This is the genius of memory!

Compared to this, what does it mean to be lying on one's back?

God has eyes. He actually gave him a genius in his twilight years? !

After a while, Mr. Baoshi threw all the classics aside, pressed Wu Que on the chair, and said: "Wu Que, right? Sit, sit, sit..."

Wufang nodded, a little embarrassed, because Mr. Bouldering's gaze was too enthusiastic.

"Wait a moment, wait a moment, my teacher will go and select all the classics for the city's scientific examination, and we will start studying."

Wuque said: "Don't you want to revise the classics? This is a great cause."

Mr. Baoshi said: "Bah, starting from today, teaching you the meaning of the scriptures is my greatest career. Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

While sorting out the classics, he asked: "Wuque, are you hungry? Are you thirsty? I'll ask the kitchen to send something over."

"You don't know how accurate I am at answering questions for my teacher. Let me tell you this, as long as you memorize 150,000 words, you are guaranteed to get 80% in the classics and righteousness exam."

Wuque asked: "A hundred and fifty thousand words? Aren't there a total of eleven volumes of scriptures and meanings set by the school, with a total of 1.03 million words?"

Mr. Baoshi said: "There is only one month left, it is too tight, and the more words there are, the more difficult it is to remember."

"There are only 150,000 words in the eleven scriptures that are the essence. As long as you master these 150,000 words, you can get 80 points. The remaining 880,000 words will only give you less than 20 points, and the price/performance ratio is not high. . And every time I take a big exam on economics and ethics, the remaining twenty points are completely made difficult by the examiner.”

Then, Mr. Baoshi handed over five books and said: "This is the "Essential Collection of the Eleven Classics" compiled for my teacher. It has a total of 150,000 words, all of which are the essence. You can recite them and ensure that you are knowledgeable in the classics and meanings. More than ten points.”

"That's right. There are a total of five subjects in the city's college entrance examination. Economics, arithmetic, and policy theory are compulsory. What do you choose for the remaining two subjects?"

Wuque said: "Alchemy, martial arts."

"You choose alchemy?" Mr. Baoshi said: "It's okay, what kind of alchemy do you choose? It's too unfamiliar and difficult."

Wuque smiled faintly and did not explain. After all, he had a cold and taciturn persona.

"In one month, you have to study these five subjects almost from scratch to take the city exam? I really don't know whether I am crazy or the world is crazy." Mr. Baoshi said: "Our economics subject is the foundation, and rote memorization is not enough. It’s the easiest, so you can’t spend too much time on Jingyi, no more than seven days!”

Then Mr. Fu Baoshi sighed and said: "Memorize 150,000 words in seven days? I simply can't imagine how much I can memorize."

How many students spent several years studying all the 150,000-word classics.

Note that you are finishing the lesson, not memorizing it.

Who can memorize something with 150,000 words? Even a genius who is one in a million can't do it.

The more words there are, the more difficult it is to recite. Some people can memorize thousands of words in a few hours, but they can't memorize 150,000 words in a few years.

Take Mr. Fu Baoshi for example. He was indeed able to memorize the 150,000 words, but it took him two to three years.

Of course, in the past two or three years, he was learning and memorizing it, without deliberately reciting it.

But he felt that even if he forced himself to memorize it by rote, he would never be able to memorize it in a few months, because there was too much content, and he had to comprehend and recite it at the same time so as not to forget it.


The study of classics and ethics has officially begun.

In the following time, I made full use of Ah Bing's skills and devoted myself wholeheartedly to reading and reciting the "Essential Collection of the Eleven Classics".

These 150,000 words are all extracted from classics with millions of words. It can be seen how much energy Mr. Baoshi spent in compiling this "Collection of the Essence of the Eleven Classics". It is definitely a scientific artifact.

During this period, Mr. Fu Baoshi did not rest. He began to read the "Imperial Daily" and "City Monthly" from the past two or three years, capture the key information in them, and then began to prepare questions for this year's major exam. .

He planned to give ten sets of classics test questions in the shortest possible time. After seven days, no matter how much he had recited, he would stop memorizing them and start a mock exam.

The questions asked by Mr. Baoshi are very accurate. The score you can get in his exam will basically be the score you can get in the city exam one month later.

Mr. Boulder took Wu Que to another room, where the environment was much better. Dozens of lamps were lit and precious agarwood was also lit.

The old and young people spent all their time forgetting to eat and sleep. One is flipping through a book and reciting, and the other is studying current events.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Two people, completely focused on each other, as if no one else was watching.

I heard that Mr. Daozi came once on the way, and saw that the old and young people were working hard without noticing his arrival. Their eyes were pleased, but they sighed in their hearts: Do your best to obey fate.

No one dared to hold out hope for the big exam in the city in one month.

But do your best, no matter how bad your grades are, you will never let yourself down.

So, he walked to the pig pen with the butcher's knife. Looking at the black pig, which was less than 100 kilograms, he felt reluctant to give up.

This was raised by him personally. It would be a pity to kill it if it weighs less than 200 kilograms, let alone less than 100 kilograms.

However, let’s kill him to replenish everyone’s health.

As soon as the pig was held down, it immediately began to squeal. When Wen Daozi pressed his palm lightly on the pig's veins, the pig suddenly became mute, could no longer howl, and even went limp all over, unable to struggle.

Mr. Wen Daozi felt that this seemed a bit inhumane. Can't you let the pig struggle before dying?

So, he loosened some of the tendons. The pig began to struggle, but still couldn't howl to avoid disturbing Wuque and Mr. Fu Baoshi.

Three, two, one.

That's enough!

Master Wen Daozi stabbed the pig with a knife, killing it and bleeding it.

So, Wuque and Mr. Baoshi had a delicious braised pork.


The 150,000-word "Eleven Classics Collection" is only one book with more than 300 pages.

Wuque found that Ah Bing's skill of remembering everything at a glance is terrifying, but not a god.

As the content increases, the efficiency of remembering everything at a glance will slow down slightly.

But even so, only five hours later!

Wuque finished memorizing the entire book and even had a meal in the middle.

This skill is really amazing.

Five hours, a whole book of 300 pages was memorized.

Looking up, I found that it was already dawn.

Mr. Baoshi could no longer hold on and fell asleep on the ground. Wuque took a blanket and covered him.

Then, he also lay down and went to sleep casually.

Not long after, Mr. Baoshi woke up and found Wuque sleeping soundly. He covered Wuque with his blanket and studied current affairs again, and looked through the examination questions of the classics in the past few years.

So, the two of them were inexplicably separated.

When Wuque was sleeping, Mr. Baoshi worked. When Mr. Baoshi was sleeping, Wuque woke up.

After waking up, he saw Mr. Baoshi sleeping, but he didn't disturb him. He picked up the "Eleven Classics Collection" and began to check his recitation results.

He opened a page at random, read the first line, closed the book immediately, and began to recite silently.

After reciting, he opened the page again to compare, and it was indeed accurate. He tried more than a dozen pages casually, and recited them all without any mistakes.

It's really awesome!

In this case, why not work hard for the highest score?

So, Wuque went to find the complete eleven volumes of sutras, totaling 1.03 million words, and began to read and recite.

1.03 million words and 150,000 words, the difficulty is indeed incomparable.

One day passed, two days passed, three days, four days, five days, six days, seven days...

According to the direct conversion ratio, it should take less than four days to recite all of them. Because Wuque only sleeps three hours a day.

As a result, after almost seven days and seven nights, Wuque has not finished reciting.

1.03 million words, only about 95% have been completed.

There are still 50,000 words left to recite.


Seven days later!

Mr. Fu Baoshi was already ragged and smelly, and Wuque was no exception.

Seeing Wuque wake up, Mr. Baoshi asked, "How is your recitation going?"

Wuque said, "It's still a little short."

Mr. Baoshi sighed, "It's okay, don't be discouraged. Five thousand words and 150,000 words are completely different. Let alone seven days, it's normal if you haven't finished reciting in seven months. You don't need to feel psychological pressure at all."

After saying that, he still felt that the comfort was not enough, and said, "We have seen your efforts these days. Even if the final result is not successful, there is no need to feel regretful."

Wuque did not explain, but just bowed.

Mr. Baoshi said, "I have studied the Great Xia Empire and the strategic direction of the Academy over the years, as well as the classics questions in the past ten years. I have prepared eight sets of classics questions for you. The hit rate should still be very high."

After that, Mr. Baoshi put these questions on the table and said, "We scholars still have to pay attention to the sense of ritual. Before doing the questions, we still have to bathe, change clothes, burn incense and play the piano."

Next, Wuque and Mr. Baoshi both went to bathe, of course not in the same place.

After putting on new clothes, Wuque regained his handsome and graceful appearance.

Mr. Fu Baoshi said: "Of your father's three sons, you are the least like him. You have almost no foreign features, but you still have them when you look closely. Your nose is higher and your eyes are deeper. You really have a good appearance."

Then, Mr. Fu Baoshi said: "The study of the classics is over, and we will start the mock exam."

"Wuque, you don't have to feel psychological pressure. After all, you started from scratch, and you only studied for seven days. You only need to get 50 points in the exam, and I will be satisfied."


Note: The second update is here. Do you still have monthly tickets and recommendation tickets? Give them to me, please?

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