I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 326: Massacre of the Saint Queen Fleet! Yingque's core undercover agent reveals himself

Next, there was no last-minute rescue, nor was there a life-and-death race.

The main fleet led by Shen Lingluo rushed into the enemy's field of vision with such momentum.

The first to discover it was still the lookout of the Western Church.

He was stunned at first, because he recognized at a glance that this was the powerful fleet of the Western Church, and it was the latest warship.

What happened?

Even if the shipyards in the Western world were fully operational, they could not produce so many warships so quickly?

And why did it appear from the south?

Is this the killer that our Western world has reserved?

But soon he saw through the telescope that it was hanging the flag of the Great Xia Empire.

Then, he was immediately horrified.

Not good, not good.

This is Ying Que's fleet.

We are ambushed.

Then, he immediately sounded the alarm.


At the same time, the Kingdom of Rakshasa also discovered the fleet of Shen Lingluo rushing over.

The Sky Book City fleet also discovered it.

Suddenly, everyone's scalp was numb.

This... Where did this come from?

Did Ying Que really salvage these warships? He, how did he do it?

This is completely impossible.

The Western Church can't do it, the Kingdom of Rakshasa can't do it, and the Sky Book City should not be able to do it.

And where did this fleet hide before?

It has been thoroughly checked, and there is no trace of this fleet in the forbidden sea.

That is the only place where the fleet can be hidden.

Because these three fleets have powerful air detection capabilities, such a large fleet cannot be hidden at all.

God knows Shen Lingluo dared to take such a risk, and God knows Ning Piaoli's control of energy is so precise, so the entire fleet can be perfectly hidden behind the typhoon.

And these air scouts did not dare to approach the typhoon for reconnaissance.

Of course, they didn't think that any fleet dared to hide behind the typhoon.

But, the fact happened.

Suddenly, all the enemy fleets began to sound shrill alarms.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The formations of the three enemy fleets suddenly became chaotic.

Some of the fleets needed to change their formations quickly to fight against Shen Lingluo's fleet.

Finally, the fleets of the three forces did not choose to flee at the first time.

Because they felt that they still had a huge advantage in numbers.

The two fleets of Yingque added up to only 300 warships, less than one-fifth of the three-party coalition.

Next, Shen Lingluo's fleet continued to move forward at full speed, constantly approaching and approaching.

After entering the range!

The 200 main battleships led by Shen Lingluo opened fire fiercely.

These 200 battleships were equipped with very few crystal dragon cannons, most of which were the original artillery of the Western Church.

But these artillery had a large caliber, amazing power, amazing firing speed, and amazing range.

Only more than half an hour after the war started!

The three-party coalition felt a huge bad situation.

The era of the number of warships is really over.

The era of giant ships and cannons has arrived.

Although the number was only one-fifth, the fleet of Yingque's side completely suppressed the enemy.

Moreover, the number of enemy warships was too many.

It was okay when they were encircling and hunting, but in the current fierce battle, such a large fleet was difficult to command and moved very clumsily.

The most important thing was that in order to hunt down Queen Xia Yi's fleet, the encirclement of the three-party joint fleet was very small.

The distance between the warships was very close.

In the panic, a collision accident actually occurred.

Therefore, the battle situation was not evenly matched at all, nor was there a life-and-death duel.

It was completely similar to a one-sided massacre, and Yingque's fleet slaughtered several times the enemy one-sidedly.

Every naval battle is a valuable experience.

Ning Daoyi and Shen Lingluo have experienced several naval battles.

After surrendering to Yingque, they experienced at least two naval battles.

The first was a naval battle with the Mi family.

The second was a naval battle with the main force of the Western Church.

Both of these naval battles were fought very hard, and even in a life-or-death situation. Especially the naval battle with the main fleet of the Western Church. If it weren't for the huge death vortex, Yingque's fleet would have been completely destroyed.

And today's naval battle faced the most enemies, and the number of warships was the most astonishing.

And the result... was the easiest.

It was even completely unremarkable.

It was just constant bombardment and constant hunting.

To be honest, the three naval forces of Sky Book City, the Western Church, and the Kingdom of Rakshasa are all very strong.

If they fight alone, they are all very powerful.

But when the three are together, they don't play the effect of one plus one plus one equals three.

Because of the lack of unified command, there has been no previous drills. The three parties simply formed a joint fleet for some special reasons.

So in the battle, it was completely a mess.

The originally vast sea area seemed to become extremely crowded.

Such a large number of warships could not be used at all.

Therefore, Shen Lingluo was extremely nervous at the beginning, and at this time he had only one feeling in his mind.

How could this be so easy?

The opponent's massive warships were in a mess and could not organize an effective counterattack.

Just keep slaughtering, keep slaughtering.

The fleets of Sky Book City, Western Church, and Rakshasa Kingdom kept sinking.

After the panic, Sky Book City, Western Church, and Rakshasa Kingdom finally organized an effective air corps attack.

The three parties' massive air corps launched an air raid.

However, Ying Que's anti-aircraft firepower is the best in the world.

On the entire sea, a steel rainstorm shot into the sky again.

Countless air corps fell one after another.

But there were still countless bombs falling, injuring Shen Lingluo's main fleet.

According to the existing naval battle experience, as long as it is a large-scale air raid, it will definitely be effective. Even if Ying Que's anti-aircraft firepower is too strong, every air raid will cause considerable damage to his fleet.

But these air corps have a disadvantage, because they are living creatures, so as long as they are injured, they will immediately drop bombs and run away.

Unlike fighter jets, even if they are hit by hundreds of bullets, they may be fine, they will not run, and they will still complete the mission.


Witch Luo Meng stood on a high place, looking at this horrible battlefield.

One warship after another was sunk, countless warships were burning, spinning on the sea, becoming sea coffins.

This sea battle may go down in history.

It will become a negative example for all naval battles.

It was so ugly.

So many warships, not even a fraction of their combat power could be used.

They even crashed into a ball because they were too crowded.

This is not on the river, but on the sea.

Witch Luo Meng said: "Li Qianji, if you don't do anything, this battle will be completely lost."

Li Qianji's eyes locked on a woman on a warship in the distance.

Queen Xia Yi!

As long as he caught her, perhaps the whole battle could be ended.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes.

A dark red aura came out of his body.

Just like Mi Xin at that time, he entered the demonic state.

His whole body was enveloped by a terrible dark energy.

Then, he suddenly rushed into the sky, flying higher and higher.


He swooped down!

He swooped down towards Queen Xia Yi's flagship.

The speed was getting faster and faster.

Dozens of strong men around the Queen shouted in unison: "Protect the Queen!"

The next second!

Li Qianji suddenly rushed to the front.

At this time, dozens of top strong men, including Ning Daoyi, completely protected Her Majesty the Queen in the center.

At the same time!

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of special crystal bombs suddenly shot at Li Qianji and exploded violently.

This kind of crystal bomb.

Not only has strong radiation, but also can release the most amazing high temperature.

In this bombing.

The energy armor on Li Qianji's body melted a little bit, but he still swooped down crazily.

Dozens of powerful crystal bombs were helpless against him.

Then came the huge energy array, aiming at Li Qianji and bursting violently.

"Boom boom boom..."

This is a very amazing sound wave energy array, and it is also the result of the research of those dark bat spirit sisters.

These terrible sound wave attacks directly penetrated Li Qianji's energy armor, causing his body to shake violently.

But... he was still safe and sound.

Then, he rushed directly to the deck.

At an incredibly amazing speed, he slammed into the deck.


A loud bang.

The shield formed by dozens of strong men who defended Queen Xia Yi flew away directly.

Dozens of strong men were directly shaken away.

The beautiful Queen Xia Yi stood quietly and alone on the deck.

She was only ten meters away from Li Qianji.


Her Majesty's eyes flashed slightly, and her pupils suddenly changed color.

After Ning Daoyi and others stood up, they rushed to Li Qianji to launch a suicidal attack.

In order to protect the queen, all of them can sacrifice.


Her Majesty the Queen slowly said: "Step back, let me do it."

She blinked again, and her pupils changed again.

Then, the tendons and blood vessels of her body flashed with strange light inch by inch.

"There are some secrets that only my husband knows, and there are some energies that I don't want to use even once, but...are you going to force me to use them?" Queen Xia Yi said: "After using them, I'm afraid I can't go back."

Li Qianji stared at Her Majesty's special pupils and stayed for a long time.

And at this moment, a strange black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky in the north.

Sweeping south madly.

Li Qianji looked at Her Majesty the Queen and slowly said: "Maybe I don't need to do it, goodbye. It's really surprising to see Her Majesty like this."

Then, he suddenly flew into the air and returned to his flagship.


This black cloud is too weird.

And the speed of going south is too fast.

Queen Xia Yi's fleet, Shen Lingluo's fleet, and the other three fleets all looked up at the rolling black cloud.

What is this? !

Queen Xia Yi said hoarsely: "The Sky Book City has finally revealed its dark side."

Although no one knew what was inside the black cloud, everyone could guess that it was a terrifying and dark force.

This black cloud was getting closer and closer to Shen Lingluo's fleet.

Shen Lingluo shouted: "Ultraviolet crystal bomb, ready!"


This huge black cloud directly enveloped the sky above Shen Lingluo's fleet.

Everyone felt a clear dark energy, similar to the energy of the dark field.

It was a bit like the mobile palace of the Rakshasa Queen.

And this was a mobile giant energy array that could constantly generate dark energy.

But... what's the use of this dark energy covering the fleet?


A figure appeared in the middle of the black cloud.

This... what is this? !

Is this a dark puppet?

Is he the one controlling this mobile dark energy array?

Is it a person, or a giant puppet?

What is this? !

It was like a humanoid creature grafted into a giant energy array.

And this energy array released a strong dark fog that enveloped the area of ​​several kilometers.

"Luo Meng, you have disappointed Her Majesty the Holy Queen. This weapon should not have appeared at this time, but your failure forced Her Majesty the Holy Queen to deploy this weapon in advance." This humanoid creature discovered a strange sound.

"Fire..." Shen Lingluo gave an order fiercely.

Suddenly, hundreds of artillery pieces opened fire fiercely.

Hundreds of large ultraviolet crystal bombs suddenly shot out and were about to explode in the air.

But... the next second.

All these ultraviolet bombs were misfired.

Falling from the sky.

This... this humanoid monster has a very special energy that can make the crystal bomb ineffective.

At least within this range, it can make the crystal bomb ineffective.

Then, the humanoid monster slowly said: "Is Ying Que not here? He should be here. He should realize that he is just sitting in the well and looking at the sky. He should realize what the real power of Sky Book City is."

"Many years ago, Sky Book City had already given up the development of artillery warships because it was meaningless."

"In the face of dark energy, artillery warships are like toys."

"Let me introduce you to the latest weapon of Sky Book City, the Dark Pagoda!"

It's really ridiculous. Sky Book City always says that it is bright, but now it is named Dark Pagoda?

Is this no longer disguised? The so-called Holy Lord is just the life left by the Dark Emperor Ji Xin?

"It's a pity that this Dark Pagoda is only half completed." The humanoid monster said: "Once it is fully completed, you don't even have time to listen to me. But even so, it's more than enough to destroy you."

This is still a semi-finished product.

As his voice fell.

Suddenly there was a loud noise!

A terrifying roar came from the sea!

Then a giant monster suddenly rushed out of the water.

This... Is this a giant octopus? !

No, this... This is the war beast created by the daughter of Dark Ji Xin, the Four-Faced Demon Mother.

However, its size is more than ten times larger.

What happened to it after entering the Sky Book City? It became so terrifying? So powerful?


Perhaps this is the war beast that the Dark Emperor Ji Xin wanted, but before it was completed, the Dark Emperor Ji Xin had already died.

And now the Sky Book City has completely developed this Four-Faced Demon Mother war beast?

After the Holy Lord destroyed Duke Ying Zhu, did he really get the most dark energy heritage?

After a series of roars!

The huge tentacles of the Four-Faced Demon Mother suddenly grabbed a battleship.

Drag it down madly.

Suddenly, an armored battleship was dragged alive to the bottom of the sea and sank directly.

The soldiers on the battleship screamed in an extremely shrill voice.

Everyone was completely stunned when they saw this scene.

This... Is this the secret weapon of the Sky Book City?

Too scary.

The next second!

Four ancient giant snakes appeared on Ying Que's side and attacked the four-faced demon mother frantically.


This four-faced demon mother has countless huge tentacles. Just sending out four tentacles can tie with Ying Que's four ancient giant snakes.


"Depth charge!"

"Torpedo launch!"

Following Shen Lingluo's order.

Countless depth charges were thrown one after another.

Dozens of torpedoes were launched frantically.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

This kind of attack also caused great damage to their own warships.

There were violent explosions and countless huge waves that suddenly rushed into the sky.


The entire seabed was quiet.

What was the result of the battle?

Did the four-faced demon mother get hit?

The whole place was strangely quiet.

But... the next second.

Another fierce roar.

Another warship in Shen Lingluo's fleet was suddenly grabbed by the huge tentacles, flipped over, dragged into the sea, and sank directly.

At this time, the humanoid creature on the dark pagoda screamed: "Ying Que should be here, he should see this scene, the shame you brought to me should be returned tenfold and a hundredfold!"

Suddenly, Shen Lingluo's fleet was completely helpless.

And the war behemoth of Sky Book City, the four-faced demon mother, launched a crazy sneak attack on Ying Que's main fleet.


At the same time!

In the dark coffins of the dark domain of the White Bone Territory, there are thousands of people lying.

These are the ace corps that were seriously injured and on the verge of death on the northern battlefield of Yingzhou.

Among them, there are three commander-level figures.

Jiumogang, Bai Yutang, and Lord Yuan Hu who has just taken office.

Yuan Hu was fatally injured and almost died just two days after taking office.

It can be seen how fierce the battlefield on the northern front is. The Western Church is completely doing its best to attack frantically.

Obviously, they also know that the situation is very urgent and want to completely defeat Ying Que's will in the shortest time.

And these senior commanders were injured very consistently, not only physically, but also their souls were completely severely damaged, almost souls were scattered.

The Western Church's spiritual attack on top masters is very terrible.

At this time, the Dark Tree of the White Bone Territory devoured the souls of countless enemy corpses, and quickly revived the ace corps and the three commanders.


In a mysterious corner of Lord Jiumogang's brain, there was a broken soul that seemed to be never found, and it began to devour the power of the soul madly and greedily.

And the owner of this soul was... King Mi!

That's right, it was Mi You!

The most powerful and terrifying enemy that Yingque had ever had.

That day, King Mi suffered from the hands of the demon king Yingque, and the crazy critical hit of endless radiation power. His body was completely dead, and his soul was dying. It escaped madly and drilled into a person's brain.

And that person was Lord Jiumogang.

At that time, Lord Jiumogang only felt that his eyes went black and his mind was blank for a short time.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong, because at that time, the sudden slap of the demon king Yingque's hand, with an amazing radiation storm, was too strong, and many people's minds were temporarily blank.

Then, Mi You's broken soul was dormant in a corner of Lord Jiumogang's brain, without any movement.

And this time...

The Queen sent Wang Lianhua to activate Mi You's soul.

How to activate? !

It is to make a deal with the Western Church, and deal a fatal spiritual blow to Jiumogang and others, so that Jiumogang's soul is almost shattered.

In this way, it will definitely be sent to the dark realm to revive.

At this time, the countless spiritual energies that revive may not be the soul of Lord Jiumogang, but the soul of Mi You.

At this time...

Mi You's soul greedily and frantically devours the soul power provided by the Dark Tree.

His soul grows rapidly!

"Yingque, you can never imagine that I will return in this way."

"Yingque, I hope I will give you a big surprise next."


Note: I finally finished writing it. I actually wrote it all night again. I feel a little helpless.

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