"The injury is not serious, right?"

Joel retraced his steps and stopped in front of baby-5.

"It's not serious...it's weird if it's not serious!"

The maid suddenly became furious when she thought of the scene just now.

Although I am here to monitor you, I have served you attentively for a few days...

But just now you wanted to kill me too, which was too indifferent. Fortunately, I have finally developed a sense of identity with you!

"You seem to be fine."

Joel knelt down and patted the dust on Baby-5's clothes very gentlemanly, "But, it is very dangerous to stay around me..."

The delicate and gentle movements and tone made baby-5's heart tremble.

Is this man comforting my mother?

Could it be that he knew my mother’s purpose and that there was a thick and insurmountable barrier between me and him, so he just said those words and did those things on purpose to drive me away?

He is really, so gentle...

baby-5 suddenly burst into tears.

She took out what she had hidden in her bib, raised her tear-filled eyes, and narrowed her eyes into a crescent moon with a knowing smile:

"Master Joel, this is the tomato just now..."

This is something she must protect even if she is injured.

Because this was what Joel personally selected for her, even if it was just tomatoes, it meant a lot to her.

"This tomato is full of fingerprints and dust. It is no longer a very good ingredient..."

Joel stood up calmly and patted the maid's shoulder gently, "Don't worry, I will teach you how to identify whether the ingredients are fresh next time. Okay, it's time to go back."

baby-5's face suddenly stiffened and her tears stopped abruptly.

No, it’s not about the ingredients at all now, okay?

You bastard still doesn’t know what I care about!

What I care about is the commemorative meaning contained in this ingredient, the beautiful memories shaped with patience and gentleness!

Not some bullshit ingredient identification method!

It took a long time for baby-5 to come back to his senses. He looked at Joel's figure walking away and raised his hand to throw away the tomatoes.

But in the end, he couldn't make up his mind, so he put the tomatoes back into his bib with great care, and then he followed Joel's steps with great enthusiasm, muttering angrily: "What a stinky man who plays with girls' hearts!"

After reading the newspaper that day, Smoker finally knew Joel's true identity and understood why the department valued this man so much.

He grew up in Logue Town. East Blue, which is known for its peacefulness, is run by the World Government. Most East Blue people, including him, do not understand the various things that happened in the distant past.

With the exception of Roger the Pirate King, even the actions of Long, a revolutionary born in the East Blue, have been covered up by the day-to-day singing and dancing, not to mention the rumors that are older.

Whether it was the Celestial Dragons tragedy known as "Twilight of the Gods" or the destruction of Marineford, the ink of these histories was repeatedly painted over with flawless white paint until no one cared.

After entering Naval Headquarters, Hina, a cheerful and talkative fellow student, has already been able to get everything done and is familiar with all kinds of Marine internal information.

However, because he was not good at managing interpersonal relationships, he became a marginalized figure who was demoted by Naval Headquarters.

Therefore, the knowledgeable Hina discovered the resurrection of the blood pupil, but he could only learn about the distant story about the blood pupil from the newspaper.

Every time he thought about this, he couldn't help but reflect on himself.

It's not that he is jealous of this contemporary student with whom he has a close relationship, but that he has thoroughly understood the importance of power through each incident.

Only with more power will he have the opportunity to move closer to the center of the Naval Headquarters and realize greater ambitions.

At this moment, with a cigar in his mouth, he led a group of Marines to board this troubled island to check the situation nearby.

Thick tree trunks were broken at the waist, houses were damaged and roofs were broken, and the ruined scene all around looked like it had been swept by a typhoon, which made him frown deeply.

No matter who he is, the pirate who dares to fight against Xue Tong will definitely not be an unknown person.

But judging from the intelligence fed back by Tashigi, it should be an unknown pirate group with no reward list.

Another new pirate who rises up like Straw Hat...

Smoker took a breath silently,

He helped up an old man who fell to the ground with a broken bone because he ran too hastily. He ordered the accompanying ship doctor to apply ointment to treat bruises and then asked:

"Old man, have you seen clearly what kind of pirate is fighting that handsome, tall man?"

"I see clearly."

Marine's help made the old man look grateful. When he heard the general's question, he couldn't help but recall the horrific hell-like scene just now, and he couldn't help but tremble with fear:

"They were a group of strange and ugly pirates. The leader among them had fluffy hair and a few teeth missing from his mouth."

"Does it look like this?"

The man with black hair, a Madara on his cheeks, and a red bead necklace hanging around his neck held a portrait of a human face and asked the old man who was sitting on a chair and wearing a bandage.

He returned to the paradise from the New World and came to the Drum Kingdom to start tracking the whereabouts of Blackbeard. It has been more than a month now, but Teach has still not been found.

"No, that's right, it's him, this pirate!"

The old man looked at the portrait and nodded quickly in response.

Although five full days had passed since that battle, he could never forget the scene of darkness and blood.

Even if I sleep, I can't escape the scenes that can't help but pop up in my mind.

"Knew it……"

The man put away the portrait, "Then do you know which direction he went?"

"I'm not sure exactly, but..."

The old man hesitated for a moment, looked around and saw no one around, then lowered his voice and said,

"I heard that the pirates seemed to have been seriously injured. They seemed to have been hiding in a village in the east to recuperate. They just robbed a fishing boat and left the island two days ago."

To the east...

The black-haired man looked east, then turned back and bowed very politely to the old man, "Thank you for the news!"

"You are Welcome."

At the man's courtesy, the old man nodded and asked curiously, "But young man, you don't look like a Marine. Why are you asking about that pirate?"

If Marine asked him about it a few days ago, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

But why is the young man in front of him so interested in pirates? Is he a bounty hunter?


The boy pressed the orange cowboy hat on his head with his right hand, and wisps of flames suddenly appeared on his body, like the unquenchable anger in his heart.

"Only this bastard who killed his family is unforgivable. Even if I chase him to the end of the world, I will take Teach back and hand him over to dad for trial!"

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