I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 308 The end of the decisive battle! The last moment! Hell trap

The top leaders of the Western Holy See's main fleet are discussing.

What to do next?

"First of all, do you want to continue tonight's air raid?" Prince Jurgen asked.

Gregory said: "We don't know how many crystal ultraviolet bombs like Yingque that are launched at high altitudes?"

Sixty thousand!

Of course this is top-secret data, but after Yingque obtained the treasure of King Mi and the treasure of Duke Yingzhu, he obtained an astronomical number of crystals.

Moreover, the current research on crystal purification technology has reached a critical moment.

This time he went to sea to fight and brought 40,000 crystal bombs with him.

Marquis Leanna said: "Because of the lesson learned from the last defeat of Prince Miyou, we chose to release all the Dark Bat Legions for air strikes instead of spreading them out. This is the reason for our heavy casualties. According to the Easterners, this that is……"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Carve a boat and ask for a sword."

Marquis Leanna said: "Yes, we have to fight for the sword. The situation is different, the choices are different, and we have also made dogmatic mistakes. So we think we can still carry out air strikes, but in small groups and dispersed air strikes. And we probably only have At this time of night, the Dark Bat’s air strikes cannot be carried out after dawn.”

Archbishop Gregory said: "I agree with Marquis Leanna. Faced with the current situation, a small-scale air strike is appropriate. But one thing we must consider is that the winning side also has dark bats, and the number is unknown. .So how big an air strike do we need?"

Marquis Leanna said: "About a hundred at a time, all scattered to attack."

Next, after careful calculation, several senior officials decided to continue the air raid at night.

One hundred and twenty dark bats are sent each time to disperse the raids.

"Okay, the first resolution has been passed." Prince Jurgen said: "Then the second question, how to attack after dawn? Should we continue to maintain this long-distance encirclement, or should we use all our strength and make a desperate move, regardless of casualties? Attack with all your strength."

This is another difficult choice.

If the distance is close, the main fleet of the Western Holy See will also suffer heavy losses, because although the tonnage of the winning battleship is small, its artillery is also very fierce.

In this battle, the Western Vatican's opponents are not only Winner, but also the insidious Sky Book City, and the Jade Rakshasa Queen hiding in the dark.

And if the long distance is always maintained, the situation will be disgusting. The Crystal Demonic Dragon Cannon of the Yingque Fleet is too powerful. The main fleet of the Western Holy See is obviously so powerful, but it has to be passively beaten. It is too dangerous for morale over time.

Prince Jurgen said: "If we always keep the distance, our artillery will not be able to hit Yingque's fleet, but Yingque's energy cannon will always be able to hit our fleet. This not only damages our morale, but also this If a large sea battle drags on for too long, the entire Eastern world will lose its fear of us. Then we have to discuss whether there is a possibility that the procrastination and passivity of this battle will cause the Jade Rakshasa Queen. , Sky Bookstore dispatched together, and teamed up with Yingque to besiege us? "

As soon as these words came out.

Duke Théoden and Archbishop Gregory said in unison: "Absolutely impossible!"

Marquis Leanna said: "Although we in the Western Holy See also have internal strife, at the most critical moment, we are still united."

After saying that, she looked at Duke Théoden.

Not long ago, Duke Théoden made a private deal with Ying Que, temporarily broke the contract, and joined forces with Queen Jade Rakshasa's fleet to besiege Ying Que's evacuation fleet from the Dark Realm of the Past Life. As a result, Ying Que directly detonated the Dark Realm of the Past Life. Otherwise, when the Western World loses A valuable dark field was created, and it also caused huge losses.

According to usual practice, Duke Théoden's future is over, and factional strife may once again occur.

In the end, Emperor Solomon overcame all objections and allowed Duke Théoden to remain in the expeditionary force and hold an important position in order to serve his purpose.

Marquis Leanna sneered: "Looking at the Eastern World, the conflict of hatred between Sky Bookstore and Ying Que has become irreconcilable. The conflict between Queen Jade Rakshasa and Ying Que has also become irreconcilable. These two families probably would rather the Eastern World fall completely. I don’t want Yingque to win this battle.”

Prince Jurgen said: "Sad Eastern world, sad era."

Archbishop Gregory said: "So, I am absolutely sure that no matter how the battle situation changes, it is absolutely impossible for Sky Book City and Queen Jade Rakshasa to help Yingque. The only possibility is that both us and Yingque's fleet will suffer losses. Everyone is injured and suffers heavy casualties. The Sky Book City fleet comes out in full force to wipe out both us and Ying Que. However, this prerequisite is too harsh and is impossible. "

Marquis Leanna said: "Our fleet should have completed the siege of Yingque by now. I suggest that after dawn, we should approach at full speed immediately, approach the Yingque fleet, and use the full power of our battleship's artillery. Even if we pay a huge price, we can do it in the shortest time." Within, completely eliminate the Yingque fleet."

The navy marshal said: "Our warships are more advanced than Yingque, and their sailing speed is about five percent faster, so as long as we are willing, we can surround Yingque and finally strangle him. Although the cost may be very high, we About one-third of the battleships may be lost."

In the end, Prince Jurgen directly made the decision to completely surround, approach, and kill the Yingque fleet regardless of the cost after dawn.

Completely change the timid play style today during the day.


Next, the Western Church carried out air strikes again and again.

Each time, only about 120 mutant dark bats were dispatched, and they were completely dispersed and looked for opportunities to attack.

Suddenly, the situation changed.

The saturation attack of the ultraviolet bombs on Yingque's side could not continue.

Therefore, Yingque immediately sent the dark bat army to take off to fight.

As a result, both sides won and lost.

However, the bat army on the Western Church side can be said to be endless.

Yingque only had about 300 bats and could not bear this loss.

Therefore, the tactics were changed directly.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Flares were fired continuously.

Ultraviolet crystal bombs were too precious. Facing the enemy's one hundred dark bats, using thousands of ultraviolet bombs directly was too cost-effective, and they were used up in a few rounds.

However, flares were not made of crystals. They were partly metal and partly gunpowder, and the cost was much lower.

Dozens of flares were fired into the sky in each round, and then suddenly exploded.

Illuminating the sky above the entire fleet.

First, it stimulated and interfered with the enemy's dark bats, and most importantly, it illuminated the sky to facilitate the attack of anti-aircraft firepower.

Under the illumination of the flares, once the enemy's dark bats were discovered, Yingque's anti-aircraft firepower immediately opened fire crazily.

Shot a steel storm at the sky.

At night, this attack was even more gorgeous.

It was really like countless stars bursting.

The high-level officials of the Western Church Fleet saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh again.

Yingque's tactical concept is really advanced, as if he can break any situation.

Then the battle became a stalemate.

Both sides suffered casualties.

Although there were flares, it was night after all, and the aiming of anti-aircraft firepower must be reduced.

Therefore, under the attack of the dark bats, the soldiers of the Yingque fleet also suffered large-scale casualties.

And the dark bats of the Western Church, once hit by anti-aircraft firepower, also fell one after another.

The battle was extremely fierce on the entire sea.

In terms of losses alone, the Western Church was more serious.

However, the Western Church had a lot of capital and could withstand such casualties.

Therefore, the dark bats' aerial attacks never stopped.

Wave after wave.

And Ying Que's counterattack did not stop, and he did not stop firing flares into the sky.

The burst of anti-aircraft firepower did not stop.

This crazy battle did not stop until after four o'clock in the morning.

The Western Church stopped the continuous aerial attacks.

Both sides fell into silence.

But everyone knew that this was the last silence.

After dawn, a more terrible and fierce battle would break out.

The Western Church has unified the final will.


In the command room of the Western Church flagship, Prince Eugen looked at the loss figures of the dark bats and took a breath.

Is this a new type of war?

After a day and a night of war, the loss of the air corps exceeded the total of the past few years.

I'm afraid that the Western world, with its wealth and power, cannot bear this rate of casualties.

"I hope this is the most difficult battle." Prince Eugen said: "After this battle, the entire Eastern world will no longer have any resistance."

Gregory said: "There is also a Sky Book City, they are more insidious and cunning than Yingque."

Next, the fleets of both sides were licking their wounds and quietly waiting for dawn!


At six o'clock in the morning.

The sun has risen.

The fleet of the Western Church issued a general attack order.

Dozens of air riders flew to each warship to convey the order.

Forward, forward, forward.

Then, the Western Church fleet advanced at full speed and surrounded and approached the Yingque fleet.

The Yingque fleet retreated at full speed, doing its best to maintain a certain distance.

However, the warships of the Western Church are generally more advanced, and the sailing speed exceeds that of the Yingque fleet by about 5%.

If this continues, the Yingque fleet will be completely surrounded in a few hours at most.


Since last night, the Yingque fleet has been retreating in one direction, trying to lead the Western Church into a deadly trap.

Towards a new bloody dark realm.

The fleets of both sides opened fire!

As the distance was shortened, the casualties of the Western Church became greater and greater.

Because when entering 20 miles, the hit rate of the crystal dragon cannon of the Yingque fleet was already very high.

"Boom boom boom..."

The warships of the Western Church were constantly hit.

Moreover, the speed of the crystal dragon cannon was too fast, more than seven times the speed of sound, really like lightning, and when the shells passed through the air, they almost turned red and made a strange whistling sound.

This whistling sound really gave the soldiers of the Western Church fleet nightmares.

The hit rate of solid iron ball shells was the highest.

I don't know how many warships were riddled with holes.

However, once the Western Church fleet decided on the direction, it never retreated.

Braving the terrible artillery fire of Yingque, it kept approaching.

At this time, the power of the Western Vatican’s warships was fully demonstrated.

These battleships of astonishing tonnage are really tough.

The most powerful battleship has been hit five or six times, but it can still move forward and has not completely lost its combat effectiveness.

If it were an ordinary battleship, it would have been completely torn apart.

After approaching a certain distance!

The advantage of the powerful fleet of the Western Church was completely revealed.

Their artillery had a larger caliber and more artillery.

"Boom boom boom..."

The entire sea was deafening and flames shot up to the sky!

This is the largest and most amazing naval battle in the history of this world.

It can shock anyone.

The casualties on both sides are increasing.

However, the Western Church is still approaching.

At this distance, the power of the artillery fire of both sides has been exerted to the extreme.

The fleets of both sides caught fire one after another,

and sank one after another.

Whether it was the Yingque side or the main force of the Western Church, they were all heartbroken.

The entire sea was full of flames and warships that had lost their combat effectiveness.

There were corpses everywhere.

At this moment, the other forces watching the battle from a distance were completely shocked.

At this time, there were not too many tactics, nor too many skills, just a head-on confrontation.

It can be seen from this that even without the Crystal Dragon Cannon, the combat effectiveness of Yingque's fleet was above that of the Eastern Alliance.

The battle was too... too fierce.

Too amazing.

This was an unimaginable naval battle.

It can be seen how much Yingque had endured before. If it was not for the Western Church, Yingque would have directly marched north, then how could the Emperor Yongchang and his people stop him?

The fleets and belongings of the Eastern Alliance were completely slaughtered when they met Yingque's fleet.

Yingque was awesome.

I thought it was a one-sided slaughter, but it turned out to be like this.


This crazy and fierce battle lasted until the afternoon.


The situation has changed qualitatively.

The main fleet of the Western Church is still too strong.

If the crystal dragon cannon is put aside, the gap between the strength of Yingque's fleet and the opponent is still too big.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon!

Yingque's fleet can no longer bear this terrible casualties.

Because the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

If they don't retreat, they will really be annihilated.

Yingque directly issued an order to retreat the entire army!

The entire army retreats!

Retreat at full speed!

Retreat directly to the Zhenhai City Pier.

Once they retreat at full speed, they will not be able to launch a large-scale counterattack.

Seeing Yingque's incomplete fleet finally retreat.

There were cheers from the Western Vatican Fleet.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

All the senior officials of the Western Vatican Expeditionary Force breathed a sigh of relief and even hugged each other.

This battle was won.

Yingque's fighting power was too tenacious and his firepower was too fierce.

From six in the morning to three in the afternoon, this sea battle was too torturous.

It seemed so long.

After withstanding the disadvantage in the earliest stage, it became a draw, and finally began to gain the upper hand, and now it has completely gained the upper hand.

This trend cannot be reversed.

The casualties of the Yingque fleet were greater, and almost two-thirds of its combat effectiveness were lost.

The Western Church also lost one-third of its warships.

If we simply look at the number of warships, it seems that Yingque suffered more casualties.

But in fact, in terms of tonnage, the casualties of the Western Church were greater, even much greater.

However, it is meaningless to talk about losses.

The most important thing now is the combat effectiveness of the surviving fleets of both sides.

The combat effectiveness of the surviving fleets of the Western Church is many times that of the Yingque fleet.

After two days and one night of fierce fighting.

Experienced navies all know that this naval battle is actually over, and the next step is the final stage.

Despite the huge price paid, the Western Church still won a great victory.

The incomplete fleet of Yingque fled frantically.

"The Yingque fleet wants to escape back to the Zhenhai City Pier, relying on the ground artillery of Zhenhai City to fight us to the end." Duke Xiyuton said.

Marquis Leanna said: "He has no chance. This place is too far from Zhenhai City. He can't go back."

He really can't go back.

Because the speed of the main fleet of the Western Church is about 5% faster.

They will catch up anyway.

Prince Eugen shouted: "My Lords, now it's our hunting time! We won!"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Your Highness, now our most dangerous enemy has become Sky Book City. It may even be a joint effort of the Western Church and Queen Yu Luosha, so that plan must be implemented immediately."

Prince Eugen said: "Another fleet landing in Jiangdu? Control the Yongchang court, destroy the reputation of Sky Book City, and destroy the reputation of Saint Queen Di Ning?"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Yes! Yingque has already lost, so every moment from now may be an opportunity for Sky Book City to take action. We must seize every minute and every second."

Prince Eugen said: "Okay, you immediately take the Eastern World's captive fleet, as well as our reserve fleet, and lead tens of thousands of Western Church troops to land in Jiangdu of the Great Xia Empire immediately."

Archbishop Gregory said: "Yes!"


A quarter of an hour later, Archbishop Gregory rode on a vulture and left the main fleet to the east under the cover of hundreds of flying cavalry.

Half an hour later!

Archbishop Gregory took Emperor Yongchang and boarded another fleet.

Three hundred of the ships in this fleet were all from the Eastern world, brought by Emperor Yongchang for his last pretend expedition.

The other two hundred ships were from the Western Vatican. However, they were not the main fleet, most of them were old-fashioned warships of the previous generation, and only one-third were the latest generation of warships.

This fleet has always been used to defend the Sky Book City and Queen Yu Luosha, and did not participate in the battle with Ying Que.

Archbishop Gregory said: "Your Excellency Emperor Yongchang, your favorite moment is coming. Our army will officially land in Jiangdu. You can officially reveal all the truth, destroy the reputation of Sky Book City, and destroy the reputation of Saint Queen Di Ning."

"You can officially announce that you represent the Great Xia Empire and officially surrender to the Western Church."

"You can also restore Prince Yingque's heroic reputation and sing praises to his greatness."

"I hope those naive Jiangdu people and your people in the Eastern world can withstand this huge mental blow."

Emperor Yongchang trembled and said: "Is Yingque dead? Did Yingque lose?"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Yes, of course!"

Emperor Yongchang said: "Is the great battle at sea over?"

Archbishop Gregory said: "Of course, we won a great victory, and Yingque's fleet was completely destroyed."

Emperor Yongchang hissed: "This moment has finally arrived."


This naval battle has not ended yet.

But in the eyes of everyone in the Western Church, it has ended.

Next, it's hunting time!

Ying Que's incomplete fleet has given up all counterattacks and fled madly.

The main fleet of the Western Church almost stopped attacking and was chasing madly at full speed.

Because of the advanced nature of the Western Church's warships, the distance between the two sides has been getting closer and closer.

However, the sky is gradually getting dark.

"Continue to chase, air monitoring!"

Ying Que closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Because the distance to the deadly trap he set and the dark blood field under the sea is getting closer and closer.

Only thirty miles away.

At this time, the brand new dark blood field under the sea.

Everyone is ready, just waiting for the main fleet of the Western Church to officially enter this huge death trap.

Ying Que is also about to usher in the most glorious victory.


Note: Today, I will continue to argue with the decoration company, air conditioning supplier, and whole house customization supplier. Decoration is too tiring.

If anyone has monthly tickets, please give me a few. Thank you all.

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