I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 300 Winning Heaven! Millions of troops!

About 800 miles from Zhenhai City.

This is the absolute sphere of influence of the Yingque Navy.

After more than a month of construction.

A deep underwater cave has finally been built and has been in operation for more than half a month.

The entire cave is more than 8,000 meters in diameter and more than 2,600 meters in height.

This is certainly not dug out by manpower.

It is the result of the labor of more than 200,000 dead legions, four ancient giant snakes, a thousand dark bats, and a thousand dark spiders.

Of course, the most critical thing is Shen Gongao's dark energy body, which has now become a dark tree.

But it is an energy tree after transformation.

It is equivalent to the fusion of the dark tree and the blood field.

It devoured countless energies in the blood field, and also devoured the huge dark tree in the dark field of rebirth.

At this time...

It has become a blood tree.

Red and extremely gorgeous.

It is even larger than the dark tree in the dark field of rebirth.

Amazing diameter.

Amazing height of more than a kilometer.

The Pluto crystal that Ying Que got was floating in the air, tightly entangled by the roots and veins of the Blood Dark Tree.

Although it was only about one cubic meter, its weight was indeed extremely amazing, about 600 tons.

This density is more than 600 times that of water. Of course, in the universe, this density is far less than that of white dwarfs. But all the substances known to Ying Que are far less dense than it.

The density of osmium, the metal with the highest density on the ground, is only one-thirtieth of it.

This is also the reason why every dark domain is deep underground, because its density is too high and it will smash into the depths of the earth.

Under normal circumstances, the dark domain is very special, and even the Dark Tree cannot directly devour the energy of the Pluto crystal.

It is after the Pluto crystal smashed into the depths of the earth that a huge cave suddenly exploded.

And its powerful energy will penetrate the entire surface of the cave and become a raw crystal, which is equivalent to the energy of the Pluto crystal being greatly diluted before it can be swallowed and accepted by the dark domain or the blood domain.

Normally, the energy concentration of the Pluto crystal is too high, too high, too high.

Even after the blood domain and the dark tree merged and evolved, they could not directly devour the energy of the Pluto crystal.

Therefore, Ying Que thought of the dark furnace under Tianzhao Mountain.

This dark furnace is itself a huge energy array.

Put the Pluto crystal in the dark furnace, and then the roots of the blood dark tree drill into the dark furnace and devour the dark energy diluted by the dark furnace.

And the dark tree directly releases these dark energies to construct a complete, new dark domain.

Currently, three laboratories have moved in.

One is the blood armor laboratory.

One is the blood transformation laboratory.

One is the crystal bomb laboratory.

More than 400 alchemists and Yin-Yang masters have entered this new dark domain.

Moreover, a large number of flying mounts and ace legions will once again enter the blood transformation laboratory for a new blood transformation.

In addition, although Lin Sisi and other demon spirit sisters are still in the form of dark spiders and dark bats.

However, they also set up two laboratories.

The new soft armor laboratory established by the dark spider.

At present, Ying Que already has 35,000 ace warriors.

Among them, 7,000 are white bone warriors, 13,000 are former sky book city warriors.

There are also 15,000 captured Mi family blood warriors.

Most of them have undergone four blood transformations and four nirvana evolutions.

The least have also undergone two blood transformations.

The last time was in this new dark field, which is also the most advanced blood transformation.

And the rifle corps has also struggled to grow from 30,000 to 50,000.

It took three years to build 10,000 new rifles.

But they are still not the main force, and their combat effectiveness is still far less than that of 35,000 ace corps.

At least, these rifles can't penetrate the armor of the ace corps.

The protection of Ying Que's ace corps has reached an astonishing level.

The innermost layer is blood armor, the second layer is dark soft armor, and the third layer is spider silk soft armor.

It can already block any bow and arrow, and can also block the attack of rifle bullets.

But the combat effectiveness of these 50,000 rifle corps should not be underestimated, and each of them also has a dark soft armor.

Although Ying Que has an army of 260,000 at this time.

But the real core combat power is the 35,000 ace corps.

And of these 35,000 ace corps, 30,000 of them are handed over to three commanders, Ning Daoyi, Princess Liyang, and Jiumogang.

The other 5,000 people are handed over to Fu Caiwei, which is really a great trust.


Ying Que, Queen Xia Yi, and Princess Liyang strolled in this new dark blood field.

Queen Xia Yi looked at the red blood dark tree and said slowly: "The most beautiful red leaf tree I have seen is not worth one percent of the tree in front of me."

It is very beautiful.

The White Bone Territory and the Dark Field of Rebirth are both dark and gloomy.

The blood field of King Mi is bloody and terrifying.

And this bloody dark domain in front of us is indeed brilliant and romantic.

More than 200,000 dead legions are still attached to this huge bloody dark tree, like worker ants, executing the simplest and most direct orders.

Next, Ying Que and his five companions visited the five laboratories in the entire dark domain.

"This new dark domain has an unprecedentedly high work efficiency. Whether it is the manufacturing rate of dark soft armor or blood armor, it has increased by about 150%, and the efficiency of blood transformation has increased by more than 300%."

Ying Que looked at the blood transformation laboratory in front of him, which has become an absolute assembly line work.

In the entire huge laboratory, there are hundreds of dark coffins, with dark red energy liquid flowing inside.

When a warrior lies in it, countless tendons and veins immediately drill into his body, transforming his blood bit by bit.

Before, blood calcium needed Ying Que's bone pen, but now it is not needed.

The entire blood transformation process and principle were also designed by Ying Que alone. Of course, the effect is not as amazing as the White Bone Pen, but it is already amazing for mass transformation of the army.

Unfortunately, the war is too close.

Ying Que didn't have time to transform too many people, otherwise he wanted to transform more than 100,000 people.


Next, visit the crystal bomb laboratory.

"Your Majesty, Lord, we were really stretched to the limit when making crystal bombs before, because there were too few energy crystals after purification. They were all inventory in the Dark Academy Laboratory. One less piece was used. But since we defeated King Mi and obtained King Mi's treasure and Duke Ying Que's treasure, we suddenly became rich."

Isn't it? !

The secret laboratories of the two Dark Academy before added up to less than 100 boxes of crystals.

And now? !

More than 10,000 boxes.

Of course, the most important thing is to master the crystal purification technology, so that energy crystals can be obtained continuously.

In normal battles, energy crystals are not needed at all.

But to deal with the Western Church's Undead Legion, a large number of ultraviolet bombs will be used.

For the next war, Ying Que set a production target of 60,000 ultraviolet bombs.

There are other types of crystal bombs, more than 20,000!

Of course, there is another most critical weapon.

That is the Crystal Dragon Cannon.

The manufacturing base is not here, but in the dark area of ​​the White Bone Territory.

Even the entire laboratory there, including all the resources of the entire Dark Tree, is serving this weapon.

Master Zhi Fan, Master Jing Yu, and Master Men Jiefu are fully responsible for this project.

Five years!

This project has been going on for five years.

It took two and a half years to conduct theoretical research on the drawings of the Dark Academy.

It took another year to manufacture the first experimental Crystal Dragon Cannon.

Now another year has passed, and various improved models have finally been completed.

In Ying Que's plan, 600 Crystal Dragon Cannons need to be manufactured.

Among them, there are 15 super cannons.

There are 85 large Crystal Dragon Cannons.

There are 200 medium Crystal Dragon Cannons.

Three hundred small crystal dragon cannons.

At present, this goal is still far away.

Zhifan led thousands of people and fought day and night.

In addition, there is an additional task, that is, the ultra-small crystal dragon cannon, which has a very small caliber of only about 15 mm, but requires a very high rate of fire to become the best anti-aircraft firepower.

At present, Yingque's anti-aircraft guns have finally made great progress, have been further miniaturized, and the rate of fire has been greatly improved.

The number of guns manufactured has exceeded 1,500.

In addition, the mutant flying cavalry of the Western Church is very terrifying, and there may even be undead flying cavalry, so crystal warheads and radiation warheads have begun to be mass-produced.

For the upcoming world war, two people have made all preparations.

One is Yingque, and the other is the Holy Lord of Sky Book City.


The next visit is the spider silk soft armor laboratory.

After entering, I immediately saw hundreds of beautiful young ladies weaving spider silk soft armor quickly.

Lin Sisi is the leader of this group of young ladies.

They actually still look like dark spiders, but there is a spiritual energy array here. After entering, the vision will change. Instead of dark spiders, they will see hundreds of beautiful young ladies, that is, their original appearance.

Of course, Ying Que can see the true appearance of these demon spirit young ladies by just blinking his eyes.

But no one does this.

"Sir, because of the help of these uncles, our efficiency has improved a lot more than expected. It won't be long before I hope that all our troops can wear spider silk soft armor." Lin Sisi said. The uncles he mentioned are the more than 200,000 dead army brought by Ying Que.

Ying Que said: "Okay, but don't work too hard. I heard that you work too hard and don't participate in many activities. You should combine work and rest."

This dark area has prepared a lot of entertainment activities.

There are libraries, literary and artistic activities, and even large slides to watch, which are a bit like movies.

Because there are indeed a lot of people in the entire dark area.

Lin Sisi said: "After this war is over, I will definitely participate in these entertainment activities. I have participated several times and found it very interesting. It turns out that living together is so fun and happy."

"Yes, yes, some alchemists are so handsome."

"Yes, some are not handsome, but they are very smart, gentle and considerate. I like them a little."

These hundreds of demon spirit sisters chattered, smiling sweetly at Yingque and working quickly.

In fact, after Luo Meng left the Demon Spirit Sea, these demon spirit sisters did not have to be forced to harm people or do various horrible experiments. They were carefree.

On the contrary, they came to Yingque and had to work hard.

However, when they were in the Demon Spirit Sea, they were desperate, gloomy and painful.

On Yingque's side, they were full of infinite happiness.

The library was happy, the art performances were happy, the big slides were happy, the conversations were happy, and the various competitions were happy.

And the cafeteria is even happier!

In fact, they didn't need to eat food, and there was no way to eat food. They could just swallow the dark energy directly.

However, Yingque found a way to process this dark energy into a variety of foods, which looked delicious and tasted very delicious.

So, although the work was hard, it was very fulfilling and extremely happy.

And every job was paid, a special currency circulated in the dark domain.

This system has been implemented by Yingque in the dark domain of Baigu Territory for a long time. Because there are thousands of people staying in the dark domain of Baigu Territory, most of the time they can't come out, and everyone is in a state of never decrypting.


The fifth laboratory visited by Yingque and others is the dark bat laboratory.

These are the dark bats in the sea of ​​demon spirits, and each dark bat also lives in a demon spirit lady.

Their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the dark bats cultivated by King Mi.

However, they can never leave the dark domain, otherwise they will be wiped out.

Yingque assigned several Yin and Yang masters to enter this laboratory, and the purpose of research is only one.

How to get them out of the dark realm and into the outside world.

This is very difficult.

But the Western Church succeeded. They brought the things in the dark realm to the outside world and turned them into an undead army.


Finally, Ying Que entered the trunk of the Blood Dark Tree.

There were nineteen people sitting cross-legged inside.

All of them were Tianyan masters.

There was also a large energy array.

This group of people will be the key to the next great battle at sea.

They only have one chance!

If you miss it, you miss it, and you will fail completely.

After Ying Que came in, he just watched quietly without talking to anyone.

This time, Ying Que's tactical thinking was very simple, that is, simple and direct, without playing too many tricks.

There was no tornado, no lightning, and no rolling black clouds.

It was to create an unprecedented vortex, which must be big, big, big, big, so that it could swallow enough Western Church warships.

For this reason, he even overdrew half of the energy of the Pluto crystal and consumed most of the energy that the Blood Dark Tree had swallowed before.

The upcoming sea battle is the first battle of the world war and also a fateful battle.

Only by winning the sea battle can we stop the landing of the million-strong army of the Western Church.

For this battle, Ying Que has paid everything.

Not only has he paid all his strength, all his wisdom, but also all his tolerance.

Every day, he is cursed by hundreds of millions of people in the entire Eastern world. His wife, children, and his ancestors have all been thoroughly criticized.

He has become the first sinner and the first traitor in the Eastern world.

He has become the absolute villain in countless stories, the portrait of a target, and even several brothels have printed Ying Que's portrait on the back of straw paper.

His statue is erected at the gate of the Jiangdu Palace every day and is spurned by countless people.

Ying Que endured all this and did not send troops to the north.

Because he wanted to fight a decisive battle with the million-strong army of the Western Church.

The Queen of Jade Rakshasa came to plunder again and again, and finally almost ruined Ying Que's hope of victory, directly destroyed the core of the Demon Spirit Sea, and her army swaggered to occupy the East China Sea Province.

Ying Que still endured it, because he had to fight a decisive battle with the millions of troops of the Western Church.

What's more ironic is that Ying Que's decisive battle was fought for the billions of people in the entire Eastern world.

And the billions of people in the Eastern world are cursing Ying Que.

So, Ning Piaoli said several times that it would not be a pity if such a civilization was destroyed.

In the end, she was the most emotional.

Queen Xia Yi and Princess Li Yang were both very open-minded.

The inspection of the entire new dark domain was completed.

Queen Xia Yi said slowly: "At least so far, this place is like a pure paradise."

Princess Li Yang said: "In this new dark domain, except for the three of us, no one is allowed to enter or leave. No one inside can come out before the end of the war, right?"

Ying Que said: "Not only that, but there will be no fourth person outside who knows about this place."

Even the top leaders of Yingque would not know the existence of this new dark domain.


Yingque’s new dark domain under the sea is very peaceful and absolutely confidential.

But the entire Eastern world fell into great panic.

In front of the Jiangdu Palace, the crowded people have exceeded hundreds of thousands.

All of them are here to petition.

Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty the Holy Queen, the million-strong army of the Western Church has been completely assembled and will be here in a few days.

Moreover, countless rumors have spread throughout the Eastern world.

Many wealthy people have begun to flee.

The enemy is coming soon, and the first line of defense of the East Sea Province is nowhere to be seen.

And where is the Eastern Coalition that they keep saying they are assembling?

Why are you still on the sea of ​​Jiangdong Province? Why don’t you go to war?

Your Majesty, are you going to lead the army in person?

Shouzong Xiong Xin, are you going to lead the army?

Shouldn't we have a decisive battle at sea to stop the enemy from landing?

Anyone with a little military knowledge knows that we should stop the enemy at sea.

But now, the fleet of Sky Book City is not moving, and the fleet of the Eastern Alliance is not moving.

What do you mean by this?

Looking at the posture, it seems that you want to let the Western Church in to fight?

Ying Que, that bastard, has secretly surrendered to the Western Church and is ready to cooperate with the outside.

Wouldn't it mean that the million-strong army of the Western Church will come in unimpeded?

At this time, Ying Que's statue outside the gate of Jiangdu Palace is still very conspicuous.

But what's the use of spitting on Ying Que ten thousand times, one million times now?

Hurry up and lead the army to fight!



"Sky Book City fights, Eastern Alliance fights!"

Hundreds of thousands of people, the sound is deafening.

Inside the palace, Emperor Yongchang was extremely anxious. He said hoarsely to the chief Xiong Xin and the witch Luo Meng: "What should we do now? What should we do? We have completely pinned Ying Que on the pillar of shame, but we still cannot shirk the responsibility of fighting the Western Church."

"Are you really going to let me lead the Sky Book City Fleet and the Eastern Alliance Fleet to fight a decisive battle with the Western Church?"

"If you are willing, I dare to do it, but we will be completely destroyed in two hours at most."

Emperor Yongchang was right. Even if Ying Que was defeated a thousand times or ten thousand times, the responsibility of Sky Book City could not be shirked.

Even if Her Majesty the Holy Queen was assassinated by Ying Que and is now in critical condition.

But when the people feel that their lives are in danger, they will look for a life-saving straw, and this life-saving straw is Sky Book City.

Hundreds of thousands of people outside are getting more and more excited.

"Sky Book City fights, Eastern Alliance fights!"

The voice seems to have overturned the roof of the palace, and hundreds of thousands of people will soon rush in irrationally.

Emperor Yongchang said: "Chief Xiong Xin, Lord Luo Meng, didn't you receive any orders?"


The Holy Lord was in seclusion, and the entire Sky Book City was ruled by the Holy Queen Di Ning.

He, the chief, was considered one of the leaders of the Sky Book City, but now he was at best an assistant to the Holy Queen, and he himself didn't know what orders there were.

The fleet of the Sky Book City and the fleet of the Eastern Alliance were indeed impressive, with a total of 1,300 warships of various types, stretching for hundreds of miles.

But what about the orders?

Who can give the order?

Does Chief Xiong Xin dare to give this order? He will definitely not see the sun the next day.

And at this moment, the shouts of hundreds of thousands of people outside stopped.

Because a gorgeous phoenix flew from the northeast sky.

In the sky, a brilliant light and shadow passed.

The Holy Queen is here!

The Holy Queen is here!

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people began to cheer.

A moment later!

The Holy Queen Di Ning rode a phoenix and floated above the palace.

She still looked very weak and pale.

And there was a special chair on the back of the phoenix.

She seemed to have lost weight.

Three months ago, "Ying Que" assassinated her. Hasn't she recovered yet?

Saint Queen Di Ning said slowly: "More than a hundred days ago, I was attacked by the hand of the demon king Ying Que. After going through the disaster, I saved my life, but I have no feeling below the waist."

As soon as these words came out, hundreds of thousands of people's eyes were wet.

Damn Ying Que, you deserve to be cut into pieces, you should be killed and your nine clans should be sent to the eighteenth level of hell.

Your family should be treated like pigs and dogs for generations, but it can't atone for your sins.

The Holy Queen Emperor Ning said: "But, the millions of troops of the Western Church are coming. Someone must stand up and fight for the Eastern world, for Eastern civilization, and for hundreds of millions of people."

"So, I am here." The Holy Queen Emperor Ning said slowly: "I will lead the troops to fight and stop the Western Church army at sea."

"My compatriots, please pray for me!"

Then, the Holy Queen Emperor Ning shouted: "Where is the chief Xiong Xin, where is Marshal Chu Meng?"

A moment later, Xiong Xin and Luo Meng came out.

After all, this Luo Meng was one of the four kings of the Dark Academy, so he became Chu Meng in the mouth of the Holy Queen.

The two people said to the Holy Queen Emperor Ning in the air: "Here!"

The Holy Queen Emperor Ning said: "Where are the naval commanders of the Eastern Allied Forces?"

Immediately, dozens of generals came out and knelt down and said: "Here!"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Come with me, board the fleet, and fight against the Western Holy See! The enemy is blocked thousands of miles away. Who wants to set foot on the land of the Eastern World unless they step over our corpses."

"Yes!" shouted dozens of generals present.

On the sea, hundreds of thousands of naval officers and soldiers shouted in unison.

Xiong Xin and Luo Meng, with dozens of generals, rode giant eagles, flew into the air, and lined up behind the Holy Queen Di Ning.

At the same time, thousands of giant eagles flapped their wings and formed an array in the sky.

Holy Queen Di Ning shouted: "Go to war!"

"Go to war!"

"Go to war!"

Then, the magnificent band played "Oriental Rising Sun".

The Holy Queen Di Ning flew towards the east with thousands of flying cavalry in the air.

At the same time, a huge fleet stretched for hundreds of miles on the eastern sea.

The Sky Bookstore fleet, the Eastern Alliance fleet, boundless, began to dispatch.

Heading towards the east.

The hundreds of thousands of people in front of the palace immediately knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the Holy Queen.

What a majestic Queen!

What a great Sky Bookstore!

"Long live, long live, long live, Your Majesty the Holy Queen!"

"Long live Sky Bookstore, long live, long live, long live!"

"God bless the Holy Queen, God bless the Eastern world!"

"Heaven will punish the eternal sinners!"

The Holy Queen in the sky, thousands of legions in the sky.

There are more than a thousand warships on the sea.

He fought towards the Western Holy See Navy without hesitation.


Note: This is another chapter of 6,800 words. Please give me your monthly votes from my benefactors. Check your pockets. If there are any monthly votes left, I would like to thank you all.

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