen family glanced at Shen Wuque.

The martial arts of this third son were actually very ordinary, but he stood in front of all the soldiers without hesitation and fought to the death.

These people are the most elite warriors of the Shen family.

They are also the warriors with the most sense of honor.

Since yesterday, they have felt extremely ashamed. Shen Wuyu's various actions tarnished their honor.

First, he fought Shen Wuque in a round-robin battle and took all the advantages.

Even in the final decisive battle just now, although the Shen family had the advantage in numbers, they still did not charge, but let the 200 people on Shen Wuque's side charge actively.

All of this, where is the honor to speak of.

Moreover, they took special pills last night.

Although they didn't know what it was, they found that their strength had increased so much, about 30%.

All of this, it was cheating.

Shen Liuqi shouted from behind: "What are you doing? Why don't you continue to fight?"

"Are you going to disobey orders?"

The leader of the giant warriors of the Shen family remained motionless. He glanced at Shen Wuque, the strange child who was less than ten years old beside him, and the weak mother who was desperately holding the child.

Then, he looked at Shen Laowu's body.

Finally, the leader of the giant warriors threw away the giant saber in his hand.

"This... This is an ignominious battle, I admit defeat!"


The second, third, fourth, fifth...

These giant warriors threw away their weapons one after another.

Shen Liuqi roared: "What are you doing? You cowards, why do you want to give up the battle?"

The leader of the giant warriors turned around and said slowly: "We are reckless, but we are not brainless."

"If we continue to fight, we will eventually lose. There may be ten or eight people left by Lord Shen Wuque. But in the end, we will definitely lose."

It is true.

If the battle continues, Shen Wuque will still win!

There will probably be about fifteen of the White Bone Leader warriors left around him.

And the 180 most elite giant warriors in front of them will all be destroyed.

Shen Liuqi said angrily: "Just because you think you will lose, you are afraid of fighting?"

The giant warrior leader said: "General Shen Liuqi, I want to ask you! If under normal circumstances, our 500 people against Lord Shen Wuque's 500 people, can we win? We can't win, we will lose miserably."

"We used despicable tactics and used round-the-clock warfare to consume Lord Shen Wuque's troops, leaving them with only 200 people, and everyone is exhausted and wounded."

"Not only that, you also gave us pills, which instantly increased our strength by 30%."

"I said, we are reckless, but we are not stupid. We want to know what kind of medicine this is? Our strength instantly increases by 30%. What is the price?"

"General Shen Liuqi, what do you think of us? Cannon fodder? In order to defeat Master Shen Wuque, do you not care at all about sacrificing us?"

"We are not afraid of sacrifice, but... we are afraid of meaningless sacrifice."

"Each of us is tall, like giants, like fighting beasts. But we are human beings, and we have our own minds."

"If we are facing a foreign enemy now, we will not hesitate to do our best, even if we shed the last drop of blood."

"But now, this is a civil war in the Shen Gong family. The people who died are all our own people. We and the brothers on the opposite side are the most elite and most powerful force in the Shen Gong family. Is it going to be wasted like this?"

Shen Liuqi said angrily: "Then you just watch your master lose like this? Lose to the traitor Shen Wuque?"

The giant warrior leader said: "I am a reckless man, but I tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. Is Master Shen Wuque a traitor to the family? What did he do?"

Shen Liuqi said angrily: "He split the Shen Gong family."

The leader of the giant warriors said: "Then why is the Shen Gong family getting stronger and stronger? After this battle, how much more territory has our Shen Gong family gained? How many more routes? How many more battleship shares? Is this also a division?"

This sentence is really shocking.

Because Shen Wuque has always emphasized that he is only challenging Shen Gong Ao and will never harm the interests of the Shen Gong family.

Look now?

The interests of the Shen Gong family were not harmed, but were greatly enhanced.

Shen Liuqi said: "Then you will let Lord Shen Gong Ao lose? Are you going to let Shen Wuque take away the position of Lord? Isn't it treason when a son takes away the position of Lord from his father?"

The giant warrior leader looked at Shen Wuque and said, "Lord Shen Wuque, will you forcefully oust the lord and take away the lord's position?"

Wuque said: "No! I will let him see what a huge mistake he has made. I will let him see for himself that his virtue is not worthy of his place. I will let him see that I am the most suitable master. I I will make him obediently hand over the position of master to me.”

The giant warrior leader said: "I am a reckless man, but I have something to ask. Why did Mr. Shen Wuyu give us that pill in order to win, although I don't know the consequences? But it is probably an overdraft. Our vitality, right? You treat us as cannon fodder, and Master Shen Wuque, in order to protect his soldiers, still stood at the front and blocked his army behind him, even if his chest was pierced."

"Brothers, as warriors of the Shen Gong family, do you want a young prince like Mr. Shen Wuque, or do you want a young prince like Mr. Shen Wuyu?"

The giant warrior leader finally spoke out what he wanted to say the most.

He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep last night. He kept thinking about this problem.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was excited.

Immediately afterwards, someone in the audience took the lead in shouting: "Change Shaojun, change Shaojun!"

At first, only a few dozen people were shouting, then hundreds and thousands of people were shouting loudly.

"Change Young Master, change Young Master!"

Thousands of people roared at the top of their lungs, and the sound was loud.

Shen Gong Ao's face suddenly became extremely embarrassed, and he said in a cold voice: "Shen Wuque, you are so scheming, you actually infiltrated my most elite warriors, what a good method, what a good method."

At this time, Shen Gongao, no matter what he looked at, he felt that it was Shen Wuque's conspiracy.

But...he had not expected the statement of the giant warrior leader of the Shen Gong family.

They have never contacted each other, let alone bribed them.

But again, don’t treat everyone as a fool.

Although the giant warriors of the Shen Gong family are reckless men, they are not completely brainless. They can also think and see.

At this time, the giant Han warrior leader looked at Shen Gong Ao and said tremblingly: "My lord, do you think I have been bribed by Master Shen Wuque?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "Otherwise? Why did you betray me at the critical moment?"

The giant warrior leader said slowly: "Master, I followed you twelve years ago. In my heart, you are domineering, invincible, brave, and fearless! I am proud of you, and I am willing to sacrifice everything for you, including my life. !”

"My Lord Marquis, I not only regard you as my lord, but also as my father."

"All along, your figure in my mind has been extremely tall!"

"But I can't understand you lately. You are no longer brave and fearless, and you are no longer domineering. Maybe you have never changed, but I am just too stupid to see clearly."

This sentence immediately made Shen Gong Ao tremble with anger. He pointed at him and said sternly: "What did Shen Wuque give you? What did Shen Wuque give you? Do you want to be such a betrayal for glory?"

The giant warrior leader glanced at Shen Gong Ao with extremely painful eyes.

Then he took off his helmet.

He picked up the Zhanma Dao from the ground and swiped it towards his neck.

Kill yourself with a horizontal knife!

"General, no!" Shen Wuque shouted.

Using all his magnetism, he violently knocked away the opponent's sword.


After the giant samurai sword flew from his hand, he smiled at Shen Wuque.

Then, he punched his head hard.


There was a loud noise.

His head suddenly split open.

Then, his mountain-like body slowly fell down.

The whole place was dead silent.

Shen Gongao staggered and sat down on the chair.

The suicide of this giant warrior leader almost lifted the fig leaf of his last dignity.

His proudest warrior leader used death to prove his loyalty, but also used death to prove Shen Gongao's mistake.

In front of everyone, he slapped him hard in the face.

And the remaining giant warriors, without saying a word, picked up the leader's body.

Then, they came to Shen Wuque and bowed deeply.


The more than one hundred people left.

With all the bodies of their comrades, they left without looking back.

I wonder where they will go?

Perhaps, they will go after their coach Shen Wuzhuo.

And then!

The Grand Prince Lian stood up and said loudly: "I declare that Shen Wuque won the seventh battle of the war among the princes! Shen Gongao lost!"

"All the spoils of war belong to Shen Wuque!"

"The war among the princes in this world is officially over!"

The whole audience cheered like thunder!

At this time, Shen Wuque suddenly said: "Lord Shen Gongao, I won the second battle of the civil war of the Shen family!"

Suddenly, the whole audience was silent!

Everyone listened attentively.

"Lord Shen Gongao, when I declared war on you, the imperial envoy, the masters of Sky Book City, and all the retainers were present to witness it."

"I won the first battle, the battle of Zhaixing Pavilion!"

"I won the second battle, the battle of the princes!"

"Not only did I win these two battles, but now most of the trade routes of the Shen Gong family are in my hands. All the warships of the Shen Gong family are also in my hands."

"You wrote it clearly in the contract that day. Once you lose, you will resign as the master of the Shen Gong family."

After that, Wuque raised the contract in his hand high and asked slowly: "Lord Shen Gongao, I want to know, does this contract still count?"

Countless burning eyes stared at Shen Gongao's face again.

Shen Gongao's face twitched for a while, and he said slowly: "Yes, you won! Shen Wuque, you won!"

"I recognize this contract, of course I will give you an explanation!"

"I will not only give you an explanation, but also give an explanation to the whole world!"


Note: The second update is here, and I have updated about 10,000 words today! I will resume updating 14,000 to 15,000 words tomorrow, thank you everyone.

Benefactors, can you give me your monthly ticket? Thank you everyone!

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