I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 343 Mi Xin kills King Mi! Ying Que liberates Demon City!

Time passed day by day.

Nineteen days later!

Mi You (Jiumogang)'s devouring reached its limit.

Even Wang Lianhua and Mi Xin felt it.

Because the light of the entire golden dark tree dimmed.

Not only that, even the corpse fruit crystals of the Tiandao Sect leaders on the tree dimmed instantly.

Moreover, the entire golden dark tree was shaking.

At this time, all of Mi You's spirit and body were invested in it, all used to devour the dark energy.

Unable to disperse a little bit of mental power.

Soon, a top master in the universe will be born.

Mi Xin asked, "How powerful do you think father will be after he comes out this time?"

Wang Lianhua said, "He is not as powerful as Saint Queen Di Ning, because he has his limits and he is not demonized."

Then, Wang Lianhua said, "Mi Xin, I admire Ying Que for one thing, do you know what it is?"

Mi Xin said, "What?"

Wang Lianhua said, "Stance. When he does anything, he will never relax after he sets his sights on a goal and will never give up until he reaches the goal."

Mi Xin was silent.

Wang Lianhua said, "Do you know another saying? A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. You can't give up halfway when doing anything."

Mi Xin said, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you when you say this?"

Obviously, Mi Xin has heard Wang Lianhua's subtext, asking him to betray King Mi.

Wang Lianhua said: "Do you know who in this world knows the most about the Star Absorbing Technique?"

Mi Xin said: "Of course it's you, because you cheated it from Xiang Wentian, and because you can't practice it yourself, you have studied it countless times."

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes, so in about two quarters of an hour, King Mi's Star Absorbing Technique will end, and then there will be an unprecedented explosion in his body. If it weren't for the pressure of the Dark Tree, his body would be shattered in an instant. After the energy explosion, his cultivation will be upgraded to Nirvana, reaching his extreme, and he will become a top-ranked strongman in the universe. But during the Nirvana upgrade, his entire brain and soul are completely blank, but the Nirvana transformation will be completed by inertia."

At this time, Mi Xin's breathing was rapid and heavy.

Because he heard another voice-over from Wang Lianhua.

Wang Lianhua said: "This Nirvana upgrade will last about three minutes. At this time, he will be like a vegetable and will completely lose his reaction. Even if he is so powerful, he will be extremely weak. Even if a child uses a sword to kill him, he can't resist."

Isn't this the same as when a computer upgrades its system, and it can't do anything.

Wang Lianhua said: "Mi Xin, don't you want to be a puppet? Don't you want a real body? What is the King of Dali? This body in front of you is your best choice. He has already devoured it with the Star Absorbing Technique, and has completed the Nirvana upgrade. He is already one of the strongest in the universe. Can't you just take over his body?"

Mi Xin's breathing suddenly became extremely heavy, especially since he was a puppet, this sound was even more harsh.

Wang Lianhua continued, "And the most important thing is that this body is already so strong. After you complete the possession, your value will be even higher. At that time, Sky Book City will have a huge motivation to demonize you, completely demonize you. By that time, how powerful will your cultivation be? It is completely imaginable."

"Now your father can't hear us talking, and it will take about 25 minutes for him to upgrade to Nirvana." Wang Lianhua took out his pocket watch and said, "So, you still have 25 minutes to think."

Mi Xin was trembling all over.

Wang Lianhua said: "Or let me put it more directly. If you want to take over this body and become extremely powerful, you have to do it in twenty-five minutes. Kill the soul of your father, Mi You, and turn this body into a completely ownerless blank body, but with incomparable power, you can easily take over the body."

Mi Xin screamed: "You, you want me to kill my father?!"

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes, I want you to kill your father."

Mi Xin suddenly drew his sword and put it across Wang Lianhua's neck and said: "Do you think I dare not kill you? You are extremely weak and can never be my opponent. I can easily kill you."

Wang Lianhua said: "I know."

Mi Xin said: "Do you think I am a beast? Would I kill my father?"

Wang Lianhua said slowly: "Mi Xin, King Mi has no chance. He felt that he still had a chance , he felt that he could make a comeback, but in fact he had no chance. "

Mi Xin said: "He used this Heavenly Dao Temple as a foundation to conquer the entire Snow Mountain Kingdom. How could he not have a chance?"

Wang Lianhua said: "No, he has no chance. There are only two and a half people in this world who have a chance, the Holy Lord Di Xin, the Divine Emperor Constantine, and half of Ying Que. The rest of the people have no chance, even if King Mi conquers the entire Snow Mountain Kingdom and owns the entire Heavenly Dao Temple as you expected, so what?"

"Sky Book City, the Western Church, even Ying Que, all have a system." Wang Lianhua said: "Even if King Mi makes a comeback, what can he have? He can only defend here. Does he dare to take a step forward? He has no powerful system loyal to him. Even if you are loyal to him and I am loyal to him? Who else? Who else? "

Mi Xin said: "Stay here, at least you are the overlord of one side. "

Wang Lianhua said: "It has a smaller territory than the East China Sea Province at that time, fewer troops, and no direct relatives. The most important thing is that whether it is the victory of the Sky Book City, the victory of the Western Holy See, or the victory of the If they win, will they let this place go? How long can King Mi stay here as king?"

Mi Xin said: "But, what can I get in Sky Book City?!"

Wang Lianhua said: "Do you want to compare with me? I am the son of the Holy Queen. What is my status now? What is my current level of cultivation? She promised me to help me lift the bloodline imprisonment, but she has not done anything yet. You Do you want to compete with me?"

Mi Xin fell silent.

After a long while, Mi Xin said: "If that's the case, then why do you still let me kill my father and continue to work for Sky Book City?"

Wang Lianhua said slowly: "We should be on the side of the winner."

Mi Xin said: "How are you sure that Sky Bookstore is the final winner?"

Wang Lianhua said: "How long has the Holy Lord been in seclusion? Yingzhu controlled the strongest dark power in the world at that time, and these things were obtained by the Holy Lord Di Xin. I was involved in this grudge from the beginning, don't you think Do I not understand it thoroughly enough? Of course, Emperor Constantine is also extremely powerful and has the possibility of winning. In my mind, the probability of Sky Book City's final victory is 50%, and Emperor Constantine's probability of winning is 40%. 10%. But can we get re-use in the Western Holy See? Sky Book City is our only choice.”

Mi Xin's sword was still lying across Wang Lianhua's neck, and he could chop off the head with just force, but his hands kept shaking, so the skin on Wang Lianhua's neck was damaged and blood seeped out.

Wang Lianhua continued: "King Mi is actually very miserable. He has a heroic mentality and a hegemonic mentality. He will never be willing to be someone else's subject. But he has lost. He really has no chance. Stand again Unable to stand, unable to kneel, he is finished."

Mi Xin said hoarsely: "Yingque also died once, but he was resurrected. He has a chance to rise. Why doesn't my father?"

Wang Lianhua said: "Ying Que had nothing when he died, and after his resurrection, he just started from scratch. King Mi had a lot of very strong power before, but he was completely defeated. He fell from the peak, and Ying Que just started from scratch. It’s completely different to get up from the ground.”

Mi Xin said: "But how many people are there in this world, and how many times have they risen and fallen? How many people have nothing, and then come back to create brilliance?"

Wang Lianhua said: "You are searching for a sword. Let me ask you, even if King Mi succeeds, can he defeat Sky Book City? Can he defeat the Western Holy See? There is really no chance. I am the most utilitarian in the world. , the smartest person, if it’s beneficial, can I not go?”

"I can see a huge benefit, which is to climb up on King Mi's soul corpse. You will get a brand new body, a body with incredible cultivation. And I... get a huge wealth, as a Steps of promotion.”

Mi Xin asked slowly: "Wang Lianhua, what is your ultimate goal?"

Wang Lianhua said slowly: "Help the Holy Lord and Holy Queen achieve the final victory and become the crown prince of Sky Book City and even the entire world."

Mi Xin said: "Once the Holy Lord wins the final victory and rules the entire world, he may be immortal. Even if you are the prince, you will never ascend the throne as the emperor."

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes, but government affairs will make people tired and lazy, right? And you also know how big the world is. By then, the power flowing out from the fingers will be more than any emperor in the world now."

Mi Xin was silent for a while and said: "I think you have a higher intention, but it doesn't matter. What do you want now? If you give me this body, let me take it."

Wang Lianhua said: "Give me the crystal on King Mi's forehead."

Mi Xin said: "Do you want to control this Heavenly Dao Temple?"

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes, I want to obtain this Temple of Heaven for Sky Book City, and I want to develop the same energy civilization as Yingque. The environment here is more advanced, and I can develop something more advanced and powerful than Yingque. I want to become a hegemon. An indispensable part, even if Ying Que dies this time, I will defeat him completely in his own way."

Mi Xin said: "You want to prove that you are stronger than Ying Que in every aspect. Even if he dies, you still want to defeat him?"

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes."

Then, Wang Lianhua took out her pocket watch and said, "There are still fifteen minutes until King Mi's Nirvana upgrade."

Mi Xin asked: "Ying Si, back then my father used dark power to lure you and made you slip into hell. What was the most direct reason?"

Wang Lianhua (Yingsi) thought for a while and said: "I am seven years older than Yingque. He doesn't like to practice martial arts, which is nothing. But Princess Liyang likes to practice martial arts, and so does Xia Yi. These two women are better than When I was young, I was the number one genius in the empire. I felt the same way once I tried to teach Xia Yi's martial arts and found... the gap between her and me was very small, or even non-existent, and she was even better than Ying Que. Xiao, my hair stood on end immediately, do you know this feeling?"

Mi Xin said: "A person you thought you could look down on actually looks at your level. You may even need to look up to her in the future. You can't accept it. You are afraid of losing your reputation as the number one genius in the empire. You can't accept it." People of the same age are stronger than you, even younger than you.”

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes, I have always thought that I was the number one genius. I was completely immersed in this world. Once it was subverted, the consequences would be terrible. Since then, I have had inner demons, and my cultivation has no longer improved by leaps and bounds. But it became very slow, so I proposed to travel, and then met your father, who led me gradually into the abyss of darkness."

Mi Xin said: "So after Duke Yingzhu found out, he abolished your dark evil skills and imprisoned your bloodline. Then let me ask a question, on that night of great changes, did you kill Duke Yingzhu?"

Wang Lianhua's face twitched slightly and said: "When he was still alive, I didn't do it because I didn't dare."


This sentence is even more heartbreaking and terrifying.

When Duke Yingzhu was alive, Wang Lianhua didn't dare to take action, but what about after he died?

What did he do to express his feelings to the Holy Lord and Queen?

Mi Xin said: "How does that feel?"

Wang Lianhua said: "Can't you see it? I have become a man with a thousand faces. I am Wang Lianhua and Lin Caichen, but I am not myself."

Mi Xin said: "I understand what you want to do. You want to lift the bloodline imprisonment, completely become a demon, and become a real demon."

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes! Mi Xin, there are some disasters that we must go through."

Then, Wang Lianhua asked again: "Mi Xin, do you love Fu Caiwei?"

Mi Xin thought for a while and said: "I didn't love her much before, but after she betrayed me, she became the woman I loved and hated the most. She also became my inner demon. I must defeat her and ravage her a thousand times and ten thousand times." This time, let her kneel in front of me and beg, maybe this inner demon can be solved. "

Wang Lianhua said: "If I follow your father, can I achieve this wish?"

Mi Xin was silent.

Wang Lianhua said: "Haven't you noticed? Your father keeps talking about making a comeback and creating hegemony again. But his so-called hegemony has always been a corner of the world, just dominating one side. And what about Yingque's ideal? It is to completely destroy it. Sky Book City, save the entire world. The ideal of the Holy Lord and Constantine is to completely rule the entire world. What can you achieve by following a peaceful monarch?"

Mi Xin continued to remain silent.

Wang Lianhua said: "King Mi is out of date. From his ideals to his ambitions, he is completely out of date. This world can no longer tolerate small overlords who are too peaceful. They will either be shattered to pieces or dominate the world. There is no middle state."

Mi Xin said: "What do you want from me?"

Wang Lianhua said: "Form an alliance! Witch Luo Meng and Li Qianji have already formed an alliance, can you see it? And we also need to form an alliance. The Dark Empire in Ji Xin's era had four heavenly kings, so this new Dark Empire also has four The Great King’s.”

Then, Wang Lianhua took out her pocket watch and said: "There are still five minutes. Within these five minutes, you need to make a choice. Either chop off my head and continue to be loyal to King Mi, or kill King Mi's soul and take his body." , and give me the crystal on his forehead. In short, you should not choose the middle state, either kill me or kill your father."

After saying that, Wang Lianhua closed her eyes and waited quietly.

Time flies by.

Three minutes to go.

Two minutes to go.

One minute left.

Suddenly Mi Xin asked: "Wang Lianhua, at that time the Holy Lord and the Holy Queen fought against your father Yingzhu, and you were a bystander? Did your father ask you to kill the Holy Lord and the Queen?"

Wang Lianhua said: "No, he asked me to run."

Mi Xin said: "Did the Holy Lord and Holy Queen ask you to kill Duke Yingzhu?"

Wang Lianhua said: "Yes, they asked me to do it. But I didn't dare."

Mi Xin said: "What if you were asked to choose again?"

Wang Lianhua said: "I will do it."

Mi Xin said: "Why?"

Wang Lianhua said: "When I started, I fell directly into the deepest abyss of darkness, into the eighteenth level of hell. I can't go any deeper, can't get any darker, can't get any more depraved. But now, I've been falling for more than twenty years. It’s like I can’t see the end.”

Mi Xin understood this sentence instantly.

If things must be done, they cannot get worse.

Mi Xin said: "I understand."

Wang Lianhua opened her eyes, took out her pocket watch and said, "There are still ten seconds, five seconds."

"Five, four, three, two, one!"

Time's up!

The entire golden tree of darkness suddenly dimmed, then stopped flashing and trembling instantly, as if it had fallen into a complete freeze.

The devouring of King Mi is over, and the Nirvana upgrade will begin next.

The energy in his body will continue to explode, forcibly raising the limit of his cultivation.

At this time, Miyou (Jiumogang)'s mind was blank.

Anyone can kill him.

Mi Xin said: "You didn't completely fall into hell at that time, then let me fall into it."

He stood up directly, holding a dagger in his left hand and an undead thorn in his right hand.

There is an energy crystal hidden in the handle of the undead thorn, which contains an ultra-high concentration of dark souls. Once it is pierced, the energy of the dark souls will explode in the brain, directly turning the person into a walking zombie, completely out of his mind.

Mi Xin did not hesitate, stepped forward and opened the eternal black coffin.

The whole body of the person lying inside was flowing and changing.

At this time, the appearance no longer resembles Jiumogang's appearance, nor does it resemble Miyou's appearance. It looks a bit like the neutralization of the two.

"Fall into hell, eternal darkness!" Mi Xin suddenly shouted loudly.

Then, he stabbed down with his dagger, and dug out the crystal on Mi You's forehead, the crystal that opened the Heavenly Dao Temple.

After thinking for a while, he handed it to Wang Lianhua.

After Wang Lianhua took it, he slowly said: "Lord Mi Xin, we have officially formed an alliance, and we will both have a dark and infinite future."

Mi Xin took a few deep breaths.

Then, the undead thorn in his hand was aimed at the head of King Mi and stabbed it fiercely.

Then, endless dark dead souls suddenly drilled into Mi You's (Jiumogang) brain and exploded violently.

It was like a small soul nuclear bomb, exploding wildly in the brain.

In the end, Mi Xin made his own choice, an extremely terrible choice.


And at this time!

Ying Que's naval battle in the demon city-state was over, and most of the ground battles were over.

Ninety percent of the demon city-states in the Rakshasa Queendom were all liberated.

At this time, countless slaves knelt around Ying Que and shouted loudly: "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"


Note: Sorry, the update is two hours late, because the conception time is too long, and there are many details that are not good enough and need to be re-conceptualized.

Dear Sirs, please give me your guaranteed monthly ticket, and I look at you with tears in my eyes.

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