"What is this place? As the prophecy tells us, there is a place for mock-ups to identify the position of the candidate for the Seven Kings."

Meanwhile, it's the same time that Kwon Hyuk is whipping the Han Chang Dungeon Strike Group and hunting in frenzy. A man approaches the outskirts of Elesia, the center of the Elf Spirit, with a relaxing step.

But will you be all right alone, Mipirel? No matter how much you say Mipirel..... alone.

"Huh, who are you worried about? I am Mipirel, one of the Archangels. If I tell you to pay off this Mandalas continent, there is no right enemy. You're not saying that I could be killed by humans and aliens living in Mandalas, are you?"

A man in his mid-twenties who is reluctant to give his money to Elesia as a one-off step. A man wearing an iron-rich modern suit was walking through the lush forest around Elecia at a rapid pace.

But, Mipirel. There will certainly be fortresses and monarchs on that continent. Please be careful. Above all, Mipirel is looking for you by the order of the King of Heaven.., The Dungeon Striker told you to be careful, too.

The man who was communicating with someone with a small bead in his ear, without stopping there, was clearly carrying the energy of the suspicious man, even though his appearance included a young man who was very well off.

"I know. Isn't that why I entered this continent by myself? The target is at least equivalent to me there. Without His Majesty's warning, there is no way to be careless."

Whew, if you knew, how many other angels would you have accompanied instead of going alone?

Obviously, he only walks like a normal person, and the surrounding landscape disappears in an instant past the young man. Elecia, who was only visible at the end of her field of view because she was in a long distance until just now, came close enough to reveal the appearance of the wall in front of the eyes of a new young man.

"Ha, that's funny. What are you going to do to bring those who can't find out about the Dungeon Striker with the skill of the Dungeon Striker? They're the only ones who will kill themselves soon after they come. In the first place, wasn't it because I went out and started my own search at the level of the Archangel or because the search itself was impossible?"

If so, why not give up the search itself? One of the four Archangels, Mipirel, falls off the battlefield. Who the hell fills that gap? We just had to turn off the Dungeon Striker like that.

Elecia, a wooden natural fortress built by the power of the world water. A young man arriving alone in front of the wall naturally passes through the gates and enters the interior without wit or disguise.

"Ha, the fact that you think so proves the importance of the Dungeon Striker. He is in a different trajectory from our four archangels and the four evils. If you try to induce your thinking and find yourself there, the power to beat the flow is neither magic nor martial arts. It is the power of wonder created by the same power as the True Monarch and His Majesty. It's also so powerful that it interferes with the world itself. Even if you're not interested in this Mandalas continent by focusing your attention on the war with the devil, it's not light enough. At least we need to figure out who he is. If you die, the King of Heaven will say that you are the new king, the seventh candidate."

Even though the young man has clearly entered the wall illegally, no one can stop him as if he had not noticed the presence of the young man himself. The youth also passes between people as if it were natural.

But even so, Mipirel's presence in front of the station..... Mipirel has been hiding in the battlefield for a long time, but the other four Archangels lament that the evil angels have already fled because they are gods.

"Well, you're not wrong. To be honest, it's important to know who you are, but it's not so important that the Four Archangels fall out of the war. This is to give certainty to His Majesty, who is very worried if it can be done by His Majesty's decree. In the first place, the Demon King only cared and didn't move. We don't need to find him in a hurry. If you can't find it in a week, I'll be right back, so don't worry. It's been about a day since I came to this continent, so I can't believe I didn't last six days, can I?"

An opponent grumbles with a sigh at the voice of a young man named Mipirel, who is told through a small communication bead.

Okay, you should come back carefully instead.

"Don't worry. I'll go back unharmed unless I go crazy and shove my head in the urethra and the Suzuki. First, you communicate the prophecy correctly."

Argh, I see. Did you enter the city once I asked you to enter? "

Mipirel nods lightly and accepts when he delivers what he wants with a tour full of doctors who are really the best.

"Yes, it was simple. Khh, I can't even penetrate 'Circle Fantasy Magic', so I know the level of humans and people on this continent. Well, it's been almost 100,000 years since we got back, but it seems that civilization has evolved properly. They're all over the place."

Walk the streets and look at nearby shops. A civilization that is still quite lacking compared to the Demon Age that was destroyed 100,000 years ago, but is still well developed.

To be honest, civilization itself has evolved more than the continent where angels live.

'A civilization blossomed in peace is ahead of us who have been at war for 100,000 years.'

Mipirel who feels bitter about the comparison, but thinks he's stupid on the one hand. Because that's what underlies the development of their civilization, the tool of the states-card is the source of the devastation that has made the 'Madodo Zone' so indistinguishable.

'Our side is only known about Grandpa's grandfather's story, but that's why it's enough to keep the Status card away.'

Even so, those who completely forgot the trajectory of the past, unlike their angels and demons, castaways and harlots, could not have known it simply as ruins.

"Is this a mission rather than an admiration? But I'll have to raise my word with His Majesty later. The development of this civilization will soon reach the continent we live on. The question is peace or war...."

That part will be decided by His Majesty himself. Mipirel, muttering, said, "If you don't notice that it's not such a quick step, you arrive at the place you were aiming for.

'Is this the way to the dungeon that there is a world water inside? I'm comfortable with the power of prophecy.'

Mipirel began to enter the underground cave without hesitation, thinking that there was no great danger. Clearly, even though it is a restricted area, those who guard it do not stop seeing Mipirel at all.

Even the world leader, Igracil, felt a slight disguise at the moment of Mipirel's invasion without realizing his own existence.

In fact, there were no people who were aware of the facts, even though ghosts would sing. Such an unknown threat seeps into the dungeon without resistance, as if it were a new shadow.

'By the way, I felt the energy of demons inside this continent.... Is it because of the mood?'

The only thing that proves that he was there was the sound of an unknown meaning that he left behind.

Meanwhile, at the same time, what is the situation of the group of Kwon Hyuk who are under attack inside the dungeon....

"Hey..... I feel comfortable being a summoner. You don't have to move yourself unless you're a skilled person."

It's not really a talent that specializes in summoning. The specialty is to protect.

"It seems to be a specialty to protect."

Still lying in bed, the sense of watching the movie increased with only the finest spirits he summoned. The ability used by Kwon Hyuk was a bifurcation specialized in Summering, Buff and Protection.

There is almost no need to move yourself there, so of course it has to stretch without anything to do..... It was funny that even though the spread of laziness seemed to be transmitted to people around him, his contribution was second only to his work.

"At this rate, we'll be able to achieve our goals at ease."

It's been 24 hours since I've been in this dungeon. Throughout that time, the explorers of the rolling and rolling dungeon, as blood was squeezed by the revolution, were already in a situation where the skull was in abutment.

Then, when he defeated the mole-shaped horde once, he immediately ordered Montmont to find a new horde and bring Aggro to battle.

I would rather feel more comfortable than attack this dungeon. …… At least black part time doesn't feel the threat of death at every moment?

Yes, everyone who participated in the Dungeon Attack on this day recalls that in the future: I saw the demon that day....


We must prepare the protagonist's battle god again. It's been a long time since I've fought with power!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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