I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 348: One-sided massacre! Rakshasa King City was defeated!

Overlooking the entire battlefield of Luosha King City, it is a confrontation between two war monsters.

The number of artillery on both sides is countless.

The number of troops on both sides is countless.

The ace corps, musket corps, second-line corps, third-line corps, etc. mobilized by Ying Que add up to more than 400,000.

The food consumed every day is an astronomical figure.

But at this time, he controls the entire Daxia Empire. Every day, there are more than hundreds of merchant ships transporting supplies, traveling back and forth between the Demon Sea and the Daxia Empire.

The outer periphery of Luosha King City is full of trenches and countless fortresses.

Ying Que's corps surrounded Luosha King City.

Every few dozen meters, there is a solid concrete fortress.

Every few hundred meters, there is an artillery position.

Every hundred meters, there is an energy array, and all these energy arrays are buried underground so that they will not be destroyed by enemy artillery.

In order to supply energy to these hundreds of energy arrays, Mi Daoyuan directly returned to Shen Gongao's dark domain, took out a small piece of complete Pluto crystal again, and then used dark energy fluid to connect all the energy arrays in series to build a miniature dark domain.

In this way, the energy supply problem of hundreds of energy arrays was completely solved.

Although Ying Que was very anxious, the entire tactical deployment was not urgent at all.

An unprecedented encirclement system was directly built outside the demon city.

After everything was built.

The siege battle officially began!

"Boom boom boom boom..." Ying Que's crystal dragon cannon began to bombard from a long distance.

Hundreds of crystal dragon cannons fired wildly.

The rain of projectiles fell like a meteor shower.

The speed of each solid shell even exceeded six or seven times the speed of sound.

What city wall can withstand it? !

A series of earth-shaking roars suddenly shook the entire ground.

After just over an hour of bombardment!

The city wall of more than several hundred meters was smashed into ruins.

The height and thickness of the walls of the Luosha King City are extremely terrifying, and they are all made of the strongest stone slabs.

Queen Yu Luosha used hundreds of thousands of slaves to build this solid city wall.

But the war has changed. Under the crystal dragon cannon, no matter how strong the city wall is, it is useless and can be torn apart easily.

The defenders of the Luosha King City also have artillery, but it is useless. The range is not enough and the accuracy is not enough.

Moreover, most of Yingque’s army is in the trenches and underground fortresses.

Therefore, the defenders of the Luosha King City are completely passive.

Moreover, any artillery position within the range will be destroyed by Yingque’s crystal dragon cannon.

Therefore, the tactic of defending the city wall is basically no longer feasible.

In order to change this situation of being completely beaten and unable to fight back, Li Qianji ordered to start the meat shield plan.

Aren’t you Yingque very kind?

We will push the innocent civilians in the royal city onto the city wall. If you, Yingque, open fire, you will massacre the civilians.

Directly mix the civilians and the army together.

Faced with this situation, Yingque's army completely ceased fire.

Yu Daoquan came to report to Ning Daoyi: "Marshal, please report to His Majesty immediately. Li Qianji has placed a large number of civilians as hostages on the city wall defense line. Should we continue to fire? Or stop the shelling?"

Ning Daoyi frowned and said, "Wait a moment."

Yingque was not on the battlefield at this time, because the battlefield during this period was very boring.

Moreover, there were more than a dozen commanders on this battlefield, which was simply a luxury, and he did not need the Lord to come in person.

And he had more important things to do in the dark area of ​​the Demon Sea.

He brought hundreds of alchemists and was studying the samples brought by Fu Caiwei.

While studying, cultivating.

It was what Fu Caiwei brought from the Snow Mountain God Lord Yanxin, which was almost all the biological research of the Tiandao School of the Dark Academy.

According to Ying Que's estimation, when the war enters a stalemate, the Kingdom of Rakshasa and Sky Book City will definitely use biological weapons again.

By then, it may not be just the dark poison.

Ning Daoyi came to the camp of Princess Liyang and invited Shen Wuzhuo.

"Li Qianji drove tens of thousands of civilians to the city wall to try to stop our attack. If we don't open fire, it will delay the progress of the siege. But if we open fire, it will be a massacre of civilians." Ning Daoyi said slowly: "The people below stopped the bombardment of the Crystal Dragon Cannon and wanted to ask for the will of His Majesty."

Shen Wuzhuo said: "You can't ask for this will."

Shen Wuzhuo is not only a minister, but also a brother. He immediately understood the most critical issue.

Ning Daoyi said, "Yes, we can't ask for this decree. Your Majesty is always upright and righteous, and will never issue an order to harm civilians. But... if we delay the pace of the siege for this reason, then we are not merciful, but pedantic."

"So, I suggest that the command directly order to continue the siege, regardless of the civilians on the wall."

Princess Liyang said, "Okay! Let the three of us give this order."

Then, Princess Liyang, Ning Daoyi, and Shen Wuzhuo, the three commanders, signed the order.

Continue bombardment!

Then, the Crystal Demon Dragon Cannon, which had paused for half an hour, bombarded crazily again!

Perhaps, there will be many dead souls!

But being too merciful on the battlefield will become like Duke Xiang of Song.

In this earth-shaking bombardment!

The armies of Sky Book City and Raksha Queen Kingdom could no longer bear the huge casualties and retreated from the city walls.


Ying Que's Crystal Dragon Cannon bombarded for several days.

The front wall of the entire Raksha Queen City has collapsed.

However, Ying Que's army still did not start a full-scale charge, because the scouts in the air could see it clearly.

Li Qianji and the elite troops of the Raksha Queen Kingdom were also deployed in the city.

There were countless trenches and countless fortresses inside the Raksha King City.

If the army rushed into the city rashly at this time, it would bring huge casualties.

However, facing this situation, the most direct way is to throw incendiary bombs.

But in that case, it would be impossible to control the burning range at all. The entire royal city would be burned down, including the countless craftsmen and factories that Ying Que wanted, which would be burned down by the fire.

But... there is also a way.

That is precise air strikes and ground-penetrating bombs!

"Let's go!"

With the order, dozens of mutant vultures suddenly took off.

First fly very high.

Then dive quickly!

Because the earth-penetrating bomb relies on weight, time-delay fuse, and amazing kinetic energy of falling.

And in order to carry out an absolutely accurate air strike, it is necessary to fly low enough.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Hundreds of mutant vultures dived faster and faster.

This is a mutant vulture that has undergone at least two bloodline transformations to withstand such a high-speed dive.

If you want to carry out an accurate air strike, you must drop bombs at a height of at least tens of meters.


When Ying Que's mutant vulture just dived to two or three hundred meters.

The sky above the Rakshasa King City shook violently.

A strange light flashed suddenly.

Then, the dozens of mutant vultures in Ying Que's first wave of air strikes trembled violently and fell directly to their deaths in the air.

Energy array! Energy array!

The enemy also has countless energy arrays.

Moreover, these energy arrays are buried underground and cannot be destroyed by artillery fire.

If the enemy's defensive energy array is not resolved, not only can air strikes not be carried out, but the army cannot enter the city.

For air strikes, unless bombs are dropped directly from a very high altitude, it is impossible to carry out accurate air strikes, after all, the bombs to be dropped are ground-penetrating bombs.

However, at the moment when the enemy's energy array explodes.

Ning Piaoli rides on a mutant snow sculpture, at a very high altitude, closes his eyes, and releases a powerful mental perception.

Almost in an instant, Ning Piaoli locates all these energy arrays of the enemy.

After returning to the camp, Ning Piaoli immediately takes out an accurate map and marks the location of each energy array on the map.

Extremely accurate, almost at the coordinate level.


"This is the ultrasonic energy array of the Sky Book City!" Chuchu quickly drew a complete structural diagram of the enemy's energy array.

In a short period of time, she designed a crystal energy bomb specifically for these energy arrays, which can directly destroy the most vulnerable energy core of the enemy's energy array.

Because, the witch Luo Meng is the world's top energy master and formation master. Luo Meng is dead, Chu Chu inherited all her memories, so she also inherited all her talents.

Next, she took hundreds of crystal sorcerers from Ying Que's camp to mass-produce special crystal bombs in the dark area of ​​the devil's seabed.

Ying Que almost transported many equipment from the secret laboratory of the Dark Academy directly to this dark area of ​​the devil's seabed.

Twenty-eight hours later!

More than three thousand special crystal energy bombs were manufactured!


More than a thousand air riders carrying thousands of crystal energy bombs took off in unison.


With an order.

A thousand air riders flew towards the Rakshasa King City like covering the sky and the sun.

Everyone was stunned. It was really a super big scene.

Thousands of riders lined up in the air, surprisingly... so huge.

It was really dense and boundless.

However, does Ying Que no longer care about the factories in the city? Does he no longer care about the lives of these precious craftsmen?

Has the large-scale, carpet-style bombing started?

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Countless crystal energy bombs fell like raindrops.

Then, the second batch!

The third batch of air strikes came on stage.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Countless crystal energy bombs landed and then exploded violently.

But... it was not a normal explosion.

Instead, a strange blue light burst out.

There would be no casualties, nor would houses be destroyed.


All the energy arrays in the Rakshasa King City were directly paralyzed.

This is a saturation air strike.

The enemy has a total of 167 energy arrays, and they don't need so many crystal energy bombs at all.

But in order to take it down quickly, Yingque completely ignored the cost.

"Bang... Bang, bang, bang..."

Looking down from the air, one can only see rounds of explosions in the Rakshasa King City.

This time it was a real explosion.

Many unstable energy arrays buried underground in the Sky Book City exploded directly.

The power is no less than a giant bomb.

The sorcerer who controlled the energy array was blown to pieces.

More than a hundred huge holes appeared on the ground inside the city.


The enemy's defensive energy array was almost completely destroyed. Even if there were some fish that slipped through the net, it would not affect the overall situation.

Next, Ying Que's air corps attacked again.

This time, hundreds of mutant vultures once again carried earth-penetrating bombs into the air.

Each earth-penetrating bomb weighed more than 600 kilograms.

After reaching a sufficient height, these mutant vultures began to dive madly.

The speed was getting faster and faster.

When there were still a few hundred meters from the ground.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

The anti-aircraft firepower in the Rakshasa King City fired crazily.

But... neither the Rakshasa Queen Kingdom nor the Sky Book City had real anti-aircraft guns.

It was impossible to build a terrible air defense network like Ying Que.

In this world, only Ying Que has truly powerful anti-aircraft firepower.

When it was thirty meters from the ground.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Hundreds of kilograms of earth-penetrating bombs were thrown down suddenly.

With amazing kinetic energy and falling at an amazing speed.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Each bunker-buster bomb drilled into the ground mercilessly for more than ten meters, and then exploded violently.

Drilling more than ten meters into the ground is a world of difference compared to modern bunker-buster bombs, but it is completely enough in this battlefield.

Most of the underground fortresses and trenches in the Rakshasa Kingdom are only a few meters deep.


The Yingque Legion launched rounds of air strikes.

Countless bunker-buster bombs were thrown down frantically.

Another saturation attack.

This precise air strike lasted for a whole day.

The result was extremely tragic.

Almost all the trenches and underground fortresses in the Rakshasa Kingdom and Sky Book City were plowed.

More than 80% of the underground fortresses and 90% of the trenches were completely destroyed.


In a fortress dozens of meters underground.

"This kind of war is really despairing! It is unimaginable how the Western Church resisted and even gained the upper hand."

"Our troops have all been scattered into residential houses and factories."

"Li Qianji, I really don't understand, you have tens of thousands of Lost Legions, why don't you launch a suicidal attack? You have 5,000 Dark Legions, which are obviously invincible, why don't you attack?" Li Hualan said: "This is not a war at all, this is a one-sided massacre. The war in Wangcheng has been going on for more than ten days. Do you know how many casualties we have? A full 80,000, how many casualties did your Golden Legion suffer? We haven't even seen the enemy, but we have already suffered so many casualties."

Li Qianji remained silent. He was in a high position, but he had never commanded any war, but he didn't think he had made any mistakes.

But, it turned out like this.

Li Hualan said: "I now doubt your command ability and your command motivation. We know that Yingque once did you a favor. Are you colluding with him?"

Li Qianji was silent for a while and said: "In conventional combat, no one in this world can be Yingque's opponent. Whether it is artillery bombardment or air strikes. No one can be Yingque's opponent. Sky Book City can't do it, and the Western Church can't do it."

Li Hualan said: "So, why don't you send out the Lost Legion? Why don't you send out the Dark Legion?"

Li Qianji said: "You go into the underground dark area and report to the Queen of Jade Rakshasa. Just say that I apply to stop the war on the ground, give up the Rakshasa King City, and retreat to the underground dark area. The war on the ground is completely unnecessary."

Li Hualan said: "You know, all our factories are on the ground, and many of them are even It is impossible to move them underground. If we give up the Luosha Royal City, these factories will fall into the hands of Yingque. "

Li Qianji said: "All the precious craftsmen will retreat underground. All the factories will be blown up. Then give Luosha Royal City to Yingque and let him have an empty city. "

Li Hualan said: "In that case, the entrance to our dark domain will be completely controlled by Yingque. He can blockade us for a long time. We can eat food in the underground dark domain for a long time. There are hundreds of thousands of people in it who can't stay. The food can only last for half a year? A year? "

Li Qianji said: "You just report it and let the queen make the decision. Just say that I suggest giving up the royal city! Choose to fight in our most powerful underground dark domain. "

Li Hualan was silent for a moment, then opened the secret door of the underground fortress and continued to go deeper underground.

Go to Luosha Dark Domain and report to Luosha Queen.


“Your Majesty, Li Qianqiu said that the ground war in Luosha Royal City has no possibility of winning, and applied to abandon the ground royal city and go underground.” Li Hualan said: “Luo Meng’s rebellion has brought us too much loss.”

The Jade Luosha Queen said slowly: “Abandon Luosha Royal City?! It’s not impossible…”


Note: I have to go out for business tomorrow. After the lockdown is lifted in June, the decoration of my house will continue. There are really a lot of things to do. But I will seize the time to write, thank you everyone.

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