I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 173: A great victory! A dramatic change that will go down in history!

The power of this explosion was so amazing that you could see the fireball rising into the sky from a long distance!

Wuque was far enough away.

But the terrible shock wave still blew down all the walls and houses around him.

All the guards within sight were swept to the ground by the shock wave, and they looked at it in great surprise.

This... this... this is too strange.

Such an explosion happened not long after Lord Mi Gou came out?


The next second!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Dozens of steel pillars flew.

Killed the few surviving guards.

Mu Hongyu outside the city heard the explosion inside and saw the fireball rising into the sky.

This... is this a signal?

Then, she shouted loudly.

"Attack the city!"

With an order, the 20,000 troops of the Shen family rushed towards Zhenhai City like a tide.

There are no reserves.

All the troops, press on!



"Revenge for the Lord!"

"Revenge for the Third Young Master!"


The Mi Gou guards in the Marquis of Zhenhai Mansion saw the shocking explosion in the combat center.

They were shocked at first.

Then, they rushed towards the combat center desperately!

Suddenly, they saw that the entire combat center had been completely turned into ruins.

There were broken walls and broken walls everywhere.

There was blood and flesh flying everywhere.

More than 500 generals and officers, at least half of them were killed.




The warriors of Mi Gou's guards shouted desperately and searched for Mi Gou desperately.

They absolutely did not believe that Lord Mi Gou would die in the explosion. Lord Mi Gou's martial arts were superb. Even if he could not avoid this explosion, he would definitely not be hurt.



Dozens or hundreds of people rushed over from afar and began to dig the ruins.


"Bang!" With a loud bang, a pile of ruins and rubble suddenly exploded.

Mi Gou (Wu Que) slowly stood up from the ruins.

Suddenly, all the guards knelt down in an orderly manner.

"Forgive me, Marshal!"

"Forgive me, Marshal!"

Mi Gou (Wu Que) hissed, "You are guilty, you are guilty! You actually let the enemy sneak in, and let the enemy install a super bomb in the war room?"

Then, he roared, "Are there any survivors?"

After a moment, the leader of the guard said, "There should be no survivors."

Mi Gou (Wu Que) walked in front of him, picked up the opponent's sword, and slashed it fiercely!

In an instant, the head of the guard leader rolled off.

The surrounding guard warriors knelt on the ground and trembled.

Resist? !

They didn't even have the slightest idea.

And as the leader of the guard, he actually let the enemy sneak in and install a super bomb? Isn't this a death sentence?


Several more warriors rushed in, knelt down and said: "General, General, the enemy is attacking the city, attacking the city!"

Mi Gou (Wu Que) looked at the corpses all over the ground and screamed: "My officers, my generals, all were killed, all killed, how can we fight this battle?"

In this world, any army that loses all its officers, no matter how strong its combat effectiveness is, can't fight this battle.

At this time, all the officers above the rank of 100 households in Zhenhai City were dead.

This...how can we fight this?

Then, everyone present looked at Mi Gou (Wu Que), waiting for his final order.

"The whole army retreats!"

"Sound the gong, the whole army retreats, retreats from the north gate, and returns to Yingzhou!"

Hearing Mi Gou (Wu Que)'s order.

Everyone was stunned?

The whole army retreats? Did I hear it right?

As long as there is a general above the rank of 1,000 households here, there will be doubts.

However, all officers above the rank of 100 households, including even the civil servants and staff, were all caught in one fell swoop.

Would officers below the rank of 100 households dare to disobey the order of the supreme commander?

It is absolutely impossible!

“Didn’t you hear it?” Mi Gou (Wu Que) roared.


Suddenly, a team of warriors from the Shen family came to the highest point of the Zhenhai Marquisate and began to ring the bell, issuing the final signal!


The huge bell sounded throughout the sky!

Even in the sound of the battle, it was clearly heard.

The defenders of the Mi family were surprised. Did they hear it wrong?

It was actually an order to retreat?

We have 30,000 people, and we are the defenders. Why should we retreat? It doesn’t make sense.

Therefore, most of the defenders did not retreat immediately.

Because of the strict military law, they did not dare to retreat.


Hundreds of Mi Gou's guards rushed out of the Marquis of Zhenhai Mansion, shouting loudly: "The whole army retreats, the whole army retreats..."

At this moment, the Mi family's defenders were sure that they really had to retreat!

Something big must have happened, otherwise it would be impossible to withdraw at this time.

However, soldiers should obey orders as their first duty.

So, the defenders on the city wall began to retreat one after another!

But what is amazing is that even if all the officers above the level of a hundred households were lost, the Mi family's army still withdrew in an orderly manner.

In the area of ​​the battle on the southern city wall, the defenders fought to the death!

Without anyone's order, they took the initiative to cover the retreat of the brother troops.

The troops on the northern city wall retreated first.

Orderly and neat, they marched out of the north gate.

Moreover, the cavalry instinctively gathered together to protect the retreat of the army.

More and more troops poured out of the north gate like a tide.

At this time, without a superior officer, there was still no chaos.

Half an hour later!

The soldiers of the Mi family on the south wall finally lost their defense completely!

The army of the Shen Gong family poured into Zhenhai City like a tide, and began to frantically hunt down the last retreating Mi family army.

And at this time!

Mi Gou (Shen Wuque) still did not retreat.

And his hundreds of guards did not evacuate.

Although they could not understand why the Marshal did not evacuate?

Mi Gou (Wuque) sat in the hall of the Zhenhai Marquis's Mansion, sitting on the highest seat, drinking fine wine.

The guard warrior trembled and said: "Marshal, you, you should withdraw, the enemy is about to attack the Marquis's Mansion."

Although they had no idea why it had developed to this point?

All officers were killed, so the whole army retreated, which they could understand.

But why was the order to retreat so sudden?

Why didn't they order that army to cover the rear and that army to provide cover?

And the army had retreated, but why didn't Commander Mi Gou leave? Instead, he stayed in the Marquis's mansion to drink?

He was very puzzled.

But he couldn't question it.

Because in the minds of all warriors, Mi Gou was high above, like a demigod.

Any decision he made was unfathomable and correct.

In the eyes of many soldiers in the Mi army, the masters of the Mi family were almost deified.

And at this time!

"Bang!" With a loud noise!

The gate of the Zhenhai Marquis's mansion was finally breached.

Mu Hongyu, Shen Liuqi, Shen Silong, Shen Lingluo and others finally brought thousands of warriors to kill in.


Mi Gou (Wu Que) and hundreds of guards were surrounded tightly.

Even at this time, Mi Gou's hundreds of guards still instinctively stepped forward and formed an array in front of Wu Que, in order to protect Mi Gou, they had to fight the last battle.

Mi Gou (Wu Que) slowly said: "All guards, put down your weapons!"

Hundreds of guard warriors were stunned, as if they were waiting for Mi Gou to confirm the order.

Mi Gou (Wu Que) once again ordered: "Put down your weapons!"

Then, hundreds of warriors put down all their weapons in an orderly manner.

Even so, Shen Liuqi, Shen Silong and others still acted as if they were facing a great enemy.

Because they knew how amazing Mi Gou's martial arts were? It was simply against the sky.

Wu Que slowly stood up and walked slowly towards Mu Hongyu.

Shen Silong, Shen Liuqi and others became more and more nervous and could hardly breathe.

The sense of oppression that Mi Gou brought to them was too strong.

Even if they had thousands of people, Mi Gou was only one person, and he looked so terrible.


Wu Que came to Mu Hongyu and carefully peeled off a layer of skin on his face.

Suddenly, Shen Wu Que's face was revealed.


Everyone in the audience was stunned.

They couldn't believe their ears at all.

Shen Liuqi and Shen Silong said hoarsely: "Third, Third Young Master?"

Wu Que said: "It's me!"

At this time, the warriors of Mi Gou's guard suddenly realized.

This Lord Mi Gou in front of him, actually... is actually a fake?

No wonder, no wonder...

There would be such a weird order.

"Where is Marshal Mi Gou?" Suddenly, a small leader of the guard said.

Wu Que raised the skull urinal in his hand and said: "I killed him and cut off his head. This is his skull."

The warriors of Mi Gou's guard looked at all this in disbelief.

How powerful is Lord Mi Gou?

How could he be killed?

Wuque suddenly said: "You are Mi Gou's guard warriors, don't you see that I am a fake?"

Suddenly, the guard leader trembled and said: "We... we didn't even have this thought."

Wuque said: "Can't you see the flaw?"

The guard leader said: "We can never look directly at the commander-in-chief. When we see the commander-in-chief from a distance of hundreds of steps, we have to look down at our feet."

Wuque said: "Don't you find these orders I gave strange?"

The guard leader said: "It's very strange, but... the master is like a demigod in our hearts. We can't disobey him. Any order, even if it is absurd, must be executed."

After listening, Wuque didn't think it was funny, but very solemn!

Isn't such an army scary?

Wuque held the skull urinal in his hand and said, "This is the skull of Lord Mi Gou. I made it into a golden urinal and gave it to His Royal Highness Prince Mi. Please pass it on."

Immediately, the little leader of the guards knelt down on his knees and took Mi Gou's skull.

"You can go back." Wuque said.

The little leader of the guards took the skull and left the Marquis of Zhenhai Mansion with hundreds of guards.

The Shen family received the order and did not stop or kill.

After all the Mi Gou guards left.

Shen Silong, Shen Liuqi, Shen Lingluo and others knelt down in front of Wuque.

No sound!

So far!

The Shen family regained Zhenhai City.

At a very small cost, the main city of the Shen family was regained!

This battle was a great victory!


Wuque still couldn't rest next!

The environment is stable now.

He had to re-operate on Li Changjuan.

The wound that had been sutured before was opened again.

This time, the blood vessels and nerves were completely sutured together bit by bit.

And they use the best and best threads.

The sinews of the tree of darkness.

In other words, they are originally a kind of nerve lines.

With such a long time interval, Li Changjuan's broken leg would have been necrotic long ago, but because of the dark index tendons and blood vessels, his broken leg was not necrotic, but full of vitality.

The tree of darkness!

At this time, it is completely Shen Wuque's strategic treasure.

After more than two hours, the operation was finally completed.

Because there is not only wound suturing surgery, but also bone fracture surgery.

This still requires nails and plywood made from the Dark Tree.

After the operation, Wuque said to Li Changjuan: "I don't know how long you will have to lie down. I can't guarantee whether you can fully regain your fighting strength, because this is the first time I have done this kind of operation."

Next up!

It was to perform operations on the two children Shen Niaoniao and Shen Kejin.

In order to save the two children last night, he directly pierced the stomach with a dagger, and the stomach was also pierced. After that, the doctors of the Shen Gong family could only perform rough sutures to stop the bleeding.

Now, everything needs to be dismantled and redone.

After completing the operations on the two children, it was Mi Yuyi's turn.

She is a little shy!

For the convenience of the surgery, her upper body was almost open and completely exposed.

However, Wuque still took a piece of cloth to cover her beautiful upper body, and then left a gap at the surgical site.

And Shen Lingluo serves as his deputy.

This surgery is also very simple. He removes the sutures of the previous wound, and then uses his method to re-sew it perfectly with special dark threads.

The stitching was completed in just half an hour.

The next step was to inject her with antibiotics to prevent inflammation and infection.

After doing all this, Wuque nodded towards Mi Yuyi and said, "Have a good rest."

Then, walked outside.

"Wait, wait a moment." Mi Yuyi suddenly called out to Wu Que.

Wuque stopped, she didn't know what to say.

"Thank you... thank you." She held back these words for a long time.

Wu Que walked out.

Shen Lingluo and Mi Yuyi were the only ones left in the room.

"Did you see what happened to Shen Wuyu with your own eyes?" Mi Yuyi suddenly said.

Shen Lingluo nodded.

Mi Yuyi said: "Actually, he... I can understand the things he did. But his performance at the last moment made me so disappointed."

Mi Yuyi was referring to Shen Wuyu's ugly behavior at the last moment, first threatening, then desperately begging for mercy, and finally being numbly ignored by Ling Chi.

This kind of performance completely destroyed Shen Wuyu's image in Mi Yuyi's mind.

"Has he been acting with us all these years? Is he pretending?" Mi Yuyi asked.

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Shen Lingluo said, "I don't want to think about it either."

"Why don't you think about it, this is the man you loved." Mi Yuyi said: "The results completely prove that he was fake from beginning to end. Shouldn't you get to the bottom of it?"

Shen Lingluo said coldly: "I think you should get to the bottom of it, because spiritually and spiritually, he and you are brothers and sisters."

Actually, they are just cousins.

However, Mi Yuyi was still stunned.

Then...he started to gag.


Wuque started injecting insulin into Mu Hongyu.

Then, open the coffin.

Let Mu Hongyu see Shen Gongao inside.

Mu Hongyu didn't make a sound, didn't shed tears, and couldn't even make a sound.

After a long while, Mu Hongyu said: "It's pretty good, it's pretty good, it's pretty good..."

"This result is pretty good!"

"Every drink and every peck is God's will!"

"God brought him back to life before, maybe just for today."

"It's good to die vigorously and like a hero!"

"All the shame and all the fear before have been washed away."

“He did not bring shame to his ancestors, nor to future generations.”

Then, the cover was put back on again.

Mu Hongyu asked hoarsely: "Next...what are you going to do next? Are you going to disclose your identity to all retainers and all generals?"

Wuque said slowly: "It's not my turn to make it public yet."

Mu Hongyu said: "Then what should I call you now? Ying Que? Or Wu Que?"

Wu Que said: "My identity has not yet been revealed to the world, and the world has not announced it yet, so you should call me Wu Que for now. When the real world is exposed, it will not be too late to change your name."

Then, Wuque said: "The big drama has just begun! Next, is the truly earth-shattering scene. I hope you will not be frightened, and I also hope that all the retainers of the Shen Gong family will not be frightened."

Everything that happened in the past was already the biggest scene in more than ten years for Mu Hongyu.

But Wu Que said that what happened next was the truly earth-shattering scene?

How big will it be?

In the past few decades, there have been three major events in the Eastern world that are worthy of being recorded in history.

The first is the demise of the Ying family.

The second incident, the death of the Emperor of Daxia and the sudden death of His Highness the Crown Prince, is still a complete mystery to this day.

The third thing is the invasion of the Western Holy See.

Mu Hongyu once witnessed the first major event happening, to be precise, she only saw a small part of it.

But it was also truly earth-shattering.

Close your eyes at this time, and you still seem to be able to see the picture emerge.

Continuous flames of war.

A crazy battle involving more than 300,000 troops.

Countless corpses.

Mu Hongyu said hoarsely: "We all know that in the past seventeen years, a total of three things that have gone down in history have happened. Will the next earth-shattering scene you mentioned... will it reach the level of these three major events? "

Wuque was silent for a long time.

"I'm not completely sure!" Wuque said slowly: "Because this time, I have put all my chips on one person. If this person makes the final decision, then... the scene that happens next will be truly earth-shattering. , which is truly recorded in history.”

"If that person doesn't make a decision, but chooses to turn a blind eye, then the so-called big scene that follows is a storm in a teacup."

Mu Hongyu suddenly felt horrified and said hoarsely: "Is it going to be bigger and more shocking than the demise of the Ying family?"

Wufang nodded.

For a moment, Mu Hongyu couldn't even imagine it.

There are bigger things in this world than the demise of the Ying family.

When the Ying family was destroyed, there was a war for thousands of miles, and corpses were everywhere.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were fighting crazily.

And will the next drastic change be greater than the demise of the Ying family?

Then the Shen Gong family is completely like a small boat in the tsunami in this turbulent upheaval?

Mu Hongyu said: "Just because your identity as Ying Que is revealed to the world, will it trigger a shocking storm?"

Wuque said: "Then it depends on whether that person has made the final decision."

Mu Hongyu said: "I, I don't have much brains, and I can't think clearly. So I just ask you, what should we do next? What should the Shen Gong family do?"

Wuque said: "If that person does not make the final decision and chooses to turn a blind eye, then you can lead the Shen Gong family to surrender completely and draw a clear line with me. But if that person makes the final decision, then you can take the risk Choose to stand with me.”

Mu Hongyu said: "Then... where will this shocking scene happen?"

Wuque said: "Probably, it may happen in Zhenhai City."

Mu Hongyu glanced at the coffin, and then said: "If the worst and most terrible change happens, you...can you help me send my grandson Kejin away? At least...at least don't let the Shen Gong family die. ”

Wuque said: "I said, if the worst happens, you will completely draw a clear line with me. By then, the blood of the Shen Gong family will be preserved."

Mu Hongyu said slowly: "My man is your father! At least you are intact now, so... he is still your father. Your father has made the final choice and has made the final choice with his life. If I draw a clear line with you again, wouldn’t he die in vain? The ancestors of my Shen Gong family will be completely humiliated.

Then, Mu Hongyu said: "You, you send Kejin away, far away, so as not to let the Shen Gong family die! This time, no matter life or death, even if everyone is shattered to pieces, I... we will... We have decided to stand with you. We, the Shen Gong family, can no longer be clowns."

Wuque said: "Okay!"

Then he walked out.

"Wu Que..." Mu Hongyu stopped him.

Wuque stopped and said, "Damu, what's wrong?"

Mu Hongyu said: "Everything happened before was my fault. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Wu Que shook his head.

Mu Hongyu said: "Your father and I were married to each other. Your father did not let you down at the last moment. My eldest mother will not let you down at the last moment. We may not be strong enough, but if the worst happens, We can at least die with you, at least we can make you not die alone."

Wufang nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, eldest mother!"


Next, the 20,000 troops from the Shen Gong family began to prepare for war.

They even mobilized all the people to work together to produce materials for city defense.

Rolling stones, black oil, arrows, trebuchets, etc.

Everyone is working hard to prepare for the real war.

However, they don't know.

Next, there will be no war.

Because the next shocking changes will be political changes.

Unprecedented upheaval.

In such a shocking upheaval, all rolling stones, arrows, trebuchets, and giant crossbows are meaningless.

Because the power that follows will be devastating to the world.

But Wuque said nothing, and instead asked the soldiers of the Shen Gong family to prepare for the war with all their strength!


A few days have passed!

The whole world is silent!

It was like the terrifying tranquility before a huge earthquake.

Accompanied by Mu Hongyu, Wu Que entered Nangong Rou's room.

"You go in alone, this is a conversation between you two men." Mu Hongyu said.

Walk in perfectly.

Nangong Rou hugged her son Shen Kejin and cried silently.

Seeing Wu Que come in, Nangong Rou saluted and said, "Third brother."


Nangong Rou held her son in her arms, her eyes unblinking, as if she wanted to completely remember his son's face.

After a few minutes, Nangong Rou brought her son Shen Kejin to Wuque.

No goodbye, just a silent farewell.

Wuque held Shen Kejin's hand and walked outside to the highest point of the Shen Gong family castle.

Shen Kejin is ten years old this year. He looked at Wuque and said, "Uncle San, do I have to leave?"

Wuque nodded.

Shen Kejin said, "Then when will I go home?"

Wuque said, "If everything goes well, I can come back in a few months."

Shen Kejin said, "What if everything doesn't go well?"

Wuque didn't speak.

Shen Kejin said, "Then I can't come back, and our family will be gone, right?"

Wuque said, "No."

Then, the two walked on the highest railing and overlooked the whole city.

"Uncle San, your name is Yingque, right?" Shen Kejin said, "I know this person."

When Wuque admitted his identity, Shen Kejin also heard it.

"I didn't tell anyone, my mother didn't tell anyone, my brothers and sisters didn't tell anyone, and my aunt didn't tell anyone." Shen Kejin said.

Wuque said, "You are amazing."

At this time, a cry came from the eastern horizon, and a giant eagle appeared.

A moment later!

Li Hualan, under the command of the pirate queen Yu Luosha, landed on the top of the castle.

She stared at Wuque for a long time and said, "You are playing too big."

Wuque said, "I know."

Li Hualan said, "Are you sure that person has made the final decision?"

Wuque said, "I'm not sure."

Li Hualan said, "Then what are you betting on?"

Wuque shrugged.

Li Hualan said, "It's too slim, too slim. I don't think that person can afford this shocking price, which is almost to tear the whole world apart."

"If that person is not as brave as you think, then you and the Shen Gong family will be turned into dust in an instant."

"And even if it is really as you planned, it will be the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, and the world will be torn apart."

Wuque shrugged.

Li Hualan asked, "Is this the little boy you want me to take away? Do you want to preserve the last bloodline for the Shen family, so as not to be completely extinct?"

Wu Que said, "Just in case, how much?"

Li Hualan said, "We never do business at a loss, but this time you played so big that we were all shocked. So this order is free for you."

Then, he said to Shen Kejin, "Little boy, let's go!"

Shen Kejin glanced at Wu Que, then looked at his mother Nangong Rou in the corner, and finally looked at his grandmother Mu Hongyu.

"I will definitely go home, I will definitely go home!"

Li Hualan picked up the child and put him on the back of the giant eagle, and then she also jumped on the back of the giant eagle.

The giant eagle spread its wings and flew towards the vast sea in the east.

Then, Wu Que closed his eyes and headed towards the north!

Not just the direction of King Mi.

Also the direction of Sky Book City.

Next, it was the most shocking change since he came to this world.

The real collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth!

Let the storm come even harder!

The shocking storm is coming soon!

No, it has already come and is on the way!


Note: The second update is here. Today, there are two updates with about 13,000 words!

It’s the last day of this month. My benefactors, if you have monthly tickets, please don’t waste them. Vote for me, okay?

I bow to you! Thank you all!

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