Wu Que continued: "The main idea of ​​this paper should be like this."

"Some powers, some theories, and some weapons are good, just, bright, and can benefit the world. They are just used by the people of the Dark Academy and their reputations are tarnished. Just like a knife, it can save people in the hands of a doctor and kill people in the hands of a gangster. We must distinguish the essence of things and not be confused by appearances."

"In fact, we'd better find evidence to prove that the real founders of these powers and theories are the predecessors of Sky Book City, and the Dark Academy just took them away and introduced evil."

"Oppose metaphysics, be precise and unique, liberate the mind, and benefit the world."

After Wu Que finished speaking, the whole audience was silent at first, and then extremely excited.

"Good, good, good."

"Absolute, absolute, absolute!"

Xu Enzheng clapped his hands and exclaimed.

Wen Daozi and Fu Baoshi were so excited that they kept turning around in the hall.

At this time, no words could describe their excitement, excitement, and ecstasy.

The amazing talents that Wuque had shown before were completely unworthy of mention at this moment.

Only with such thinking and vision can one be a true genius.

Wen Daozi trembled and said, "Wuque has such wisdom, why should I worry about my great cause? Hahahahaha..."

Xu Enzheng said, "The policy essay topic must be in this range, absolutely absolutely correct, definitely correct."

"Wuque, my son, is truly a genius that never appears in the world."

After that, Xu Enzheng immediately entered the study and said, "I will think about it immediately and write it immediately. Write a policy essay of various scales, from extreme conservatism to extreme openness and innovation. Wuque memorizes it and copies it down in the examination room, and he will definitely get a high score."

As for whether this is considered cheating? Is it not fair? !

Just kidding!

Writing this policy essay is just a superficial skill. Having such a strategic vision is the most valuable and important.

Wen Daozi trembled and said, "Wuque, your brother Shen Wuyu is really amazing."

Wuque sighed and said, "Who said it wasn't? It's amazing."

After receiving the information that the Torii family had gunboats, no one else reacted, only Shen Wuyu immediately thought that this was the infiltration of the Western Church into the Dongyi Empire, which meant that the Donghuang faction changed its flag and that the Sky Book City might face defeat in the Dongyi Empire.

Then, he immediately thought that this might be reflected in the questions of the Academy City Examination, so he immediately sent someone to notify Wuque.

What wisdom is this?

What tolerance?

Of course, in everyone's opinion, Wuque would definitely not pass the exam if he was ignorant and incompetent, so what's the use of knowing the policy questions?

But... Shen Wuyu at least showed the sincere heart of a brother caring for his younger brother.

If you were Shen Wuque, you really have to remember this favor.

Shen Wuyu, this brother you have never met, is really amazing.


In the Wuxiang Pavilion of Tianshui Academy.

Fu Jianzhi, Mi Daoyuan, Li Jinshui, and Fu Tieyi were discussing in secret.

In front of the four people was the last question of the Confucian Classics and Philosophy Course today, which was the only one that could be solved.

Fu Jianzhi said, "Brother Daoyuan, you are a member of the Academy Committee. Don't you know the answer to this question?"

Mi Daoyuan shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Fu Jianzhi said, "Strange, too strange, too strange. How could such a question be asked? It looks like they are trying to overturn the verdict of Ji Xin, the master of the Dark Academy."

Mi Daoyuan shook his head and said, "Impossible."

Fu Jianzhi said, "Yes, absolutely impossible. Once Ji Xin's verdict is overturned, I'm afraid that the Dark Academy fanatics hidden all over the world will rise up and make a crazy restoration."

Mi Daoyuan asked, "Tieyi, why do you think this is?"

Fu Tieyi said, "Something has happened at the highest level of the Sky Academy. They are going to have a storm of ideas, so they leaked it in advance in the big exam questions."

Mi Daoyuan was very relieved. Fu Tieyi was so young that he was able to see this step, which was already very remarkable.

Fu Jianzhi trembled and said, "Something must have happened, something serious must have happened. Brother Daoyuan, have you really not received any news?"

Mi Daoyuan said, "No, this kind of movement can only come from the highest level. You are at the highest level of the Great Xia Empire, and you haven't received any news?"

Fu Jianzhi said, "No."

Fu Tieyi said, "If you know what kind of change has happened, can you infer the movement of the highest level of the Sky Academy, and can you calculate the topic of the post-natal policy?"

Mi Daoyuan said, "Of course, Tieyi, your mind is very sharp."

Tianshui Academy Vice Principal Li Jinshui said, "The key is what happened? Can the principal ask the highest level of the Sky Academy?"

Mi Daoyuan said coldly, "Take the initiative to ask, are you looking for death? No wonder... No wonder, the test questions were not delivered to the examination room until the last half hour, and this is a temporary change of test questions."

At this time, a hawk's cry came from outside.

Mi Daoyuan immediately opened the window, and a huge hawk landed on his arm with a ring on his foot.

He took off the ring and took out the secret letter inside. It was written in coded text. It was a secret letter from the highest level of Sky Book City.

After Mi Daoyuan finished reading it, his face changed drastically.

Several people gathered around him and trembled, saying, "What happened?"

Mi Daoyuan said slowly, "During the civil war in the Dongyi Empire, the Torii family had 29 gunboats and won the Tianma naval battle. The navy of the Zhengdao family was completely destroyed."

"The Dongyi Empire may be about to change!"

Mi Daoyuan's connections are indeed all-powerful!

The Shen family encountered the gunboat of the Torii family by chance, and the warship was sunk in the naval battle, so they only knew a little bit of this information.

And Mi Daoyuan received the most accurate information directly.

Fu Jianzhi trembled and said, "When did it happen?"

"Nine hours ago." Mi Daoyuan said, "At present, the eastern sea area is completely blocked, and all news is completely blocked."

Fu Jianzhi trembled and said, "The Torii family secretly surrendered to the Western Church."

Mi Daoyuan said, "Yes, the Zhengdao family supports the General's Mansion, and the Torii family supports the East Emperor. This defeat means that the general faction of the Dongyi Empire may be completely defeated, and it also means..."

Fu Jianzhi said, "The defeat of the Sky Academy, the Dongyi Empire fully converted to the Western Church."

Mi Daoyuan's hands trembled slightly, and he burned the secret letter.

"It's really a big deal."

"The betrayal of King Saruman caused a huge uproar, which directly killed the reformists. Wen Daozi can't even turn over now, and Elder Wen Zhong stepped down directly. But the Kingdom of Uz is just a small country in the Western Regions, and it is regarded as a barbaric land by Sky Academy. The Dongyi Empire is different. It is one of the top three countries in Eastern civilization and one of the most important spheres of influence of Sky Academy."

Fu Jianzhi said: "Once the Dongyi Empire changes color, it will be tantamount to a huge political storm."

Mi Daoyuan said: "No wonder, no wonder, half an hour before the exam, Sky Book City sent a brand new test paper. The test paper was temporarily replaced. I thought there was a cheating that had not happened in a century."

Fu Jian said: "So , the policy essay questions for the big exam in two days have a direction. "

Mi Daoyuan said: "Tieyi, what do you think the policy essay questions in two days should be?"

Fu Tieyi thought for a while and said: "Innovation! How to reasonably liberate part of the content of the Dark Academy and fight against the Western Church."

Mi Daoyuan praised: "Yes, that's the direction. It's already very remarkable that you can think of this step."

Then, Mi Daoyuan said decisively: "The purpose of the policy essay questions in the future is to whitewash part of the content of the Dark Academy and pack them into the new direction and new ideas of the Sky Book City."

Next, Mi Daoyuan pondered and said: "How should this new idea be named?"

His brain was working quickly, and he opened the window and looked at the sky.

At this time, everyone was silent and did not dare to disturb Mi Daoyuan's thoughts.

After a full quarter of an hour.

Mi Daoyuan turned around and said, "New Kingly Doctrine!"

"Yes, this is the name of the new thought. It cannot be called innovation, because the previous reformists have been beaten to death and regarded as failures."

"New Kingly Doctrine, this is the best and most appropriate name. The more shameful things are, the more they need to be packaged with great and glorious names."

Mi Daoyuan said, "Find a few top policy experts, think behind closed doors, write the best policy with the topic I just said, and give it to Tieyi for reference. Of course, they must be completely closed and not allowed to contact anyone."

Fu Jianzhi said, "I will write it too."

Mi Daoyuan said, "I'll leave it to you here first, I have to make some arrangements."

There will be huge changes in the Sky Academy next. As a possible giant of the Sky Academy in the future, Mi Daoyuan will certainly not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although Wuque has not even seen Fu Tieyi in this exam.

But in the sky above Yingzhou.

The wisdom of both sides seems to have been fighting in the air.

Whose wisdom is better?


Half a minute later.

Mi Daoyuan had already walked out of the room, but suddenly turned back and said, "Tieyi, you should pay attention to Luo Mengshu of the Dark Academy more than a thousand years ago. Maybe it will be the last question in tomorrow's arithmetic class."

Luo Meng, a genius array master of the Dark Academy a thousand years ago.

She once gave an arithmetic question that caused all the geniuses to go crazy. This question was called Luo Mengshu.

The Luo Mengshu she created also became the admission ticket for the geniuses of the Dark Academy.

If you want to prove your genius, go and solve Luo Mengshu.

For decades, the geniuses of the Dark Academy chased each other to solve this question, and finally pushed the solution to this question to a very high level.

They even thought that they had solved the limit of this question. For a full ten years, all the geniuses could not make any further progress.

After that, the Dark Academy was defeated in the encirclement and suppression of the East and West Worlds.

Luo Mengshu's arithmetic question, which the geniuses went crazy for, was also completely banned and could not be published for more than a thousand years.

If Sky Book City really wants to get close to some of the contents of the Dark Academy, then the powerful array may be a very important part.

Then it is very likely that the arithmetic problem of Luo Mengshu will be unlocked.

Mi Daoyuan said: "In my secret study, there is a book "Luo Mengshu", which contains the solution process of the genius of the Dark Academy, and the most extreme solution to this problem so far. After you finish reading it, if this problem really appears in the math test tomorrow, you will be invincible."

Fu Tieyi said: "Yes, teacher."

The next day, the second test of arithmetic officially began!


Note: The first update is here, benefactors, please support, please vote for the monthly ticket, please vote for the recommendation.

I deeply thank you all.

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