I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 361: Prince Mi kneels down and pledges allegiance to Ying Que! New Era!

The person who was most shocked after hearing Jiumogang's words was not Yingque, but Miyou. He couldn't believe his ears at all.

Although this is a spiritual world, there is no such thing as ears.

And just now he said that he, Miyou, was alone in this world, no one trusted him, and no one had any deep feelings for him. Even his own son Mixin betrayed him and wanted to kill his soul and take over his body.

And now, Jiumogang was actually going to sacrifice himself to fulfill him, Miyou.

This... this... this...

Jiumogang was Miyou's enemy and the object of his forced possession.

And now, no matter from which aspect, Jiumogang's spiritual soul was in an absolute upper hand.

Because he was severely injured and fell into internal consumption of the soul, Miyou's soul continued to wither. At this time, he no longer had much vitality, so he could no longer compare with Jiumogang in terms of mental strength.

And the most important thing was that Yingque appeared.

So no matter from which angle, Miyou had no chance of winning.

But... Jiumogang actually gave up this body and even his life.

"No other meaning." Jiumogang said: "King Mi, I don't sympathize with you, and I don't have any brotherly feelings with you. It's just because you are more useful alive than me, and you are more helpful to the great cause of the master."

Mi You said: "Do you think that I can play a greater role in eliminating the Holy Queen Di Ning and the Holy Lord Di Xin next?"

Jiumogang said: "Yes, and I am a little behind the times. You and the Holy Lord and the Holy Queen are triplets. You know them better, and you are also cruel and despicable enough."

Mi You fell into silence and didn't know how to answer for a while.

No matter how many reasons there are, they can't alleviate the shock in his heart. No matter how lightly Jiumogang said it, it can't change the fact that Jiumogang is willing to sacrifice himself and let Mi You live.

A person is willing to give up the sovereignty of his own body. Is there a greater sacrifice than this?

If it had happened before, Mi You might not have been too moved. However, he has now lost all control of his body, and the only thing he has is his spirit and emotions. How can he not be filled with emotion?

Perhaps... this is a continuation of the same lineage?

Mi Daoyuan was once the most loyal member of the Mi family, but he also served Ying Que without hesitation, and when Mi Xin appeared, when Ying Que was at a disadvantage in the battle, Mi Daoyuan appeared to turn the tide, without any intention of betraying Ying Que.

Because Ying Que directly gave the Demon King's Vein to Mi Daoyuan.

How precious is the Demon King's Vein?

Mi You did not reply directly, but said slowly: "Sir Ying Que, Lord Jiumogang, you already know that I am not the real Mi You. I am one of the triplets you mentioned. Three heads share one body. When I reached a certain age, my soul was separated and took over Mi You's body. From then on, I became Mi You."

"So from then on, Mi You's temperament changed drastically, and the Mi family also embarked on the road to rise. In fact, I often wonder, if I hadn't taken over Mi You's body, what would have happened to the Mi family?" King Mi said slowly: "Maybe it wouldn't be so glorious, and it wouldn't have expanded so fast, but there wouldn't be the disaster today."

Ying Que and Jiumogang didn't speak.

King Mi continued: "Your Majesty Yingque, you devoured Shen Wuque's soul and immersed yourself in his soul memory for a long time. Has your temperament been affected by him?"

Yingque said: "Of course."

King Mi said: "In fact, I was also affected by Mi You's own personality and soul. After I took over the body of Lord Jiumogang, I was also influenced by him. People's souls and wills are really not as strong as imagined."

Yingque certainly knew this. People's wills are not completely innate. They are constantly shaped in difficult situations, just like the Great Wall was not built in a day.

King Mi asked again: "Your Majesty Yingque, how is Mi Qi now?"

Yingque said: "He was just promoted to a thousand households, but because he stayed in the second-line army, he did not make much contribution. But he has applied for blood transformation and wants to enter the ace army. Once he enters the ace army, his position may be reduced by more than two levels."

King Mi said: "Then what is he fighting for?"

Yingque said: "He is probably obsessed, and he has devoted himself to his sense of mission and can't extricate himself."

"Yes, obsessed." King Mi said: "Once a person is obsessed with something, it is really difficult to extricate himself. Whether it is good or bad, is bad. "

Then, King Mi asked again: "Where is Lord Yanxin, the Lord of the Snow Mountain?"

Ying Que said: "He is dead. This time he has completely passed away and turned into ashes."

King Mi said: "What a pity, what a pity! He had many opportunities to kill me, but he didn't do it. Instead, he made such a big plan to force me into this mental prison. He really had good intentions. He did so much just to leave me a glimmer of life, but I can't thank him in person. "

King Mi was so smart that he could see that Lord Yanxin had shown mercy to him, and even deliberately wanted him to take a new path.

Perhaps, King Mi's experience also made Lord Yanxin think of himself.

How powerful was Lord Yanxin in the past? Did he have ambitions? Of course he did, the ambition to use the power of darkness to rule the world.

But later, this ambition was extinguished by Lord Ying Zhu.

Not only was he defeated by Yingzhu's force, but also by his character and morality.

Although Master Yanxin always sounds stupid when he talks about Yingzhu, the person he respects, admires and misses the most in his heart is Yingzhu.

He and Yingzhu changed from enemies to frenemies, and finally became confidants.

And Lord Yanxin also wants to give Miyou such a chance.

"Haha..." King Mi said slowly: "Now that I recall Duke Yingzhu, I am still filled with emotion. I really admired him at that time. He was in the treasure mountain, but he was not affected at all and did not become greedy. Endless dark power. But... I directly judged that he would fail because he was too idealistic and was too far away."

This is not Mi You’s judgment alone, Lord Yan Xin also made the same judgment.

King Mi said: "But now that I think about it, maybe I am superficial. Duke Yingzhu failed, but... he did not fail either. Because everything he did seemed to be paving the way for you. You have all his advantages. , you don’t have any of his shortcomings, so Your Majesty, when you win again and again, I am really panicking deep in my heart, because it brings me a sense of fate, and I don’t want to at all. Believe it, but deep down I believed it.”

"Although the path you take seems to be different from that of Duke Yingzhu, in the final analysis, you still inherit his will and career. His great cause back then was not strong enough and the time was not right, because he forcibly blocked the dark power. This is not possible. But if you transform and reborn in the darkness, and then move towards the light, you may be walking towards a royal path."

"But in the final analysis, the path you are taking is the same as that of your father-in-law Yingzhu. The goal is the same, but haste makes waste. He wants to rush directly to the top of the mountain, but you spiral up."

King Mi seemed to be talking to himself. He didn't know whether he wanted to say it to Ying Que or to himself.

"Before, I didn't dare to think too thoroughly about many things, and even if I thought too thoroughly, I didn't dare to face them." King Mi continued: "But now that I have nothing, I dare to really face it, and I dare to think very deeply. In-depth. Your Majesty Yingque, I think you will win with a high probability. Although I can't see any specific forces, I can't give the reason for this judgment, but what I see is a general trend. Something like luck.”

"The Mi family was also lucky in the past. If you had lost the fight in Zhenhai City, even if you had given in even half a step, then the Mi family would have accomplished a great cause now and established the Great Mi Empire, which is half the size of the Great Xia Empire. The territory was over, and I became the founding emperor." King Mi sighed: "That fight was actually the most dangerous moment for Her Majesty the Queen and you. But you won. From then on, your destiny has completely changed, and you have become unstoppable. ”

Yingque and Jiumogang still didn't speak, just listened quietly.

King Mi added: "The most hurtful thing I have ever been told by someone in my life was by Her Majesty the Queen. She said you were nothing more than that, saying that I only had power and no way of being an emperor. She said that I had disappointed her. , saying that she saw my ceiling. This sentence really hit me hard at the time, because what she said was right and true. "

"In Game of Thrones, many people participated in the beginning. But then the number of people participating will become less and less. Many people died, and many people discovered halfway that they were not the material at all. And I, Miyou, …I think I am that piece of material, but in the end I am not that piece of material.”

"I'm not, I'm not, I'm not..." King Mi said hoarsely: "I can only create chaos, and then use conspiracy to expand in the chaos. But... if you use conspiracy to gain power, your foundation is destined to be unstable. The one who truly conquers the world , must be kingly. Of course, if there is no real kingly talent in this world, then I will go up. After all, there are no heroes in the world, but there are kingly talents in this world, and there is more than one queen. Your Majesty is right, I don’t have the appearance of an emperor, I only play tricks.”

"I really envy Mr. Jiumogang. He has strong idealism, but he doesn't have much personal ambition. Things gained through conspiracy can be lost very quickly. For example, the hegemony of Di Xin and Di Ning was obtained through conspiracy. , and what happens now? In just two or three years, the extremely powerful Sky Book City has become so infamous that it has completely declined, losing all its majesty and reputation. "

"Faith is the foundation of Sky Book City. When the Lord only uses conspiracy to control everything, the pillars of faith will collapse."

After talking to himself like this for a long time, King Mi suddenly said: "Your Majesty Yingque, I must tell you that I don't have much ambition now, and I was completely shocked by Lord Jiumogang's actions, so I am already convinced. I am willing to be loyal to you, but after you really revived me and gave me great power and some kind of ambition, I can't guarantee that I won't betray you. I won’t have any other thoughts.”

"But at least now, I am no longer hypocritical. If I have the chance, I am willing to live. I am willing to follow you out of this heavenly temple. I want to follow you to participate in the next magnificent cause. In this way, I A life is not truly wasted.”

Yingque said slowly: "Lord Jiumogang?"

Jiumogang said: "Miyou's talents far exceed mine. I am willing to hand over all the power of this body to him. And I have no regrets in this life."

Ying Que was silent for a while and said: "King Mi, let me say something ugly first. You are my biggest enemy, a very, very big enemy, and I don't have the virtue to completely forgive my enemies. I can let you live, I can let you live. You control this body for the time being, but when my great cause is completed, I will definitely return this body to Lord Jiumogang. I can't decide whether your fate will continue to live or be wiped out. I will judge you then."

King Mi said: "I know, I accept it."

Ying Que said slowly: "Actually, I have a saying that has been circulated for a long time. Surrender before death is valid, but you and I don't know which one it should be?"

Jiumogang said: "Your Majesty, before you arrived, King Mi had actually shaken his worldview. He was already reflecting on his life. Although he said he could understand Mi Xin's betrayal, in fact he couldn't accept it at all. , Mi Xin's betrayal of him was a complete subversion of his soul, so... please have mercy on me. In the future, King Mi will definitely play a huge role in the great cause of annihilating the Holy Queen and the Holy Lord. Please think twice. Your Majesty, please give him a chance. At least let him help you eliminate the Holy Lord and Holy Queen. How to deal with him in the future will be judged in the future."

Then Jiumogang knelt on the ground motionless.

Then, Jiumogang said: "King Mi, do you still want to be reserved now? Do you still want to maintain your so-called majesty and pride?"

King Mi looked at Jiumogang, then knelt down towards Yingque, with his forehead on the ground and said: "The guilty minister, Mi You, pays homage to His Majesty Yingque. The guilty minister is willing to surrender to Your Majesty, and is willing to perform meritorious service for his crime. Please accept my surrender and I will be loyal to you and will do my best. After your Majesty’s great cause is completed, I will not hesitate to kill you or imprison you.”

"Your Majesty, the criminal Mi You just wants to have a meaningful life and be able to accomplish something great."

"Please give your majesty Yingque a clear warning and thank you for your grace."


Note: Thank you all.

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