I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 29: Deepest Love! Lost My Love Forever

"You can't kill me." Wuque remained calm and calm in the face of the sharp and terrifying teeth.

"Why?" said the big devil Xiang Wentian: "I have only been conceited in this life, and have nothing left. Conscience, integrity, morality, etc., nothing. I can't do anything? Nothing can stop me. Kill you, nothing can stop me from eating you, hahahahaha..."

Wuque said slowly: "Your wife cuckolded you, and your son is not your biological son, but you have been tracking down countless people for more than ten years and have killed countless people, but you still haven't found the man who cuckolded you, right? Don't let it go. If you don’t find out the adulterer, you won’t be able to live with your eyes open for this mystery, right? This is your biggest obsession.”

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Wentian was stunned.

The whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning!

He...he wasn't originally like this.

He is also a genius in the academy, with great brilliance and a bright future.

He also has a wife who is beautiful, gentle and loving.

However, such a beautiful and gentle wife, whom he regarded as his treasure, betrayed him and made him a cuckold.

Suddenly, Xiang Wentian, the proud son of heaven, collapsed, and his world collapsed.

He began to fall, sliding into darkness.

In the end, he became the big devil being chased by the school city.

He personally killed his wife and his son who was not his biological son, but his biggest enemy was not found.

He spent half his life looking for the adulterer and wanted to cut him into pieces.

But it was never found.

In this life, he will never die with his eyes in peace.

Therefore, Wuque's words immediately hit the fatal spot in his heart.

"You, you know?" Xiang Wentian said hoarsely.


"Who? Tell me, tell me!" Xiang Wentian said: "Who is the adulterer?"

"Your mentor Mi Daoyuan!" Wuque said.

"No, it's impossible!" Xiang Wentian roared: "Absolutely impossible, you are just making it up. I know that Wen Daozi and Mi Daoyuan were fighting each other to the death, so you just made up a name in order to move the disaster eastward. ”

Wu Que said slowly: "Mi Daoyuan is your teacher and your benefactor. You were born as a commoner. He discovered your genius, accepted you as his disciple, and changed your destiny. On the Mid-Autumn Festival twenty-five years ago , you and your wife entertained your mentor Mi Daoyuan at home. You got drunk and fell unconscious. Your mentor Mi Daoyuan raped... your beautiful wife and warned your wife if she dared to leak it. If I get out, I will kill you. So, your wife would rather die than tell his name."

Suddenly, Xiang Wentian trembled all over and shouted: "Impossible, impossible, you are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense..."

"You loved that child very much until he was five years old. But after you found out that he was not your biological child, you first asked your wife who the adulterer was. Your wife would rather die than tell you, so you slapped your wife to death. Then. You go to kill the child with a knife. He is sleepy in bed. When he sees you, he calls out "Dad" and opens his hand for you to hug. You drop the knife and cut off the child's left arm. The child bursts into tears and uses another arm. He opened his right arm for you to hold, but you couldn't bear to do anything again, so you picked him up and threw him on the roadside. It was freezing and you wanted him to freeze to death outside. "

"But the child didn't die. He was taken away and lived until five years ago. I was the one who laid his body to rest."

Xiang Wentian roared: "Impossible, impossible, you lied, you lied..."

Wuque said slowly: "Your son's favorite story is Li Biao's fight against the tiger, and his favorite song is Mother Eating Fruit. The sole of his left foot is not itchy no matter how much he scratches it, but the sole of his right foot is itchy at the slightest touch... "

"Stop talking, I've been told..." Xiang Wentian roared, his mouth was full of blood, and his eye sockets were cracked and bleeding.

Next, he was wailing.

Wuque said slowly: "Your wife is still beautiful, pure, and loyal. The reason why she didn't tell the so-called adulterer was to protect your life. She has always loved you unchanging. Your son, Although your blood is not flowing in his body,... in his heart, you are his only father. "

"Stop talking, please stop talking..." Wentian lay on the ground and twitched desperately.

His world collapsed and coalesced again.

However, everything that was good about him before seems to have returned.

His wife has not betrayed him, and his worldview has not been subverted.

His life was not in vain.

The emotion he gave and the love he gave were worth it.

The inner world he maintained was not really destroyed in the end.

No...part of it still collapsed. Mi Daoyuan, the sanctimonious hypocrite, and his mentor, is a beast!

A beast inferior to a pig or a dog.

After a long while, Wentian gradually became quiet.

"Is your name Wuque?"

No flaws.

"How did my child die?" Wentian asked tremblingly.

Wuque said: "Lung disease."

Wentian burst into tears again, and said tremblingly: "Blame me, blame me, for throwing him outside in the cold weather."

Then, he asked: "Then... did he live well when he was alive?"

Wuque said: "I don't know what to say. He never married. He was a very good painter. He hung around brothels and had countless beauties, but he didn't leave any heirs. But he was generally free and unrestrained in his life."

Wentian said hoarsely: "That's good, that's good. It's better to live a day of leisurely life than to live in inaction and be poor for a lifetime."

Then, Wentian said: "You agree to my request."

Wuque said: "I will do it if you don't tell me to cut Mi Daoyuan into thousands of pieces."

"Okay, okay, okay..." Wentian said: "I can't leave this prison for even half a step in this life, and I can't take revenge myself. But if my disciple can kill him, this life will not be in vain. It's pitiful. My pure cotton girl, take pity on my child..."

"Mi Daoyuan, you destroyed me, you destroyed me..."

"You beast, you don't deserve a good death, you don't deserve a good death..."

Xiang Wentian calmed down again and said slowly: "Everyone in the world thought that I destroyed the "Star Absorbing Technique" scroll, but in fact there was no scroll at all, hahahaha... It's just that they couldn't find the "Star Absorbing Technique" in their lifetime. , I was going to take it to the underground tomb.”

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, sharp claws like hooks, and violently tore his chest open, directly removing a section of his ribs.

This... this is not a rib, but a scroll.

This...this is "Star Absorbing Technique".

This madman actually removed one of his own ribs and hid the scroll inside.

No wonder many people searched countless places but could not find this extremely precious scroll.

"Here!" Wentian handed the scroll to Wuque.

This is "Star Absorption Technique", one of the top secrets of the Dark Academy, a priceless treasure.

After Wu Que took it, he put it on the ground and took out a needle and thread to sew Wentian's wound.

This scene made Wentian feel warm inside.

This kid, the first thing he cared about was my injury, not this priceless secret book.

"How is your relationship with that kid of mine?" Wentian couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know what to say." Wu Que said: "We often drink together and sleep in graveyards together. But there are a lot of messy things. He is very talented and I am handsome. So in the brothel, the women who like me are more Too much, he doesn’t like me.”

"Hahahaha..." Wentian said: "This is a life-long friendship. The friendship between you reminds me of my only friend. His name is Wang Lianhua. He is the only person I trust in this world. Because he can trust me with his life. Our friendship has passed the test of life and death."

"At that time, as long as he handed me over, he could obtain the wealth and power in the sky, but he didn't, and his legs were broken alive. From that moment on, I regarded him as a brother."

Soon, the wounds of the big devil Wentian were sutured.

"Okay, don't waste time, start learning "Star Absorbing Technique"." Wentian said: "First of all, this is the top secret book of the Dark Academy. It requires the top root bone and the top spiritual vein talent to learn, otherwise He will go crazy and explode to death."

"There were hundreds of people who saw this secret book at that time, so most of the people who wanted to learn this secret book died, a few were disabled, and some became idiots."

"The talent I had back then was definitely one in a hundred thousand, an absolute genius!"

"It took me three years to learn the "Star Absorbing Technique", and I learned it all by myself." Wentian said: "You can save a lot of time with my guidance. Even if you are a genius, we It’s best to learn this star-absorbing technique within two years, because it’s unknown whether I will still be alive after two years.”

"You open the "Star Absorbing Technique" scroll." Xiang Wentian said.

Wuque slowly unfolded the scroll, and then fell silent.

"What's wrong?" Xiang Wentian asked.

Wuque opened the entire scroll completely and said, "Senior, this scroll is blank."

Xiang Wentian exclaimed: "No, it's impossible."

After that, he grabbed the scroll and looked over it over and over.


A blank.

Suddenly, Xiang Wentian almost went crazy.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He remembered clearly that he hid the scroll in his ribs and never opened it after that?

Why is it missing?

Why was it replaced?

What happened?


Xiang Wentian suddenly lost all reason and fell into madness.

He obviously has nothing left, and the only thing left is the "Star Absorbing Technique" scroll. Why is even this top secret book missing now?

Then, he violently tore the blank scroll into pieces.

The fragments fell everywhere.

Wu Que's only hope seemed to be shattered.


Note: This is the first update. Remember to give me the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from my benefactor, okay? Thank you everyone

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