I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

“What am I supposed to do with this..... ”

Just now, Kwon Hyuk, who handled the bandits and put the city in front of his eyes, wanted to get inside quickly and eat the right food for a long time.

However, unlike the heart of Kwon Hyuk, he was currently blocked by the wall of reality, stopping in front of the city's eyes and wandering around, but still unable to enter the harbor city of Mia.

“Master? Shouldn't we just go in? ”

Miris asks Kwon Hyuk why Kwon Hyuk left his destination in front of his eyes and doesn't understand why he stayed in this place for so long.

In response to her question, Kwon Hyuk sighs weakly and points to the entrance of Mia's wall, surrounded by a solid looking wall.

“Looks like we're doing a checkpoint, but I think civilization has surpassed my expectations. No way, I didn't think I should present something that looked like a complaint.... ”

The Meier Empire has long surpassed the ideas of the Kwon Hyuk. Is that why the underlying calculation device was supplied by alchemists?

Although the software was not yet as sophisticated as a modern computer, it had enough storage to record and load information.

And as a result, this country is a modern, well-resourced nation. In other words, the number of the people of this country is roughly known.

They are distributing people with an identity card that clearly confirms that they are the people of this country, which is called nationality.

This national identity card, which is no different from a modern national identity card, was a written identity card with the person's date of birth, residence, national number, and photo.

If you are incorporated into the Meier Empire and become a citizen, you will not be able to wander around the city at will without this nationality.

Of course, there could have been no nationalism for the revolutionaries who had just escaped from the Polteus dungeon hours ago. In the first place, he was a warrior summoned to the Lyudas Empire. Isn't it weirder to have a Meyer Empire national identity?

“Wow, how can you really make a difference in the development of this civilization? No, Ryerdas is still a developing medieval civilization, so why is this country modern? ”

When Kwon Hyuk, who didn't know how to block the city he was waiting for with his ID, threw up his fallen voice, Miris next to him raises his head to the point that he no longer understands.

“Master? Don't you have a national identity card? If you don't, you just get one, right? ”

“Would that be as easy as you say? Once you get your national ID, you have to go into the city and prove your identity, but there's no way you can get into the city because you don't have a national ID. ”

I want to rush to the restaurant right away, but I think we should go into the city once we get a national ID, as Miriss explained, or we should rush to the restaurant.

Therefore, Myris has told Kwon Hyuk his opinion lightly.

“Is it too much to sneak into the Master's skill set? ”

Myris, who did not know what he was capable of just as soon as he had made a contract with Kwon Hyuk, was curiously asked, and Kwon Hyuk woke up.

“That's right! You just have to sneak in! ”

If it's set, let's get moving! I'm curious about the way humans live in this world!

When Kwon Hyuk reacted as if enlightened, Kwon Hyuk spoke in a divine voice. If he decides to move in his voice, he wraps his arms around Myris' waist.

“Thank you, Myris. I was a little embarrassed by the unexpected, but it worked out. ”

“Well, is that so? It's me. I'd be glad if I could help you. ”

Myris, who had a slightly frustrating look on Kwon Hyuk's sudden actions, immediately started laughing at the thanksgiving.

With a smile on his face, Kwon Hyuk pulls the flying board out of his inventory and holds Myris in his arms.

If you cannot enter the front gate, you can enter beyond the wall. I looked in a roughly sentimental way, and there were a lot of people looking at the net on the cliff wall, but I could get over enough if I went over their senses for a long time.

“Now, let's go! ”

Immediately after Kwon Hyuk rises, the flying board accelerates and rises toward the sky. With a slight acceleration, Myris' body, which is half-embraced by Kwon Hyuk, is empowered.

Because of this, Kwon Hyuk greets gratitude with a keen sense of intimacy beyond his makeup clothes.

“I've eaten well. ”

“ ……? Master? ”

“Oh, I'm sorry, it's a little bit of a heartbeat. ”

Miris looks unknown to the apple of Kwon Hyuk. Myris naturally accepted Hyuk's hand with a gorgeous expression, even though he was trying to move on to stroke her head like that.

‘Then I'll stop by the Adventurer Guild once I get into the city. Because I need to be reimbursed. Afterwards, let's get a national identity card from the Adventurer's Guild. I want to go straight to the restaurant because I like it, but I also need money to eat it. Oh, and let the security guard know about the safe house, as promised. ’

Kwon Hyuk, who was about to organize what was to be done in this city, had once crossed the city's walls through the sky.

Even those who designed the walls of Mia, the port city, were able to infiltrate without any difficulty.

While entering the city from the sky, something unprotected was captured by the spirit of Kwon Hyuk, but to that extent, the shield was lightly moved by magic.

The shield that seemed to be maintained by the Horse Tool could not detect the spatial movement magic teleport.

Immediately after such a light intrusion into the city, Kwon Hyuk triggered the skills of Myris and himself, killing as many people as possible, and landing in a place where human vision could not be detected.

“All right, infiltration complete. ”

“Master, you're more than I thought. I never thought you would come into a city this size... ”

Myris looked at him with admiration for his master's ability, though he did not expect to come in so briefly.

Her slightly esteemed young gaze proudly opens her chest and exaggerates.

“So! I'm this guy? Be proud to have me as a master like this! ”

“Yes! I'll make sure you serve the Master with more sincerity! ”

The exaggerated behavior of Kwon Hyuk was a joke to get Myris to tackle anywhere. But when she takes the jokes of Kwon Hyuk seriously and gives a more respectable answer, Kwon Hyuk coughs.

“Well, no, I don't have to do that, but all I want from you is to talk and cook while I'm on my way..... ”

“Then I'll let you learn to cook with power! To make a dish that suits your master's taste! ”

No, so if you come out so seriously, there's nothing to say here.... Later, Myris thought that he should let her know so that she could receive her mannequin, and Kwon Hyuk first looked at the point where he landed.

“Slum..... it's so neat to hit? ”

The place where Kwon Hyuk arrived was a residential area with lots of wooden houses everywhere.

Even though it is a wooden house, it is made of planks that are commonly said to be suitable for one or two people to live in, so Kwon Hyuk thought of this area as a slum that is common in medieval cities…, ….

Don't you see it in the mountains or in the countryside in modern times? Households who seem to be better off redeveloping right now. It would be a kind of space. I thought about it, but I looked at it focused again, but it wasn't.

‘It doesn't look strong……, but it is fairly well maintained in appearance. No, not only your dog, but the tree itself, you weren't too lazy to manage. ’

Once the slaughterhouses were very tidy to think of as slums. It wasn't the shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby shabby.

The planners who entered the house were very tidy, even though the time had passed. Robbery doesn't look so strong from the point of view of the Sovereign Revolution. Even if one adult is struck with power, he boasts a strong enough strength to survive.

The plank itself was clean and strong, even though it felt like 20 years had passed since it was made. Perhaps the architects of modern times are amazingly well maintained.

Not only that, the design of the plankhouse itself was simple, but it was a neat design without meeting places. Small, but decent enough to feel small in some ways.

Most importantly, the space inside the city increased in order to use it efficiently, and this shanty town was so clean that it was hard to find dirt on the side of the road that it was a shanty town where the poor lived.

‘Is the wavelength of essence felt inside a horse tool? ’

But even though it's a plank house, even if it's a neat design without gaps, it's hard to get a warm spot. What is curious is that in order to solve the problem, each house feels the waves of essence emanating from the Mock Machines, the Mock Machines with Mock Power.

I don't know what kind of abilities I have with the Horse Tool. Even if it's a mock-up, it's a miracle.

As a result, after a little study of the truth, Kwon Hyuk found that the same essence of three to five wavelengths emanating from the shanty house are essential tools for living as soon as each house is equipped.

Horse tools that produce roughly water, horseshoes that maintain indoor temperatures, horseshoes that generate fire, and horseshoes that emit light were the main characters of the wavelength.

“Huh, big guy. Is that so? Is it essential for the slums here to live with such tools? How rich is this country.... ”


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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