I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

There were several skills added without knowing. Techniques derived from power. Let's put this aside. Isn't this just what I explained during the battle anyway?

What matters here is the fact that the rank of Possibility of Plutocracy has reached B, the Dominator's Beginner. And finally, the level of mastery of the mock powers incorporated under his command will begin to rise.

Finally, it was about the skill of changer and phase-space. The dual phase-space skills are probably related to the new unidentified items in the Stats window. First of all, it's the same name.

With that in mind, Kwon Hyuk first presses on the description of the phase space and the changer. Then it is illuminated by the description of the two skills in front of his eyes.

Kwon Hyuk was more interested in the changer skill, which is called the final skill of the profession, rather than the skill called the phase space he was thinking of.

Changer (Unpaid) (Traditional Skill) (Completed Former Skill)

◗ All Rounders is a versatile profession with all positions available. That's why you can always be at the center of your team and not have enough spots in battle. This is the final skill of this round.

* It is possible to change places without the presence and time rec that are perceived as allies during battle.

* It is possible to accept all the damage of being perceived as an ally once a day.

◗ Damage to death occurs when the subject's physical deficit is more than 40%, and is only possible within 24 hours of the subject's death. However, at this time the caster dies.

Phase Space (Unpaid) (Normal Skill)

Obtain an informatization space that consumes the amount stored in real time when using Aura. In this information space, the aura can be stored infinitely and the time spent charging the aura is reduced depending on the user's location. Since the space is an information space, it does not materialize in reality and can be used without any side effects because it is filled in an invariant state when the information is charged back to the user.

Π Time required to recharge the aura according to the current user's landscape: 24 hours to recharge one million oras.

◗ At this time, the recharge must be consciously attempted and the recharge is calculated as a percentage of the recharge time over time and recharged in units of 1.

"Oh, no way. You're saying I can save a dead man now?"

Kwon Hyuk, who did not know that there would be a resurrection skill called the clergyman's final skill, feels the illusion of being dizzy in a skewed reality.

The basic ability, the sword installation, was no different from the constant sux system seen in virtual reality games. The whole problem is that you have to do it instead of doing the damage.

The skill description itself clearly included the extent of this damage to death, which was to gain the power to save a dead human being, even though there were many constraints.

I also die as a penalty, but it was like dying once to a revolutionary who was already armed with fraudulent skills. It was no different from shaving nails.

And at that moment, the values of life were shaken. Those who were in the transcendent were disturbed by the academic record, and it was hard to hear the sound of resurrecting the dead to lie down and eat bread.

But it was another story that only listened to distant stories and gained the same kind of power as himself.

As if this were the case, he was forced to ask the transcendents urgently in the feeling that he would be something that cared about his life.

"You guys, if you can make what you want to make, what you want to make, and if that living thing is your precious person, what's the distinction?"

Kwon Hyuk was now asking the transcendents: What is different from the original being that you copied, and vice versa, is the same being that was originally created before death.

The transcendents' answer to him was cool. It was as if that question had been concluded a long time ago.

We rely on the continuity of existence and the recording of academic records to determine the uniqueness of existence.

"Continuity of existence?"

It is easy to say that the existence itself, or some of it, is materially or essentially embodied, recognizing all the facts it has experienced as an experience of its existence and seeing them as its personality. On the contrary, copies created by installing the same existence in the historical information of an academic record do not have such material or essential experience. In this case, our transcendent perceives this copy as literally a copy of the existence that underlies the information of the past. What is important here is the experience that has led to the existence of that existence. In other words, the past.

Ma Hyuk's explanation is still elusive. However, after climbing into the dominant position and exploding with his intellectual abilities, Hyuk was able to understand what he was talking about.

“…… It's easy to say that everything that was recorded as information about the past of an academic record is the only existence in the world, and at the same time, only the records that it experienced in the past confirm the uniqueness of its existence. ”

That's easy to say. I had a close friend with me. Let's hit it. Somehow, this guy died. He died without even leaving any dirt.

When a transcendent receives historical information from an academic record and puts it in the academic record, it relives it as if it were loading save data. The transcendents treat it as a replica, not a body.

The reason why it was called is because there is no past, even if it is physical and memorable, to be with you.

In other words, the moment a close friend dies without leaving any dirt or dust, the continuity of his existence is cut off and even the transcendent faces a complete conceptual death.

On the contrary, however, some of the body of its existence, at this point, differs from transcendent to transcendent. There is a transcendence that only one hand can exist, and there is a transcendence that the corpse itself and the body must be fully preserved.

In any case, if a body of existence is left in the academic record with a clear past in common with the past itself, and the existence resurrected by the restoration by the rod of information originating from that body, the transcendents treat it like a body.

Because there is clearly a trajectory of the past that has walked with itself, it is not a sudden existence that comes into being with only a copy of memory and body in its own capacity.

That doesn't mean that the transcendents ignore the copy or take it lightly. Rather, the copy itself, from the moment it is created to the moment it starts anew, recognizes its uniqueness as an entity completely different from the body.

In other words, for a transcendent person, the only way to determine the authentic and false life, or the uniqueness of the individual, comes from the trajectory of his or her past existence. If you don't have the same memory, the same body, the same name, the same physical and essential experience that you have, it's a simple copy.

That is why even transcendents who can sleep at will do not take life for granted.

For the transcendents, they were unique creatures with huge constraints that could not be brought back to life without leaving even one ant in the dust.

.... Knowing the weight of such life, it is worse to kill tens of thousands, hundreds of millions, and hydroponic creatures with civil disturbance on a dimensional basis. They were also extreme selfish.

“…… OK, that story has calmed me down. In other words, the person who was brought back to life with this skill, when seen from the eyes of the transcendents, is no different from who he was before he died. The pursuit of uniqueness by continuity of life there. I don't think I can take my life lightly even if I have these skills anymore. If you say so, the moment the body is completely extinct, he will face conceptual complete death. ”

That's the same for Kwon Hyuk. In the case of Kwon Hyuk, even if the body itself is completely extinguished, his conscious Absolute Core is embodied, so it cannot be called complete death, but it was the end of the moment when the Absolute Core was destroyed.

Not only the substance, but also the essential existence, because if there is a continuity that is continuous with the past, it is judged that the continuity of its existence is sufficient.

I thought it was a coincidence to see that the body was preserved as it was while Kwon Hyuk was breaking through the fourth floor, but now it seems to be an inevitability for maintaining continuity.

‘Phew, you want to be a ruler and fall in love with Simma.... I'm not there yet. ’

Honestly, Gwon Hyuk sighs in a barrel where the value of life has fallen for a moment and the essence inside of the body is out of control and even at the risk of a reckless Simma.

If you fall into a Simma at the rank of a dominant who can even control your emotions, it doesn't exist unless you are really dizzy. You almost fell into that Simma for how long after you reached the rank of dominant.

“Next is a skill called Phase Space……. ”

We are rather surprised by its mock power.

It's a revival. It's a common ability. Even constraints have become more common. Rather, the phase-space side is much more interesting. If it's this power, it's Kwon Hyuk. You don't have to constrain your limits, but you will be able to conduct a coordinated battle. Really. I don't know if I'm lucky or bad.

By coordinator, the dominant being is constrained by academic records, which only reinforce the limits of essence reception by touching on the information that his body possesses.

But now, Kwon Hyuk has acquired an infinite amount of space to stockpile Aura, the phase space. Power is the power to perform miracles that cannot happen by twisting the course of the world itself. There was no need to worry about side effects as long as they were sub-compatible with such powers.

The transfer of powers is just, for no reason, close to a miracle in which there can be no side effect by the power effect.

This made it possible for Kwon Hyuk to go beyond the limits of the current landscape by taking time to minister to the near infinite Ora. It was now a mockery of performance that was so intense on the subject of dominance.

“I understand the skill's approximate performance. The status card here refers to the amount of aura I currently stockpile in the status card. Two new titles……. Is this why my brother has already reached his limit? ”

Wicked Assassin

◗ When you kill a coordinator, you absorb the aura from the coordinator and the maximum of the aura rises significantly. When the amount of Ora reaches its limit, it is stockpiled and then increases if the amount of Ora increases.

Abyss Dominator

■ Immediately gain authority to stand before the ruler in the dungeon of Abyss.

Perhaps the hypocrite was speculated by the power he gained from capturing and killing Odin. And the effect of this title would be that his aura was violent. And the title of Abyss Dominator was obtained by completely breaking through the Dungeon of Abyss....

‘All right, it'll be easy going forward. ’

Humanitarian, there was a dizziness in the fact that we had to break through nine more dungeons of such a bizarre difficulty.

No matter how hard it is to get into a position with the land, it is hard. In the first place, in the case of the fourth floor of this dungeon, should it be hard and leprous and should it not start after death?

However, the effect of this title was to go beyond the whole process and challenge the ruler, so that the schedule would be more convenient in the future.

“Confirmation is done, let's put it in. ”

Roughly everything worth looking at as a status card, Gwon Hyuk stopped working on the status card and put it in a grooved space.


“Exactly. ”

A statess card that crawls right into the groove like a puzzle piece. Immediately beneath the stack of stats cards, a beam of light emanates like a printer and sweeps through the stats cards from left to right. That's how it sounds in space right after you've completely scanned the status card.

Confirm clearance of Abyss Dungeon of Kang Gyeong-hyuk. This confirms the complete clearance of the dungeon of Abyss and initiates the closing of the dungeon. Striker Kang Gyeong-hyuk. You have one choice. You have accomplished a mythical achievement of killing a creature that is untouchable as a human being. Your achievements in completely targeting this dungeon can be seen throughout the world in this timeline.

Do you agree? yes/no

A transparent window that asks for a doctor, that rises before your eyes. So, is there a groove for inserting this status card?

Since the cleared dungeon is a dungeon, we have introduced a feature that resonates in the chat window of all the other players' achievements that are common in online games, but only because we don't know their information can we not advertise properly?

Is this dungeon unusually demanding stats cards because there is a system for obtaining and making public the information of the aggressor?

“…… what should I do? ”

In response to the existence of that system, Kwon Hyuk was again entrenched in contemplation. Selecting yes here will make your name ring out to the world and inform your classmates, especially swimmers, of your survival.

However, in return, the boundaries of the world for the name Kang Gyeong-hyuk will also explode. On the contrary, choosing no will not be a nuisance even if you carry the name Kang Gyeong-hyuk.

Especially since the status card had a real name, I was able to prevent any trouble that might have occurred in the situation where the status card had to be presented.

“Well, you don't have to tell me how to survive this way. I thought I'd go back to the Imperial Palace to see how things were going out of this dungeon anyway. ”

Though I thought about it for a moment, Gwon Hyuk, who was on the heavier side of what would be a nuisance if he told me his name, just chose no.

Confirm the assailant's intentions. Then we're ready to close the dungeon from now on. The closing of the dungeon begins as soon as the assailant leaves this reward space. Well done, striker. May there be glorious glory in your path.

P.S. A message exists after clearing from the creature that created the dungeon. Do you want to read? yes/no

As expected, the dungeons were different no matter what. At the end of the day, the voice that was speculated on by the dungeon system blew such a comment, and it was a sign that I could see that I was playing the ball.

“Well, let's check it out. ”

When Kwon Hyuk asked for the final part of his opinion, he pressed yes, and a small envelope appeared in Kwon Hyuk's hand. First of all, he took his stats card, which he put in his inventory, and took a step.


“Ohhh! It's opening! Open up!!!! ”

Kwon Hyuk shouted with emotion as if he had just opened it gently, even though the door he had not moved until just now had only been pushed with his finger. He then jumped towards the blue light that appeared beyond the door.

“Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!! ”

Paralys 4721, July 15. Today, we are pleased to inform you that 1 of 10 Abyss Dungeons has been cleared and closed. Repeat. As of today, 1 of 10 Abyss Dungeon locations has been cleared by an anonymous aggressor. I wish the anonymous aggressor infinite blessings in the future.

At the same time that Kwon Hyuk escaped from the dungeon, it was widely known that one of the 10 dungeons of Abyss was targeted around the world. When I was a paralyst, it was July 15, 4721.

Less than three months after the warrior was summoned. It is also said that it was the day before Kwon Hyuk was isolated from Dungeon for two months. The world was appalled on this day. I was struck by the fact that the Dungeon of Oblivion, which I thought would never be cleared, had been breached by someone who did not know its identity.



In the middle, a brief summary of life is a story that only remains a trace of its existence.

It's not the resurrection, but the creation of a completely identical existence, just like the loading of data, that leaves no trace of it.

In other words, even if you're a transcendent, traces (from your fingers to your whole body). Essentially, it means that there is no complete resurrection of the existence without the essential memory device contained in the body of the existence (the body of the existence, the body of the existence, the body of the existence, the body of the existence, something similar to the soul, etc.).

So, let's all save lives!... well, as the transvestites say, even though they know the weight of life, they are still the living kings!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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