I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 85 Wuque, you are the only hope of the family!

Wu Que and Zhi Fan hurried forward and supported Mu Hongyu.

Shen Gongao shouted: "All retainers, all generals, why don't you come to see your young master?"

Suddenly, all the retainers present bowed to Shen Wu Yu in the sedan chair and shouted: "Greetings to the young master."

"Greetings to the young master." All the generals bowed.

"Greetings to the young master." All the servants bowed.

But the whole scene was very strange. No one dared to speak loudly or excitedly.

Instead, it seemed desolate.

And Shen Wu Yu in the sedan chair had a pale face and was motionless, like a sculpture.

After everyone finished paying homage, Shen Gongao lowered the curtain of the sedan chair.

"From today on, Zhenhai City is under curfew."

"Any guest staying in the inn must provide a pass and a local government ID."

"From today on, Zhenhai City prohibits crowds from gathering. No slogans may be posted on any wall."

"Go back to the mansion!"

With Shen Gongao's order, thousands of people entered Zhenhai City in a mighty manner.


Inside the Marquis's Mansion.

Mu Hongyu sat there motionless like a clay sculpture.

She was so sad that she even lost her reaction to the outside world.

And Shen Gongao's face was always cold, serious, and wooden.

Wu Que stepped forward and said, "Father."

Shen Gongao trembled slightly, raised his head, and the woodenness on his face gradually began to thaw.

Then, he wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

"Wu Que, I'm sorry, you have made such a great contribution and won such great honor for the family, but when you returned home, your father was not there." Shen Gongao said gently.

But he rarely spoke in such a gentle tone, so his voice was a little unnatural.

And because of excessive grief before, his throat was hoarse.

"How is the eldest brother? How is the second brother?" Wuque asked.

Shen Gongao did not speak, but his eyes gradually turned red, and he said: "Wuque, do you think Daddy is wrong?"

Wuque did not speak.

Shen Gongao said: "Wuque, you don't know what our family experienced in the Western Dan Khanate in the northwest."

"My father, that is, your grandfather Shen Gonghu, is fair and just. Each of the seven brothers is brave and good at fighting, and has made great contributions to the Khanate. He never shows favoritism and is dedicated to the Khanate."

"He has won so many victories, but he has never taken the opportunity to expand his tribe. He has become a great hero of the entire Khanate and the Khan's right-hand man."

"But... in a great battle, we encountered the dark cavalry of the Apocalypse Empire. Although we were outnumbered, your grandfather led six uncles to block the Apocalypse Empire for nine days until the whole army was annihilated. The seven brothers , no one survived. "

"It was because your grandfather bought nine days for the Khanate's capital that the reinforcements from the Great Xia Empire arrived, saving the Western Dan Khanate from destruction."

"But almost all the elites of our family's tribe were wiped out. Only the old, weak and sick were left. It is said that the Khan should be grateful for our family's contributions, give us more pastures, and send troops to protect us."

"But it didn't happen. The tribes of the Western Dan Khanate, who had just survived the disaster, couldn't wait to raise their butcher knives and rushed towards our family. They took away our pastures, our cattle and sheep, our population, and slaughtered our tribe."

"And at that time, I was still very young. My Your mother, your grandmother, led the surviving people of our Shen Gong family, through untold hardships, escaped from the Western Dan Khanate, and came to the Great Xia Empire to make a living. "

"You don't know how difficult it was at that time. In the eyes of the Great Xia Empire, we were all barbarians."

"For a long time, our family struggled to make ends meet, living like neither human nor ghost. But even in the most difficult times, your father worked hard to practice martial arts and strive to stand out."

"Later, Shanzhang Wen Daozi discovered me and accepted me and your mother as his disciples. After that, I quickly became famous and participated in the Xuecheng Martial Arts Examination, winning the first place at that time."

"Originally, I should have continued to participate in the joint examination and the palace examination. But the family was already impoverished and it was difficult to I had to support the family business quickly, so I went to seek a position. "

"But we had no backing and no money, and my position as a powerful centurion in the empire was also replaced by someone else."

"Later, Teacher Wen Daozi recommended me to the Mi family, and I became a centurion in the Mi family army. So I will always be grateful to him and be the benefactor of our family."

"All the surviving warriors in the family became my subordinates. We fought desperately without fear of death and made countless contributions."

"In this way, I was promoted from a centurion to a thousand households, to ten thousand households. I led an army of 10,000 and became an indispensable force in the Mi family."

Then, Shen Gongao paused for a moment.

"I don't want to talk about the battle that decided everyone's fate."

"In short, my father fought in many battles and made countless contributions. He even turned the tide in a crucial battle. I also became the most important force under the Mi family."

"At that time, the imperial family also intended to split the power of the Mi family, so they conferred me the title of Viscount and separated me from the Mi family."

"Under the auspices of the imperial center, I rented Zhenhai City from the Mi family, and our family finally had a foothold."

"But as a father, I am still very uneasy because it is borrowed and I may have to pay it back at any time."

"My father continued to fight like crazy, always fighting towards the south, winning every battle. He killed countless people and expanded his territory thousands of miles."

"The empire center, and even the Mi family, are very happy to see this. Because every piece of land my father conquers, most of it belongs to the empire, and a small part belongs to our family, and the power of the Mi family will also enter these lands."

"Because of your grandfather's tragic situation, our entire family felt insecure. So we tried our best to expand. So in more than ten years, our family's territory expanded more than ten times."

"We have only a few hundred thousand people, but we have a private army of 60,000 to 70,000 people."

"They are so aggressive that many people even say that our Shen Gong family is a deformed force."

"The faster we expand, the more enemies we make. Even the center of the empire and even the Mi family can gain huge benefits from our expansion every time, but... they gradually dislike us. "

"Your second brother has always said that our family needs a buffer from the Dali Kingdom, so a few years ago, he was running the Moro clan."

The Moro tribe is a very tough nation, and they are at odds with the Kingdom of Dali.

It only has about 7,000 to 8,000 square kilometers and a population of 20,000 to 30,000 people, but all of them are brave and good at fighting.

"Your second brother is very powerful. In a few years, he has controlled several civil wars in the Moro tribe and infiltrated many undercover agents of our family. Some time ago, the most critical civil war broke out in the Moro tribe, which affected our family. The planning has reached its most critical moment.”

"Once successful, all the Moro tribe will fall into our hands. Once failed, all previous efforts will be in vain. And the new chief of the Moro tribe will become our mortal enemy and a vassal of the Dali Kingdom."

"So, your second brother came home and asked me for one million taels of silver to control the critical civil war of the Moro tribe."

"Our family has a lot of money, but we spend more money every year, and we can't make ends meet every year. I really can't come up with this one million taels, so I used Black Gold City to mortgage the Tianxiahui and borrowed one million taels of silver."

"Your second brother was assassinated twice in Zhenhai City. Even though his life was in danger, he still took the money to the Moro tribe."

"At that time, your eldest brother led the main force of the family's private army to confront the Dali Kingdom in Red Earth City, and was fighting openly and secretly with the imperial court. Because the imperial court did not want to entrust the Red Earth Territory to us."

Although the red soil territory is only three to four thousand square kilometers, it has two million acres of fertile land. Once the Shen Gong family gets this land, they will have no worries about food from now on.

Although the Shen Gong family currently has a large territory, there is very little farmland. They need to buy a large amount of food every year to feed the army and people. Although it is possible to go fishing in the sea, it is not enough.

Food is the lifeblood, and of course it cannot be left in the hands of others.

Once the red soil territory is obtained, not only will there be two to three hundred thousand more people, but the key is to make up for the final strategic shortcomings.

Therefore, there must be no loss in this red soil territory.

"At this critical moment, a plague broke out in the Red Earth Territory. Our family's private army, as well as the imperial court's army, were all infected with the plague in large numbers. At this time, the army of the Kingdom of Dali went north to attack the Red Earth City."

"The empire's army retreated two hundred miles in the name of the plague, leaving us to fight alone. And more than half of our army was sick, and the situation was precarious. Your eldest brother will lead a sick army to fight against several times more soldiers. enemy."

"So our Shen Gong family almost reached the most dangerous moment that day."

"The enemy is attacking us from three directions."

"You are in Yingzhou, your second brother is in Moro City, and your eldest brother is in Red Earth City."

"Three directions, no matter which direction loses, it will be a catastrophe. Especially if Red Earth City loses, it will be a disaster."

"As a father, I shouldn't have put my children in such a dangerous situation. But as a father, I rushed too hard and was too greedy, and I can't stop now."

Shen Gongao's eyes were filled with guilt.

"My son, I really didn't expect you to win in Yingzhou."

"How can I, Duke Ao, be so virtuous that I can have three such outstanding sons?"

"Your second brother won the Moro tribe. The side we supported won the civil war and became the new chief of the Moro tribe. The Moro tribe has been used by us."

"Your eldest brother's battle in Red Earth City was extremely difficult. Two-thirds of our family's private army fell ill. Facing several times the number of enemies, your eldest brother was brave and invincible. But with the enemy outnumbered, we were about to be defeated. ”

"Once we are defeated, we will not only lose the Red Earth City, but also the tens of thousands of our family's private troops will be wiped out. Without the army, our family will still be finished."

"At this critical moment, your second brother Shen Wuyu led the reinforcements of the Moro tribe to attack. They attacked from both sides and defeated the tribal coalition forces of the Dali Kingdom. We won a great victory."

Although Shen Gongao said it very briefly, he could still feel the thrill inside.

How thrilling was this battle?

How tragic?

"We won, we won in all three directions." Shen Gongao said: "We saved thirty large warships, we got the allegiance of the Moro tribe, and we occupied the Red Earth City."

"This should be an unprecedented victory, more than any victory before."


"But your eldest brother disappeared on the battlefield. I don't know whether he is alive or dead. I spent days and nights without sleep, searching for him for hundreds of miles, but still couldn't find him."

"Your second brother, who was originally seriously injured, has reached the limit of controlling everything in the Moro tribe. He led the Moro tribe's army to support the Red Earth City battlefield, and his fuel was exhausted. And at the moment when he won a complete victory, He... was attacked by the enemy's demon spirit beads, and three demon spirit beads exploded in his body. "

"After receiving the secret message, I rushed to Red Earth City as quickly as possible. But... I still didn't have time. I watched him being attacked by three demon spirit beads."

"I watched helplessly as his soul dispersed and he became a walking zombie."

Having said this, Shen Gongao could no longer hold back and burst into tears.

"All this is my fault. I was too greedy. I put my sons in danger and even put them to death."

"I was so proud before that I killed countless people, but now I have to pay for it with my son."

Then Shen Gongao gritted his teeth and bleeds.

He, who was like a tough man before, burst into tears.

Shen Gong Ao is really a man of steel. His face remains unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai.

Back in the Xidan Khanate, no matter how miserable his family's experience was, he never shed a single tear.

And now, he was wailing.

"Why should my sons suffer retribution for the sins I committed? Why doesn't God punish me? Why should my sons suffer such a situation?"

Shen Gong Ao's wails frightened Mu Hongyu.

She woke up from the clay sculpture state, rushed over and hugged Shen Gongao.

"Husband, husband."

"Brother, Xiaoao, don't be like this, don't be like this."

“We still have no shortage, we still have no shortage.”

"We still have such a smart and caring son like Wu Que."

Then, Mu Hongyu couldn't help it anymore, pulled Wuque over and held him tightly.

"My son, now we only have you, we only have you as our lifeblood."

"Wu Que, we only have you."

Then, Mu Hongyu couldn't help crying.


Finally, Shen Gongao calmed down.

He looked at Wu Que with eyes full of passion, relief, and a feeling of happiness that he could survive a disaster and feel like he had found a treasure.


Two of the most outstanding sons, one is missing.

One almost became a zombie.

Fortunately there is one left.

Moreover, this son has become sensible and has become extremely outstanding.

This son became his only hope.

"I found several onmyojis for my father to save your second brother, but they... couldn't save him."

"Your second brother was already exhausted, and he was suddenly attacked by three demon spirit beads, and his soul was shattered."

"At this time, we must try our best to keep his soul and inspire him to live and arouse his obsession."

"So, as a father, I declared him to be the crown prince. This has been his obsession all along."

"I hope I can save his sanity, but... this... this is probably just for self-comfort."

"The three Onmyoji have already sentenced him to death."

Then, Shen Gong Ao said: "Wuque, you are my father's last hope, and you are the family's only hope."

Wu Que was solemn and said nothing.

Shen Gong Ao said: "Actually, according to the original plan, my father wants you to take the promotion route of Sky Book City, or take the imperial examination promotion route. You and your second brother, one is inside and the other is outside, let us The family thrives."

"But now, you are the only one in our family."

"My son, although the Red Earth City side won, it was a tragic victory. The situation is still very dangerous. The family's private army is our foundation, so my father needs to join the army."

"The Magic Stone City is our new foundation, and we also need to control the situation of the Moro tribe. Your fifth uncle is far less talented than your second brother, so we can only maintain our status."

"The lifeblood of our family is Zhenhai City. After my father leaves, this Zhenhai City will be handed over to you and your eldest mother."

"My son, because I was too aggressive as a father before, I don't have any time to buffer. Now you have to shoulder the burden of the family."

"Although our family has won three of its most critical battles, now is our family's most and most dangerous moment."

Wuque suddenly asked: "How many casualties did our family's private army suffer in the battle in Red Earth City?"

This is top secret.

Shen Gongao will not let any outsiders know.

"We have 50,000 private troops, but... we still have less than 20,000 left."

For a moment, Wuque and Mu Hongyu took a breath of cold air.

This casualty?

More than just hurting your muscles and bones?

It was like cutting off the limbs.

"Most of them fell ill, and some died in battle." Shen Gongao said: "So the morale of the army is very low now. The Kingdom of Dali is watching with eager eyes. The army of the imperial court, the army of the Mi family, and the army of Marquis Bailing, The situation is very dangerous and I need to go to the army to take charge."

Wuque said: "What about the pension? How much is it?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "One hundred and nineteen thousand taels of silver."

Is this a lot of money? a lot of!

But it's not much. On average, each casualty soldier is given thirty taels of silver.

That's a life.

Even if he is not dead, he is already disabled.

A pension of thirty taels of silver is a lot in this world, but for a soldier and a family.

Not much really.

If this money is not given, people's hearts will immediately disperse.

The family is finished.

But where does this money come from?

Shen Gongao just mortgaged Heijin City and borrowed one million taels of silver from Tianxiahui.

Now, where to raise this 1,190,000 taels of silver?

Shen Gong Ao said: "I promise to all the soldiers in the army that all pensions will be paid within half a month. People's hearts cannot be lost. Even if Shen Gong's family is going to perish tomorrow, people's hearts cannot be lost. As long as people's hearts are not lost, even if the family is destroyed, There is still hope for a comeback. If people’s hearts are gone, it’s really over.”

Wuque said: "Then, what about this money?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "You will be able to get this money after the Golden Bell Conference."

The two sums of money add up to a total of 2.2 million taels. If interest is included, it will only be 2.3 million taels.

Wuque said: "In previous years' Golden Bell Conference, we would only release goods worth less than one million taels. It was all hunger marketing. How much goods should we release at this year's Golden Bell Conference?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "After clearing all the inventory, it is twice that of previous years. We should be able to earn about two million taels."

Wu Que said: "In this way, it kind of ruins the brand of Zhai Xing Pavilion."

Shen Gongao said: "Yes, luxury goods such as desk clocks are rare and expensive. They can be less but not more, so they cannot be sold in large quantities. But... we have no choice. When we calm down, the limit will be reduced to half of the normal amount next year. ”

It has to be said that Shen Gongao's expansion is too fierce.

The three core financial resources of the Shen Gong family are maritime trade, Black Gold City, and Star Reaching Pavilion.

Now that Black Gold City has been mortgaged, maritime trade is long-term, and now all the money is counting on the Star Reaching Pavilion and the Golden Bell Conference.

Too dangerous!

If the funds are cut off, everything will be over.

The whole situation completely collapsed.

Wuque asked: "When will the Golden Bell Conference be held?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "Six days later, in Piaoling City!"

Piaoling City does not belong to any country. It is an island city and is completely neutral.

Any country and any force can trade here.

The Western Holy See and Sky Book City are at odds with each other, but in Piaoling City, the two forces can come into contact.

Wu Que said: "Then, these clocks have been shipped out?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "Yes, the person escorting these clocks is Shen Lingluo, the strongest naval warrior in our family. She is your sworn sister. We sent two-thirds of the family's fleet. Moreover, the Golden Bell Conference is related to the interests of many people. Basically no one would dare to touch this batch of goods.”

Wu Que covered his forehead.

Two-thirds of the family's fleet has been dispatched. No wonder those thirty warships are so important.

If Wuque loses the exam in Yingzhou's school city, these thirty battleships will be handed over.

Zhenhai City's coastal defenses were completely empty. No wonder they were worried that the Pirate Queen Jade Rakshasa would take the opportunity to attack Zhenhai City.

Shen Gong Ao, Tai, Tai, rushed in.

But that's what this kind of hero is like.

On modern earth, many of China's first generation of heroic entrepreneurs are so crazy.

Every step goes to the extreme of expansion.

Wuque said: "Then Black Gold City borrowed one million taels of silver from Tianxiahui as a mortgage. When will it expire?"

"Also half a month later." Shen Gongao said.

The Black Gold City is worth far more than one million taels of silver. It has mines and smelting workshops. All the weapons and armor of the family are produced here, which is completely the core of their life.

Absolutely not to lose.

There is also a pension of 1.2 million taels, which must not be delayed.

Shen Gongao personally promised that the pension must be fully paid out in half a month.

If it cannot be fulfilled, the morale of the military will be reduced and the consequences will be disastrous.

Including interest, there is a total of 2.3 million taels of silver.

The money must be handed over within half a month.

It is too dangerous to rely entirely on the Admiralty Conference.

Wu Que kept slapping his forehead with his hands.

Shen Gong Ao said: "Wuque, what's wrong?"

Mu Hongyu trembled: "My son, you, do you have a headache? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

She was really scared.

Both sons have had accidents. Now Wuque is the only lifeline. There must be no inconvenience.

She is really a warrior.

Wuque hurriedly said: "Da mother, does the enemy know about our situation?"

Shen Gong Ao said: "Of course I know."

Now is the most dangerous moment and the most vulnerable moment for the Shen Gong family.

As long as the Admiralty Conference is ruined.

Then...the amount of funds in the Shen Gong family is broken.

Black Gold City is about to be handed over.

The remaining family private troops will also lose their military morale, and Shen Gong Ao's prestige will be ruined.

To achieve this goal, all we need to do is end the Admiralty Conference.

Wuque asked: "Do you think the enemy will miss this opportunity?"

Suddenly, Shen Gong Ao and Mu Hongyu turned pale.

If nothing happens to Moro City and nothing happens to Red Earth City, nothing will happen to the Jinzhong Conference.

But now something happened in those two directions.

Wuque said: "Our enemies have been planning for this day for a long time. Their original plan was to ambush on all sides."

"Let the Moro people die, let the Red Earth Territory fall, let me lose the city exam, hand over thirty warships, leaving Zhenhai City's coastal defense empty, the pirate Jade Rakshasa came to attack Zhenhai City, causing Zhenhai City to fall, and then Mi The clan sent troops to take it back and take it back to Zhenhai City."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the three of us were so good and won in all three directions."

"However, it was a tragic victory in all three directions. Our family is at its most dangerous moment. Do you think the enemy will let this opportunity pass?"

"This time, no matter how high the price is or how high the casualties are, they will take action against the Admiralty Conference. Perhaps... they have already taken action."

And at this time!

Outside, a warrior rushed in.

The footsteps were fast and full of panic.

"Marquis, my lord, secret message from the carrier pigeon at sea."

Shen Gongao said tremblingly: "Bring it in."

The warrior came in and handed over the secret message.

Shen Gongao unfolded the secret letter and took a look.

Suddenly, his face changed drastically and his body trembled violently.

The whole person even shook a little.

Wu Que closed his eyes because... he could guess the content of the letter.

Straw ropes tend to crack at the smallest places, and those in power must not take any chances.

When you think the enemy will attack a certain place, they will basically attack it, because you know that is where you are most vulnerable.

Shen Gong Ao hissed: "Our fleet was attacked by three parties and encountered several times the enemy. The Pirate Queen Jade Rakshasa took action and sank twenty-six of our warships and transported seven thousand clocks. All of them were destroyed and sunk. seabed."

The biggest bad news has come.

Shen Gongao held the secret letter in his hand and remained motionless.

This is all the inventory of Star Reaching Pavilion.

They all expected to sell these clocks and earn more than two million taels of silver to repay the loan from the Tianxiahui and pay out pensions to the wounded and wounded soldiers.

After half a month, these two funds must be taken out.


Seven thousand clocks, several years of production, were all destroyed.

The money is gone.

Moreover, the family's private army suffered two-thirds casualties.

The Shen Gong family has truly reached its most dangerous moment.

Shen Gong Ao was struck by lightning and was speechless for a long time.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he looked at Mu Hongyu, looked at Wuque and said, "Sister, my son, our Duke Shen family is in danger."

Because everything will not end here, and enemies will come in like a tidal wave.

Then, Shen Gongao's expression became resolute.

The whole person seems to be made of steel.

"Since you are coming, let's come." Shen Gongao said slowly: "A true man must keep his family and protect his wife and children. Sister, don't be afraid of anything. As a father, I will stay in Zhenhai City to protect you from the wind. Rain. No matter what the storm is, as long as my father does not fall, nothing will happen to you and my eldest mother. As long as my father is here, I can keep you safe."

Wuque was silent for a moment.

Then he raised his head and said to Shen Gongao: "No, you want to go to the front line of Red Earth City. You want to go to the army. The private army is the lifeblood, and nothing can happen. If you don't go to guard it, the less than 20,000 private soldiers left in our family will be leaderless. , Once the enemy attacks, it will be really dangerous."

Shen Gong Ao said: "The family is the lifeline, Zhenhai City is the lifeline, and you are my lifeline."

Wuque said categorically: "No! You go to the front line, you go to the army. Leave Zhenhai City to me. No matter how big the storm is, I will resist it!"

For a moment, Shen Gongao looked at Wuque in disbelief.

Looking at his beautiful face and young shoulders.

So rough, so stormy.

Your perfect shoulders are too immature and you can’t stop them.

Wu Que slammed the table and shouted: "Shen Gong Ao, stop chirping or being indecisive. That's it. You go to the frontline army and leave Zhenhai City to me! No matter how rough the sea is, or how stormy it is, I will One person can stop it!”


Note: This is the first update. Because it has been conceived for a long time and has a lot of words, the update is a little late. Today’s update will definitely exceed 15,000 words.

My benefactors, the monthly vote list is really dangerous and you will be kicked off at any time.

Sir, if you have the votes, please lend me a hand, okay?

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