I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 62 I will sacrifice my blood for justice! Fight for first place

Faced with this result, everyone was shocked first!

Incomparable shock.

Because most people present did not know Shen Wuque's result in advance.

Only Lord Yuan Hu, Lord Du Wenlong, and Lord Li Wenchang knew.

Now that the result has been made public.

Everyone feels as if they are in another world.

Not even shocked, but absurd and bizarre.

What was Shen Wuque like eight years ago?

Unlearned and powerless, even in the Tianshui Academy exam, he ranked last in all subjects.

The first prodigal son, the first bootlicker, etc., are all labels that Shen Wuque cannot wash away.

This is something that is not even as good as a dandy boy.

Who is Fu Tieyi?

The rising sun of the empire.

Fu Caiwei takes the detached route of Sky Book City, and Fu Tieyi will take the route of imperial power.

Everyone thinks that this person will definitely reach the pinnacle of imperial power in the future and enter the cabinet to be a prime minister.

This is the first genius in the south.

There is a world of difference between him and Shen Wuque.

The difference between a skylark and an eagle.

Shen Wuque is not even half a finger better than Fu Tieyi.

But now, the two have the same score.

And the most terrifying thing is that Shen Wuque scored full marks in all three main subjects.

This result is simply shocking.


However, after the shock, there is a huge problem in front of everyone.

But who should be the first?

In the school city exam, no matter whether it is the civil or military exam, there is no tie for first place.

There must be a first and second place.

Lord Yuan Hu said: "Tell me, who is first and who is second?"

Suddenly, the whole audience fell silent.

Suddenly, someone raised his hand and said: "Fu Tieyi is first."

Then, many people in the venue raised their hands as if they received a signal.

"Fu Tieyi is first!"

"Fu Tieyi is first!"

"Fu Tieyi is first!"

"Shen Wuque is first!"

Judging from the voices of the whole audience, Fu Tieyi has an overwhelming advantage.

There is no way. This is the territory of Sky Book City, and the power of conservatives is amazing.

And everyone knows that who will be the first between Shen Wuque and Fu Tieyi is not only related to the fate of these two people.

It is also related to thirty large warships.

And the life and death of reform pioneers such as Wen Daozi.

Such huge interests cannot be suppressed even by the candidate elder Yuan Hu.

The Imperial Navy, Mi family, and Sky Book City conservatives are all stakeholders.

Who dares to go against this powerful interest group?

There are three examiners, dozens of examiners, and dozens of deputy examiners in the whole venue, a total of ninety-five people. After a little thought, they all made their own choices.

Almost 80%, all shouted that Fu Tieyi was the first.

Lord Yuan Hu obviously had anticipated this situation, but he still frowned.

Just now, because of Shen Wuque's martial arts score, Lord Yuan Hu had already pulled out the imperial sword of Sky Book City once.

This time, he couldn't pull it out again, and he couldn't pull it out.

As a candidate elder, he couldn't possibly fight against these three interest groups.

Lord Yuan Hu said coldly: "Fu Tieyi is the first? Tell me why?"

Then, he swept his eyes across the audience, as sharp as lightning.

You all shouted that Fu Tieyi is the first, but now I ask you to stand up alone and face the pressure of my Sky Book City's candidate elders. Do you dare?

Sure enough, no one in the audience stood up and faced Lord Yuan Hu alone.

But after a moment, someone stood up.

Lord Du Wenlong, the censor of the three southern provinces of the empire, is the first deputy examiner of this school city exam.

He changed his previous meek obedience to Lord Yuan Hu, and his face was firm and cold.

After bowing coldly, Du Wenlong said: "In fact, there have been cases of tied first place in history. Two hundred and twenty-eight years ago, in the literary examination of the four northern provinces of the Great Xia Empire, two candidates tied for first place, and both scored 416 points."

Some people present were stunned. Is this true?

Du Wenlong continued: "My dear colleagues, how was the first place determined that time?"

One of the examiners said: "At that time, it was determined based on age. The younger Li Chengxu was determined to be the first place, and the older Zhang Boyong was determined to be the second place."

Du Wenlong said: "Lord Xu has a good memory! That's right, it was determined by age at that time. As we all know, Fu Tieyi is younger than Shen Wuque, so he should be determined to be the first place."

As soon as this was said, most of the examiners and examiners present agreed loudly.

"Fu Tieyi is the first!"

"Fu Tieyi is the first!"

"There are conventions to follow in ancient times."

But suddenly, an examiner shouted: "Big absurdity, big absurdity!"

The examiner's name is Gao Qi, a professor in Yingzhou, a seventh-rank official.

Now all educational power is controlled by the academy, and the county professors are completely in office without power. Although he is a seventh-rank, compared with the county magistrate, he is nothing as a county professor.

So during these years in office, he was muddle-headed, lingering in brothels, and living a life of drunkenness and dreams.

Gao Qi and Wu Que were very predestined. He was the one who graded Wu Que's arithmetic exam papers and Wu Que's policy essay exam papers. The man who screamed during the marking process was this man.

He could not forget the feeling at that time. He felt as if he was struck by lightning and his hair stood on end.

From then on, he had a sense of mission.

We must use all our strength to protect this genius.

For Sky Bookstore, for the Eastern World, and for conscience.

Du Wenlong said coldly: "Who is speaking? Stand up!"

Although Gao Qi's status was not high, he still bravely stood up and yelled: "Master Du Wenlong, I am Professor Gao Qi from Yingzhou County, what you said is ridiculous."

And Du Wenlong was the supervisory censor of the three southern provinces, an official sent from the imperial center, with great power. In front of him, Gao Qi was really a minor official.

Being scolded at this time, Du Wenlong suddenly turned cold and said, "I would rather ask Professor Gao for advice."

Gao Qileng said: "Did Mr. Du Wenlong forget it, or did he deliberately not mention it? The situation of tying for first place in the city exam was more than once. Eighty-eight years ago, it happened in Jiangdong Province. The same two people always The scores are tied for first place, both with 419 points. The results are determined based on the scores of the three main subjects.”

"All of us know that the city exam is divided into major subjects and minor subjects."

"Classics, arithmetic, and policy theory are the three main subjects. If the total scores are the same, of course, the scores in the three main subjects will be more important."

"Shen Wuque's score in the three main subjects is 300, and Fu Tieyi's is 295, so of course Shen Wuque is first and Fu Tieyi is second. Is there any dispute about this?"

"This time in the city's big exam, Shen Wuque came first."

"Whoever dares to defy this result has ulterior motives and has violated his conscience, fairness and justice, and the will of Sky Bookstore."

"Let me put my words here. If you place Fu Tieyi as number one, then I will go directly to the Sky Book City Presbyterian Council to file a complaint. I will go to the Empire Center to file a complaint. I don't believe there will be no justice in the world."

"I am a seventh-grade senior official in Yingzhou who is just an empty-handed seventh-grade official. I am powerless and a nobody."

"But I gave it a go."

"Although there are thousands of people, I will go."

Then, he took another step forward and stared at the dozens of people in front of him.


Suddenly, Du Wenlong sneered.

"Master Gao Qi, do you think it's okay?"

Gao Qi said: "What I say doesn't count, but justice has the final say."

Du Wenlong said: "Do you think your words are justice?"

Gao Qi said: "Of course, the college entrance examination will be based on the results of the three main subjects. This is an axiom."

Du Wenlong said: "May 19th is the death anniversary of the Empress Dowager at the age of 95. As an imperial official, within seven days before and after this period, you should abide by etiquette and should not have any entertainment. And what are you doing? You're hooking up!"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Qi's expression changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, Du Wenlong even knew this. He, the censor of the three southern provinces, really had a booklet recording the mistakes of all officials.

Du Wenlong said coldly: "Swear to the gods of Sky Bookstore, will you have any sex with prostitutes on May 19th?"

Gao Qi trembled all over and said, "Yes!"

Du Wenlong said coldly: "First of all, as an imperial official, openly engaging in prostitution is already a violation of the law. Secondly, within the scope of the Empress Dowager's ninety-five-year-old death anniversary, it is even more sinful for you to engage in prostitution."

These moral sticks were smashed down one after another, making it impossible for people to raise their heads.

However, which imperial official does not engage in prostitution?

Don’t you, Du Wenlong, go to prostitutes?

As for the death anniversary of the Empress Dowager at the age of 95?

What about the death anniversary of the late emperor?

What about the death anniversaries of the emperors of the empire?

Isn’t it possible to have fun all year round?

However, these words cannot be said clearly.

Gao Qi trembled: "Even if I am a prostitute, even if I am morally corrupt. But justice is justice. What does this have to do with Shen Wuque's first place?"

Du Wenlong sneered and said: "How qualified is a morally corrupt person to talk about justice? What a morally corrupt person says are filthy words, how can there be any justice? As a guilty person, how qualified are you to set a sacred test? First place?"

Gao Qi was so angry that he was shaking all over.

Suddenly, he roared loudly.

"I recommend justice with my blood!"

"I use my soul to get rid of the filth!"

"My death proves my innocence!"

Then, he slammed his head against the pillar of the hall.


Note: This is the second update. I can’t think of anything to say to ask for monthly votes, so I can only kowtow deeply.

Please give me monthly tickets and support. Thank you all.

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