I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 371 Everything is over! Demon Realm!

Xu Qianqiu was very proud because the thirteen crystal dragon cannons he had built were large and clumsy, but they were powerful and had directly reversed the situation. Although Ying Que had used extremely violent means to tear open a huge crack in the Saint Mountain Energy Fortress, his thirteen crystal dragon cannons easily blocked the crack.

Ying Que had already sent more than a dozen waves of attacks, but they were all stopped and suffered heavy losses.

In this five-meter diameter passage, the power of the crystal dragon cannons was too strong for any army to pass through.

Of course, the thirteen crystal dragon cannons of the Sky Book City could not stop at any time and fired continuously to ensure that Ying Que's army would not have any chance.

At this time, each of these crystal dragon cannons of the Sky Book City had fired dozens of times in a row.

But, the massacre was going on happily.

Three, two, one!

Mi You finished counting down in his heart.


"Boom..." A loud noise!

An earth-shattering explosion, an unprecedented explosion.

The first crystal dragon cannon of the Sky Book City exploded.

Then the second, third, and fourth...

Like a chain reaction.

These thirteen crystal dragon cannons exploded continuously.

The power of this self-explosion? ! How terrible is it?

Although the blueprints were obtained, the technology of the Sky Book City laboratory was not up to standard, so the crystal dragon cannons they made were extremely huge.

Because the energy utilization rate was too low, it was necessary to use dozens of times the energy crystals to pile them up!

The heaviest of these crystal dragon cannons was 29,000 kilograms, and the lightest was 15,000 kilograms.

How terrifying is the energy contained in it?

It even exceeded the most powerful giant crystal missile made by Ying Que.

And this Saint Mountain Energy Fortress is an internal space.

"Boom boom boom..."

This earth-shaking explosion is enough to sweep away all life within the radius, even as powerful as the Dark Legion.

And in order to avoid being hit by Ying Que, these thirteen crystal dragon cannons were scattered very far and very evenly.

This is very fatal.

This explosion is extremely sufficient.

According to Ying Que's measurement unit, the self-detonation power of each crystal dragon cannon even exceeded hundreds of tons of high explosives.

The most elite force of Sky Book City, the Dark Legion, was turned to ashes in large numbers.

The people at the center of the explosion were directly evaporated.

The people slightly outside were also bloody and charred, and their lives and deaths were uncertain.

In this space, the explosion was completely destructive.

Even with the cultivation of Saint Queen Di Ning, she was directly blown away.

In the shortest time, she condensed a powerful energy shield to isolate all shock waves and all flames.

This prevented her from being embarrassed.

Otherwise... even if her body was fine, her clothes would be turned to ashes.

And the light of this shocking explosion almost blinded people for a short time.


It took a long time.

The energy fortress was quiet, but it was pitch dark.

Because the internal system of the entire energy fortress was completely destroyed.

Of course, even in this darkness, Saint Queen Di Ning can see things in the dark.

She found that after this shocking explosion, less than one-tenth of the people stood up again, and the rest were either dead or injured.

Her last strength, the most powerful strength, the Dark Army has less than one-tenth of it, and less than half of them are still alive.

How did this war turn out like this?

So miserable?

Li Qianji said coldly: "King Mi, I think you need to give us an explanation. Why did the crystal dragon cannon made according to your drawings explode?"

Mi You seemed to be completely stunned. Looking at everything on the ground, he said hoarsely: "I can't give you this explanation."

At this time, there are many explanations.

Saint Queen Di Ning said in a hoarse voice: "Xu Qianqiu, didn't you say that the crystal dragon cannon you made is very stable? Why did it explode?"

At this time, only half of Xu Qianqiu's body was left, and the whole person was trembling. He was dying.

"I, I don't know either."

The Holy Lord's envoy said, "Is there something wrong with the blueprint?"

Xu Qianqiu said, "It's probably not the blueprint, it's... our manufacturing process. We fired more than a dozen times before, and there were no problems. But this wave of shooting was too dense, causing energy overload."

Li Qianji said, "Then why didn't Yingque's Crystal Dragon Cannon explode after firing hundreds of times in a row?"

Xu Qianqiu said, "Your Highness, Yingque spent several years on it. And we... it only took less than a month. We have tried our best. It doesn't mean that we can make exactly the same thing just by getting the blueprint."

Continue Xu Qianqiu smiled miserably and said, "Your Majesty, I, Xu Qianqiu, don't have much time left, so I can speak my mind now. We have so many energy masters and alchemy masters, but some of them went to Ying Que, and some of them retired to live in seclusion. After you took power, only one kind of person in Sky Book City can keep his life and status, and that is to obey you absolutely. Even if they don't oppose you, but are just not so flattering, they can't keep their power. This is bad money driving out good money. The crystal dragon cannons we made are not up to standard, but don't you see how many talents we have lost? As for these thirteen crystal dragon cannons, we have done our best."

After saying that, Xu Qianqiu vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood and died immediately.

There was silence.

Because Xu Qianqiu’s words before he died were so convincing.

It's not that there's a problem with the drawings, it's that the time is too short, the shooting is too intensive, and the brain drain is too serious, which leads to such tragic consequences.

Li Qianji said hoarsely: "Your Majesty the Queen, it's time for us to leave."


Leaving again?

Where to go?

Sky Book City has fallen, and this energy fortress is the last line of defense.

Where else to go?

Of course you can leave.

Go to a place no one knows, to the next portal, to the most mysterious and terrifying place.

It is also the place where the Holy Lord Di Xin retreats.

That place is not in Sky Book City, but in another very mysterious and distant space realm.

The Holy Empress stared at Mi You, Li Qianji, the special envoy of the Holy Lord, and Mi Xin, who was completely transformed into a demon.

at this time……

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

There were flashes of light and shadow.

The top experts from the winning and lacking camp are really pouring in.

Li Qianji said: "Your Majesty the Holy Queen, let's go!"

Without saying a word, Holy Queen Di Ning turned into an afterimage and disappeared without a trace.

Li Qianji and Miyou followed closely behind.


The rest of the people can't keep up at all.

Holy Queen Di Ning ran too fast, faster than the Flash Technique.

The special envoy of the Holy Lord was stunned. He looked at the direction where Holy Queen Di Ning disappeared and said hoarsely: "I, I haven't left yet."

And Mi Xin was also stunned, he, he hadn't left yet.

Chu Chu rushed in first,

Next came Ying Que, then Princess Liyang.

Just a few moments later!

More than two hundred top experts from the Yingque camp all entered the energy fortress.

A quarter of an hour later!

Thousands of warrior legions entered.

Two quarters of an hour later!

More than 10,000 ace troops entered.

At this time, there were less than a thousand people standing in Sky Bookstore.

Dozens of Sky Book City elders and school city committee members, as well as nearly a thousand members of the Dark Gold Group.

The special envoy of the Holy Lord trembled and trembled, and knelt down: "Sinful minister, please see Your Majesty Yingque, long live, long live, long live."

"Your Majesty, the guilty minister will lead all the dark legions to surrender to you!"

Mi Xin looked at Ying Que and Fu Caiwei, her whole head was in a daze.

He...he was probably more miserable than Wang Lianhua in his life.

At that time, he was ambushed by Fu Caiwei's shooting trap, and the last ray of his soul escaped. Only Sky Bookstore gave him a demon body. He felt that this was the beginning of his destiny change, and he would become incomparable. Strong, he will definitely be able to make immortal contributions in the great cause of eliminating Ying Que.


It's a complete joke.

After Yingque was reborn, he created unparalleled achievements.

After his rebirth, there was only tragedy and more tragedy.

First, he failed to murder his biological father Miyou, and then lost his body again, and his soul was taken away by Wang Lianhua.

After that, Sky Bookstore gave him another body, a body without any trace of humanity at all.

This time, it should have been a great achievement.

It should have been a blockbuster.

In the end... there was still no merit. He led the Dark Flying Cavalry and the Dark Pagoda into battle. In less than an hour, the entire army was destroyed.

If he had known earlier, he would have been killed directly by Fu Caiwei that time.

What's the point of being resurrected?

It gets more ridiculous each time.

Each time is more tragic than the last.

But... is he just dead?

After all, he has died twice.

Still dead?

Mi Xin used to be proud and cold.

After being murdered by Fu Caiwei, his heart was filled with hatred and anger, so his mental will was still strong and sharp.

But after the last attempt to murder Mi You failed, Mi Xin's soul and will completely collapsed.

Of course, he is not as strong as he imagined, and his heart cannot bear the impact of patricide, not to mention that he failed.

Especially since he was instigated by Wang Lianhua to do this, and it was not entirely his own will.

Therefore, he felt that he was also a complete joke.

Since it's a joke...

Then let’s laugh it off.

Mi Xin controlled the demon doll's body and knelt down, saying hoarsely: "The guilty minister pays homage to Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

"The guilty minister Mi Xin is willing to surrender to His Majesty. The guilty minister Mi Xin will completely draw a clear line with the Pseudo Sky Bookstore Group headed by the Holy Queen and fight to the end."

Immediately afterwards, the dozens of surviving Sky Bookstore elders and less than a thousand Dark Legion warriors all knelt down in order.

"Your Majesty Yingque, long live, long live, long live!"

Holy Queen Di Ning escaped again, destroying the loyalty of the last dark army.

Again, it was a battle without bloodshed.

However, Ying Que has a famous saying that surrender before death does not count.


At this time, the Holy Queen Di Ning has completely become a polished commander.

Only Li Qianji and Mi You followed behind.

At this time, the three people penetrated layer after layer of energy whirlpools and entered an unknown and mysterious space.

But if my guess is correct, this should be the bottom of Sky Book City.

This is a pure energy space, a bit similar to an eternal prison.

And here is a large portal.

From here you will be transported to an absolutely mysterious space realm.

That was the place where Holy Lord Di Xin went into retreat.

Holy Queen Di Ning said hoarsely: "Two or three years ago, no one would have thought that I would end up like this. I lost all the foundations of Sky Book City, and now there are only two of you left to follow me. ”

Neither Li Qianji nor Mi You spoke.

The Holy Empress Di Ning said: "Li Qianji, can I ask you, why do you still want to follow me and be loyal to me at this time?"

Li Qianji said: "Because... Ying Que cannot give me what I want. Only Holy Lord Di Xin can give it to me. Once dark energy is attached to it, it can never be shaken off, and I am no exception."

Holy Queen Di Ning understands this very well.

Wang Lianhua's tragedy began with the corruption of dark energy.

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Second brother, what about you?"

Mi You said: "Do I have any choice? How could I have imagined that Sky Book City would lose so quickly in this battle? I have no chance on Yingque's side. I once had a chance. But ...I have no choice.”

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Then do you think we can still win?"

Mi You said hoarsely: "I don't know, but even if we win, we won't be able to get real worldly power. There are only three of us left, and everyone has betrayed us. And... we are in the Holy Lord Emperor Xina Bian also lost all his chips. The most important thing is, after the retreat of Holy Lord Di Xin, will he still be the original Di Xin? Obviously not, he will become another kind of creature, like an ancient demon. biology."

"Di Ning, even if we win, the power we get will probably be cold and tasteless, just like a person who has lost his sense of taste. Even if he eats delicacies from the mountains and the sea, they will taste the same as chewing wax." King Mi said sadly: "But there is always something better than No good."

Holy Queen Di Ning said slowly: "Yes, something is better than nothing. Power that is cold and numb is also power. Delicacies that have lost their flavor are also delicacies."

Then, Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Second brother, do you want me to take you to the demon realm to meet Holy Lord Di Xin?"

Mi You said: "Of course, I have no choice."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Okay, I want something from you."

Mi You said: "What is it?"

The Holy Queen Emperor said: "Your Demon King's veins."

Immediately, Mi You's expression changed dramatically and she said, "Di Ning, it's been this moment, are you still so greedy?"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "You said it yourself, you have no choice. Do you want to enter the demon realm? Do you want to get the power of cold darkness? Come out with the demon king's veins first!"

Mi You said hoarsely: "Absolutely impossible!"

Then, he roared: "The Demon King's Vein has been lost and recovered. I even killed my brother Mi Daoyuan for this thing. No one can ever take away my Demon King's Vein again."

Holy Queen Di Ning said: "If you don't hand it over, then you can't follow me to the demon realm."

Mi You shouted: "Then I won't go. The worst I can do is go to the Western Holy See and seek refuge with God Emperor Constantine. In this world, everything is false, and only my own power is real."

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Then what are you still doing? You can go."

Mi You said: "Are you sure?"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "I'm sure."

Immediately, Miyou turned around and left.

Holy Queen Di Ning said to Li Qianji: "Li Qianji, do you want to follow me to the demon realm?"

Li Qianji said: "I think so!"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Then what are you willing to give to me?"

Li Qianji said: "Everything I have is given by you, so I don't have anything you want."

The Holy Empress Di Ning said: "I think it's one thing whether you want it or not, but it's another thing whether you give it or not. It's like the emperor visiting a farmer's house. The farmer is impoverished and offers the emperor a meager bowl of porridge, but for this For farmers, this bowl of porridge is the most precious thing.”

Li Qianji said: "Then what do you want?"

The Holy Queen Di Ning said: "Pull out your eyes and give them to me."

Li Qianji hesitated and thought for a while, then dug out his own eyes without hesitation and dedicated them to the Holy Queen Di Ning.


Note: It’s the last day of this month. Please give me your monthly ticket. Thank you all.

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