Martial arts master Jiumogang was speechless for a long time, and said tremblingly: "Mr. Xu Enzheng, I remember that you also chose martial arts at that time. How is your martial arts talent?"

Xu Enzheng said: "My master said that I am one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand."

Jiumoka said: "Then how long did it take you to become a seventh-grade warrior?"

Xu Enzheng said: "I don't want fame and I don't want martial arts, so I didn't take the martial arts level test. But it probably took me seven years."

Jiumoka said: "I am considered a genius, one of a kind. It took me three years and one hundred and thirty-seven days from scratch to become a seventh-level warrior."

Jiumogang didn't finish his words. It took him three and a half years to become a martial arts genius.

And the perfect time left is only ten days!

Isn't this just fun?

Isn't this a joke?

Wuque said: "My talent is very, very, very, very high, whether it is my bones or my spiritual veins, they are all very high."

Jiumoka said: "No matter how high you are, it's useless. In ten days, from scratch to a seventh-level warrior, this is completely beyond the world view and martial arts view."

It's just a fantasy, a fantasy.

Fu Baoshi suddenly said: "The mountain chief just said that no matter the cost, so..."

Wen Daozi said: "During this period, Wuque is studying other subjects. So we still have time to think and find a way. First make crazy and bold ideas, and then carefully verify. Any way..."

At this point, Wen Daozi paused for a moment and said: "Any method is fine. Let's think about it together and go back to the history of martial arts for thousands of years. Find a bizarre and extraordinary martial arts path. Regardless of the cost, abandon everything. moral values, worldview..."

Everyone present said: "Here!"

Then, Wen Daozi said: "Mr. Menjief, don't waste any time, start your alchemy teaching immediately. No matter how well you learn, it will end in five days, and your perfect academic performance will be assessed and accepted!"

Master Alchemist Menjef said: "Yes!"

Then, he said to Wuque: "Please come with me!"

Then he left the hall and headed to the courtyard where he was, and Wu Que followed him.

Upon hearing that Daozi immediately went down the mountain to find a way to treat Mr. Jingyu.

Wuque said: "Chief Shan, I will try my best to save Mr. Jingyu."

Wen Daozi said: "No, you focus on studying and don't be distracted. Mr. Jingyu is not sick, but his soul has been injured. I'm going to find the Onmyoji. Mi Daoyuan really spent a lot of money to kill them all. But people are not as good as God. Forget it, who knew you would come out of nowhere."

Then, hearing Daozi's feet, he floated directly down the mountain.

Master Jiumogang bowed to everyone and immediately went to the Sutra Cave to find a way to achieve a breakthrough in martial arts in countless martial arts classics.

Mr. Xu Enzheng also returned to his library and began to sort out the complete collection of policy papers. He had to prepare a thousand articles.

Everyone present put aside all their affairs and concentrated all their efforts to serve one person.

All for the city exam!

Integrity is their flag and hope.


In Menjeff’s yard.

There are five books on the table, as well as several thick textbooks, and they are all reading quickly.

Master Alchemist Men Jeff stood in front of the whiteboard, holding a charcoal pen in his hand, waiting seriously, ready to ask questions at any time.

Wu Que discovered that the content of the alchemy textbook was not like that of Jingyi, which was a total of eleven books with more than one million words.

There are a total of eight alchemy textbooks, and there are a lot of pictures in them, which add up to more than 300,000 words.

Therefore, after just a few hours, all eight textbooks were read.

This is not a subject of classics and meanings. You need to memorize every word and sentence. In the alchemy textbook, you only need to remember some key points.

Next, Wu Que began to read the handouts.

There are also a lot of pictures here and a lot more words.

But there is no need to memorize them all. People who understand can almost read them at a glance.

So after just one day and two nights, Wu Que finished reading all the alchemy textbooks and lecture notes.

He discovered that the alchemy of this world is very special.

Some contents are just at the level of middle and high schools on modern Earth. But there is a small part of the content that has been studied very, very profoundly, even beyond the level of a master's degree or even a doctorate on the modern earth.

Especially the content about the practice pills is more beyond the scope of geochemistry research. Of course, the proportion of this part of the content is very, very low.

Seeing him reading the textbooks and handouts in detail, Menjief felt a little heartbroken and a little unhappy.

Because these lecture notes are completely the crystallization of his wisdom, he contributed them without reservation, but he did not cherish the perfect method. He just flipped through them casually, as if someone had picked up a top secret book like the "Nine Yin Manual", but only I am concerned about whether there is any in it.

"Master Wuque, alchemy and classics are completely different. The textbook only covers the most basic content, and memorizing it by rote is completely useless. The key is to understand the inner laws, and then derive and think about it." Menjef said.

On this point, Wu Que couldn’t be more clear.

I can barely memorize and memorize junior high school chemistry.

When it comes to high school chemistry, rote memorization is almost useless, and it depends on understanding and calculation. But in college, master's degree in chemistry is already very difficult and depends entirely on comprehension and thinking.

"And my lecture notes become more and more difficult as they go on. Not to mention for beginners, even for some excellent academies of the alchemy department of Tianshui College, reading my lecture notes is like reading a book of heaven." Menjief said: "So it's useless for you to flip through it hastily."

Wu Que nodded, closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then flipped through Menjief's lecture notes again.

He found that Menjief was an absolute chemistry genius.

To be honest, the level of these alchemy textbooks is average. They are all basic content, and there are some vague expressions and even errors.

The most important thing is that the content of these textbooks is very simple, and there is little exploration of the internal laws of chemistry.

However, in Menjief's lecture notes, a lot of exploration of the internal laws of chemistry has begun.

Even, Wu Que felt that he saw the dawn of the prototype of the periodic table.

So, this alchemy master is really awesome.

So you don't need to read the textbooks, just read Menjief's lecture notes.

"Master Wuque, do you have any questions for me?" Master Menjiefu asked again.

Wuque shook his head and said, "Not for now, because your handouts have been very clear."

Master Menjiefu felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

Alchemy is a very profound and even weird subject. Just reading the text is not enough. It requires a profound explanation from a brilliant teacher and a lot of experiments to make a talented student master it as much as possible.

Some of the contents in the handouts took him several years or even more than ten years to comprehend.

It can be said that most excellent alchemists can't even understand it. How can you, Wuque, understand it? And you say it's very clear?

The threshold of this kind of knowledge is so high that studying for ten years is just the beginning. You flip through the handouts so quickly, don't ask questions, and don't let me explain. What kind of learning is this?

It took a few more hours.

Wuque went through Menjiefu's handouts again.

In the end, he was sure that his understanding and attainments of chemistry were still beyond this world. Even if there are some areas that are inferior, they are very few.

The only thing is to put your own chemical knowledge into the shell of alchemy in this world.

Use the system and terms of alchemy to reinterpret chemistry.

Finally, Wuque closed the lecture notes, closed all the textbooks, and put them on the table.

"Teacher Menjief, I have finished learning alchemy." Wuque said.

Menjief trembled slightly and said, "This... I have finished learning it?"

It was ridiculous to say that you can finish learning alchemy within five days before, and now only two days and two nights have passed.

Wuque nodded and said, "Yes."

Menjief said, "Do you know that alchemy is profound and obscure, and rote memorization is almost useless. In the big exam, you can only get 15 points at most."

Wuque said, "I know.

Menjief said, "Then you don't have any questions for me? Don't you have anything you don't understand to ask me?"

Wuque shook his head and said, "For the time being, there is nothing I don't understand to ask you. ”

Big talk is ridiculous!

In this world, even the most talented alchemist needs the guidance of a famous teacher.

Because the so-called alchemy is a mysterious subject that cannot be explained clearly with words and pictures. Anyone who studies this subject is like groping in a forest at night, surrounded by traps, darkness, and no direction.

Without the guidance of a famous teacher, anyone will be lost and confused.

You just read the textbooks and handouts and say you understand?

This kind of learning attitude is really discouraging and desperate.

Isn't it too careless and absurd for Mr. Wen Daozi to regard this Mr. Wuque as a life-saving straw?

But if someone is unwilling to learn and is not humble, you can't force him to learn, right?

Master Menjiefu said: "You said that you have learned everything about alchemy and don't need to learn anymore, right?"

Wuque said: "Although we set the time to five days before, I have mastered it within two days and don't need to learn anymore. "

Menjief closed his eyes in pain, then opened them and took a long breath and said: "Okay, okay, let's take the test. But I want to make it clear that alchemy not only has theoretical exams, but also operational experiments, each accounting for half. "


Note: The second update is here. Do you still have recommendation tickets and monthly tickets? Vote for me.

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