Mu Hongyu said angrily: "What is that disgraceful thing doing here? Beat him out, beat him out..."

Shen Wuque is not Mu Hongyu's biological child, and he was a failure before, and he lost the Shen family, so Mu Hongyu especially dislikes him.

Normally, Mu Hongyu can still remain restrained and polite.

But now it is extremely urgent, her five internal organs are burning, and she wants to kill people madly to share her husband's pain. Shen Wuque just broke in at this time, how can she not be angry?

Abu said: "The third son said that he can cure the marquis's illness."

Mu Hongyu said in a hoarse voice: "What time is it, and he is still talking nonsense, tearing his mouth. Drive him away, if he doesn't listen, just throw him out!"


Mu Hongyu just finished speaking and shouted again.

Although he didn't believe that Shen Wuque, a disgraceful thing, could cure Shen Gongao, at this time, even if there was a one in a billion chance, she was unwilling to let it go.

Her husband Shen Gongao is her heaven!

"Let him in!" Mu Hongyu said.


A moment later, Shen Wuque appeared in the room and saw Shen Gongao who was having an epileptic seizure.

The situation looked very serious.

"Bang!" The extremely solid bed could not withstand Shen Gongao's twitching at all, and it collapsed and shattered directly.

Shen Wuque narrowed his eyes and twitched his mouth slightly.

Mu Hongyu thought that Wuque was in pain because he was related to his father by blood.

Mu Hongyu said: "Wuque, can you cure it?"

Shen Wuque said: "Yes, I can cure it."

The doctor next to him said: "Third Master, Master Lin Daomiao just came, and he was helpless."

The meaning was very clear. Lin Daomiao was the number one doctor in the south, and he couldn't cure it. You, Shen Wuque, didn't study medicine before, so how could you cure it? Are you better than Master Lin Daomiao? It's really a boast.

Mu Hongyu didn't care about Shen Wuque at this time. She hugged her husband's body tightly to prevent him from twitching and twisting. Even her own body, especially her legs, was trembling slightly.

After a full half-minute.

Shen Gongao stopped, his whole body was cold and sweating.

After a long while, he said hoarsely: "Half of my body is numb, paralyzed."

How terrible it is for a top-level strong man, a powerful commander, to have half of his body numb?

Shen Gongao said hoarsely: "Shen Wuque, you said you can cure it, but do you know what disease I have?"

All of a sudden, several doctors present looked at him, after all, they had not even diagnosed what the disease was before.

Wuque said: "You are not sick, but there is a worm growing in your brain, which may be nearly one foot long."

Mu Hongyu said: "Nonsense, Master Lin Daomiao said it was a cerebral stroke."

The doctor next to him said: "Worms growing in the brain? We have been practicing medicine for many years, and we have never seen or heard of it."

Shen Wuque said: "It's up to you whether you believe it or not, and it's up to you whether you treat it or not."

Shen Gongao said: "If I treat it? How to treat it?"

Wuque said: "Make a cut on your head and clip the worm out."

Mu Hongyu's face changed and said: "Wuque, are you treating a disease or killing someone? I have never heard of opening the brain to treat a disease."

The doctor next to him said: "How fragile is the human brain? How can it be opened? Ordinary people will die if their brains are cut or shot with arrows, let alone opening their mouths directly, which has never been heard of before."

Shen Gongao looked at Wuque and said hoarsely: "Old Third, you... do you hate me so much? You even want to kill me, and you are willing to die with me?"

When he said this, Shen Gongao was heartbroken.

You can die, but not now. Wait until I completely take away your family's foundation, then you can die.

Wuque said: "I still say the same thing, it's up to you whether to treat or not. I am just fulfilling my responsibility as a son. Although we are not on good terms, I have traveled thousands of miles to come back after hearing about your illness. I have done my best."

Then, Wuque said: "I will ask again, will you treat it?"

No one answered.

Wuque said: "Goodbye!"

Then, he turned and walked away.

Suddenly, Mu Hongyu said: "Wuque, what if it can't be cured? Or what if something goes wrong during the treatment?"

Wuque said: "I will pay with my life."

Shen Gongao closed his eyes for a long time, opened them and said: "I will treat it."

Then, he said to Mu Hongyu: "Madam, even if he can't cure me, or even kills me, don't hurt him, just let him go."

Then, he said hoarsely: "My son, if you hate me so much and want to take my life, then... let him take it away."

Shen Gongao seemed to be a little emotional with this sentence.

But Wuque still had no expression on his face. Instead, he opened the box and took out his tools.

From high-concentration alcohol to special saws and even hand-made drills.

Shen Gongao was lucky. He didn't need to open the skull, so he didn't need a saw, but he needed a drill to make a hole in the skull.

Seeing all this, several doctors were stunned.

The Marquis really wanted the Third Young Master to treat him. What worms in the brain? It was completely unheard of. The Third Young Master was just talking nonsense. The Marquis believed it? Gamble with his life?

Wuque took out a bottle and said, "This is the powerful numbing powder I extracted. After drinking it, you will fall asleep and feel no pain. Do you want to use it?"

Shen Gongao said, "No."


Next, Wuque began to treat Shen Gongao.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Open the third eye!

This time he extracted the ability from an old female corpse when he was constricting the corpse's painted skin.

This woman is actually a Heavenly Master with Three Eyes of the Earth Line. The principle is that he can see through thick obstacles. Different substances show different colors and lights in his eyes.

Of course, if Wuque had never been a doctor, he would not be able to understand the structure of the human body in this field of view. Because there are completely layers upon layers of different lights. many movies has he read on Earth?

Therefore, it was clearly seen that there was a one-foot-long sparganum in the left side of Shen Gongao's head.

Sparganas are worms, and there is actually not much difference between them and the structure of the brain. Even within the field of vision of the open eye, the difference is minimal. Especially when it is quiet, its existence cannot be seen at all.

However, when Shen Gongao had an attack, it was actually the sparganas that were violently moving in his brain.

At this time, Wuque could see its existence and accurately determine his location.

Opening the Sky Eye this time is just to confirm its location again.

Wuque took out a razor and shaved off that part of Shen Gongao's hair.

Then take out the pen, draw a cross on the smooth scalp, take out the knife and cut this part of the scalp into a cross.

Several doctors have already held their breath.

Mr. Wu Que was so courageous that he actually used the knife on Shen Gong Ao's head.

During the whole process, Shen Gongao remained motionless.

Next, an even more terrifying picture appeared.

Wuque took out a special drill and started drilling holes in Shen Gongao's skull.

But Shen Gong Ao's head didn't move, and he didn't even need anyone to hold him down.

"Click, click, click..."

The sound of drilling holes in the skull was particularly clear and harsh.

The several doctors around, Mu Hongyu, Abu and others were really shocked.

Directly drilling holes in the head, this... is this treating a disease or killing someone?

A full ten minutes later, the drilling was completed.

"The mirror focuses the light." Wuque said.

Immediately, Abu and others took out several mirrors and lit many candles in the room.

Use a mirror to reflect light and shine it into the hole on Shen Gongao's head.

Not only did Wu Que see it, but Mu Hongyu also clearly saw the dura mater under the skull.

Wu Que cut open the dura mater to reveal the brain inside, which was really as big as tofu.

This... this is the first time that these doctors have seen a living, complete brain, even though it is only a small part.

During the whole process, Shen Gongao remained motionless.

The drilling in his skull just now was so painful that not only did he not move, he didn't even make a sound.

Really awesome.

At this time, Wuque could see clearly that a thin sparganum was entangled in Shen Gongao's brain, with only a small head exposed, and most of it still inside the brain.

Wu Que took out a special clip.

Taking a deep breath, he inserted the slender clamp into Shen Gongao's head.

"Next, I have to clip the worm out. This process is prone to accidents, or the worm may break inside and it will struggle desperately, causing you unprecedented pain. But in order for the operation to be successful, you must not move." The perfect way.

"I know." Shen Gongao said.

Wuque's hands were very steady and he went down slowly.

Suddenly, he clamped the head of the spargan, and then pulled it out bit by bit.

A moment...

The sparganum struggled desperately.



Unprecedented pain, unprecedented dizziness, unprecedented epilepsy.

But Shen Gongao remembered his words perfectly and used all his strength and will to control himself.

Not moving.

But the whole body was completely stiff to the extreme, as if it was about to explode in an instant.

Unparalleled will.

Unparalleled pain.

The cold sweat on his body kept pouring out.

Clenching his teeth, his mouth was filled with blood.

Grabbing the edge of the bed with both hands, the extremely hard jade was crushed into powder.

Wuque's movements were still very steady and very slow, and he pulled out the sparganum bit by bit.

At this time, there was still a voice in his heart,

Kill him!

Kill Shen Gong Ao.

Killing Shen Gong Ao at this time is almost the best opportunity.

However, Shen Gongao was only the first enemy, not even the biggest enemy.

Wu Que wants to kill all his enemies and find out all the secrets of his family's demise.

He also wants to restore the family business.

The Shen Gong family is an indispensable springboard. He needs to use Shen Gong Ao's hands to seize the Shen Gong family's family territory and army.

If Shen Gong Ao is killed, Wuque will almost certainly die.

Without the territory and army of the Shen Gong family, how could he take revenge? How does he restore the family business?

So, he calmed down quickly.

Little by little, the foot-long sparganum was extracted.

Pull them all out!

Throw it directly into the water.

This sparganum is still twisting and swimming.

A full foot and two inches long.

Mu Hongyu was stunned, and the three doctors around her were also completely stunned.


Note: This is the first update. Can you give me my benefactor’s monthly ticket? Give me your recommendation vote.

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