I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

If the bowl is small and explodes, you can expand it. In other words, the story of raising the ground. It was also possible to stop absorbing the essence indiscriminately by placing his unconscious under control and interfering with his mind if he climbed up there and reached the rank of dominant.

"Now! There's one more reason to be my disciple and train harder, isn't there? Let's do it in the future!"

After receiving the noodle bowl that Hina and Myris had purged, Hymna stood up and said to him, "What a powdered hymn!" And he hurriedly followed Hymna and asked her, "What a powdered hymn!

"But what do I learn when I'm a pupil? Is it like a skill tree from the Moon Pagoda?"

Generally speaking, the world's disciples and teachers made it difficult for Lyudas to think of the munchies who handed over special skill trees scattered throughout the Maier Empire. If Hina's idea is natural, it seems natural.

"..... it's empty. If you think about it again, it's pretty hard to explain, but it would be faster to show it once."

"Wow! Master, do you intend to show me something again!"

When Kwon Hyuk mutters with a complicated face, Miris is excited to peek at the muttering, shining her eyes with a super-long glow. And Hina, who barely remembered Myris' existence, grabbed the collar of Kwon Hyuk's robe and asked.

"Hey.., that sister..?"

"Ah, this is Miriss, who will be responsible for the meals and chores of our next trip. Should I call you Maid as I dress? Besides, he's not like you and me, he's a spirit. Stay close."

"Hello, young lady. My name is Myris. I hope you'll do well in the future."

When Kwon Hyuk introduced Myris with his thumb, Myris greeted Hina with an awkward smile. She hid behind Kwon Hyuk, a little frightened by his appearance.

"Ah, miss?"

"Yes, you're a disciple of the master, aren't you? Of course you call her that, don't you?"

"Well, the title is what you're comfortable with, and it's more than that, Myris. Smile more naturally. Hina was scared because her smile was so hard."

When he smiles unconsciously, the smiler tries to laugh forcefully, so he hardens and has a strange smile. It is also a spirit not long after it was born.

So I forced Myris to hold her cheeks on both sides and stretch them to make her smile softer. But there was no way that a proper Smile could be made.

"Ugh! Don't, Marshall, it hurts."

"Sorry, but your cheeks are surprisingly soft."

Kwon Hyuk squeezes Myris' cheeks softer than he thought, apologizing only in words. Then, as Miris' face was pressed around like the dough of Ho Bak, Hina looked at him and burst into tears.

"Phew! Heh, heh, heh!"

"Oh, well. Big. I fell out of it."

"Ugh, Master....."

Mindful of Hina's laughter, Hyuk hastily slapped Myris' hand and coughed, and Myris stared at Hyuk with a slightly resentful look. I tried to avoid that look and saw Hina trying to stop laughing somehow.

"Anyway, back to the horse. Then I'll show you the aesthetic you're going to learn. Exactly what you can do if a stateless person reaches the rank of dominant."

After forcefully turning the topic around, Myris and Hina go behind their backs and start walking slowly toward the sea.

"First of all, the armor."

Among other things, the Extermination Act is unlawful to use with all weapons, but Muhyuk, who has loaded his experience with swords, has also taken out a familiar sword.

What we did after that was change the state of dynamics. I loaded the information of possibility that I didn't know there might be a possibility of universality, the power of the revolution, and I overwritten his information.


In the eyes of Kwon Hyuk, a sentence symbolizing Mu Hyuk comes to mind. Hold the longsword held by Kwon Hyuk with both hands, shining a blue eye under the night sky. What I'm going to show Hina here is a microscopic anarchy, a misdemeanor of extermination.

The microscopic absurdity and extinction method can only be introduced by unauthorized persons over the second-rate range, but even though the proper entrance is difficult, it can be obtained even in the lower tributaries. In this case, only the applied herbs can be spread and the applied herbs cannot be used properly.

However, it is possible to use an extinction diet that is a cul-de-sac on the edge of a second-century stream. When the absolute person, namely, the viewer, climbs on the edge of a view, it is possible to spread the extinction that follows the cul-de-sac.

Finally, it becomes possible to unfold the injustice of extinction if one ascends to the extreme of extinction. What Kwon Hyuk is trying to show Hina now is the power of that pole. Strike with everything in the Extermination Method.


Respirate, circulate the inner pores. Relying on the memory of Muhyuk, the inner pores naturally began to move at a rapid pace according to the circulation of the inner pores of the Extermination Method.

It was not just an internal circulation. The root of this circulation is the denial and degradation of existence that results from its extinction, including its emergence. It was the disconnection and destruction of existence that came from the pure verse. The moment all of those concepts culminate, the will is brought together and the sword is drawn according to the depth of the species of all beings.

Extinction method


Extinction House


The moment Kwon Hyuk put out his sword, all the causes were twisted. The world is twisted. The overwhelming force of destruction has turned all the laws of physics back to nothing just by being there, and even the laws of power have been broken to waste.

It was a simple stab. It was also not just a stab. A pole of the anthropomorphic species that contains all the movements by a single stab. And only the energy for extinction contained in that drama. A strike that twists, disintegrates and denies the world, destroying its own roots!!

Ugh! Khhhhhhhh!!!!! Shhhhhhh!!!!!



I didn't recognize the diameter. All the laws of physics allowed us to observe only the appearance after the stabbing and even the process of destroying the causal stabbing. In the aftermath of the attack, Miris screamed and, in Hina's case, did not scream properly because of the pressure.

"Don't be ridiculous!!!"

"The bar, the sea!!!"

The sea split apart, as if it were a miracle of Moses. The sea split in half to the point of piercing the power revolution. It wasn't even just a split. At least the oceans were splitting in kilometers, and they were still splitting at this moment.

"... This is not human power! Even if you're on a deboard, it's not possible!"

When Miris cries out in the sights close to the scream, he cannot withstand the energy of extinction, and the mountain shatters into the atmosphere and looks at it with a sword blowing with powder.

"Extermination. Most anarchist misconceptions come from nature, or concepts. Nature's ashless spheres are mostly ashless spheres that are specific to a particular attribute, and conceptual ashless spheres are not specific to shaped pores that cause various shapes and miracles. This method of extermination has reached good righteousness, whether it be natural or conceptual."

Zhong-hyuk finally looks back and looks at Hina with a serious face, scattering the powder of the broken sword toward the divided sea.

"Black Hole, which aimed at sucking everything and turning it around, reached the fundamental notion of extinction. This is the spirit of its extinction. It is the end of my ability to teach you from now on. What do you mean, you can carry it?"

The trajectory of a single stab that even eliminated the causality of Kwon Hyuk's death still prevented the sea from reuniting with its remnants. It wasn't the only one.

The trajectory of cutting the sea was soaring with the energy of extinction that swallowed up even the light. It was reminiscent of the abyss that saw the end.

"This, what I'm going to learn from now on, exists at the end…?"

Hina looked at the trajectory of the Feast of Destruction and asked. Her body was trembling like a lion in horror, and it was natural that she saw something like that in front of her eyes that reproduced a foreign myth.

"Are you scared?"

"… I, I, am now being swallowed up by my body. Yeah, but can I get this scary power? And it's not like you're hurting someone like you used to."

There were some who were terrified by the power shown by Kwon Hyuk himself, but now Hina was trembling because she was not confident enough to handle that power properly. Kwon Hyuk calmly strokes her head.

"Don't worry, the martial arts I'm going to teach you are not martial arts that cover people. It doesn't affect your mind like a thousand kills, and your chances of running are extremely low. However, it also requires more attention."

According to Muhyuk, the novice was a novice at the apex of all novices. That is why anyone can learn, can use any force, and there are no side effects when learning new skills.

If there was a problem, it was true that the introduction was the worst difficulty. It was true that anyone could learn, but not everyone could. It was necessary to transmit the inner circle of the devout master directly through memory or to learn the inner circle of the devout master. There's no choice in trying to master a new engineer.

"But that's why it's so pure. And without further ado, pure power is determined by how it is used. That means it's up to the person who uses it. Don't you understand what it means to be more attentive?"

In sum, Kwon Hyuk warned that he should not be afraid to be eaten overboard because this power is just a pure weapon.

In a way, Hina's current concern is not as resolved as this. That's why I said one last thing.

"Well, if you feel like you're swallowed up by the power and can't fly for a while, this teacher will stop you... Only if you run like you're going to regret it. I told you? I'll always be on your side."

I became responsible for the life of one human being. How to take responsibility and understanding. Kwon Hyuk has long since finished his vow to be her side in such a way that she will not spoil her personality.

In response, Hina, who was trembling in horror with her whole body, smiled brightly as she felt the tremor stop in warmth.



The deception of the protagonist who comes in here, in addition to that original deception, is the original form of focus. That is, the force that divides the ocean like that condenses to less than a millimeter point or line.

Oh, about 10 minutes ago, the psp that I ordered came in and touched that thing and installed the plug-in, and the moment the psp didn't turn on, I thought it was brick, and I choked on my heart. It was just a battery. Deheh!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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