I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 377 Heroes are eternal! Father and son! (Finale)

God Emperor Constantine said, "How are you, Your Majesty Yingque?"

Then he asked, "Your Majesty Yingque, have you had breakfast?"

Yingque said, "Not yet."

God Emperor Constantine said, "Then do you want to have breakfast together?"

Yingque said, "Okay."

Then, Yingque actually left his Doomsday Legion behind and landed on the Dark Temple of God Emperor Constantine on a white giant eagle.

At this time, he finally met the God Emperor face to face, his whole body covered in dark armor, his two eyes burning like flames, red flames.

In the hall, there is a long dining table.

A dozen beautiful white women are serving all kinds of delicious dishes one by one.

Red wine, juice, steak, sausage, fruit, all kinds of exquisite cakes, everything is available.

God Emperor Constantine walked down from the high throne and sat down at the other end of the dining table.

"What to drink? Milk, wine, juice, or coffee, black tea?" Constantine asked.

"A glass of juice, a cup of coffee. I haven't slept well these days. I need to refresh myself." Ying Que said.

The white maid came forward and poured a glass of juice and a cup of coffee for Ying Que.

Then, the two began to enjoy the exquisite breakfast.

God Emperor Constantine said: "According to the previous plan, it was not you who came, but Di Xin."

Ying Que said: "He is dead. This person is too calculating. In fact, if he was a little cruel to himself, he would be the one who came to meet you today."

God Emperor Constantine said: "Alas! It's not him who came, but you who came. I don't know what emotion to express."

Ying Que said: "Thank you for your breakfast."

God Emperor Constantine said: "I'm glad you like it."

Then, the two continued to enjoy breakfast and there was no in-depth conversation.

It took more than half an hour to eat. It was really a very rich and delicious breakfast.

After eating, the Divine Emperor Constantine said, "Your Majesty Yingque, shall we start fighting directly, or just go through the motions?"

Yingque said, "What motions?"

The Divine Emperor Constantine said, "Let's talk about the past, our positions, and the future."

Yingque thought for a while and said, "That's not necessary."

The Divine Emperor Constantine said, "Then let's fight directly?"

Yingque said, "Okay."

The Divine Emperor Constantine said, "To decide the winner, as well as the life and death?"

Yingque said, "Okay."

Constantine said, "I am an invader, so there is one thing for you to decide first. Shall we fight together, or shall our Doomsday Legion fight first, and then we two will fight?"

Yingque thought for a while and said, "We control our respective Doomsday Legion to fight, and after the winner is decided, we will fight to the death."

Constantine said, "Okay."

Yingque said, "See you on the battlefield."

Constantine said, "See you on the battlefield."

Then, Yingque rode the white giant eagle and returned to his Doomsday Legion camp!


This is a decisive battle without spectators.

This is a decisive battle that determines the fate of the entire world.

Of course, this is also a decisive battle with almost no normal human participation.

The Western Church did not send a single human soldier. Ying Que's Eastern world also did not send a single soldier.

Because this is a war that normal humans cannot participate in.

Facing this Doomsday Legion, it is meaningless for the current human legion to participate in the war.

Ying Que does not know how long these two Doomsday Legions have been lurking in this world, but it is certain that no matter which Doomsday Legion, it can destroy this world several times.

Returning to his war beast, Ying Que closed his eyes and immediately entered an alternative spiritual world.


In this boundless spiritual world, there are only a few light spots.

Each light spot represents a Doomsday Legion warrior.

Purple, red, green, blue, white, gray.

Different colors represent different levels of the Doomsday Legion, which is very strict.

Ying Que and Constantine, on the other hand, were golden.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of light spots appeared in Ying Que's brain world.

He could do whatever he wanted with each light spot, just like using his fingers and arms.

At this time, Ying Que's powerful brain could easily control the nearly one million doomsday legions.

And it was controlled at the same time.

He deployed his troops with extreme precision.

Thousands of war beasts of all kinds also began to deploy their formations.

Ying Que on one side, the Emperor Constantine on the other.

The one million doomsday legions of both sides formed an extremely complex array in the air.

It was vast, boundless, and layered.

Only at this time could such a complex war be deployed.

Because this was in the air, the battle formation was completely three-dimensional.

The battle formations of both sides stretched for hundreds of miles.


With an order.

Ying Que and Constantine's one million doomsday legions began to charge in unison.

In an instant!

The sky and the earth changed color.

Wherever the two Armageddon Legions passed, the sea and the sky all became dark areas.

The sun was completely blocked!

The distance between the two armies was one hundred miles.

But for the Armageddon Legion, the distance of hundreds of miles was covered in an instant.

The two armies were getting closer and closer.

Thirty miles.

Ten miles.

Five miles.

The two doomsday legions collided fiercely.

In an instant...

It really felt like a comet hitting the earth.


In the Gaolin Kingdom, in the Great Xia Empire, and even in the Apocalypse Empire.

Even if they were hundreds or thousands of miles away, they could still see this war.

Because this war was fought at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Because the diameter of this war exceeded more than a hundred kilometers.

In these countries, countless people walked out of their houses, came to the streets, came to the rooftops, and looked far, far away to the east.

Is this... the end of the world?

Is this the battlefield of doomsday?

Endless darkness shrouded the sky for hundreds of miles.

And within this dark area.

The mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

Lightning and thunder.

Hurricanes, flames.


No life could even get close to the battlefield, let alone enter it.

Any material would be reduced to ashes in this battlefield.

The war that took place within the scope of this battlefield was completely beyond everyone's imagination.

Countless armies of the Doomsday were reduced to ashes.

Lightning all over the sky.

Fire rain all over the sky.

Space distortion all over the sky.

The sea water, stones, air, and even all matter within this range have undergone drastic changes.

All objects within this range have been annihilated.

Everything has vanished!

Crazy war!

This is a war that should not happen in this world. This should be a preview of wars in the next few hundred or thousands of years.

This is a war that should happen in the distant stars.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Three days passed.

The battlefield has become smaller and smaller.

Because the number of the Doomsday Legions on both sides has also decreased.

The legions on both sides are evenly matched.

The destruction of each ancient monster is very thorough, turning into countless dust.

So the battlefield is getting smaller and smaller, but the terrifying dark area is getting bigger and bigger, spreading to hundreds and thousands of miles.

This boundless darkness, like a fog of destruction, spreads in all directions.

This dark darkness was like a giant beast that was going to completely devour the Great Xia Empire.

At this time, everyone in the east of the Great Xia Empire almost gave up everything, even stopped eating, and sat completely on the ground and on the roof, looking up at the sky here.

Some people prayed.

Some people were crying.

Some people were numb.

As if waiting for the end of the world.

If His Majesty Yingque lost this battle.

The entire Eastern world would be destroyed, along with the entire world.

This world would completely become a dark planet.

But... this was another war of His Majesty Yingque alone.

No one could help.

His Majesty Yingque alone was tied to the entire world.

Moreover, this battle was also a war without any publicity.


At this time, in the center of the battlefield, it seemed as if we were really on another planet.

After a long, long time.

The lightning and thunder ended.

The space tearing ended.

The rain of fire in the sky ended.

The distortion of the light in the sky ended.

Everything around became extremely quiet.

A few days and nights of war.

The war between the millions of doomsday legions is over.

At this time, there is no light spot in Ying Que's spiritual space.

The thousands of war beasts under his command, the millions of doomsday legions, have all been destroyed, not a single one is left.

Even the war beast he used as a mount has been destroyed.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in complete darkness, which was the smoke and dust that countless doomsday legions turned into after their destruction.

Not a single bit of light could shine in, and it fell into absolute darkness.

What about the Emperor Constantine?

How many doomsday legions does he have left? How many war beasts?

After a long while, the voice of the Emperor Constantine came from the air.

"Your Majesty Ying Que, your doomsday legion has been completely destroyed, and I... I still have one left." The Emperor Constantine said.

Then, his dark temple suddenly burst into a terrifying red light and rushed straight into the sky.

He controlled the last war beast, carrying the huge dark temple, and slowly flew over.

Constantine said: "Your Majesty Yingque, the battle of the Legion of Doom is over. Next, it should be the decisive battle between the two of us. It will determine the winner and the loser, and also decide life and death."

Yingque slowly floated and slowly landed on the temple square of the Divine Emperor Constantine.

Then, he slowly drew out a sword.

It was not a real sword, but a condensed light and shadow.

The Divine Emperor Constantine walked out of his dark temple and walked down the steps step by step.

In his hand, a sword slowly condensed.

"Your Majesty Yingque, today only one of us can survive. If you win, the whole world will be saved by you. If you lose, this world will completely become a dark realm, and the civilization of this world will be completely destroyed." Divine Emperor Constantine slowly said: "However, both of us are transparent. I can see clearly how strong you are. You can also see clearly how strong I am."

Yingque said: "Yes."

Divine Emperor Constantine said: "I am about 29% stronger than you, right?"

Yingque said: "That's right."

Constantine said: "So you are no match for me. The outcome of this decisive battle has been determined."

Ying Que thought for a while and said, "Yes, it's already been decided. It was even decided a few years ago, more than ten years ago."

Constantine said: "Then we still fight?"

Ying Que said: "Fight!"

Constantine said: "Then, do it. We still have about three seconds."

Three seconds.

Including the preparation and the move, a total of three seconds.

In a battle of this level, any moves or tactics are meaningless.

It's all about numbers.

Both sides are transparent.

Win or lose is determined in an instant!

Life or death can be determined in an instant!

God-Emperor Constantine held his sword and stared at Yingque quietly, waiting for his move.

Yingque held the sword and kept condensing, condensing, condensing.

Give it your all, make the most of it, and hold nothing back.

All the energy must be released instantly.

One second.

Two seconds.

Two and a half seconds.

Ying Que's energy is concentrated to the extreme, and he can instantly kill all the top players in the world.

But... facing the God-Emperor Constantine in front of him, it was still not enough.

Half a second to go.

Regardless of whether it is an opponent or not, he will fire instantly.

Life and death, in this moment.


After gathering all the energy, Ying Que suddenly relaxed instantly.

The sword condensed in his hand also disappeared without a trace.

His whole body was completely defenseless.

God Emperor Constantine said: "Are you just giving up? You know you are not my opponent, so are you giving up?"

Ying Que said: "I... I thought you would take off your mask at the last moment and let me see your face. But I was wrong..."

God Emperor Constantine said: "What do you mean?"

Ying Que said: "You probably want me to make a desperate move and strike with all my strength to completely wipe you out. Let me win this decisive battle and end everything completely, right?"

The flames in God Emperor Constantine's eyes began to tremble, and he said hoarsely: "Your Majesty Yingque, you are thinking too much."

Ying Que smiled and said: "Okay, don't hide it anymore! Today, yesterday, last year, the year before, or even earlier, I know who you are. Should I call you His Majesty Constantine, or Duke Yingzhu?" , or is it the father?”

God-Emperor Constantine trembled violently again.

Then, he took back the sword in his hand and stood there quietly.

Ying Que said: "Father!"

Constantine's throat seemed to be blocked and he said hoarsely: "I...my son, Xiaoque."

Ying Que said: "Is this your plan? Let the two doomsday legions die together, and then let me kill you in ignorance, become the heroic savior of the entire world, complete your mission, completely eliminate the dark power, and let the world Restore the light?"

God-Emperor Constantine said nothing.

Ying Que said: "The person who originally played my role was Holy Lord Di Xin. What ending do you plan to give him?"

God-Emperor Constantine was silent for a while and said: "The two legions of doomsday have been completely destroyed. I will kill him completely and then disappear from this world."

Ying Que said: "In the end, I destroyed Di Xin, so you chose to let yourself be wiped out in ashes to fulfill my great cause of being the savior, right?"

God Emperor Constantine said: "I...I am not a qualified father."

Ying Que said: "Yes, you are not a qualified father. There will always be only one mission in your heart, to completely eliminate the dark power shrouding the world and restore light to the world. So when Di Ning and Di Xin murdered you After that, your dark treasure was taken away, and you used the trick to go to the Western World, became God Emperor Constantine, and excavated the dark treasure in the Western World. In the past twenty years, you have been planning the East and West. The overall situation of the Doomsday Legion dying together. For this plan, you can sit back and watch your sons die tragically, and you can sit back and watch your eldest son become a lackey. You have found a way to cultivate your adopted daughter Yingzhi and become a pawn in your overall situation. The Jade Rakshasa Queen.”

God-Emperor Constantine said nothing.

Ying Que said: "Ying Zhi was very friendly to me before and became my ally. But then Ying Que's identity was exposed and I rose up. You put all the focus of your layout on me. How could Jade Rakshasa know As for your plan, she just felt that from now on you would let me inherit all your great achievements, and she was completely abandoned. That's why she was deeply hostile to me, and she turned from an ally to an enemy, even if she lost her soul. He was extremely hateful to me even a second ago.”

God Emperor Constantine still did not speak.

Ying Que added: "Holy Lord Emperor Xin probably also guessed the true identity of you, God Emperor Constantine, so he planned all this. Because he felt that after taking my body, he would fight you again, there would be There is a slight chance of winning. And because of his fear of you, he gave up his secular power early and went to retreat. So I think it is ridiculous that I was skinned and cramped by Mi Huan, and the person who finally resurrected me was not you, but someone with ulterior motives. Holy Lord Di Xin, our greatest enemy.”

"And what's even more ridiculous is that even at the last moment, Holy Lord Di Xin still kept it a secret, probably because he wanted to see our father and son kill each other."

"Lord Yingzhu, His Majesty the God Emperor, you have never changed. You have only had your mission from the beginning to the end. Before, you were to completely seal the dark power, but then you could no longer seal it, and you began to plan to completely destroy all the dark power. . For this goal, your children can be sacrificed, right?"

Constantine said hoarsely: "I...I am not a qualified father."

"However, Xiaoque, you changed some of my ideas. I saw another possibility from your dark energy civilization." Constantine said: "I wholeheartedly wanted to block the dark power, but failed. Instead, I was The most beloved woman killed me. After that, I wanted to completely destroy the dark power, but I never thought about this question. What if this world encounters an enemy from outside the world again in a hundred years? How to face it? Maybe you are taking the right path. Your energy civilization may allow us to escape this pure dark hell civilization, and make the world strong enough to face the enemy hundreds of years from now. ”

Ying Que said: "You mean, the Legion of Doom that sleeps underground in this world are just seeds, right? Seeds sown at random, scouts dispatched at random?"

Constantine said: "Xiao Que, I am not a very smart person, you are! So many truths can only be discovered by you. I am just a stubborn person, I am just a dull person."

Ying Que said: "Is there really a person like Constantine?"

Yingzhu said: "Of course there is. He is the Pope of the Western Holy See, an idealist, and the sword-wielding guardian of the dark power of the West."

Ying Que said: "Then what?"

Yingzhu said: "All idealists will be murdered. I was like this, and Constantine was like this. I was murdered by that woman, lost my body, and was shattered into ashes. And Constantine was also murdered by him...he My daughter was killed and her soul was shattered, so we became one.”

Ying Que said: "I got the Demon King's Bone, Demon King's Heart, and Demon King's Hand. What about you?"

Duke Yingzhu said: "The remnant soul of the devil, so even though I am crushed to pieces, my soul is still immortal."

Ying Que said: "How powerful is the demon's remnant soul? How do you suppress its will?"

Yingzhu (Constantine) said: "There is no need to suppress it, because it is still sleeping and has not awakened yet. Because the real invader has not yet arrived, so it does not need to wake up. It may take hundreds of years, or perhaps thousands of years, for it to wake up." . Because this doomsday army is just a random seed."

Ying Que said: "So...the real legion of doomsday will come maybe hundreds of years or maybe thousands of years later."

Yingzhu said: "This world is everything to us, but to them, it may be one of thousands!"

"Xiao Que, you do better than me. Although I have allowed you to live a happy life since you were a child, I have no requirements for you. But... you are the most suitable for this mission. So everything that follows is still left to you. ”

"Emperor Solomon, Gregory, Leanna and other leaders of the Western world have all had their souls extracted by me, but they have not died. You can let them live, or you can let them sleep forever. But my father advises you, we will never die. An enemy is needed, and the East and West worlds must remain in opposition, so that each other can progress and become stronger.”

"Born in sorrow and dying in happiness, the future opposition and balance between the Eastern and Western worlds will be left to you."

After that, God Emperor Constantine handed Ying Que a crystal, which sealed the souls of Emperor Solomon and others.

The fate of these leaders is also in the hands of Ying Que.

"Okay, then the father will leave."


"Xiao Que, you are luckier than me. The Xia Yi you are facing is real."

Ying Que said anxiously: "Father, your Leng Ni is also true. After Di Ning was wiped out, her soul was also sealed by me."

Yingzhu (Constantine) said: "No, I'm tired. I've long wanted to be relieved."

With that said, Constantine took off his dark mask, revealing his face.

He has no face at all.

Inside the dark armor was just a rotting corpse, belonging to Constantine.

After taking off the mask, God-Emperor Constantine's body was completely covered in ashes.

His soul was also wiped out inch by inch.

"Xiao Que, my father is so proud of you." Ying Zhu said hoarsely: "For this mission, because I was murdered by the most beloved woman, my heart has died, almost heartless. But... this meeting, my heart has died. A little more joy.”

"I should have died twenty years ago. For humans, immortality may be a disaster. At least I don't have enough wisdom to control this kind of immortality."

"I'm very grateful, I'm facing this final outcome, very good, very good!"

"Xiao Que, I'm proud of you!"

"Everything from now on will be left to you."

"I, Yingzhu, am only an average person, and the only thing I have is absolute will. My son, Yingque, you are the real future."

Just half a minute later, God-Emperor Constantine was completely wiped out.

Yingzhu was completely stunned.

at last……

Only one energy crystal is left, which seems to actually exist, but also seems to be nothingness.

This...should be the remnant soul of the devil!

Ying Que stretched out his hand and held the demon's remnant soul.

From then on, all the dark power in this world was in his hands.

All the missions in this world also fall on him alone.

The legendary God-Emperor Constantine!

The even more legendary Duke Yingzhu turned into ashes.

Yingque slowly squatted down and reached out to touch the ashes.

"I'm proud of you too, Dad!"

"There are many people in this world who disappoint you, but you never change and always stick to your mission."

"I don't even know where your mission came from? Why did it land on you."

"Why is it you? Is it an accidental adventure? Is it an accidental fall of the Demon King's remnant soul?"

"However, you have at least spent your whole life interpreting your bright and great mission."

"Father, Lord Yingzhu, you are a hero. You are a hero at all times and you have never changed!"


Win Beijing!

Hundreds of thousands, millions of people, all holding their heads high, looking eastward.

Her Majesty the Queen, Zhi Fan, Wen Daozi, Ning Daoyi, Ning Piaoli, Shen Wuzhuo, Chu Chu, the rescued Fu Caiwei, all Ying Que's children, etc., all Ying Que's direct descendants, all relatives are here .

The pillars of the Great Xia Empire, all the elders of New Sky Bookstore.

All students of Wild Grass Academy.

Win Que's entire army.

There were also countless people of the Great Xia Empire who were all silent, looking up to the east.

They await the final results.

Is it victory? Or failed?

Is it survival? Or destruction?

I don’t know how long it has been!

The sun's rays tore a rift in the countless dark dust.

The golden sunlight shines over.


And in this golden sunshine.

A figure flew out.

Yingque is back!

Yingque came back riding a giant snow-white eagle.

Endless ecstasy, like a stormy sea, swept through the entire Yingjing.

Sweeping hundreds of thousands and millions of people.

Everyone bowed down like a tide.

Raise your arms in the direction of Yingque and shout: "Long live, long live, long live!"

"Long live His Majesty Yingque!"

"Long live the Eastern world!"

"Long live New Sky Bookstore!"

"Holy Lord Yingque, long live, long live, long live!"

At this moment, winning is the belief of the entire Eastern world, and even the entire world.


Note: Sorry, this ending is a little late. Next, there should be a postscript, thank you all.

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