I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 77 The value of sacrifice! (4 more)

Looking at Linghu Zhong's extremely tragic body, Li Wuya, the prefect of Yingzhou, also looked a little sad.

After a long while, he looked at Shen Wuque and said, "Master Wuque, sometimes winning means losing and losing means winning. It's hard to say."

Then he left the lobby without saying a word.

Other officials present also left the lobby.

Several city guards came forward and were about to collect Linghu Zhong's body.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a painting for him." Shen Wuque said, "At least, let his family have a memorial."

Having said that, Wu Que took out a pen and paper and buried Linghu again.

After finishing her appearance, she was meticulous.

Others were surprised, what do you mean?

People already hate you so much that there is no point in showing off.

After tidying up, Wuque took out a pen and paper to draw.

A quarter of an hour later.

The painting is finished.

An extremely realistic Linghu Zhong appears on the page.

"Extract Linghu Zhong's memory."

Wuque closed his eyes and felt Linghu Zhong's memories and past events.

A deep sigh.

It is too difficult for ordinary people to get ahead.

I don’t know how much dirty work I have to do to get ahead.

Then, Master Yuan Hu said: "Wuque, please accompany me for a walk."

Then, Wu Que accompanied Master Yuan Hu and left the Yingzhou Mansion Office and walked towards a road.

Unknowingly, I came to an ancestral hall.

This is the Wenzong Temple, which was built in the academic city. It is everywhere in the Eastern world, and the Wenzong Temple in front of you is dedicated to the extremely filial Lu Zhuo.

Master Yuan Hu said: "Yes, the topic of this policy discussion is the death of Lu Zhuo, so we came to this Wenzong Temple. It was this policy discussion that made me get to know you, and it also made me make some determination."

Wu Que didn't speak, and listened quietly to Master Yuan Hu.

Master Yuan Hu continued: "Do you know what you represent?"

Wuque said: "Reformers."

Master Yuan Hu said: "Yes, you represent the reformists. And the reformists represent the hope of the academic city and the new hope of Eastern civilization. The conservatives are no longer good, they are too decadent, but their power is too huge. Tangled.”

Then, Master Yuan Hu asked: "Do you think the reformists are completely dead?"

Wuque said: "Probably not."

Master Yuan Hu said: "Yes, no. I am a reformist who was originally silent. I did not express my position before, but this time I stood up. There are many people like me in Sky Bookstore, but they are just dormant for the time being. So you It's not that there are no allies, it's just that they don't see hope. Not only in Sky Book City, there are also many reformers in the empire. It's just that a single spark can start a prairie fire. In Wen Daozi's opinion, you are. The flame of the reformists, in my opinion, you are also the flame of the reformists, which must not be extinguished. "

Wuque said nothing, only feeling that every word spoken by Lord Yuanhu was extremely heavy.

Master Yuan Hu said: "There is still one and a half hours, the auspicious time has arrived, and the results are officially released."

Shen Wuque bowed and said, "Yes, Grand Master."

Lord Yuan Hu was silent for a moment and said, "Wu Que, can you kneel down? You don't have to kneel down to me, just kneel down to Lord Lu Zhuo."

Wu Que knelt down towards Lu Zhuo's statue.

Master Yuan Hu said: "Promise me something."

Wuque said: "You tell me."

Master Yuan Hu said: "Tonight, countless people are fighting for you, but it is all worth it. No matter how high the price is, it is worth it."

"After dawn, Mi Daoyuan will return from Sky Book City to request an order. I want you to promise me that no matter what happens, you will treat it as invisible, inaudible, and ignore it."

"No matter who is sacrificed then, be it Gao Qi, Lin Caichen, Ning Liren, or even me..."

"No matter how many people die tomorrow, you don't care. Because they are already prepared. I asked Gao Qi and he said that this matter will cause heads to fall, and he doesn't care."

"Promise me that if any of us die tomorrow, you won't be able to see it. Those who do big things should be thick-skinned and dark-hearted."

"Otherwise, our sacrifice will be in vain."

"Promise me not to be impulsive tomorrow, keep your first place, keep the reformists, then everything will be worth it."

"As long as you do nothing, the first place will be yours, because Sky Bookstore will not go against the opinions of tens of thousands of people, nor will it go against the glittering list of thousands of people."

Wu Que knelt in front of the statue of Lu Zhuo, motionless.

Then, Lord Yuanhu said to Wuque, "Then, we'll see you tomorrow."


In the Shen Family Courtyard.

The rough-looking clerk from Yingzhou Prefecture stood in front of Shen Wuque, and then took off his human skin mask.

Suddenly, a delicate face with oval seeds appeared in front of Wu Que.

The eyes are large and lively.

This is a cat-like woman.

She is also like a rabbit-like woman.

Similar to Qiu Shuzhen.

Charming, smart, cunning.

The only difference is that there is still strong unyielding sparkle in these big eyes.

"Chu Chu pays homage to the master."

The cat-like girl saluted Shen Wuque.

Then, she stared at Shen Wuque with wide eyes.

As if waiting for his praise and affirmation, as well as surprise.

It turns out that everything just happened was arranged by Chu Chu.

She actually pretended to be a widower and sneaked into the Yingzhou government office, and hid Li Er under the coffin.

It's too risky.

However, the effect was even more amazing than planned.

She was bold because she took the initiative to change her perfect plan.

She is also very expressive.

Wuque asked: "When did you come?"

"The day before yesterday."

I came the day before yesterday, but I didn't show up in front of Wuque because I wanted to give him a stunning performance.

I want Wuque to know that after seeing a woman for three days, she should look at her with admiration.

Wu Que stared at her face and praised, "Chu Chu, you have really become much more beautiful."

For a moment, Chu Chu was satisfied.

Then, she turned her face sideways and said, "Am I the better-looking? Or is Zhao Fan better-looking? Or is Fu Caiwei better-looking?"

Wuque said: "At least at this moment, you look the best."

"It's against my will, but I like it." Chu Chu said softly, "Wait for me, I'll go change my clothes."

Then she flew away like a bird.

After a while, he came back.

Wearing a red skirt, she looks slim and charming.

Very slim, but very muscular.

The skirt is a bit low, and the snow-white ravine can be seen.

"Master, does this skirt look familiar?" Chu Chu said delicately.

"It looks familiar." Wu Que said.

Then she sat on Wu Que's lap.

Immediately, I felt amazingly smooth and soft.

Wuque's instinct was to get into her skirt, but she grabbed her hand and flew away like a bird.

"Master, do you think you won?" Chu Chu asked.

Wuque said: "Not yet."

Chu Chu said: "I studied under the teacher and also contacted some senior officials of Sky Bookstore. Do you know what Sky Bookstore will think of what happened today?"

Wuque said: "It's a great rebellion and immorality."

Chu Chu said: "Yes, it is treason. Mi Daoyuan must have gone to Sky Bookstore to ask for an order. Do you know what the order of Sky Bookstore is?"

Wu Que said: "Should we ask the teachers to come over and analyze it together?"

Chu Chu said: "After the teachers come, you can't touch it with your hands."

Wuque said: "But after the teacher comes, your intelligence can be more fully demonstrated."

Chu Chu's eyes brightened and she said, "Okay."

Then, Wu Que took Chu Chu to the hall.

Wen Daozi and other teachers are here.

"Teachers, this is Miss Chu Chu, a close disciple of Master Jingqing." Wu Que said.

It is not wrong at all to say that he is a closed disciple. Chu Chu is smart and clever, and is very popular with Master Jingqiao, even more than Zhen Fan.

He did not introduce Chu Chu as the daughter of his slave Chu Liang, nor did he introduce Chu Chu as his maid.

Chu Chu was meticulous and saluted several instructors: "Students pay homage to all teachers."

She calls herself a student, not a slave.

Because Master Jingqing is also from Sky Bookstore.

Wen Daozi said kindly: "How are you, Miss Chu Chu? How is your teacher?"

Several instructors greeted Chu Chu one after another.

After a while, we got to the point.

Chu Chu said: "Teachers, Mi Daoyuan has gone to Sky Bookstore to request an order. According to teachers' understanding of the senior management of Sky Bookstore, what kind of order will Sky Bookstore ask for?"

Xu Enzheng said: "Wuque and Fu Tieyi are tied for first place, and they will take additional exams, and they are martial arts exams."

Jiumogang said: "This must be the case, let Wu Que and Fu Tieyi duel to determine the outcome. Because the power of the conservatives is too strong, the interests involved in who wins first place between Wu Que and Fu Tieyi this time are too great. So. They will try their best to let Fu Tieyi win first place.”

Chu Chu shook his head and said: "Two teachers, if there is no great victory in the examination room struggle and no great victory in the Yingzhou government office, then this kind of will may appear. But now everything has changed. If I didn't expect it, If there is a mistake, Sky Bookstore will send an elder to take charge, and Mi Daoyuan will bring two orders. "

"In the first decree, Young Master and Fu Tieyi tied for first place, so they need to take an additional exam to compete for the real first place. The subject for the additional exam is usually the last subject that two people apply for at the same time. That is, the martial arts subject, In that case, the young master will definitely lose."

"But given the current situation, the first decree will definitely not be released. So the second decree will be issued."

Wen Daozi said: "I would like to hear the details."

Chu Chu said: "Master Yuanhu asked 20,000 people to jointly press bloody fingerprints on the big list. This move is too bright, majestic, and authoritative. The glittering big list, coupled with the master's invincible strategy, is completely in line with the sky." The interests of the bookstore. If the young master wins the first place, it will certainly harm the interests of many people, but this interest is nothing compared to the authority of the Sky Bookstore."

"So, this second decree must be like this. It acknowledges that the young master won the first place in the city exam and Fu Tieyi came in second. It also stipulates that if there is a tie for first place in the future, the three subjects will be ranked first. The scores in the main subjects are the standard.”

"Sky Bookstore will not go against the will of tens of thousands of people for the sake of its own justice and authority. But it will settle the accounts later. It will give you the carrot first, and then smash it down with a big stick. Because of the attack on the examination room, this incident caused a stir It’s too big. In a sense, Lord Yuanhu is coercing public opinion and kidnapping Sky Bookstore.”

"So there is another half of this second decree, which is to expel Mr. Yuan Hu from the Academy Committee and the Sky Book City Presbyterian Church, and imprison him for life. He will deprive the candidates who led the siege of the examination room of their honors and will never be allowed to participate in the academy. Big exam. It is even possible to directly expel Mount Wen Daozi from the Academy Committee."

"In other words, Kapok after dawn means sacrificing Master Yuanhu, sacrificing the candidates and students who took the lead in making trouble, in exchange for the first place, the Young Master."

"In this way, it not only demonstrates the fairness of Sky Bookstore, but also emphasizes its inviolable majesty."

Jiumogang said: "But in the contract, the big test in the school city between Wuque and Fu Tieyi is the final battle of the nine-war agreement between our two factions. Doesn't the signed contract also count?"

Chu Chu said: "This contract is just a contract between Mi Daoyuan and Wen Daozi. There is no need for Sky Bookstore to endorse this contract."

Chu Chu still had one sentence to say. There was definitely no need to hand over the thirty warships of the Shen Gong family.

Wen Daozi was silent for a long time and said, "Miss Chu Chu, you are extremely smart."

Chu Chu’s smile was so beautiful.

After a long while, Wen Daozi said: "As long as Wu Que can get the first place and become famous all over the world. As long as the Shen Gong family does not have to pay for thirty battleships, I can pay any price. It's just a pity for Grandmaster Yuan Hu and a pity for Ning Liren. Waiting for someone."

Fu Baoshi laughed and said: "Yes, as long as we can win the first place and become famous all over the world, it will be worth it even if we are under house arrest for a lifetime."

Jiumoka said loudly: "We have been able to get to where we are today because of great blessings. If we are still dissatisfied, our hearts will be as weak as snakes swallowing elephants."

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter.

Wen Daozi said: "Wu Que, it's time for you to take a shower and change clothes, and then go to the examination room to meet the real results and the cheers of countless people."


After bathing and changing clothes, Chu Chu arranged her clothes for Wuque.

She put on a snow-white brocade robe and looked extremely handsome in front of the mirror.

Chu Chumei's eyes were blurred, and she couldn't help but fall into Wu Que's arms.

"Son, I miss you so much. I miss you very much."

Wuque held her chin, looked at her small mouth, and wanted to kiss her.


Chu Chu quickly dodged away.

This reaction was exactly as Wuque imagined.

"You can only be intimate when you're married. I'm not a casual girl." Chu Chu said softly.

A perfect smile.

Chu Chu put her mouth together again and gave Wu Que a gentle peck on the cheek.

"Okay, sir, it's time for us to set off to meet your most glorious moment."

Wu Que looked at her delicate and charming face and said, "Chu Chu, you are very smart. You are the smartest girl I have ever seen."

Chu Chu frowned and said: "Sir, have you ever heard of this sentence? But the previous words are worthless, so what about your but?"

Wuque said: "But what you just said to Mount Chief Wen Daozi was actually a moral oppression on them, forcing them to sacrifice themselves to fulfill me."

Chu Chu bit her lip and said, "Master, am I wrong to be such a bad person for you?"

"No." Wu Que touched his head and said, "But, you are only half right."

Suddenly, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed through Chu Chu's beautiful eyes.

She felt that her intelligence was as good as anyone else's.

Wu Que couldn't help but pinch her pretty little mouth and said, "Okay, let's go to the examination room."


Note: The fourth update is here. Please give me your monthly votes and your support. Thank you all for your benefactors.

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