Thousands of people all entered the examination room.

Each person had a separate examination room, which was very simple, only about three square meters.

A chair, a table, nothing else.

Next, the examiners spoke.

There were three examiners in total. The chief examiner was Yuan Hu, the alternate elder of Sky Academy, the left deputy examiner was Li Wenchang, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Great Xia Empire, and the right deputy examiner was Du Wenlong, the Supervisor of the Three Southern Provinces.

The three examiners spoke concisely and to the point, which was deafening.

Especially the chief examiner Yuan Hu, whose few words were thought-provoking and made people excited.

"Establish a mind for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, inherit the lost knowledge of the past sages, and open peace for all generations!" The chief examiner Yuan Hu's concluding remarks made all the examinees excited and trembling.

"Distribute the papers!"

With an order.

Hundreds of examiners began to distribute the papers.

At this time, the chief examiner Yuan Hu returned to his seat, his whole body trembling slightly, and he even covered his heart with his hands, as if he couldn't suppress his inner excitement.

Deputy examiner Li Wenchang was surprised. It was just a big test, why was he so excited? This was the candidate elder of the Sky Academy, a big shot. This kind of three-province academy exam was not a big scene for Lord Yuan Hu.

"Grandmaster, what's wrong?" Li Wenchang asked with concern.

"No problem." Yuan Hu waved his hand, then closed his eyes, trying desperately to suppress the shock in his heart.

"Something big happened, it must be something big." His heart trembled.

Because the test paper had been decided, but half an hour ago, the Sky Book City sent a rider to deliver the latest Scripture Test Paper.

It must not be because of missing questions or cheating.

Something big must have happened, so the test paper was temporarily changed.

Moreover, the last question of the Scripture Test was too subversive!

Therefore, this exam in the city of learning is not just an exam, but a major political trend.

Something must have happened!

Of course, only Yuan Hu knew these secrets, and he couldn't tell anyone.

However, he really didn't know how big a thing had happened.


In just a few minutes, 8,000 exam papers were distributed.

"Check the papers. If there are any omissions or stains, report them immediately."

All candidates quickly checked the papers in their hands.

It was really a sea of ​​questions. The exam papers of the Jingyi Department had as many as sixteen sheets and more than a hundred questions.

All candidates finished checking.

Several examiners began to check the time.

There was a large clock, a sun corona, and an hourglass.

The time had come.

"Jingyi Department, the exam begins!"


With the sound of a bell.

All candidates began to answer questions quickly. Although the exam time was four hours, more than a hundred questions were too many.

The content of the Confucian Classics is all about rote memorization. After hundreds of years of examinations, all the common questions have been asked.

So the test questions will only become more and more obscure and difficult.

In addition, the eleven Confucian Classics are not immutable, and they will change every few decades.

Some classics will be removed, and some will be added.

However, every time the city exam is held, the questions of the Confucian Classics are getting more and more biased.

Sure enough, there were bursts of wailing in the entire examination room.

Obviously, someone went to look through the last few questions in advance.

The last fifteen points of the Confucian Classics were completely given by the examiner to embarrass the candidates. It's rare that you even doubt whether there is such content in the Confucian Classics.

That is not something that can be solved by rote memorization, but it has taken several turns.

One question involves several allusions and several knowledge points. If you don't master one of them, this question is over.


Wu Que answered the questions quickly.

He memorized all 1.03 million words of the eleven classics.

So these questions were a piece of cake for him.

It took less than half an hour.

The first 110 questions were all answered.

The remaining 10 questions were the ones that were designed to make things difficult for the candidates, with a total of 20 points.

The first, second, third...

There were no problems with the first nine questions.

After reading the last question, Wu Que was stunned.

"The human heart is dangerous, and the heart of Tao is subtle. Only be precise and one, and hold the middle. This sixteen-character mental method was deleted a thousand years ago. What do you think?"

This... this question is terrifying.

It's actually 10 points? !

This is different from previous exams.

In the previous Jingyi Science Exam, the last question was only 3 points at most.

This time, it actually took up 10 points? !

But it doesn't matter. The key is that this question is abnormal, absolutely abnormal.

It's even subversive.

First of all, this question is not in the eleven classics!

Everyone in the world only knows the twelve-character mental method, and never knows the sixteen-character mental method.

In the past thousand years, the eleven classics have been added or deleted several times.

But there has always been only the twelve-character mental method, and there has never been any sixteen-character mental method.

If you ask ten thousand people, ten thousand people will not know that there is a sixteen-character mental method.

But... Wuque knows.

This is content that is not in any classics, but comes from the memory of Mu Yuanai, the first traitor of the Great Xia Empire and the great Confucian master.

More than a thousand years ago, it was indeed a sixteen-character mental method. Later, because of the leader of the Phantom Academy, the academy deleted this sentence and destroyed all related scriptures and books.

Ji Xin, the founder of the Phantom Academy, which is the Dark Academy, has always adhered to the principle of "only the essence and the only one".

Whenever he preached, he would often say "only the essence and the only one", and wrote a special book for this sentence. Even in the classics of the Dark Academy, many places also adhere to the spirit of "only the essence and the only one", as if "only the essence and the only one" has become one of his labels.

After that, the Dark Academy brought chaos to the world, and a civil war broke out in the academy and triggered a war of civilization in the Eastern world. After spending countless costs and sacrificing countless lives for decades, the Sky Book City won the war of light and destroyed the Dark Academy, and the Sky Book City became the only orthodoxy.

All the content about the Phantom Academy and the Dark Academy was destroyed.

The four words "only the essence and the only one" were also deleted from all the classics.

From then on, there were only twelve-character mental methods, and no sixteen-character mental methods.

And now, the Academy City Examination actually brought up the question of "only the essence and only the one" again.

This... this is not normal!

Wuque closed his eyes and began to think and brew.

Next, he began to answer the last question.

Because he knew that all the essence and core of this Sutra Examination were in this question.

The answer must be careful, must be amazing, and can't be forgotten after one look.

Wuque wrote hundreds of words, first criticizing the Dark Academy's misuse of these four words, which is a firm and correct position.

This is actually not taboo. Although few people know these four words, as long as they can contact the top leaders of the Academy City, they will know.

Moreover, the reason why this Academy City Examination asked this question is obviously to correct the chaos and restore the sixteen-character mental method.

There are 8,000 people in this examination room, and no more than five people can understand this trend of the highest level of Sky Academy City.

But this is not the most critical.

The most critical thing about this question is to propose a new interpretation of these four words, because Sky Book City will use these four words.

The leader of the Dark Academy uses this sentence every day, so you have to give a completely new explanation and definition to label the other party's statement as a fallacy.

So this new explanation and new definition are very important and crucial.

This is completely related to the authority and truthfulness of the Sky Academy.

As for this new definition, Wuque has almost the most perfect answer in his mind.

That is the annotation of Master Wang Yangming in the Chuan Xi Lu.

The only one is the only idea of ​​only refinement, and only refinement is the only effort. It is not only that there is only one outside of only refinement.

It is not only that there is only one outside of only refinement. The word "精" is derived from "米", so let's use rice as an analogy: to get this rice pure and white is the only idea; but if you don 't add the work of pounding, winnowing, sifting and picking, it can't be pure and white. Pounding, winnowing, sifting and picking are the work of only refinement, but it's just to make this rice pure and white.

This is the wisdom of Master Wang Yangming's life.

And he is a philosopher who has never appeared in China for thousands of years, and is even called the last saint of China.

The answer is obvious!

After Wuque finished writing the last word, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, the exam paper for the meaning of the classics had more than a hundred questions, but the essence of all the questions was only this last question.

And Wuque used the essence of the "Chuan Xi Lu" to reinterpret these four words!


Absolutely perfect! Amazing!


Next, Wuque checked the test paper from beginning to end,

confirmed that it was correct, at least the first 90 points, no difference.

All the content was memorized by rote, and Wuque's answer was completely the standard answer.

And for the last question, Wuque used the answer of Master Wang Yangming.

If this can't get a high score, no one can get a high score.

Although Fu Tieyi is smart, Wuque firmly believes that his attainments can surpass Master Wang Yangming.

So far, Wuque's first subject, the meaning of the classics exam, has ended.

He did not hand in the paper in advance, but turned the test paper over on the table and thought about the problem quietly.

At this time, almost all the candidates in the audience were writing furiously, with the exception of two people.

The other person was Fu Tieyi, who had also finished answering the questions, and looked very wise.

But his whole expression was excited, solemn, and excited.

Because he also sensed some subversion from the last question.

Moreover, he and Wuque were thinking about the same question.

A very advanced question that not only concerns the next academic city exam, but also the future direction of Sky Academy.

Among all the candidates, only Wuque and Fu Tieyi felt the horror of the last question.

No matter how smart the other candidates were, they were just mediocre at this point.

This test is not only about whether you are smart, but also about your political vision and ideological strategic height.

A few hours later!

"Dangdangdang..." The bell rang again.

"The exam is over, all candidates stand up and turn your back."

"Anyone who violates this will be treated as cheating."

All candidates stood up, turned their backs to the test paper.

At this time, the examiner came forward, covered the name of each candidate's test paper one by one, and then put it into the bag, and finally completed the collection of the papers.

"All candidates, leave the examination room!"

The first day of the exam is officially over.


Note: Here is the first update. I beg for your support, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. I bow to you all.

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