I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 176: Massive confiscation of property! Massive extermination of the clan! Heads rolling

(The chapter was blocked by review again, speechless)

King Mi led everyone to kneel on the ground, motionless.

Prince Da Zongzhenglian said: "Prince Mi, are you accepting the order? Or are you resisting the order? Please tell me."

King Mi still knelt on the ground motionless.

Prince Da Zongzhenglian said: "Fu Jianzhi, you are here too, that's just right? I don't need to make another trip."

"According to the edict of Emperor Chengyun of Tianshui Province, Fu Jianzhi, the governor of Tianshui Province, immediately assembles all the garrison troops in the province to prepare to suppress the rebellion. I hereby express my gratitude!"

Fu Jianzhi knelt on the ground and trembled slightly.

King Mi remained motionless.

Prince Da Zongzhenglian said: "Prince Mi, whether you accept the order or resist the order, you must have a response."

King Mi said slowly: "Prince Lian, Princess Liyang is young and vigorous, but you are old and mature in planning for the country. Didn't you make it clear to your majesty?"

Prince Lian asked: "What are you talking about?"

King Mi said: "Shen Wuque is the son of the leader of the Dark Academy, and the Shen Gong family is obsessed with it. That's why we sent troops to attack. We eliminated the Shen Gong family entirely for the sake of His Majesty's face. Do we really want to tear off all these fig leaves? ”

Prince Lian said: "Tear open what?"

Prince Mi said: "Until now, we have not disclosed Shen Wuque's true identity, just to save His Majesty's face. Once the fig leaf is torn off, how will His Majesty's position be dealt with?"

Prince Lian said: "Do you want to say that His Majesty the Emperor whitewashed the Dark Academy? Or that His Majesty the Emperor sympathized with the Dark Academy's traitors? Or that His Majesty the Emperor colluded with the Dark Academy's traitors?"

As soon as these words came out.

King Mi was silent.

Once something is said completely, there is no way to pick it up.

You, a prince, are accusing His Majesty the Emperor of colluding with the Dark Academy? What to do then?

Is it to abolish His Majesty the Emperor?

His Majesty the Emperor is one of the supreme leaders of the Eastern world and the supreme leader of the empire.

You said he colluded with the Dark Academy? !

This... This is probably quite proof that Chang Bald is our undercover agent of the Communist Party, and Sichuan... Jianguo is my rabbit's undercover agent in Midi.

Who can bear such responsibility?

Who dares to say this?

Prince Lian continued: "Prince Mi, are you accepting the order or resisting it? Give me an answer."

King Mi knelt on the ground, motionless, that is, he did not reply.

Prince Lian directly placed the imperial edict on the ground, then mounted the giant eagle and flew away from Prince Mi's Mansion!

It wasn't until Prince Lian disappeared that King Mi and others slowly got up from the ground.

Completely ignoring the imperial edict on earth, he walked directly back to the temple.

Mi Huan and Fu Jianzhi also followed in.

After a while, Li Jinshui, acting principal of Tianshui Academy, also walked in.

Several people were silent.

King Mi held the Buddhist beads in his hand and remained motionless.

"The emperor is crazy, the emperor is crazy..." Li Jinshui said: "Is it worth doing this for a mere Shen Wuque? Doesn't he know the consequences of continuing to fight like this?"

"Crazy, crazy. Why couldn't you tell when he succeeded to the throne? When he was the prince, he was very gentle and gentle. You couldn't tell that he had such a fierce temper."

"Crazy, crazy..."

"He has only been in charge for two years. The imperial power is not stable yet. He actually put the throne on the gambling table just for Shen Wuque. He is a complete lunatic."

King Mi did not speak.

Staring at the map on the table in a daze.

After a long while, he said: "No matter whether the emperor is crazy or not, now this scalding fireball has rolled to our feet."

Everyone fell silent!


The emperor played his cards once again.

Will King Mi follow?

Is it a compromise? Or fight to the end?

"A one-million-dollar business, with a cost of 100 million, has not yet been completed." King Mi said slowly: "We should have taken over the Shen Gong family three years ago, but the result has only gotten bigger and bigger, and it has reached today's situation."

It was indeed a one-million-dollar business that turned into 100 million.

Three years ago, the Mi family was ambushed on all sides. It only cost less than two million taels of silver to almost force the Shen Gong family into a desperate situation. If everything goes well, the Shen Gong family will be taken over step by step, and then it will take two years to completely annex and digest it.

The result till now?

More than tens of millions of dollars were spent?

Hundreds of thousands of troops were dispatched?

So many people have died and it still hasn’t been solved.

Mi Huan said: "We have no way out."

Of course King Mi knew there was no way out.

Once the war machine is started, how can it be stopped?

Even if Mi's side wants to stop.

Will the war in the Dongyi Empire stop? Will the situation in the Dali Kingdom stop?

Time is really running out!

According to Mi's fifty-year plan, the first step is the most difficult, but it has been completed. King Dali has destroyed the Dazhan Kingdom and established the Dazhan Kingdom.

But the situation is stuck at annexing the Shen Gong family.

Can't the Shen Gong family be destroyed? Then the Mi family and the Dali Kingdom cannot be connected together, and a nail is stuck in the middle.

If the Shen Gong family is not annexed, then when the Western Holy See fully invades in the future, the entire south will no longer have only one voice. King Mi will continue to fight in the name of annexing the three southern provinces, but it will also be completely ruined.

Without the annexation of the three southern provinces, the Mi family's century-old undertaking would be impossible to complete.

What if we don’t compromise and fight to the end?

That's... very scary.

Because His Majesty the Emperor himself ended.

Although the emperor had just taken over the throne, he had not yet fully grasped the power of the court and cabinet.

But...so what?

Despite a series of suppressions by Sky Book City, the imperial power of the Great Xia Empire is depreciating every day, and it is no longer as good as it was twenty or thirty years ago.

But...how terrifying is the inertia of the thousand-year imperial tradition?

just in case!

What if Sky Bookstore sees the emperor being so tough and crazy? Are you going to take a look at it slowly?

Then...will Mi be given up?

This time the emperor was certainly betting on his own throne and the Xia family's thousand-year imperial lineage.

What about Sky Bookstore? Can you afford this price now?

Once Sky Bookstore comes to an end.

That meant a complete break between Sky Bookstore and the Emperor of the Great Xia Empire.

It represents the complete tearing of Eastern civilization.

Now, a full-scale invasion by the Western Holy See is imminent.

Can Sky Bookstore afford this price?

If Sky Bookstore even means to compromise at all, then... the consequences will be terrible.

Fu Jianzhi said slowly: "This is not like His Majesty the Emperor's temperament. He is still far from the safety line now. He shouldn't run out and fight for his life now."

Mi Huan said: "Our strategic plan should still be very vague. His Majesty the Emperor should have a sufficient sense of security now. Why do you end up risking your life now?"

Prince Mi said: "No matter what, he is finished now. He is stuck at the most critical moment. If he is not a madman, then he is the wisest and wisest Xia emperor in a hundred years."

"Others don't know, but we know it very well! The annexation of the Shen Gong family and the full-scale invasion of the Western Holy See are two iconic events in the Eastern world."

"Once these two landmark events are completed, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, which will determine the end of the Xia family's imperial line in the future."

"His Majesty the Emperor seems to be far away from the safety line now, but as soon as these two landmark times happen, the safety line will be in front of him in an instant, and he really has no room for buffering and struggle."

"The world is like this. All drastic changes do not happen slowly, but happen instantly. This drastic change happened before everyone could react. Because no one could see it, for this drastic change, How many people have put in so much effort and how many small changes have led to this kind of qualitative change.”

"It's really unclear whether His Majesty the Emperor is crazy or too wise."

"But in short, he is stuck in the most accurate position and the most uncomfortable position for us."

"Do you know the staring game?" King Mi said: "In the beginning, it was us and Shen Wuque staring, and then the emperor ended, and it became a staring game between us and the emperor. If anyone has a guilty conscience and blinks, he will lose. But strong support In the end, it might just turn into ashes.”

"We are now betting on whether Sky Bookstore will end up? Will we also join in this staring game?"

The scariest thing in the world is the staring game.

In the 19th century, first Austria-Hungary and Serbia stared at each other, then Germany, Russia, France, Britain, etc. ended up one after another, and finally it turned into a world war.

"If we continue to fight against the emperor to the end, but Sky Book City does not end, what will be the consequences? I believe everyone knows." King Mi said: "At that time, our Mi family's century-old plan was completely ruined, and we want to rise again. , the difficulty of ascending to heaven.”

Mi Huan said: But we have no room to retreat now, we can only be tough to the end! "

Fu Jianzhi said: "The most critical issue now is to make sure that Sky Book City will also end. King Mi did not accept the decree, nor did he resist it, he just put it aside. So whether it is possible to send Master Mi Daoyuan to Sky Book City to get a copy from the Presbyterian Council The attitude is that Sky Bookstore will definitely end if our army of 100,000 goes south again!”

Prince Mi said: "You mean, after getting a written guarantee from Sky Bookstore, we will definitely fight against the emperor to the end?"

Fu Jianzhi said: "Yes."

Li Jinshui said: "I think this is the safest way."

Right now!

A man riding a sculpture landed on the highest point of Prince Mi's palace, and then entered the Buddhist hall.

"My lord, a secret message from Fairy Fu Caiwei."

King Mi took the secret letter.

"I have killed Captain Wu Long and am suppressing the Wu clan's will to resist. I will soon be able to quell the potential civil strife within the Dali Kingdom and push the army of the Dali Kingdom northward!"

Seeing this secret letter, King Mi suddenly became excited!

Then, he handed the secret letter to Fu Jianzhidao: "Look, you really gave birth to a good daughter."

After Fu Jianzhi read this secret letter, a cold sweat broke out on his back.

It was a surprise and a surprise.

Fu Caiwei's move was certainly a decisive move, but it was not a huge adventure.

She had no intention of killing Wu Long at all.

Moreover, she only took a dozen people with her to kill the leader of the Wu clan in the core area of ​​the Wu clan. It was very likely that she would face a crazy counterattack by the Wu clan.

By then, if tens of thousands of people really besiege Fu Caiwei, it will be useless even if she has great abilities.

If a civil war breaks out in the Dali Kingdom, then Fu Caiwei's future will be completely over.

But...she succeeded!

After killing Lieutenant Wu Long, King Dali's army approached. Fu Caiwei gathered allies within the Wu clan and eliminated dissidents. In just a few days, she managed to calm down all the situations.

This decisiveness, this ability, this courage.

It's really amazing.

The dead game in the Dali Kingdom was about to be brought back alive by her.

Once this matter reaches the Sky Book City Presbyterian Church, what will be its reaction?

What I admire most above all is this kind of handsome guy who can completely stand alone and turn things around.

Prince Mi said: "When Fu Caiwei killed Wu Long, she did not ask for my permission, nor did she get permission from Sky Bookstore. If she is as you think, she must first ask for my permission and get permission from Sky Bookstore before doing anything. Yes, that precious opportunity has been completely lost, and the game of Dali Kingdom will no longer survive. "

"First get the guarantee from Sky Bookstore, and then we will lead the army south. This is certainly safe. But what does it prove? It proves that we are guilty and we are scared." King Mi said slowly: "The staring game is the most scary thing. What it is, is a guilty conscience! If the emperor sees our guilty conscience, he will become more unscrupulous and attack us more crazily. What is even more fatal is to let Sky Bookstore see our guilty conscience and see that our fighting will is not firm enough. The most deadly."

"We need Sky Bookstore to end. It is precisely because of this that we need to show the most determined will and the will to fight to the end without flinching."

"There is a saying that is true, if you want God to help you, you must first help yourself!"

"So, if I send people to Sky Bookstore to ask for a so-called guarantee and then order troops to be sent out, I will be completely inferior."

"Send the order!"

"Army, set off on time!"

"Never delay even a minute!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present shouted in unison: "Yes!"


The next day, outside Yingzhou City!

One hundred thousand troops were arranged neatly.

Spread out on the ground, several miles in radius.

It was dark and overwhelming.

Everyone is waiting for the time to come.

Twelve noon!

If there are no accidents, troops will be dispatched at this point.

Once the time comes and there is still no troops sent out, it means that this struggle has changed again.


It’s twelve o’clock noon!

King Mi gave an order!

"The army sets out!"

A hundred thousand troops marched southward towards Zhenhai City in a mighty manner.


The entire Tianshui Province and the entire three southern provinces fell into terrifying silence.

It was really like the eerie silence before a major earthquake.

No teasing, no lofty remarks.

Because people in the entire three southern provinces were completely frightened.

This is a staring game.

King Mi did not feel guilty or flinch.

We will still dispatch troops as usual according to the original plan.

Suddenly, this blazing fireball hit His Majesty the Emperor once again.

And this time!

The emperor did not think or hesitate.

He immediately issued an order and sent the army south to put down the rebellion.

His imperial edict spread to the nine garrison camps of the empire.

But...only three of them actually sent troops!

The remaining six did not send troops.

They did not directly resist the decree, but instead complained in memorials that there was insufficient food and grass, insufficient soldiers, and so on.

It's not that we won't send troops, but that we need to delay it for a few days.

Two-thirds of the nine military camps did not fully obey His Majesty the Emperor's will.

In a way, this also represents the power of the emperor today.

On the bright side, it proves the strong inertia of the Xia family's thousand-year imperial tradition.

Because the emperor's decree did not go through the Privy Council or the Ministry of War, but was issued directly to the army.

The emperor had been in power for only two years and did not have much prestige.

But even under this situation, no one dared to directly resist the decree. At most, they would only obey the emperor's decree. One-third of the army still chose to obey the emperor's decree and send troops directly.

On the bad side, it also proved that the imperial power was suppressed by Sky Bookstore.

These garrison generals still dared to obey and disobey His Majesty the Emperor's direct orders.


It is not enough to send 100,000 troops south to quell the rebellion.

In this battle, King Mi had already dispatched nearly 200,000 troops.

Shen Wuque had 20,000 in his hands, and Shen Wuzhuo had 15,000 in his hands, plus the 100,000 troops who went south to put down the rebellion.

In terms of momentum, he still couldn't overpower King Mi.

That is at this time!

The King of Zhenbei and the Grand Master of the Tianqi Empire declared to the world at the same time!

The two sides formally signed a temporary armistice agreement!

Armistice for half a year!

No matter what happens, no war is allowed within half a year.

In order to show sincerity, the armies of both sides retreated fifty miles each.


King Zhenbei ordered 150,000 Northern troops to go south to help His Majesty the Emperor suppress the rebellion.

The King of Zhenbei was as powerful as thunder, without any delay.

Before his secret message reached the emperor, his eldest son Li Zhan had already led an army of 150,000 people and marched southward.

Although it is far away from Tianshui Province!

But this posture is very terrifying.

Zhenbei Palace will always stand by the emperor's side no matter what time.

Even if there is a temporary truce with the Apocalypse Empire at a huge cost, a large army must be sent south to help His Majesty the Emperor put down the rebellion.

How many years?

At least more than a hundred years ago.

There was never a situation where the Union troops moved south.

After learning the news.

A bead of sweat slowly slipped from King Mi's forehead.


The battle on the Red Earth Territory battlefield has been going on for nearly a month.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but they were still unable to do anything to the other side.

The coalition of southern princes was unable to break through Red Earth City.

As for Shen Wuzhuo, he couldn't completely defeat three times as many enemies.

Because of the 40,000 southern princes' coalition forces, more than 10,000 of them were the main force of the Mi family, which was really too strong.

Recently, the generals of the southern princes coalition have felt the terrible atmosphere.

The princes in the south almost entirely sided with the Mi family.

In their opinion, it was completely easy to destroy the Shen Gong family this time, and they had absolute justice.

Shen Wuque's true identity is the son of the leader of the Dark Academy, so this battle is to eliminate the rebels of the Dark Academy.

After winning, you can divide the Shen Gong family's routes, battleships, and other huge benefits.

Why not?

But who knows, the emperor has come to an end.

For a moment, I couldn't help but feel a little panicked!


In the Marquis Bailing's Mansion!

Shaoqing Zongzhengsi landed on a white eagle.

"Your Majesty has a decree, and Marquis Bailing will take it!"

Luo Weiwei looked at the young minister of Zongzheng Temple with some embarrassment.

Her man, Bai Yutang, held her to sleep one night. He disappeared as soon as he fell asleep. It has been more than a month and he has not come back yet.

Luo Weiwei probably knew where he went, but he didn't dare to say.

This bitch kept promising him that he would not go to Bone City or join the war.


You can't believe a man's nonsense.

"My husband, he's not here."

The young minister of Zongzheng Temple said: "The lady will take all the retainers and generals to receive the order."

After a while, Luo Weiwei and Bai Linghou's retainers and generals knelt down neatly.

"According to the imperial edict of Emperor Chengyun, Bailing Marquis Mansion must assemble all the troops to join the empire's counter-rebellion army and go to the battlefield of Zhenhai City to counter the rebellion. I hereby express my gratitude!"

Luo Weiwei is just a female streamer.

She didn't dare to go against Mi, but she didn't dare to resist the order.

The most important thing is.

She now listens to her man.

In a daze, Luo Weiwei kowtowed: "I obey the order!"

The Shaoqing of Dali Temple said: "Madam Marquis, please immediately pass on the order. The troops from all territories will come to Bailing City to assemble. At that time, the imperial court will send generals to receive them."

Luo Weiwei instinctively said, "What if they disobey orders?"

The Shaoqing of Dali Temple said: "The imperial envoys and generals will come with Shangfang's sword. Anyone who resists will be beheaded!"

As soon as these words came out, all the retainers and generals present could not help but tremble.

We just want to stay out of it, why should we be tied to a chariot?


Red Clay Ridge Battlefield!

Prince Da Zonglian is riding a giant eagle and hovering in the sky!

"Your Majesty has a decree!"

"Your Majesty has a decree!"

"All the coalition generals of the three southern provinces, accept the order!"

At this time, the allied forces of the princes were attacking Red Earth City in full swing.

The coalition coach Mi Zuo!

He is King Mi's concubine, and his status is inferior to Mi Daoyuan and Mi Gou.

But the Mi family is a Chinese family that has been around for hundreds of years. The family is full of talents, with civil servants like clouds and military generals like rain.

Of course he wanted to tell the generals of the coalition of princes to ignore Prince Lian.


The Mi family dared to disobey the emperor's will, but how dare the southern princes? !

As Prince Lian circled three times in the sky.

Except for Mi's coalition of princes, all the fighting stopped.

At this time, Prince Lian landed in the middle of the battlefield.

"Your Majesty has a decree. Why don't you, the generals of the southern princes' coalition forces, kneel down to greet you?"


The generals of the southern princes present knelt down one after another.

Finally, all the soldiers knelt down in unison.

Only Mi Zuo and the Mi family's army remained motionless.

Prince Lian ignored him and shouted: "Emperor Chengyun has issued an edict to order the southern princes' coalition forces to withdraw from the territory of the Shen Gong family immediately. Otherwise, it will be regarded as treason. I appreciate this!"

All the generals of the coalition forces were kneeling on the ground motionless.

The law does not blame everyone.

Prince Lian said coldly: "I have a list in my hand, and all the officers present from more than a thousand households are included in this list!"

"If you dare to resist the order, Heilongtai will rush into your home, confiscate your home and exterminate your clan!"

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try!"

"Now, retreat immediately!"

"Right away, now!"


at the same time!

Follow the emperor's will.

The Imperial Black Dragon Taiyou Governor personally led the team and led thousands of black cavalry, like wolves and tigers, into the three southern provinces!

The arrests began!

Randomly ransacking homes!

We can't do anything to the Mi family, and we can't do anything to the princes and officials of the three southern provinces?

The emperor did not give the officials and princes of the three southern provinces the opportunity to serve as a backstop.

Civil servants above the county magistrate.

Military generals with more than a thousand households.

Everyone must take sides!

I don't know how many nobles, officials, and generals were pulled out from under the covers, and the emperor's decree was revealed.

I won't give you any time to react, just take a stand immediately.

Are you on the side of His Majesty the Emperor, or on the side of Mi?

If you are loyal to His Majesty the Emperor?

Then immediately assemble the army, join the counter-rebellion army, and go south to counter the rebellion.

What kind of army will do?

City guards? Local militias that maintain order, all are fine.

In short, the more people, the better.

Don't delay for a moment, the officers of the Black Dragon Platform will watch you do it the whole time.

Don't agree? !

That's disobeying the order.

Kill them immediately, confiscate their property and exterminate their clan.

Suddenly, the entire three southern provinces were covered with blood and heads were rolling.


Note: The first update is here, I'll eat something, and then write the second update!

Benefactors, can you give me the guaranteed monthly ticket for April? Thank you all!

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