I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

The more you look at it, the more you see Chulal pouring oil on his annoying flames, the more he enters into action. Kwon Hyuk came down from the air to clean up with the idea of taking out garbage on the side of the road.

Above all, it was because it was more difficult to bear the smell of the night flower, the groaning of the women, and the annoying laughter of the bandits, as if their noses were rotting under their feet.

“Argh! Argh! ”


“Ha, bitch, try harder! Wang! Can I just make your daughter look the same? ”

Since the first appearance, no one has noticed that Kwon Hyuk, who was blocking his surrounding space as an ora, was killing him. Therefore, bandits who don't even know that Kwon Hyuk is there and continue to enjoy it.

Kwon Hyuk came down to the Flying Board and landed on the ground in a place a little away from them without anyone knowing him. Of course, Myris came down with her, but for Myris' emotional education, Kwon Hyuk used Aura to limit some of her senses.

“Stay that way for a second. It's a sight I can't recommend to someone who's just starting to see the world. ”

“But, Master, I am a spirit built to control combat weapons. Enough of this sight.... Ahhh?! ”

Kwon Hyuk tried to insist on consideration, but immediately after Kwon Hyuk hit the honeymoon lightly, he stops talking.

“I just don't want to show you, so don't talk to me. I'm still stubborn... I'll admit that you're a combat weapon, but that's a bit of a level-up with mental training. I don't want to use a weapon controlled by a freak. ”

Kwon Hyuk did not intend to take over Miris' education. Because it bothers me. But at least, I was thinking of infusing myself with a common good that shouldn't be civil.

But it hurts to be a homicidal person when I see such a horrible scene just moments after I was born. Well, I was relieved to see the bees floating because I was scared and felt like a spirit built with the right personality.

‘Well, how do I cook these.... ’

Kwon Hyuk looks around with a slightly troubled face. Rape was occurring all over the place, and on one side, women were being forced to use something that looked like a pill to make them abandoned. Kwon Hyuk made a decision that the sight felt very unpleasant.

The one who did not know whether Kwon Hyuk was a chulal or a chum that he had just observed was already ruining what was ruined in front of his husband, and he was delighted with the elf who only wanted sexual desire. Kwon Hyuk smiled at the sight and made a decision.

“What are you even thinking about with a mob like this? Let's just annihilate everything! ”

Selection complete! Route Destroy Route! I'll give you the worst bad-ending. From their point of view, I was enjoying myself, but a fool showed up and killed himself. Where is this embarrassing, meaningless death?

Determining behavioral patterns in that sense. Immediately, Kwon Hyuk stopped doing what was killing him.

“ ……?! ”

As a result, Chulal was a young man who was playing hard with a broken elf, not the first to react to the power of Hyuk, which suddenly appeared to have fallen from the sky.

“Oh, I'm sorry about the fun. I need to talk to you for a second. Can I talk to you for a second? ”

The bandits who held themselves together in a light, yet blatant, greeting cease to act and concentrate their gaze on Kwon Hyuk.

“.... What is it, him? When did you get there? ”

“No, why would Sandy be in a place like that? Are you lost?”

“Oh! That woman back there is quite a beauty. ”

Those who seem to be ordinary bandits, with powers that do not yet seem superfluous, have only reacted puzzled by the sudden advent of the revolution.

Otherwise, Kwon Hyuk only cheered on Myris' appearance, which was revealed by his shedding. However, those who climbed over the slopes.

The executives of the bandits who supposedly crossed level 50, who were originally knights of a territory of the Lyudas Empire, were forced to sweat.

‘Wow, we didn't feel the basics?! ’

‘Don't panic, it was a life to die! ’

‘What is he?! ’

And it was a young man named Chulal who could feel the seriousness of the advent of the revolution more than anyone else.

"What the fuck, man? You couldn't feel a move at all, could you? It's still weird there now. I can't read anything. ’

I couldn't find any physical response that Bondi would have. Above all, I couldn't read the momentum.

Ordinary people should be able to read the phrase Ordinary people. But I couldn't read any of that energy from the power revolution in front of my eyes. This should be possible if the opponent is located at an unavoidably higher level than himself.

A little stronger than himself made it possible to read some momentum. But it seems like it's impossible to read a posture at such an unavoidable age. In other words, the guy in front of his eyes...

‘Stan, are you a Grade 1, 10?!!! ’

When I thought about it, I felt so frightened that I couldn't believe I was raping until just now.

However, he avoided reality by saying that there was no way that 10 lessons would suddenly appear in such a place. Rather, he was present and judged accordingly with skills specific to killing something.

In the tenth grade, he dies without rebellion. But in the first place, why do you see a 10th-grade character in this place at this time? Among other things, Chulal, who remembered the name of the 10th grade as a nobleman, began to calm down by the fact that the figure before his eyes did not match anyone in the 10th grade he knew.

"Who are you? I think he looks like an Assassin with some kind of skill set, but he has infiltrated this place without fear."

In a moment, Chulal, who came to the right conclusion within his brain, regained confidence, grabbed his head and threw the elf who was raping as if riding on a horse to the side and stepped forward to the power revolution. With a glimpse of confidence in being vigilant but able to deal with enough.

Kwon Hyuk twitched his eyebrows once again. The behaviour and breasts of those who were allegedly judging their skills as to whether they felt like they were itchy or low (?) Apart from the beauty axis, I feel even more sunk in that I deal with elves like a tool.

".... What do you do with the common clichés when you die? Should I take it? Or should we just go through the facts and explain that it's the Environmental Mi-awon who came to clean up the garbage?"

When Kwon Hyuk opened his mouth, Chulal and his chewy men began to frown and live. Kwon Hyuk seems to have reacted by saying that he is now going to die.

"Ho? I don't know who you are, but if you know what we're good at, you have a lot of confidence. Or are you just a lunatic? Well, if the shape of the clothes you're wearing is weird, it's just crazy. Hahaha! You weren't nervous about this. Now, don't be afraid. This guy, he's just a maniac who learns basic skills and bluffing."

When Chulal laughed in exaggeration and cried out to his men, one or two of them were really uncomfortable, confident that he could kill the revolutionary revolution right away, confirming that he was a really crazy human being and starting to laugh.

"This one, poor thing crawled in."

"But you're not going to watch? No matter how insane you are, if you come into our apartment, you have to make a corresponding angle."

Kwon Hyuk reacted with ridiculous laughter in their appearance. Although, their skills were, by conventional standards, elite, but there was nothing to see.

There were a large majority of superheroes over level 50, and even those with the lowest level seem to be over level 20, so they have skills that are no less than elite compared to ordinary people who do not have status cards.

You think they can't read a book like that? It did not suddenly fall from the sky, but it could not have appeared in such a place.

They were more likely to think of themselves as having an occupational group of assassins with skills related to killing bastards, as was the story of Chulal, their leader, towards odds.

Most importantly, even if he had a chance of being a 10th grader, the 10th graders were mostly well-known. Those who came to this Meyer Empire and found asylum there.

He did not participate in the war and was not well known to the human side, but he also knew the name and extent of the impression of the Apocalypse, known as the top 10 class.

If we don't know their faces, there's no way we can get rid of the banditry in the Meyer Empire, which is a good country.

Therefore, these living figures, who never thought that the presence in front of their eyes was the power of the Extraterrestrial Realm, immediately regained confidence and began to adopt a disturbing attitude.

Kwon Hyuk was really ridiculous in his appearance, so he only laughed. To be honest, these guys really exist in reality..... and I was so impressed.

"Master? How long should I be doing this? How sad is that?"

Myris' voice. It was frustrating because Kwon Hyuk was blocking his view and did not know exactly how things were going.

Even though ordinary spirits have materialized, they can freely transcend their spiritual and human qualities, but Miris, who is only the lowest spirit, is completely blocked because the same qualities as humans are fixed when they materialize.

"Whew! This is more than I thought. Hey, brother. I don't know what kind of guts you came here for, but if you hand her over, you can handle your brother's response."

One of the bandits who surrounded the surrounding area speaks with a mixed voice of Myris' frustration.

Unlike the bandits who seem to be from the knights, who at least relax but not completely abandon their vigilance, the knights and nobles settled in the desert and then threw provocations at the revolution with complete caution. And because of that, the limitations of Kwon Hyuk's patience came.

"Oh, I'm quitting. I was just trying to kill him and end it, but I can't..... Let me tell you that it's a big difference. Garbage."

The nature of Kwon Hyuk exploded due to the behavior of the garbage that ruined this happy day. Even in modern times, Oduck's classmates, who represented the class, were being harassed by the cosmic gang and the revolutionary nature of the encounter in front of them.

So much so that he called the school and the naval and the police, these bandits are taking his temper seriously now.

There was even a slight wound to Pride that the actions of those who conclude nicely, unlike themselves, who have always been vigilant with power, seem to ridicule the suffering of Kwon Hyuk.

But the most annoying thing was their arrogant attitude and their manipulation of human beings, just as they were great human beings. They are now very touched by the nature of the revolution…….

In the first place, the cause was not his curiosity who had come here, but it didn't work for him now.

"First, get on your knees."

Originally, Kwon Hyuk, who was only going to lose his life neatly, decided to show him the extreme force of unreasonability. And one word was enough for him.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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