I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 313: Ying Que's great triumph! Spread across the world!

Li Huamei said: "Please enlighten me about the Holy Queen, what is the more ambitious plan?"

However, at this moment, the Holy Queen turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Lord's envoy walked in.

"Marshal Li Huamei, we will not acknowledge anything he says next," the Holy Lord's envoy said.

Li Huamei said: "Okay."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "As the special envoy of the Holy Lord, no one dares to be rude to me, and no one dares to point my nose at me and scold me. Ying Que is really the only one."

Li Huamei said: "He and I have no personal enmity, and we even had an ambiguous relationship for a short period of time, but this does not prevent us from becoming life-and-death enemies now."

The Holy Lord’s envoy said: “We have a plan.”

Li Huamei said: "I am all ears."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "Yingque only has a hundred battleships left now, and they are still scarred, right?"

Li Huamei said: "Yes."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "So in a short period of time, although Yingque defeated the main fleet of the Western Holy See, he did not gain control of the sea. Therefore, the most powerful navy in the sea area from the Dongyi Empire to the Daxia Empire is ours Sky Book City and your Rakshasa Kingdom.”

Li Huamei said: "There is no doubt that this is the case, so I suggest that both of us form a joint fleet to completely eliminate Yingque's surviving naval power and completely make him lose control of the sea."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "Because it was thought that there would be a complete victory, the Western Holy See sent a hundred thousand troops to follow Emperor Yongchang and landed in Jiangdu. And these one hundred thousand troops have become a lone army, right?"

Li Huamei said: "Yes."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "The reason why the Western Holy See cannot continue to increase its troops and land on the Great Xia Empire on a large scale is because it does not have sea control. At this time, the entire sea control is in the hands of our Sky Book City and the Rakshasa Queen Kingdom. . Therefore, the biggest obstacle for the Western Holy See to increase its troops in the Great Xia Empire comes from both of us, because our two fleets are already the largest forces in this sea area."

Li Huamei's face trembled. Of course he knew what the Holy Lord's special envoy meant.

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "So, what if we allow the Western Holy See's army to land in Jiangdu on a large scale? What if 200,000, 300,000, or even more elite armies of the Western Holy See land in Jiangdu?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Huamei felt a little terrified.

The envoy of the Holy Lord said: "We all know that Yingque's army is very strong, even stronger than the navy! He has tens of thousands of ace legions, tens of thousands of musketeers, and an astonishing number of artillery. But the Western Holy See has only We have the most elite army in the world, as well as an astonishing number of undead legions. Yingque’s so-called ace legion is basically an undead legion that learned from the Western Vatican, so we can let the Western Vatican’s army enter the Eastern world and eliminate it. Win the army."

"Marshal Li Huamei, you proposed that our two families establish a maritime coalition to destroy Yingque's fleet. I agree. But Yingque's powerful army, we feel it is necessary to let the powerful army of the Western Holy See eliminate it."

This...this...is this considered driving a tiger to swallow a wolf?

In order to eliminate Yingque, he would not hesitate to lure the Western Holy See's army into his own territory?

Jiangdong Province and Jiangnan Province are the territories most loyal to Sky Bookstore in the world.

People in these two territories are now being massacred by the Western Holy See every day.

Instead of saving, Sky Bookstore did not hesitate to attract foreign enemies in order to eliminate Ying Que.

This... this is simply insane.

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down the inside. I believe that Marshal Li Huamei can understand this principle."

No matter how you say it, Yingque is still from the Eastern world.

No matter how you put it, it can be considered a feud between brothers, right?

You led hundreds of thousands of troops from the Western Holy See to land in the Great Xia Empire. Do you know how many innocent Eastern people will be massacred?

Do you know how many people from the East will become food for the undead?

Do you know how many families will be destroyed?

Do you know how many cities will be reduced to ruins?

Therefore, even the pirate Li Huamei was a little stunned.

After a long while, Li Huamei said: "Do you and the Western Holy See have such strategic mutual trust? It is difficult to grasp the balance."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "Yes, it is very difficult to control. If too many Western Holy See troops are allowed to enter the Great Xia Empire, they will be burned and they will be blamed. But if too few are allowed, it may not be possible to eliminate Ying Que."

Li Huamei said: "In short, the Queen's will is to let Sky Book City, Rakshasa Queen Kingdom, and the Western Holy See join forces to destroy Yingque first, right?"

The Holy Lord's special envoy said: "You can say that."

Li Huamei said: "Then, will the Western Holy See agree? Because they have lost control of the sea, if too few troops land on the Great Xia Empire, they will become a lonely army and become hostages. But if too many troops are allowed in, you will I can’t bear it anymore.”

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "So, this needs to be discussed. Our two families will first unify their will and set a number, and then negotiate with the Western Holy See. The strategic mutual trust between our Sky Book City and the Western Holy See is not high, but the Rakshasa Queen Kingdom and the Western Holy See The Western Holy See still has a relatively close relationship. I heard that Queen Jade Rakshasa and Emperor Constantine have a relatively close relationship. If you are the one to negotiate, I believe that mutual trust will be increased. "

"So, next we have to discuss a figure on how many armies of the Western Holy See will be released into the Great Xia Empire." The Holy Lord's special envoy said: "I believe that the Western Holy See also has this idea, because they have not told Xia Jie of the failure of the naval battle. The news, and the 100,000 troops have begun to expand in Jiangdong and Jiangnan provinces, so not only does he have this intention, but he is also making secret glances at us. "

Then, the Holy Lord's special envoy asked: "Do you need to report this matter to Queen Jade Rakshasa?"

Li Huamei shook her head and said, "No!"

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "Then this plan is settled."

Li Huamei said: "Okay."

The special envoy of the Holy Lord said: "Then let's start discussing the numbers. How many armies from the Western Holy See will be introduced into the Great Xia Empire?"

On this issue, the two sides conducted consultations and calculations for several hours.

Eventually a number was arrived at.

Four hundred thousand!

Agree with the Western Holy See's 400,000 troops to land in the Great Xia Empire, including of course the previous 100,000.

Because Sky Bookstore and Li Huamei feel that if it is lower than this number, it may not be possible to completely eliminate Yingque. But if it is higher than this number, it may be too big to lose.

After discussing the number, Li Huamei immediately flew back to Donghai Province and reported to Queen Jade Rakshasa.

"Four hundred thousand?!" Queen Jade Rakshasa was silent for a long time.

"I really can't imagine that Sky Book City has such no bottom line, and the Holy Lord Di Xin is still in seclusion. Is this the most mysterious and powerful force more powerful than we imagined? Or maybe they are at the most critical moment? Time?" Queen Jade Rakshasa said: "But no matter what, the shamelessness of Sky Book City is far beyond my imagination. It is probably difficult for the previous saints to make such a decision."


It can be seen from Jiang Shouzong in front of Sky Bookstore that although this person is arrogant and paranoid and has hegemonic thinking, he has a bottom line in doing things and adheres to the tradition of the Guangming family in Sky Bookstore.

After he stepped down, Xiong Xin, the new first sect, still had a bottom line in his thinking. He may have been too weak in behavior and too obedient to the will of the Holy Queen.

Now Xiong Xin is also captured by the Western Holy See.

"The reformists in Sky Bookstore were destroyed before, and now maybe even the conservative faction is gone. There is only one faction left in the entire Sky Bookstore, and that is the dog-licking faction of Holy Lord Di Xin. There really is no bottom line." Queen Jade Rakshasa Said: "It's really hard to imagine that this kind of Sky Bookstore represents the highest belief of Eastern civilization. It's really a collapse of etiquette and music."

Li Huamei said: "Now we can see the reason why Duke Yingzhu would rather die than seal all the dark forces. Because the dark forces corrode not only the strength, but also the people's hearts. The collapse of the power system leads to the collapse of faith. Ultimately leading to mental breakdown.”

Queen Jade Rakshasa said: "We don't have to be sad because Duke Yingzhu couldn't save the Eastern world back then, and neither could Yingque. It's really interesting that the three families have joined forces to destroy Yingque."

Marshal Li Huamei said: "Do you agree?"

Queen Jade Rakshasa nodded and said: "I agree, of course I agree! But after Ying Que is destroyed, Tiannan Province and Tianshui Province will belong to us, that is, Ying Que's territory will all belong to us."

Marshal Li Huamei said: "Sky Bookstore and the Western Holy See will probably not agree with this."

Queen Jade Rakshasa said: "They don't need to agree. We will directly send troops to land and create an established fact. The rice will be cooked."

Marshal Li Huamei said: "Your Majesty, if you agree, then I will go to the Dongyi Empire and the Western Holy See to negotiate with the Holy Lord's special envoy."


Two days later!

The special envoy of the Holy Lord of the Sky Book City, Marshal Li Huamei of the Rakshasa Queen Kingdom, landed in the new Kyoto of the Dongyi Empire.

The Western Holy See sent Archbishop Gregory to negotiate.

In fact, when the highest level of the Western Holy See heard the news, they really couldn't believe their ears.

Emperor Solomon said something at that time.

"I really can't imagine that there are people in this world who can be so shameless. Sky Bookstore really has no sense of honor. They really don't deserve to rule the entire Eastern world."

Prince Jurgen said: "If we put aside the relationship between the enemy and ourselves, I think Prince Yingque and his New Sky Bookstore can represent the highest faith and the highest power in the Eastern world."

Marquis Leanna said: "That's why we need to eliminate him. This is the last pillar of the Eastern world. As long as he is eliminated, no one in the entire Eastern world will be able to support Eastern civilization, and the entire Eastern world will become Our slave farms and all the people in the East will become the food of our Immortal God Clan, and no one will be able to stand in our way after we destroy Ying Que."

Prince Jurgen said: "His Majesty the Emperor, you are my brother. Marquis Leanna, although you are my subordinate, you are also His Majesty's lover, so we are considered a family. Some things I say are very direct."

Emperor Solomon said: "Say."

Prince Jurgen said: "Although we all lie under the will of Emperor Constantine, I feel that we still have a sense of honor. Although we have all been baptized by the power of darkness, we have all become undead gods. So I I feel that we should maintain this pride. Even though I lost to Prince Yingque on the battlefield, I still admire him in my heart. I feel very shameful that we should join forces with the Queen of Sky Book City to destroy a respectable enemy. ”

Marquis Leanna said: "Prince Jurgen, I think His Majesty the Emperor has protected you too well. Do you know how violent internal strife our Western world has experienced in the past year or so? How many ugly things have happened. A lot of things are happening that are as good as what we are going through now.”

Then, Marquis Leanna said: "Your Majesty, victory is above all else, so I agree to join forces with Sky Book City and the Rakshasa Kingdom. The three of them will work together to destroy Yingque first."

Prince Jurgen said: "In that case, we will forever lose our tradition and our proud spirit."

Marquis Leanna said: "Prince Jurgen, justice must die, but darkness lives forever."

Emperor Solomon remained silent for a long time.

Exactly a quarter of an hour later, he nodded and said: "We agree with the opinion of the Holy Queen of Sky Book City. The three families will join forces to destroy Winque first."


And now in Zhenhai City!

A magnificent triumphal ceremony was held.

Countless officials and soldiers under Ying Que raised their arms and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live Prince Yingque."

"Long live victory!"

"Northern Expedition, Northern Expedition, Northern Expedition!"

"Her Majesty the Queen returns to the Xia Jing throne."

Immediately afterwards, the winning and lacking forces publicized this great victory to the world.


Note: I finally finished writing it before twelve o'clock, uploaded and published it at the last second. Dear benefactors, do you still have a monthly ticket? Will you vote for me? Please everyone, I'm going to eat.

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