I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 4 Deliverance and a Thousand-Year-Old disciple.

"... Ha, this was a strange experience."

Inn on the first floor, right next to the reception front. At that place, Kwon Hyuk was eating lunch and chopping his chin with the ashes burning white. Miris smiles as if she can't stand it.

"Huhu, why? You look great, Master?"

Originally, emotions seemed awkward to laugh a little less than a few days after being born on a rich subject, making Kwon Hyuk feel worse.

"Teacher! It's all right! It was just as beautiful as you are now!"

"Sorry, Hina. That's not comforting at all...."

Escape from the clothing store that was heard to buy Hina's clothes (?) After a while, Kwon Hyuk immediately went to a pink underwear store to buy Hina's underwear (?) to the store. I joined Miris, who bought a book full of books at the bookstore, as I was told during my errands.

After that, Kwon Hyuk made sure to send Hina to Myris to buy underwear. Would a man who thinks he's crazy enter that implicit forbidden zone, too, with a woman in a maiden outfit and a girl?

If you are lucky, you will be a friendly brother (honestly this is weird enough) who accompanied your employer and bought your 10-year-old sister's underwear together, but if you go wrong, you will be treated as a pervert just like the previous clothing store. No, it was an unconditional pervert deal, considering that Hina is currently a no-fanty. That's why I was going to leave it completely to Myris....

"Master, can I see the robbery and decide?"

"…… what?"

"Wouldn't underwear be like mine? Then of course you have to look at the robbery and decide, right?"

Yes! I forgot because I haven't used it yet, but all of this human common sense was focused on the armored deboard! Last time, I tortured Hina (!) I should have realized it when I almost did!

Even the books I bought from the bookstore with Myris are used to beat the shit out of Kwon Hyuk, but most of them are not intended to inject common sense into Myris!

As a result, Kwon Hyuk was inevitably in a situation where he had to be accompanied unconditionally. And as I said, the hurdles are too high. It wasn't just high. Ironically, the barrier was high enough to say that it was impossible for him to remain as a mortal, as a man.

So the way you choose, you're not a man! How to come up with such a silly idea. Being a woman through a polymorph was a way beyond common sense!

Later, when Hina was so big, she thought of polymorphing into a woman who resembled her and choosing her sister's underwear as a senior in her life.

.... I was such an absurd pervert that I couldn't make any excuses because I saw someone I knew, but after that, I had a strong scratch on Kwon Hyuk's legacy! In any case, Hina could barely afford to wear the underwear she wanted.

"Huhuhu, what it feels like to be empty...."

And the ashes left behind by it are the current revolution. I was chewing steak with the finest ginseng herbs from the inn with a multifaceted face.

It was only recently that the development began to commercialize. Even though I bought a wagon that rolled the essence of the Horsestone and bought one garment from another clothing store, the blow on my mind was not visible until I recovered.

"Hunting... Hahaha! I never thought I'd be hunted by a man!!"

What hurt Kwon Hyuk even more was the fact that long, elven young men had enthusiastically asked Kwon Hyuk for a date. It was problematic to polymorph Hina as an adult woman as a base for the setting up of Hina and Sister.

It's absurd beauty. Of course, elves, dwarves, dragons, devils, and men are all running.

Perhaps she would have flown away if not for the superhuman patience of Kwon Hyuk who laughed and refused.

"Master, this steak is so delicious! The bitter, sweet taste of grass makes the steak feel exquisite."

"Teacher, try it."

Myris bites a steak made of grass and gives her an admiration. Hina cuts off one side of her steak and reaches out to Kwon Hyuk's mouth.

It's a little awkward when I just met her, but Hyuk smiled soberly and wrote about her trying to comfort herself, and instead of answering, she ate my steak.

"Well, of course, the Elves tend to be used to dealing with the taste of herbs because they are herbaceous in nature, and the meat itself is well baked. Did you even think about the taste of the other species?"

The Elves feed on herbs, but they don't eat meat at all. However, the fact that the Elves can eat such delicious meat in this city was surprising because they don't eat meat well.

"The Meier Empire, too. Living in harmony while going to the realm of a race."

Gwon Hyuk strokes her head instead of thanking Hina. Hindo stiffened his body a little to see if he was still unfamiliar with it, but he took the hand of Kwon Hyuk comfortably within.

"Master, what are you going to do after a day's rest in this city?"

"As expected, shall we go to Miloa? This time, it looks like a 60-kilometre horse-drawn wagon is coming out, so if you take it on a leisurely road, it's two days away."

Even if it was a wagon, it was still a newly launched simulator, so it was more like a wagon moving without a word than a modern car.

But Gwon Hyuk is the biggest car in the world, and it's still the newest car that can drive 60 kilometers an hour. It's worth 2.5 billion won. It was a luxury, among other things.

Kwon Hyuk planned to head to Miloa, the second largest city in the Elf. I heard an interesting voice in his ear as he chewed on the steak and planned to leave early tomorrow morning.

"How are we preparing for the attack?"

"Don't worry, I've got all the parties in Legion. I checked it out today, and it was about twenty parties of five people. The human body is perfect?"

With plates, axes, and swords on, it seemed like two men who looked like adventurers were quite good at eating at this inn, which was so expensive, but most importantly, they were using mock-ups to keep the contents of the conversation from leaking.

Khh, nothing is as interesting as listening to other people's secret paintings. Let's see how confidential the story is.

I tried to concentrate on two in-house conversations that were in a fairly distant position, namely the hymn that speaks for Hyuk's feelings, and the hymn that eats steak with one hand and strokes Hina's head hard with one hand.

"The number of people should not be perfect. This quest came directly from the Elf's Bellboy. Pay proper attention to the employment of the porter and the minor parts of the supply chain."

"Yay, Yay. It's the story of the Legion Master. I can't ignore the end of Legion."

"Hugh, if the master of the Legion treats himself as an end, those under his command will come to him."

"That's what I'm saying. I'll take care of most of the minor things in there, so it's no different from the end, is it?"

Kwon Hyuk, who had a one-handed steak and listened to the conversation between the two men, was a huge group where they met at an adventurer's party. I knew that I was the master and the deputy master of Legion.

'There, did you get a request from the doorman about the Dungeon Attack?'

Hina, who continued to stroke her head when she tried to focus more on the story, was intrigued by how great the dungeon was.

"Teacher? Bar, it's hard to eat. Oh, I don't hate to stroke my head, but how hard it is to eat...."

In Hina's hesitant voice, Kwon Hyuk fell into a panic after realizing that he was still banging his head.

"I'm sorry, I need to think about something else for a second. Come on, let's eat."

When I took my hand off Hina's head, I naturally ate and did not fall out of the conversation between the two men.


I'm starving!!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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