I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 232: Cleansing the Mi clan! Killing so many people!

Yingzhou Governor's Mansion became Yingque's temporary residence.

All the senior executives held meetings in the study room.

At this time, more than 200,000 troops were still entering the city one after another.

The entire Yingzhou people welcomed him warmly, and the scene was very touching.

Ying Que also appeared in public for several hours and summoned representatives from all walks of life in Yingzhou.

And accompanied hundreds of elderly people to have a light meal.

The hundreds of thousands of people in Yingzhou City showed no resistance to Yingque's move.

On the contrary, it is full of harmony and expectation.


The next day.

In the study room.

Outside, Yingque always smiled, but once he entered the study, his entire face turned serious.

"First of all, things did not go exactly as we expected. The battle of Yingzhou did not break out." Ying Que said: "At that time, King Mi did not expect that we would give up Yingzhou and use blitzkrieg to attack Tiannan Road and Hongtu City. And we I didn’t expect that King Mi would completely give up on Yingzhou without any resistance.”

"So...you must be mentally prepared. The other two of the three southern provinces have either fallen or will fall soon."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed slightly.

"Just wait, there should be news soon."

Then, the whole place fell into silence.

Because this is a very critical prerequisite, everything that follows must be judged based on this matter.

A quarter of an hour later!

A figure walked in quickly.

This is the southern governor of Heilongtai, Lei Lei En, who came in quickly, knelt down and kowtowed: "King of Zhennan, Miyou's army entered Jiangdong Province from the sea and the river. The high-ranking officials of Jiangnan Province drove straight in, with almost no resistance. ”

"Our Heilongtai secret strongholds in two provinces were attacked."

"All 60,000 troops stationed in the two provinces surrender to Miyou!"

"Some of the officials and nobles of the two provinces fled, some were captured, and most chose to remain silent."

"In two days at most, these two provinces will all fall and be completely occupied by the Miyou rebels!"

Sure enough, it came!

He is truly worthy of being King Mi!

Yingque's side ignored Yingzhou and used blitzkrieg to win Tiannan Road.

On King Mi's side, regardless of winning the state, he also used blitzkrieg to win Jiangdong and Jiangnan provinces.

It took ten days to win.

King Mi can only use it for two days at most.

The capture process went very smoothly, with almost no decent resistance.

In fact, Mi's army has been lurking in these two provinces for a long time. At critical moments, they can just raise their flags.

Moreover, the officials and nobles of these two provinces had long been penetrated by King Mi through economic and political means.

Of course, the key is the contribution of Sky Bookstore.


King Mi created another miracle and captured two provinces in two days.

Extremely decisive and without hesitation.

Previously, because of his refusal to implement the Zhenhai Agreement, the emperor directly issued an order to label Mi You as a traitor.

At this time, Miyou simply did not stop doing anything.

But even if you can fly, you can't capture two provinces in two days.

How long has this been planned?

God knows how many armies changed their banners on the spot? Conspiracy on the spot.

Feinting before winning.

King Mi was also feinting.

Now King Mi has one East China Sea Province, one Jiangdong Province, and one Jiangnan Province.

In Yingque's hands, he has a Tianshui Province and a Tiannan Road.

The two strategic masters fully demonstrated the strategy of you fighting yours and I fighting mine.

The whole place was completely economical.

Duke Xia Yan said: "I still can't understand why King Mi directly handed over Yingzhou and showed no resistance in Tianshui Province? Although we have more than 200,000 troops surrounding Yingzhou, King Mi is definitely not without the power to fight. ”

Ning Dao said: "I have always felt that the battle of Yingzhou will definitely break out. I even think that King Mi will even fight hard and concentrate on one or two big victories to suppress the prestige of His Majesty the Emperor and suppress Duke Yingque. The myth of being undefeated, and then Sky Bookstore came forward again to force King Mi to hand over Yingzhou. "

Shen Wuzhuo said: "I think so too. This will not only safeguard the reputation and credibility of Sky Bookstore, but also suppress the prestige of His Majesty the Emperor and the Lord."

In fact, everyone in the Yingqi camp believes that they can fight, and they are ready to fight hard.

Even if King Mi sends troops to occupy Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province, it will not prevent him from fighting Yingque in Yingzhou. He has the ability.

At this time, Zeng Wendao kowtowed outside and said: "King Zhennan, I am guilty, I am guilty!"

Ying Que was stunned and said, "Master Zeng, please come in."

Then, Zeng Wendao was seen naked, with thorns on his back, and blood all over his body. He knelt down in front of Ying Que and said: "King Zhennan, I am guilty, I am guilty! Jiangdong Province, Jiangnan Province, were I exploited him too hard and aroused the resentment of the people, so they all surrendered to the rebellious Mi You without any resistance. I am willing to be cut to pieces in order to show the anger of the people. "

In the past year, Zeng Wendao inspected the three southern provinces, holding Shangfang's sword in hand, and with the full cooperation of Heilongtai, he attacked Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province. He didn't know how many landowners were forced, how many businessmen went bankrupt, and he didn't know how to arrest them. How many gang members are there, if the army is missing.

This is a cool official.

A super capable and cruel official, in this year, he collected countless gold and silver, countless grains and materials from the two provinces, and continuously transported them to Baiguling and Zhenhai City.

His reputation in the two provinces was so bad that it was criticized by thousands of people.

At this time, the two provinces fell directly, and he was really scared.

In other words, he is very smart and uses retreat as an opportunity to advance. He first bears the thorn and pleads guilty, and does not need to win the vacancy and unload the grinding wheel to kill the donkey.

Ying Que said calmly: "Master Zeng, it is my will to plunder the two provinces. You are just the executor. What crime are you guilty of? In addition, I know that in the court, there will be countless civil and military ministers who impeach you, and they will yell at you to beat you and kill you." There are countless censors, but don’t worry, nothing will happen to you!”

Zeng Wendao kowtows and bleeds: "At the critical moment, I can be pushed out and beheaded to vent my anger."

Ying Que said: "I told you, nothing will happen to you. There will be no birds hiding, no rabbits dying and dogs being cooked."

Zeng Wendao, a traitor who once served King Mi and before his death killed his wife and joined the emperor, fell to his knees on the ground and burst into tears and said: "I am so grateful that I will shed tears of gratitude and my body will be broken to pieces. I will not hesitate to do so."

Ying Que said: "There are a lot of things and I'm very busy. Just go ahead."

Zeng Wendao kowtowed again and said, "I take my leave!"


Duke Xia Yan said: "Xiao Que, what should we do next? Are we going to lead the army north to recover the Jiangnan and Jiangdong provinces?"

Ying Que shook his head and said: "No need. In the next time, we will concentrate all our efforts on running Tiannan Province and building Yingzhou's defense line. Then, wait for the world to be turned upside down!"

Prince Lian asked: "King Zhennan, according to your judgment, will Sky Book City end this time?"

Ying Que said: "This time I won't go down directly. I will act as a referee from above and secretly support King Mi in fighting a proxy war with us."

Next, Yingque closed his eyes and entered into the final verification and thinking.

Exactly a quarter of an hour later, he opened his eyes and came to the map.

"We have only one strategic goal in the future. There will be no war in Winning Province, there will be no war in Tianshui Province, and there will be no war in Tiannan Road!"

"The place for the decisive battle is here!" Yingque's finger pointed directly at the East China Sea Province.

This is the most mysterious province in name in the Daxia Empire.

Alone overseas, it is also the home of the Mi family.

"So next, concentrate all resources and prepare for two wars."

"A naval battle, a landing battle."

"If we win this battle, the emperor will be stable, and the Daxia Empire will be stable."

"If we lose this battle, the Great Xia Empire will officially change hands."


Next up!

The entire Eastern world was in complete shock.

Countless people, countless officials, and all nobles have been hit by unprecedented impacts.

The situation developed too quickly.

The expected battle to win the state did not break out.

However, King Mi braved the disapproval of the world and occupied Jiangdong and Jiangnan provinces.

Is King Mi crazy? !

Is he really planning to openly rebel?

Do we really want to make the separatism public?

And Sky Bookstore, after regaining its great honor and the trust of countless scholars around the world.

He completely concealed all traces and made no more noise.

And inside Xia Jing's court, the situation was even more turbulent.

The first is the blood letter sent by Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province.

Accusing Zeng Wendao of its evil deeds in these two provinces is simply a cuckoo's cry of blood and a loss of conscience.

In just one year, he forced many families to die, and how many landlords and businessmen went bankrupt?

With the cooperation of Heilongtai, he arrested many people and created many unjust cases.

The public resentment boils and the sky is dark.

The reason why Miyou's army successfully occupied these two provinces this time was that Zeng Wendao's crime was unforgivable.

If he hadn't tortured these two provinces so hard that the people were in dire straits, when Miyou sent troops to occupy these two provinces, why did the defenders of the two provinces choose to surrender without any resistance?

Immediately, the memorial flew into the palace like snowflakes.

There is only one content: to capture Zeng Wendao and cut him to pieces to eliminate public grievances.

The emperor kept them all in check.

She knew all too well the routines of these officials.

It's easy to catch one Zeng Wendao, but you can catch a bunch of them in one go.

Who asked Zeng Wendao to do this? Of course it is Zhennan Wang Yingque.

After killing Zeng Wendao, should we deal with Ying Que?

In the court, I don’t know how many officials are supported by Mi You, let alone how many officials are devoted to the Sky Bookstore.

As a result, more memorials and more blood letters were sent into the palace from far away.

The scholar’s ​​knocking ceremony began.

The old man started to knock on the que.

Thousands of scholars went on a hunger strike in front of the palace, weeping and bleeding.

Thousands of elderly people over the age of sixty also came to the palace to go on a hunger strike.

Please His Majesty the Emperor deal with the traitorous ministers and calm down the resentment of the people in Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province. The people's support in these two provinces still lies in the imperial court, not in Miyou.

Attacking the heart is the top, attacking is the bottom.

Huge pressure was rolling towards the emperor.

A very familiar routine.

Ying Que also used it not long ago.

Just a few days ago it was working great.

At least on the surface, it made Sky Book City very embarrassed. Tens of thousands of scholars almost invaded Tianshui Academy and planted the banner of the reformists on Tongtian Pavilion.

At least on the surface, it forced Fu Caiwei to step down, and even forced Jiang Shouzong to step down.

What now? !

It's your Majesty's turn.

So, it's really a double-edged sword.

It feels so good when you kill others, but it hurts so much when you cut yourself.

This group of righteous and passionate scholars can be used by Ying Que and the emperor, as well as by King Mi and Sky Bookstore.

The monk can touch the little nun’s head, but I can’t?

The whole situation is getting worse and worse.

More and more scholars came to the palace to kowtow.

More and more elderly people are coming to go on hunger strike.

Five days later!

Deaths finally began to appear.

The four old men fell to the ground dead of hunger.

Suddenly, countless scholars became angry.

Your Majesty the Emperor, you are too cold-blooded and too condescending.

When we went to besiege Tianshui Academy, what was the attitude of Sky Bookstore?

Fu Caiwei stepped down directly, and Jiang Shouzong stepped down directly.

We forcefully forced Sky Bookstore to express its stance and asked him to force King Mi to hand over Yingzhou.

For such a big matter, Sky Bookstore even backed down and responded to our call.

Now, we just ask you to kill Zeng Wendao, a traitorous official who killed his wife for glory, and you are not willing?

Your Majesty, where do you place the people's hearts?

Are we being trampled to the ground by you when we are so loyal?

We are so passionate, are we just thrown into the pit?

Suddenly, the inner balance of countless people once again moved towards Sky Book City.

Sky Bookstore truly deserves to be the belief of Eastern civilization and the pillar of the world.

How noble and honest, how understanding of the people's hearts?

His Majesty the Emperor?

Zeng Wen Dao caused harm to the two provinces, with numerous crimes that are too numerous to describe. If you don’t kill such a traitorous minister, will you chill the people of the two provinces and chill the whole world?

Your Majesty, how foolish you are? !

It is true that people's hearts are like water and people's movements are like smoke.

The last moment, I lifted you up to heaven.

The next moment, you may be stepped on.

However, this group of people is indeed the most righteous, righteous from the heart.

Even their blood is precious and is the foundation of the entire civilization.


His Majesty the Emperor still ignored the memorial to deal with Zengwen Island.

Instead, he directly ordered Li Ruhui, deputy envoy of the Privy Council, to lead an army directly to attack Jiangdong Province, and to attack from the north and south with King Yingque of Zhennan to regain Jiangdong and Jiangnan provinces.

Moreover, His Majesty the Emperor issued several explicit edicts one after another.

Reveal Miyou’s ten deadly sins.

Completely designated as a thief of the country and a thief of Eastern civilization.

Anyone who sees a member of the Mi family will be killed directly without any reporting.

Order the civil and military officials of the world, order the army of the world, and punish the rebellious ministers and traitors.

Order the nobles of the world to assemble private armies to recover the country.

Ordered all the garrisons around Jiangdong and Jiangnan provinces to start gathering troops and attack the two provinces at any time.

Order Heilongtai to arrest the remaining members of the Mi family throughout the empire, confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans!

Even if the emperor did not kill Zeng Wendao at this time, many people would be dissatisfied.

But at least for now, His Majesty the Emperor's prestige is still at its peak.

He leads the Empire, fresh off two huge victories.

A great victory in Kyoto and a great victory in Tiannan Road.

It brought a huge boost to the people of the Daxia Empire.

Therefore, follow the emperor's will.

The entire Great Xia Empire was still functioning.

Li Ruhui, deputy envoy of the Privy Council, led an army of 150,000 and began to accelerate towards Jiangdong Province.

On the way, local generals, local officials, and local garrison troops continued to join Li Ruhui's army in suppressing the rebellion.

This counter-rebellion army has not yet arrived in Jiangdong Province, and its numbers have already begun to surge.

The butcher knife of Heilongtai once again began to show its power.

Like wolves and tigers, they rushed into Mi's industrial estates throughout the empire.

Massive killing.

Anyone born in the Mi family, whether they were domestic slaves or outsiders, did not need to be arrested and were killed on the spot.

All Mi's property was confiscated.

Of course, in the past two years, Mi has worked very hard to shrink its industry.

A large number of troops were all withdrawn to the East China Sea Province.

However, it is impossible to completely remove it. Many basic structures still need to be maintained, and there are still many people scattered outside.

In just a few days, countless people died.

Mi's properties and secret bases across the country were uprooted one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the officials held captive by Mi were arrested one by one.

Xia Jing's execution ground never stopped every day.

Wave after wave of beheadings.

There were so many killings that the whole ground was stained red with blood. From high-ranking officials of second and third rank to undercover agents, they were all taken to the execution ground.

However, there was no resistance to this.

Both the people and the scholars were shouting, "Well done."

They requested and even forced His Majesty the Emperor to kill Zeng Wendao, but this did not mean that they were on Miyou's side.

Miyou led his army to occupy Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province. This was a shameful conspiracy.

No matter how much you kill, you all deserve it.


In front of the palace!

There are already tens of thousands of scholars knocking at the palace.

Thousands of elderly people went on hunger strike, and some of them could no longer hold on, but more and more people were starving to death.

Except for a very small number of people who starve to death, they are manipulated by conspirators or poor scapegoats.

Most of the people who starved to death were truly loyal and wanted to retaliate to His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Come out."

"Your Majesty, come out and meet your loyal people."

"Your Majesty, how cruel? How foolish?"

At this time, the palace door opened.

His Majesty the Emperor came forward.

Suddenly, the whole place stopped.

Everyone knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live my emperor."

Tens of thousands of people all knelt down.

This proves that the great prestige and popular support brought to the emperor by these two great victories are still there.

Then, an old man tremblingly handed over a blood letter and said: "Your Majesty, this old man is also from Jiangdong Province and moved to the capital. This is a blood letter written by the people of our Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province in the capital. Zeng Wendao In the two provinces, numerous crimes have been committed. Please obey the people and punish the traitors. "

The emperor took the blood letter and read it carefully.

Then, the emperor smiled and said: "Do you know who this Zeng Wendao is?"

"He used to be from Miyou, and he was married to the Mi family's daughter. A year and a half ago, he abandoned the Mi family and became loyal to me."

"He actually has no backing. In order to comply with the popular sentiment, it is very easy for me to kill him. It is easier than killing an ant. Countless people will be friends with him without any consequences."

"But what happens after the killing? He went to Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province to do errands under my order and the order of King Zhennan."

"Furthermore, the materials, food, and personnel obtained by Zeng Wendao from the two provinces were all transported to Zhenhai City and to the territory of King Zhennan. If Zeng Wendao is killed, will the next step be to convict King Zhennan? ?”

"After convicting Zhennan Wang Yingque, are you going to convict me?"

As soon as these words came out, all the scholars and all the old people were stunned. We didn't have this intention.

The emperor continued: "Students in the world are all righteous and passionate. Not long ago, you just completed a great cause. You forced Sky Book City to fulfill the Zhenhai Agreement."

"In the face of your siege, Sky Bookstore did not use force. Instead, it asked Fu Caiwei to step down and Jiang Shouzong to step down."

"And you just came to knock on the palace, not to besiege the palace, and you didn't use trebuchets. But I turned a deaf ear and seemed so arrogant and ignorant, and I was at odds with Sky Book City."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

How can an emperor openly say that he is stupid?

The emperor continued: "You are passionate and righteous, but you cannot see many things clearly, not because you are not smart, but because your position is not high enough. I firmly believe that there will be many pillars of the country among you in the future. Please continue to maintain this justice and passion , I hope you will not forget your original intention.”

"Finally, it's impossible for me to kill or capture Zeng Wendao."

"If you want to pour out your anger, you can attack the palace. I guarantee that there will be no resistance from any of the guards."

"But I will never kill Zeng Wendao."

"If you think I am a foolish king, you can rush into the palace and drive me away."

"If you think I'm not that dim yet, just go back and wait quietly."

"Waiting for the final truth to be revealed."

"In other words, waiting for the rebels to see their plans."

"I hope that by then, I can say goodbye to you properly."

After speaking, the emperor turned and returned to the palace.

The palace door was just open.

The guards inside were motionless.

All the scholars outside were silent.

Then, a large number of scholars began to retreat.

In fact, they could not understand or understand what the emperor said.

Because their position is too low, they can't really see clearly.

However, they could feel the emotion, the calm and decisive attitude of His Majesty the Emperor.

Especially the last sentence scared everyone.

I hope that by then, I can say goodbye to you properly.


February 23rd!

The 200,000-strong army of Li Ruhui, deputy envoy of the Privy Council, approached the city and came to Jianzhou, a large city in the north of Jiangdong Province.

Five days later!

Two hundred thousand counter-rebellion troops surrounded Jiangdong Jianzhou.

As long as an order is given, an army of 200,000 will begin to attack the city!

Li Ruhui said loudly and kindly: "Where are the generals of the Jianzhou garrison? I have come here to eliminate the rebellion. Please immediately put down your arms and surrender. Except for the direct descendants of the Mi family, everyone else will let bygones be bygones."

"I'm counting down to ten. If you don't surrender, the army will attack the city and everything will be destroyed!"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared on the top of the city.

King Mi!

That old friend who once made countless people feel like a breath of fresh air.

Li Ruhui was horrified, King Mi was actually in Jianzhou? !

"Privy Li, are you okay?" King Mi said with a smile.

Li Ruhui said in a cold voice: "Miyou is rebellious. You are crazy and raising your troops to rebel. We are at odds with you and we will cut off our robes and end our righteousness!"

King Mi slowly said: "Envoy Li, I, Mi You, am loyal to the imperial family. I sent troops to occupy Jiangdong and Jiangnan provinces not for rebellion. It was for the sake of the Great Xia Empire to preserve the last vestige of vitality and the last glimmer of hope."

"Envoy Privy Li, if you are loyal to the empire and loyal to the Xia family's thousand-year imperial tradition, you should join me in participating in this grand event and protect the Xia family's thousand-year tradition."

Li Ruhui said: "At this time, you still talk nonsense. It's really ridiculous."

Then, he raised his right hand high, ready to order an attack on the city.

At this time, Prince Mi said word by word in front of everyone: "Li Shumishi, the current emperor is not the real emperor at all. He is a painted skin, he is a thief of the country, he is the real traitor."

"The current emperor is fake!"


Note: Finally finished writing, I took sleeping pills and went to sleep! Let me sleep well, I will get up tomorrow to write and update early.

It's the last day of this month. If you have a monthly ticket and don't have other books to vote for, then give it to me, don't waste it.

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