I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 38 This love is infinite, and every word is worth a thousand gold!

After leaving the Demon Spirit Sea, there was already a ship waiting here.

Master Jiumokang is holding a sword and shuttles through the sea water, killing any fish that slips through the patrol fleet of the school city.

After hearing that Daozi took Wuque with him, he jumped onto the ship and immediately sailed towards the east.

Xu Enzheng, Men Jiefu, Fu Baoshi, Mo Zhong and others were all on board.

"Wu Que, you're finally out." Fu Baoshi's voice was trembling, full of fear.

There was one thing he didn't say. If Wu Que didn't come out, the ship would rush in to find him.

Of course, Chief Wen Daozi couldn't hold back in the end. After feeling the energy fluctuations in the Aurora Wall, he rushed in directly.

This move is also seeking death in a sense.

Because anyone who enters the dark realm will basically die.

"Chief Shan, how long is it until the big exam in the academy?" Wu Que asked.

"Two days and four hours." Wen Daozi said: "We can't stop at all, we have to set off immediately."

Wuque said: "I...I saw you, you seem to have destroyed the entire school patrol ship with one move."

Wen Daozi said: "Yes, the consequences are very serious. But...it doesn't matter. They will first doubt the Western Holy See, then the Dongyi Empire, and then the believers in the Dark Academy. It will be difficult for them to doubt us first."

When he said this, Wen Daozi's voice was trembling.

He was a member of the academy committee, but killing hundreds of academy warriors with his own hands was tantamount to treason.

But...he had no choice.

Jiumogang found the body of a school patrol, cut it off with a sword, and threw it to the bottom of the sea.

After confirming that there could not be any survivors of the school's patrol fleet in this area, he boarded the ship.

When Wuque recalled the scene that day, he was still extremely shocked.

At the critical moment, Wen Daozi took out his cane and inserted it into the sea water, and then silently recited the ancient mysterious words in his mouth, causing a stormy wave for several miles around and directly smashing the school patrol ship into pieces.

That school patrol ship has a displacement of six to seven hundred tons. It is definitely a large battleship in this world.

This ability is truly incredible.

See the unseen, hear the unheard.

He couldn't help but echo Jiumogang's words at that time, Wen Daozi was very powerful, but most of the time, it was difficult to see.

"Captain Shan, what ability did you display at that time? So... amazing?" Wu Que asked.

Wen Daozi said: "I am Tian Yan Master."

Jiumogang said: "The Tianyan Master is at the top of the pyramid of this civilization and can utilize the power of heaven and earth."

Wuque asked: "Can one person destroy an entire army?"

Wen Daozi said: "How is it possible? Tianyan Master can only use the existing power to condense it, and cannot generate power out of thin air. For example, that day, there was a strong wind and big waves on the sea. I condensed this power, Break out early.”

Jiumogang said: "Furthermore, the Tianyan Master is a secret that is not passed down in the academy. Only members of the Academy Committee can learn the Tianyan Technique. Moreover, no Tianyan Master is allowed to participate in secular wars or help any country. To a certain extent, Tianyan masters will never have the opportunity to use their abilities in their lifetime. Every time they use it, they must be approved by the Academy Committee. Once they are found to have used Tianyan skills privately, they will be expelled from the Academy Committee immediately and even be executed. "

Wu Que couldn't help but look at Wen Daozi.

The old man in front of him has risked his life twice for himself.

Menjief said: "If the Mountain Chief is expelled from the Academy Committee, his Tianyan Technique will also be taken back."

Wuque was surprised: "How can I take this back?"

Menjef said: "Put a hole in the middle of the forehead."

Got it, just dig out the pineal gland.

Sure enough, no matter whether it is a three-eyed heavenly master or a Tianyan master, the key part is the pineal gland.

Wen Daozi waved his hand and said, "Don't say this, don't put any pressure on Wuque."

Jiumogang said: "Wuque, did you succeed in it?"

Wuque said: "It's more than half successful."

What just happened was too sudden.

Wu Que failed to swallow the demon spirit, but he swallowed a purer demon spirit bead.

It was the power gathered by dozens of warriors from the city. It was processed into a demon spirit bead by Lin Sisi. It was originally intended to be presented to the Lord of the Demon Spirit Sea, but part of it was swallowed up by Perfect's star-absorbing technique.

But...how much of this part is there? How much strength and inner energy can it bring to Wuque?

Jiumogang stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly on the intact tendons, and a burst of true energy suddenly penetrated into his body.

After a long while, Jiumogang slowly said: "Eighth grade."

Everyone fell silent.

In the Martial Arts Examination of the City University, it seems that the level of eighth-level martial arts is not enough. At least a seventh-level warrior is required to pass the martial arts examination.

After a long while, Wen Daozi smiled and said: "It's fine, it doesn't matter. We have all tried our best. As the saying goes, do your best and obey fate."

At this time, Jiumogang suddenly said: "What is inside this coffin?"

Wuque remembered that originally he and Wen Daozi were trapped in the sea of ​​demon spirits, or even died in it.

Because, the tentacles of the Lord of the Sea of ​​Demon Spirits have appeared, and that is his domain, which is extremely powerful.

Although Wuque has never even seen her whole face.

As a result, a tall skeleton woman appeared with a coffin on her back. She took a dozen skeleton women with her, sacrificed herself, and helped Wuque tear open the Aurora Wall, allowing Wuque and Wen Daozi to escape.

Inside the coffin is the father of this tall skeletal woman.

This is another sad story.

A father traveled all over the world to find his daughter's whereabouts. As a result, he found out that his daughter had disappeared in the Demon Spirit Sea. As a result, he rushed in and died in it.

In order to let her father return to his roots, the daughter sacrificed herself and her soul was scattered.

Wuque opened the coffin, and inside lay a tall man with a vicissitudes of life, but he was extraordinary and mighty.

The whole body seemed to be frozen and not decayed.

"Li Jiqian!" Jiumogang said: "It turned out to be him?!"

This is Li Jiqian? !

The most famous person who disappeared in the Demon Spirit Sea.

He was once the archery master of Tianshui Martial Arts Academy.

To some extent, he was also one of us. At that time, Wen Daozi was driven out of office and Mi Daoyuan became the new head of Tianshui Academy. Although Li Jiqian did not follow Wen Daozi, he also resigned from the position of archery master and traveled all over the world to find his daughter.

He... really died in the Demon Spirit Sea.

Even though he was an archery master.

And at this moment!

A huge face suddenly appeared on the aurora wall in front.

It was disgusting, scary, and beautiful.

It was beautiful because the facial features of this face were absolutely beautiful.

It was disgusting and scary because the pixels that made up this face were countless wriggling corpses and resentful spirits.

She was the Lord of the Demonic Sea.

"Listen, pretty boy. I don't care who you are, but Lin Sisi has fallen into my hands. If you don't want her to fall into hell, unable to live or die, then come to the Demonic Sea to find me again."

"I will never allow any human to walk out of my domain alive."


After that, the huge face on the aurora wall began to twist and turned into a terrifying skull shape.

It let out a terrifying roar.

Then, it disappeared without a trace.

Wuque looked at the aurora wall, silent and quiet.

The dark domain and the outside world were indeed clearly separated. Even a strong person like the Lord of the Demonic Sea could not pass through this aurora wall.

Wen Daozi said: "Let's go, full speed ahead, to Yingzhou City, to participate in the city exam!"

Suddenly, the sails were full and full speed sailed.

Wuque said: "Teachers, I will go into the cabin, bury Master Li Jiqian, and then turn his body into ashes."

Wen Daozi nodded and said: "Okay!"

Wuque carried Master Li Jiqian's body into the cabin and closed the cabin door.

He buried him meticulously and painted him.

Suddenly, a ray of light floated out from Li Jiqian's body and drilled into Wuque's body.

Extraction ability: First-class archery.

Unfortunately, the civil service exam generally does not rely on archery.


A few hours later!

The ship docked at Zhenhai City Pier.

Before going to Yingzhou City to participate in the city exam, he went back to the Zhenhai Marquis's Mansion.

When he got home, he saw that everyone was waiting for him.

Shen Gongao, Mu Hongyu, Fu Jianzhi, the governor of Tiannan Province, Wuque's wife Zhifan, and Li Jinshui, the deputy headmaster of Tianshui Academy.

There was also a middle-aged man sitting in the most honorable position, with a hooked nose and a thin face.

This man was called Mi Gou, the younger brother of Mi Jun.

The Mi family was considered the master of the Shen Gong family, so this Mi Gou was also considered half of the master of Shen Gongao, sitting in the most honorable position.

Seeing Wuque coming in, Shen Gongao's eyes were almost spitting fire, and the whole person seemed like a volcano about to erupt.

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and asked word by word: "Wuque, did you sign this contract?"

Wuque took a look and saw that it was the contract between him and Fu Tieyi for the Academy City Examination.

If he lost to Fu Tieyi in the Academy City Examination, the Shen Gong family would donate thirty large warships.

Wuque nodded and said, "Yes, I signed it."

Shen Gongao closed his eyes painfully and breathed hard.

He thought his son had matured, but it was just an illusion. He was still so naive and absurd.

Shen Gongao said angrily: "Do you know what thirty warships mean? Do you know how much pressure we are facing on the sea now? Do you know that the female pirate Yu Luosha is frantically attacking our route?"

"I know." Wu Que said.

Shen Gongao said hoarsely: "Wuque, do you know that once we lose these 30 warships, we will lose our sea routes and our annual gold and silver income will be reduced by about 30%. Can you imagine the consequences of our family losing 30% of its fiscal revenue a year?"

Wuque said: "I know."

Shen Gongao said: "We can't afford to support so many troops, we will become weak, and our enemies will pounce on us and bite our necks, giving us a fatal blow."

At this time, Fu Jianzhi smiled and said: "Brother Shen Gong, this contract can also be taken lightly, just think of it as a joke between Wuque and my son Fu Tieyi."

Shen Gongao said: "Brother Jianzhi, if you don't take it seriously. You, Lord Mi Gou, and Lord Li Jinshui will not come to my house. It's nothing more than putting pressure on me to force me to recognize this contract."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience changed color. They didn't expect Shen Gongao to say it so bluntly.

Shen Gongao said loudly: "Of course I can take it lightly. I can tear up this contract right now. Who can stop me?"

This loud shout almost pierced through the clouds and cracked the walls, making everyone's ears ring.


Shen Gongao was extremely domineering and had tens of thousands of private troops under his control.

If he insisted on tearing up this contract, who could do anything?

"But..." Shen Gongao looked at Wuque, his voice became softer, and he said slowly: "My son, Wuque, you have been withdrawn and behaved absurdly since you were a child. And my discipline is also rough and simple. I have to hit or scold you, which makes you like this This character became more and more violent, and he was manipulated by a woman and became the laughing stock of the world. "

As soon as these words came out, Fu Jianzhi's expression became a little uneasy.

"All of this is largely my responsibility. It's because I, as a father, failed to fulfill my responsibility and failed to educate you well." Shen Gongao said hoarsely: "As a father today, let me teach my son with reality."

"My son, you must first know that every word we say has a price, and everything we do must be done responsibly."

"If I can teach you the word responsibility, then even if we lose thirty large warships, even if our annual income is reduced by 30%, my father thinks it is worth it."

"When children get into trouble, adults should help solve the problem and be the children's strongest backing."

"What happened today also lets you know that you are my son, Shen Gong Ao. Any name you sign is worth thirty warships and millions of silver."

"If it can make you sensible, can help you get rid of your grudges, and can unite you with your parents and two brothers, then I feel like you have made a profit by paying for these thirty warships. If the ships are gone, they can be rebuilt. Gold If the money is gone, you can make more money. If the heart of a family is gone, the family will be finished.”

"Lord Mi Gou, Lord Li Jinshui, Lord Fu Jianzhi, I, Shen Gong Ao, recognize this contract!"

"Wu Que, go take the exam carefully. It doesn't matter what your score is. I will recognize you as my father!"

Having said that, Shen Gongao signed his name on the back of the contract, truly worth every word.


Note: The second update is here. My benefactor still has monthly tickets. Are there any recommendation tickets? !

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