I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 374 The arrival of the Divine Emperor Constantine! Everything is destroyed!

The battle of Sky Book City is over. This is the biggest victory and the most glorious victory of Ying Que in history.

This means that Ying Que and Queen Xia Yi have become the undisputed supreme leaders of the entire Eastern world.

The Sky Book City represented by Ying Que has become the only Sky Book City in the world.

However, Ying Que's side did not celebrate the victory immediately, but immediately held a very small meeting.

And there was only one topic to discuss, that is, the Holy Lord Emperor Xin.


At this time, in a room, more than 30 coffins were lying quietly, including Fu Caiwei.

All of this was done by the Holy Queen Emperor Ning. Some people have died completely and it is impossible to save them.

Some can still be saved. At this time, they are soaked in special blood and sealed in dark coffins.

Fu Caiwei became the highest casualty of this time.

But she can probably still be saved, of course it is only possible, because her heart is almost completely crushed.

She lay quietly in the dark coffin, floating in the special blood.

The Holy Queen Di Ning died tragically, so Ying Que took back the Hand of the Demon King, the Dark Sky Eye, and the Demon King's Vein.

The Demon King's Vein was returned to Lord Mi Daoyuan.

"Your Majesty, come and take a look." Chu Chu whispered on the side.

Ying Que walked to another room.

On a huge table, there were hundreds of fragments, which were the body of the Holy Queen Di Ning.

She tore herself into several pieces first, and now she was dissected into hundreds of pieces.

"Your Majesty, there is a very strange situation now. The Holy Queen Di Ning is completely dead, her soul has been scattered, and her body has been dissected into countless pieces, but... every piece is alive, and the blood is not flowing!" Chu Chu whispered.

Ying Que said: "Lord Li Qianji, what do you think?"

Li Qianji said: "Your Majesty, you can ask Lord Ning Piaoli to check Di Ning's blood."

A moment later, Ning Piaoli walked in.

Ning Piaoli carefully examined and said, "Your Majesty, the blood of Emperor Ning's body contains a very mysterious power."

Ying Que picked up one of Emperor Ning's severed hands, took out a needle and pierced it, then the dark eye appeared and observed the energy on it.

"The blood of the devil?" Ying Que said.

Li Qianji said, "Not exactly."

Ying Que said, "Please tell me."

Li Qianji said, "I have actually studied Saint Queen Emperor Ning for a long time. I have been demonized, and Mi Xin was also demonized, including Madam Chuchu, so we all have pure dark demonized energy, but Saint Queen Emperor Ning does not. In fact, she is stronger than all of us, and she is more powerful than Yu Luosha."

Ying Que has seen this and suffered unprecedented losses.

Li Qianji continued: "But the very strange thing is that I can't actually feel the energy of demonization on her body, which is very strange. But the battle not long ago made me figure it out."

"In fact, the Holy Queen Di Ning doesn't value pure martial arts power very much. She values ​​secular power and external image more, so she has always chosen not to demonize. Once she starts to demonize, her upper body becomes like a demon, and her lower body is still completely human."

"So, I boldly judge that the Holy Queen Di Ning has the marrow of the devil. We all know that marrow can produce blood, so once she chooses to fully demonize, it means that the blood will penetrate into the whole body. But she only has half of the marrow of the devil, so only the upper body can be completely demonized."

Li Qianji said: "So I suggest that we continue to study Di Ning's body. The blood in her body may also be of great use, at least it can be used to save people, such as... Lord Fu Caiwei."

Fu Caiwei's heart was crushed by Di Ning. In theory, using the blood of the devil in Di Ning's body may heal her heart. Of course, whether to carry out this level of treatment depends entirely on Ying Que's will.

After all, this is the blood of the demon king, which is the purest dark energy.

Then, Li Qianji did not speak.

Ying Que said: "Lord Li Qianji, do you have anything else to say next?"

Li Qianji said: "Your Majesty, what I didn't say, you know very well in your heart, and you don't need me to say it. And the most important thing is that I completely believe in the other Majesty. I have also fallen into darkness. I think it is terrible, but... at least it is not the most important thing now. We still have a long time."


What did Li Qianji not say, but Ying Que knew it well?

Of course it was about Queen Xia Yi.

At this time, she lay quietly in the water.

The whole person seemed very quiet and full of sadness.

Because her body had changed, there were changes below the waist.

She had a graceful figure, but... not as enchanting and devilish as Chu Chu after the demonization.

And now... her body has changed.

The curve below the waist is so devilish that people dare not look directly at it.

Her legs have grown an inch and a half.

And... golden scales are faintly visible on the outside of her thighs.

Not only that, there are a few bones in her legs that humans don't have.

Ying Que didn't say anything, picked her up, and had a good sleep with her first.

Because she is so devilish and so tempting.

Then... carefully observe the golden scales on her legs, which are faintly visible.

"Emperor Ning has half of the Demon King's Marrow, and I have the other half. The two of us together are the complete Demon King's Marrow." Queen Xia Yi said: "This is the secret of her immortality, and also the secret of my unlimited potential. This is also the reason why I can enter the dark space and pull her out."

Ying Que said: "You are starting to think too much."

Queen Xia Yi said: "This is my second demonization, and I really don't want a third time. If one day in the future, I really fall into darkness, you will imprison me forever, or peel off my soul, and don't show mercy. This world can already do without me, You can live without me. "

Ying Que said: "Wherever you are, there is light. Wherever you are, there is heaven."

Then, Ying Que said: "Ayi, don't say this in such a solemn tone, you are too inconsistent with your personality. And do you know what the most important point is? The Demon King's Marrow of the Holy Queen Di Ning was snatched away by herself. And the Demon King's Marrow in you was given to you by others. You are too beautiful, someone absolutely does not want to watch you wither, and will save you at any cost, and this Demon King's Marrow is the price. "

Then, Ying Que gently hugged the queen, and the two did not speak again.

Her Majesty was shocked by this coincidence, and even had a deep fear.

One is Ying Que's mother, who once showed purity, kindness and beauty, but ended up becoming a devil.

The other is Ying Que's wife, who is also beautiful and wise.

Two people each have half of the Demon King's Marrow, which will give people a sense of fate.

But in Ying Que's opinion, Her Majesty is really worrying too much.

Di Ning is an evil person, an extremely vicious and greedy woman. This has nothing to do with whether she has the marrow of the devil.


Mi You knelt in front of Ying Que.

He was silent at first and kept kowtowing.

Then, he put his forehead to the ground and said: "Your Majesty, please strip my soul and imprison me for life, and return this body to Lord Jiumogang."

Ying Que said: "Why do you say that?"

Mi You said: "Although I did not complete this task beautifully, this mission was finally completed in the hands of Your Majesty. The Sky Book City was completely destroyed, and Di Ning's soul was scattered. From now on, I will no longer have any value."

This has always been Mi You's value. Once the value is lost, there is no need to exist.

This is his value for others. When it comes to himself, although he is very reluctant, his instinct is also this value.

Ying Que said: "Maybe so, but don't you want to see the ending of this world?"

"I do!" Mi You said.

Ying Que said: "King Mi, you are ranked among the top in this world in terms of pure intelligence and talent, so I know you will have your own speculations and guesses about the next world situation. Of course, I know you are definitely unwilling to say it out loud. But you must be very eager to see the ending of this world and verify whether it is the same as you guessed. "

Mi You said: "Yes, Your Majesty. I really want to see this result. This is almost the biggest suspense in my life, although it has nothing to do with me. "

Ying Que said: "How can it not be related? It has a great causal relationship with you. "

Then, Ying Que said: "Okay, you still share this body with Lord Jiumogang, and wait until the final result of this world comes out before talking about other things. "

Mi You knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ying Que said: "King Mi, the changes in the entire world line may really be the same as you imagined. Although you never told me how you guessed, I also know your speculation, because I have the same speculation as you. "


"Your Majesty, Marquis Leanna of the Western Church and Archbishop Gregory are here." Ning Daoyi came to report.

Ying Que was shocked, because this is the Sky Book City.

What is going on that requires these two adults to break into the Sky Book City directly to see Ying Que? Aren't they afraid that there is a big battle here?

Are they impatient and want to come in to find out the result?

It shouldn't be this reason, it should be a more serious reason.

The time between Ying Que and the Sky Book City was actually very short, and the Western Church was not so impatient, and it still had the determination.

"Please come in, both of you! "Ying Que said.

A moment later, in a study room in the Sky Book City, Ying Que met with Marquis Leanna and Archbishop Gregory.

Ying Que said: "Thank you, my Lords, and thank His Majesty Emperor Solomon for not leading the army to attack the Great Xia Empire when we were doing our best to attack the Sky Book City."

Archbishop Gregory said: "Congratulations to His Majesty Ying Que on his brilliant victory and becoming the unique master of the Eastern World."

Ying Que said: "Thank you."

Then, Ying Que said: "But the two Lords are definitely not here to congratulate me on my victory. Even before entering the Sky Book City, you didn't know what happened inside."

Archbishop Gregory said: "Yes, Your Majesty! We don't know what the battle is like inside. Even in our imagination, the Sky Book City should be a dark battle, like the hell of hell. But we really didn't expect that the war was over, and His Majesty had won a great victory. Everything happened too fast. "

Ying Que said: "Then what is the reason that made you take huge risks and unknowns to break into Sky Book City?"

Marquis Leanna said: "Your Majesty Yingque, our Emperor is also here."

Ying Que was shocked!

Emperor Solomon is here too? !

During this period of time, Ying Que and Emperor Solomon wrote many letters and mentioned meeting many times, but they never met because they felt that the time was not right yet.

But now, Emperor Solomon came directly to Sky Book City to meet Yingque.

No one knows whether Ying Que will win or lose this battle in Sky Book City.

Then something big must have happened, something big.

This made His Majesty Emperor Solomon desperately break into Sky Book City to meet with Ying Que.

Ying Que said: "I will go out to meet Emperor Solomon."


Next, Yingque greeted His Majesty Emperor Solomon of the Western Empire with a very brief and simple, but very high standard.

"Your Majesty Yingque, Your Majesty the Queen, I want to tell you the news that God Emperor Constantine has left the country." Emperor Solomon said straightforwardly: "He has left the country with the Legion of Doomsday."

"Army of Doomsday?"

Emperor Solomon said: "Yes, the Doomsday Legion. They are all non-human beings, and they are all resurrected ancient monsters. Let me make the simplest comparison, that is, Mi Xin, who was designed to be murdered by Master Fu Caiwei, is of this level of power."

Ying Que and Her Majesty the Queen understood immediately.

In fact, Mi Xin was at her peak at that time.

Fu Caiwei and the Western Holy See killed countless people, including two bishops, before killing Mi Xin's body, but his soul could still escape.

At that time, Mi Xin's martial arts level was roughly equivalent to that of the witch Luo Meng.

Emperor Solomon said: "The average combat effectiveness of the apocalyptic legion led by God Emperor Constantine is comparable to that of Mi Xin after being demonized."

Ying Que suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Mi Xin at her peak? Ying Que now owned the entire Eastern World, but there were no more than ten such top experts, or even less.

"How many doomsday legions there are?" Yingque asked.

Emperor Solomon said: "There are about nearly ten thousand people similar to the demonized Mi Xin level. Do you remember Marquis Mary? He was the first undead god you met?"

This power is so powerful that it makes people despair.

This is not a human being from this world at all, but definitely an ancient extraterrestrial monster.

Of course Ying Que remembered that in order to kill her, Ying Que paid a huge price, using more than a dozen masters and a large number of super ultraviolet bombs.

Emperor Solomon said: "And the apocalyptic legion led by His Majesty the God-Emperor has countless people at the level of Marquis Mary!"

Archbishop Gregory said: "His Majesty the God Emperor, leading hundreds of thousands of apocalyptic legions, is sweeping the entire Western world like a dark craze, and will sweep towards the Eastern world in the near future."

Marquis Leanna said: "Wherever the Doomsday Legion passed, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun disappeared. Every inch of the place became a dark realm. The entire Western world has been completely shrouded in darkness, like hell. Countless people die every day, The place where the Doomsday Legion passes is no longer suitable for human survival.”

Emperor Solomon said: "So, the so-called retreat is just to awaken these ancient monsters. The so-called eschatology is not at all about human beings learning dark energy, falling completely into darkness, and being completely demonized. It is... the awakening of ancient extraterrestrial monsters. , completely destroy the entire world, and completely transform this world into their world.”

Marquis Leanna said: "Your Majesty Yingque, you are right, this is the demise of the entire civilization. This is a completely different kind of creature, a creature that can only devour and have dark instincts. This is a creature that has completely lost its wisdom and only retains its instincts. Dark civilization is something completely beyond our imagination.”

Emperor Solomon said: "Your Majesty Yingque, your father had foreseen this scene, so he completely sealed the dark power. In the eyes of outsiders, his behavior was even crazy and irrational. But today's events proved that your father Everything is done correctly. This is a completely non-secular, non-civilized biota.”

Ying Que said: "Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?"

Emperor Solomon said: "Two years ago, you told me that in the face of this absolutely dark civilization, even if we were enemies of life and death yesterday, we still need to join forces and form an alliance. Now that you have won the Sky Book City, what is your proposal? Does it still count?”

Ying Que said: "It counts."

Emperor Solomon said: "Holy Lord Emperor Xin should also have foreseen the end of the world staged by Emperor Constantine in the Western world, so he also entered seclusion a few years ago. But he was not at all to save the world, but to awaken The other half of the ancient monsters want to use this power of absolute darkness to rule the Eastern world coldly. "

Ying Que said: "Yes, but he seems to be slower than God Emperor Constantine, and he has not come out yet."

Emperor Solomon said: "Your Majesty Yingque, I am a student of Emperor Constantine, and I have the obligation to obey him. But... it is difficult for me to watch the demise of the entire secular civilization. But... if not... I will not fight against any bright hope, and I will serve the dark power of His Majesty the God-Emperor. Even though I have lost my empire, my people, and my honor, I have at least saved my life and that of my family. ...If there is a glimmer of hope, I am still willing to fight for it.”

"So, Your Majesty Yingque, I want civilization. Facing the Doomsday Legion of the God Emperor, do you have a chance of winning? Even if it's 1%, 1/1000, 1/10,000." Emperor Solomon asked.

Yingque thought for a long time and nodded, "Yes."

Marquis Leanna said, "How much hope?"

Yingque said, "Fifty percent."

Solomon's eyes lit up, and then he fell silent. He couldn't believe that in such a situation, Yingque still had a 50% chance of winning, but Yingque never told lies. After becoming the king, every word would be fulfilled.

After a long while, Emperor Solomon said: "Your Majesty Yingque, once I decide to form an alliance with you, it means that when the future Emperor Constantine leads the Doomsday Legion to kill the Eastern World, I will become your barrier, and the Dongyi Empire where I am will become the first battlefield."

Yingque said: "I know, I tell you again, I have a 50% chance of winning the West. Even if it seems ridiculous, even if the Doomsday Legion of Emperor Constantine is invincible."

Emperor Solomon said: "Then what do you need?"

Yingque said: "I need time."

Emperor Solomon said: "You mean, I need to buy enough time for you in the Dongyi Empire."

Yingque said: "Yes!"

Emperor Solomon said: "Then I need weapons, reinforcements, and the most advanced weapons."

Yingque said: "No problem, I will send the most powerful army and the most advanced weapons to help you defend the Dongyi Empire's defense line."

Emperor Solomon stretched out his hand and said: "Okay, then I am willing to fight for secular civilization, for our Wangdao faction, and for all normal humans!"


The next day!

Ying Que left Sky Book City.

He was going to a place.

To the place where the Saint Lord Di Xin was in seclusion in Sky Book City.

Even though the Saint Queen Di Ning did not tell him where it was? Even though no one in the world knew where the Saint Lord was in seclusion?

But Ying Que knew it.

In fact, he knew it a few years ago.

This is his secret.


Note: There was no update yesterday, sorry, sorry, everyone should know the reason.

This book will soon be finished, there are probably a few chapters left, and each chapter will be a climax until the end, thank you everyone.

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