I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 291 Ying Que slaughtered the British prince! The Holy Queen trembled!

Inside Jiangdu Tongtian Pavilion!

The witch Luo Meng told all the shocking bad news to the Holy Queen Di Ning and the first sect Xiong Xin.

From beginning to end, nothing is hidden.

Then, the entire Tongten Pavilion fell into deathly silence. The Holy Queen's eyes trembled slightly.

After a long while, Xiong Xin, the first disciple of Sky Bookstore, trembled and said: "This...how is this possible? How is this possible?"

Although he had said before that Ying Que offered the East China Sea Province and offered the blood domain, could it be a conspiracy?

But that's just talk.

Deep down, he didn't feel there was a trap inside.

It's really impossible.

Witch Luo Meng is absolutely sure that no one in the room has entered the blood realm in the past six months. And it completely collapsed, making it impossible to get in. Luo Meng took more than a thousand people and spent a lot of effort to re-enter the blood realm after the drastic changes.

Ying Que has never entered, and neither have any of his subordinates.

How was this trap set?

But this is not the most terrifying thing, because what is even more terrifying is Ying Que’s grasp of people’s hearts.

When Emperor Yongchang invited him to Jiangdu to attend the Eastern Alliance Conference, Yingque knew what the enemy was going to do.

Moreover, almost every step is accurate.

Therefore, during that time, he could obviously go to Mizhou and explore the underground blood realm, but he just didn't go. It seemed that he didn't have time to go.

Because once he went there and offered Mizhou unconditionally, people would think it was a trap.

Therefore, Ying Que not only did not go to Mizhou nor explore the new blood field, but came to Jiangdu in person to take risks and complete the last link of this conspiracy.

Too cruel!

So awesome.

Xiong Xin couldn't help but think of how gloating everyone's eyes were and how cruelly pleased they were when Yingque had no choice but to give up the Donghai Province. You feel that Ying Que is also like today. You finally lost a big loss. You even feel that Ying Que was miserable at that time, like a dog.


Everything is in his calculation.

With one backhand attack, hundreds of thousands of you will be killed.

These are not ordinary hundreds of thousands of people, but the elite forces of Sky Book City and Castlevania.

Xiong Xin suddenly said: "When we put Ying Que under house arrest and forced him to betray Queen Xia Ai and openly pledge allegiance to Her Majesty the Holy Queen, Ying Que once said something. He once thought in his mind that such a great Eastern unity is also very important. Well, if the entire Eastern world really unites to resist foreign enemies, then he is really willing to hand over the East China Sea Province for free. As a result... we regarded his move as a compromise and weakness, so we pressed forward step by step, pushing further and further. We were going to kill him step by step. He felt very sad, so he might have had two choices at that time. If we really wanted to unite the East and build a first line of defense in the East China Sea Province, maybe...he really wouldn't. Detonating the Blood Realm will not kill hundreds of thousands of us."

Luo Meng said: "It is meaningless to talk about this now. There are less than four hours left before the time set by Queen Xia Yi. What should we do? Should we release Ying Que in exchange for our fleet?"

The current situation is that we are holding each other hostage.

Ying Que was placed under house arrest in Jiangdu, but the Sky Book City fleet was surrounded.

One for one.

The first Xiong Xin said: "Are they really not afraid that we will break up the vote? Aren't they afraid that we will kill Ying Que? Although our surrounded fleet is priceless, is it as valuable as Ying Que's? Why does he think we will exchange?"

The Holy Queen still did not speak.

That's right, the value of the besieged Sky Book City fleet cannot be compared to the loss of one person.

But the most important thing is that Yingque cannot die now.

In the Holy Queen's strategy, the snipe and the clam compete for the fishermen's profit, and this point is absolutely impossible to change.

Although Ying Que's army was small in number, it was too powerful.

Therefore, this time when facing the war with the Western Holy See, the winning army must be the first to fight with the Western Holy See. Then both sides will suffer losses, and then Sky Book City will rush out again.

In this super war.

The person who takes action first often ends up with disastrous results. The person who takes action last is the final winner.

This is almost always the case, with few exceptions.

This strategy must not be changed.

So, what will be the consequences if Ying Que is killed or Ying Que is continued to be under house arrest?

Queen Xia Ai will destroy the Sky Book City fleet without hesitation, and then she will lead all the troops to Jiangdu and fight to the death with the Sky Book City.

She will do this, and no one will doubt her will.

She is a far-sighted person, but she is definitely not a pure politician, and she does not put interests first.

Back then, when she and Ying Que were so weak, they dared to directly quarrel with Sky Bookstore.

Now that the power in her and Yingque's hands is so powerful, they don't lack the will to die together.

She didn't care that after both she and Sky Book City were harmed, the Western Holy See would take advantage of it. She kept saying one thing, if we can't hold on to this country even if we work so hard, then it will be destroyed.

Therefore, once you kill Ying Que.

The Holy Queen's strategy and Sky Book City's strategy will completely fail.

It was precisely because of this that Ying Que came to Jiangdu with great arrogance.

Witch Luo Menghan said in a cold voice: "Then can't we dig out his dark eye?"

Holy Queen Di Ning did not speak.

The most precious thing for Ying Que is the devil's hand, but it is no longer in his body at this time.

Just a dark eye? It just has great significance to the witch Luo Meng. It is Luo Meng who has always wanted the Dark Eye.

"No." The Holy Queen said: "If it were the Demon King's hand, I would snatch it away immediately, but the Dark Sky Eye cannot be done now."

Why? !

But Luo Meng didn't ask.

The Holy Empress said: "Let Emperor Yongchang and Prince Ying come over."

After a while!

Emperor Yongchang and Prince Ying came forward and knelt to see the Holy Queen Di Ning.

They were confused and a little uneasy, wondering what happened?

Witch Luo Meng said slowly: "We fell into Ying Que's plan. He detonated the blood field underground in Mizhou. We and the hundreds of thousands of elites in Castlevania were all killed. The elite fleet of Sky Book City was also killed. He was seriously injured by the tsunami and was surrounded by the Yingque fleet and was in danger. "

"Queen Xia Ai gave us six hours, and now there are more than three hours left. When the time is up, if Ying Que does not appear in front of her, she will sink and destroy all the fleets in Sky Book City."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Yongchang and Prince Ying shuddered.

His vision went dark, and his mind became dizzy.

I couldn't believe my ears at all.

This, this, how is this possible?

Is Ying Que a human or a ghost?

He used himself as bait to set up such a big trap?

Is he so bold? Dare to take risks?

He was so courageous that he killed hundreds of thousands of elites in Sky Book City and Castlevania.

No wonder... Castlevania had imprisoned his fleet before, and he endured it without any reaction.

No wonder, everyone forced him to hand over the East China Sea Province, so he just handed it over.

The key is, it's so realistic. That kind of unwillingness, that kind of pain, is 100% real, so the combined fleets of Sky Book City and Castlevania fell into the trap.

Ying Que himself was under house arrest, and Princess Liyang's 20,000 people could not stop the hundreds of thousands of Sky Book City and Castlevania coalition forces.

Isn't it absolutely logical to be forced to hand over the East China Sea Province?

Emperor Yongchang was trembling all over. He felt that he had finally won such a game, but in the end he still lost.

At least he presided over the entire Eastern Alliance Military Conference.

Prince Ying suddenly said: "We can't let Ying Que go. We must not let him go. We will put him to death immediately. Once and for all, this scourge finally fell into our hands. We must not let him go. We will kill him directly."

Holy Queen Di Ning did not speak.

Xiong Xin, the head of the Sky Book City, said: "If you kill Ying Que, Queen Xia Yi will immediately destroy the Sky Book City fleet, and then lead a powerful fleet and all the troops in a desperate Northern Expedition. Then our army will fight her in a decisive battle, both sides will suffer losses, and the Western Holy See Is it easy to break in and destroy the Eastern World?"

"The current situation is that the world is divided into three parts. We are on one side, the Western Holy See is on the other, and Yingque and Queen Xia Ao are on the other side." Xiong Xin, the first sect, said: "The Western Holy See is the strongest, we are in the middle, and Yingque is the weakest. But even if The weakest, even if he has the smallest territory, he is still one of the three overlords in the world. "

Emperor Yongchang said: "Then cut off his hands and feet, castrate him, and burn his whole body with a branding iron. In short, torture him until he can neither survive nor die, and then let him go."

Xiong Xin, the first disciple of Sky Bookstore, sneered.

Does this make sense? Apart from venting anger, what else can this do?

Xiong Xin said: "If we let Yingque go back intact, then the Sky Bookstore fleet will come back intact anyway. If we let him go back incomplete, then the Sky Bookstore fleet will also come back incomplete. Is it worth it?"


Just to vent your anger? To pay such a high price, to pay half the fleet?

Who is so stupid?

Xiong Xin said: "Either kill him, or let him go back intact. But you can't kill him, so... you can only let him go back intact."

Prince Ying said: "That's too cowardly. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed by the combined forces of Sky Book City and Castlevania. Is that all that matters?"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Go and bring Ying Que over."


A moment later, Ying Que appeared in front of the Holy Queen Di Ning.

He first unbuttoned his clothes, revealing several shocking wounds on his chest.

This was stamped by the Prince of England with red-hot copper.

Three whole burn wounds.

"Let me declare first that the Dark Sky Eye is on me, but the Demon King's Hand is missing, and the Demon King's Vein is not on my body. You guys can check clearly." Ying Que said: "If I can't go back alive, the Demon King's Vein will be given to Princess Li Yang. ”

"Okay, I've finished my statement." Ying Que said, "Holy Queen, if you have anything to say, you can tell me."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Yingque, you won this round, it's amazing."

Ying Que smiled bitterly and said: "I just struggled for a while, how can I win? The next big thing the Holy Queen will do is terrifying."

Hearing this, the Holy Queen Di Ning's face trembled and she said: "Relying on your talent and letting Kuang Kuang go is seeking death."

Ying Que said: "Character flaws cannot be corrected."

Holy Queen Di Ning said: "We plan to let you go back. Do you have anything else to say?"

Ying Que said: "Let me think about it."

Then, he looked at the Prince of England and said slowly: "Why do you hate me so much? You are the second-generation auxiliary king? Shouldn't you need posture? When you tortured me, it seemed A gangster, that’s too extreme.”

Prince Ying said: "I have a grudge against your father, don't you know?"

Ying Que said: "No, no, no, you are not qualified to have a grudge against my father. His opponent has always been Sky Book City, and you are not worthy. Even though you lost the position of regent in his hands and then surrendered to Sky Book City, in turn, poached the corner of your ancestors and helped Sky Book City destroy the thousand-year tradition of the Xia Dynasty royal family. Your heart is indeed full of hatred and hostility, but it is not entirely because of me. To some extent, it is yours. The hostility is towards Sky Bookstore.”

Prince Ying said in a cold voice: "Ying Que, don't even think about sowing discord and talking nonsense."

Ying Que said: "As a member of the Xia family's royal family, you paid a huge psychological cost by cooperating with the Sky Bookstore to destroy your ancestors. Because you are unwilling to be lonely, you want to become the regent again. Even though it is not a complete empire. The Xia Empire, but even the incomplete Regent of the Great Xia Empire, still had the power to control the world. But now the Yongchang Emperor's court only existed in name. The Sky Bookstore had directly taken charge of the Yongchang court before. There are still hundreds of thousands of troops in hand, but now you, the auxiliary king, are completely an empty shell, with no power at all. "

"Even Xiong Xin, the first sect, is now just an auxiliary minister of the Holy Queen. What power can you, the puppet auxiliary king under the puppet emperor, have? Your heart is full of anger and resentment, but towards the Holy Queen, He dared not speak out about Sky Bookstore, so he vented his anger on me and used chicken feathers as arrows to torture me. "

"Prince Ying, you hate Sky Bookstore and the Holy Queen, so just say it boldly? Is there anything you dare not say?" Ying Que sneered.

Prince Ying said coldly: "Yingque, do you think your provocation like this is useful? My loyalty to the Holy Queen can be learned from heaven and earth."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Ying Que, there is no need to say more. I will let you go back. Do you have anything to say to me?"

Prince Ying said: "Your Majesty the Holy Queen, you cannot let him go back. Aren't you going to force him to publicly kneel down and pledge allegiance to you?"

Holy Queen Di Ning said slowly: "Shut up!"

Her voice was obviously very gentle, but the entire Tsutenkaku Tower was trembling.

Everyone in the room felt a roar in their ears and their eyes went dark.

Yingque shook his head vigorously and even covered his eyes.

It took a long time before the whole person regained consciousness, and then said slowly: "Holy Queen, please take back your magical powers. Just one word of stopping almost made our liver and gallbladder break."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Yingque, let me ask you one last time, is there anything you want to say to me?"

Ying Que said: "I have said it a long time ago, how can I be considered a winner now? If your huge hand comes down, the whole world will tremble, who can stop it. But I have a small request, as long as you agree to me , and then your big deal comes down, and I hardly resist."

Holy Queen Di Ning said: "It's useless for you to resist, so your bargaining chip is very small."

Ying Que said: "But my conditions are minimal."

The Holy Empress said calmly: "Say."

Yingque looked at Prince Ying and said, "I just threatened Prince Ying. If he dared to burn me with red-hot copper, I would let him die without a burial place. As a result, his copper was instantly sealed Come here and brand me three times. I can't let my threat fail, so... I want you to give him to me."

As soon as these words came out, Prince Ying said coldly: "Yingque, you are dreaming! The Holy Queen is so wise and powerful, how can she agree to this ridiculous condition of yours? You are just daydreaming."

Ying Que said: "Holy Queen, don't you even agree to this small condition?"

Holy Queen Di Ning said slowly: "Okay, I promise you!"

In an instant!

Prince Ying's face turned pale instantly!

Including Emperor Yongchang, there was no blood on his face and his lips were trembling.

Prince Ying had taken refuge in Sky Book City very early, and he was the one who took the lead in driving Queen Xia Yi out of the capital not long ago.

The division and civil war of the Great Xia Empire were, to a certain extent, directly controlled by the Prince of England.

This is a great tribute to Sky Bookstore’s hard work.

Just... to be sacrificed like this?

Immediately, Prince Ying immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the Holy Queen and said with blood: "Holy Queen, have mercy, Holy Queen, have mercy. I am loyal to Sky Bookstore. I have no merit but hard work over the years."

"I am also a member of the Xia royal family, but for the great achievements of Sky Book City, I did not hesitate to betray my ancestors and help you dismember the Great Xia Empire with your own hands. Queen Xia Yi originally had a stable seat in the imperial capital, but I was the one who drove her away. Come down."

"You can't do this, you can't kill the donkey!"

The Prince of England kept kowtowing and bleeding, crying loudly.

Ying Que said slowly: "Prince Ying, you have no merit, because you are just a puppet. You have no will of your own. The things you did were completely manipulated by others. What merit does the puppet have? What merit does the puppet have? I have said it before, I am just raising a trivial bargaining chip, and you are that trivial bargaining chip. Being weak is the original sin, you are too weak. "

Then, Yingque used the magnet control technique.

A ball of iron powder flew out and melted into molten iron in the air.

The scalding hot metal with a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius was slowly moving towards the Prince of England.

The Prince of England wanted to resist and escape, but he was completely unable to move.

Yingque controlled the red-hot molten iron, hovering in front of Prince Ying's eyes like a snake.

Then... it suddenly penetrated into his eyes.

"Ah...ah...ah...ah..." Prince Ying screamed miserably.

His two eyes were burned alive by the molten iron.

Then, Ying Que controlled the molten iron to become a very thick red-hot iron rod.

The red-hot iron rod was stuffed into Prince Ying's mouth, into his throat, and into his stomach.

After a terrible convulsion.

Prince Ying died miserably!

The death was so tragic that it was unbearable to watch.

Then, Ying Que bowed to the Holy Queen and said, "Holy Queen, goodbye."


Note: I was busy typing and finally finished it before twelve o'clock. I beg my brothers to vote for me for the guaranteed monthly ticket.

I bowed to everyone.

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