Confirm dungeon clearance. The calculation for clearing the Dungeon is complete. Give Unique Skill 'Natural Musketeer’ to Floana Igdrasil, the # 1 player with over 25% Public Offensive Level. Artifact will be given to 2nd place Kang Kyung-hyuk, 14% of public enemy level, and 3rd place Zaramanan, 8%.

"Oh! Even though I've been playing, I'm number two! You're a gangster!"

After about three hours of time, the assault group that was throwing up blood and tears and drifting to Kwon Hyuk and continuing the clot finally succeeded in the dungeon attack. I think Death cleared the dungeon as a result of building a mountain with the corpse of a mole in the amount of 10,000.

Every time we hit the ground floor, between the first and the 49th floor, more than 10 adventurers were hired, and occasionally the injured members of the special forces accompanied by the floana performed ridiculously in the Dungeon of Difficulty.

"I can't believe it. You really broke through this dungeon in half a day...."

"There's not a single casualty in there, Ra... What the hell is that man? Isn't that more talented than you think?"

Of course, there were those who questioned the power of the Soviet Revolution when they cleared the dungeon. However, no one tried to dig deeply because Florina had forced him to keep secrets in advance.

"Cheat, Master. Master is number three. It's too easy. I didn't get the artifact I was looking for."

"All right. This one's destiny, too. As promised in advance, we should be satisfied with the artifacts we have obtained."

Zagamanan talks with a voice to clear the dungeon with a relaxed form of artifact in his hand. I murmured as if I were tapping on his shoulders, including understanding Zachariah's answer.

"I understand. It's not realistic to compete with monsters like that, so I understand that very well."

"If you keep that mouth open, I'll take that as a fight."

When Zagamanan revealed a tendon on his forehead to the actions of his Legion Deputy Master, who treated him very poorly, he grabbed an artifact, no, a mock-up machine that was intended to reward him for clearing the Kwon Hyuk-do Dungeon.

"Hmm, what is this?"

Spreading the light and revealing the appearance in the hands of Kwon Hyuk is something in the form of a round sphere.., what should I describe this? Hard clay? Rubber balls? Well, it was a strange thing. It is characterised by the size of one hand, which means that the material is not clay or rubber.

The moment I saw it, I found out that it was a moccasin, a lower version of Shiny, unlike the artifact I had obtained from the Dungeon of Abyss.

In this world, horseshoes need tools that need to be supplied separately. Although it seems to call the unnecessary tool an artifact, it was a mock-up of the magic that was engraved on Kwon Hyuk, and the tool itself was bizarre.

In other words, this was not a magic imprint, but a mock-up of a miracle that no one knew about. If magic was imprinted, I could see its function at the moment I saw it, but this is nothing more than a ball of ignorance, unless I check it with the truth as it is a mock-up machine with mock power.

'Every time I clear this dungeon, I tell you in advance the reward of the next floor, so I'm sure this is a mock-up machine with the function of telling me what I was looking for and its location.... Let's check.'

Usually, if you throw objects like this, the function is not known until you use it. But let's try it again. If you have something like a time limit, you can't use it because it's a waste.

But isn't the power of the Almighty only present in this situation? From now on, I open the Truth with the power of solitude to see the ball in front of my eyes.

Satellite navigation

◗ Whatever its existence, whatever its object, it cannot hide in front of the miracle that embodies this false star. A mock-up machine that projects anything you want to find and implement on a false star. Just as the function itself was given permission to the world because it was a miracle given by the will of the world. Even if the world is hidden, it can be explored. However, there is a constraint that it can only be explored once a month.

◗ Anything at all can be positioned once a month.

◗ Conditional on the scope of exploration may be used.

"Oh? Ohhh?!"

After reading the information window that first appeared in front of his eyes, Kwon Hyuk had a function that he wanted, so he gave out elasticity. Shortly after, however, after reading the details, a service that I didn't even think of was attached, so I was frightened, not resilient.


"Master? What? Is it different from what you wanted?"

After Myris and Hina send a worried gaze in awe, Kwon Hyuk wakes up and wets his head.

"No, I was just surprised because it was more than I thought. Haha, I got an unexpected treasure from an unexpected place."

This is all due to the power of Kwon Hyuk. It would not have been possible to get such an exquisite mock-up in a passing city. As he was looking at the satellite exploration in his hands, he sighed and approached Kwon Hyuk.

"Ha, is that what you wanted? So if you think this is done, it's okay?"

"Hey, thanks for hanging out with me. Thanks to you, I got what I wanted."

As Kwon Hyuk joyfully waved the satellite navigation in his hand and thanked him with a bright face, Florina replied bluntly while making a flurry of appetite.

"Yes, how much do you think we've been beaten up by that young man? This dungeon attack was imprinted with a particularly horrible memory among my Elves. You've been pushing people too hard."

I was reflecting a little bit about it because it was too burning in the palace of Florina, and it was impossible to refute it. I just avoided the gaze she was sending.

"…… but thanks to it, we broke through the dungeon in a short time and cleared it without any damage. Mankind was the worst, but it was the best choice. Thanks to this, the troubles of the Elves have been resolved neatly for nearly 200 years. I thank you."

To tell you the truth, it's only now that I've cleared the dungeon to be safe that I can tell you that Kwon Hyuk is too evil. I knew that without Kwon Hyuk, significant damage would have accumulated.

Because Kwon Hyuk was so overwhelmed that he covered his back, the adventurers were able to run with confidence. …… I was just insulted because the way to cover it was just out of common sense.

This dungeon was an average level 80 hardship dungeon for moles. The difficulty of catching 10,000 of them, in fact, was such that 150 adventurers and three of her special forces were forced to die.

Even Kwon Hyuk was just a backpack, and the last boss subjugation that appeared was a mole that was close to 10m in size with the same power as Floana. It's not a joke, it's a miracle there's no death.

Such a dungeon was instantly destroyed without damage. No matter how unpleasant Kwon Hyuk is, it is natural to say hello properly. Kwon Hyuk made enough repayment for his mistakes, as he assured him.

"Okay, you don't have to keep your head down like that. I just wanted to do it. But I'll take the thank you note."

Flora asked with a slightly curious gaze in the voice of Kwon Hyuk, smiling and answering to her sincere gratitude.

"I see. What are you going to do after that? If you have time, why don't you go to the Imperial Palace of the Meyer Empire?"

"Oh, my God. Suggestions? You know I don't want anything to do with the government of this country, right? I'll say no to that. I have an original plan. ….. I beg you to keep the secret about me that I promised."

Once she, as a representative of the forces of one race, turned to Kwon Hyuk and expressed her usual scout offer, but she nodded her head as if she knew it would be a simple refusal.

Originally, it would be better to tell the nation at least about his own existence against the dangers of that power as much as he saw it with his own eyes, but at least if he robs it with force, he doesn't have to report it to health professionals who deliberately help him to get an artifact to the end.

That's why I gave up grasping Gwon Hyuk so coolly..... Well, half the reason is because of the playful nature of Kwon Hyuk. Where will you disappear so soon? It also included the idea of doing it.

"Now that we've cleared the dungeon, shall we go back? Huh? By the way, this dungeon can't be cleared to move outside?"

The dungeon undergone by Kwon Hyuk until now was a type of dungeon that automatically releases to the outside when cleared, so Kwon Hyuk, who was moving to get out of the dungeon on his own, murmured as he looked inside the dungeon with suspicious eyes.

"Well, this dungeon is the same size as a subspace dungeon. In the case of dungeons that are smaller than the original size of the subspace, when the dungeon is cleared and the subspace is closed, it releases those present inside, but in this way, dungeons of the same size as the subspace do not release the challengers inside. This is common sense for adventurers. You weren't an adventurer, were you?"

Pommy approaches Kwon Hyuk and answers his questions. It seems that I approached him with the intention of making a connection with Gwon Hyuk by looking at his skills, but the personality of the person is fine, so he can deal with it.

"I haven't been an adventurer in a while. I think it's a lack of common sense... No, wait a minute. Does that mean that this vast field that we're on right now exists underneath a city called Elecia?"

At that moment, Kwon Hyuk murmured as he looked at the ceiling of the dungeon with a look of horror. The size of the dungeon hierarchy cleared by the Kwon Revolutionaries was the same as that of Elecia.

Then, even one natural landscape was embodied in the underground cave of Elecia.

'Of course, it's not unusual for the ground to collapse. Sister Worlds, you were holding this open ground.'

Isn't the world's number bigger than you think? The dungeon was a place of admiration, but if you rethink it, it was like a cannon that never knew when it would collapse. When I think about it, Gwon Hyuk wants to get out of here right away.

"Shall we get out of this dungeon? Even if there's a luminescent element in the ceiling, it's not just the real sun, is it?"

One day after Kwon Hyuk's insistence, he fought so fiercely that the adventurers agreed that all the sunlight was missing and moved to take their weapons and get out of the dungeon.

No, I tried to move. It's an old-fashioned design in front of them, modern, but in this world, if it wasn't just one guy dressed in the latest fashionable suit.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"


The transcendental symphony attached to satellite navigation simply means that transcendental will has created a monopoly on satellite navigation. which means that satellite navigation itself is the nucleus of the official map that the creator put together. With this, you don't have to go around looking for Dunn of Abyss!!

I tried logging in today and there was a note. Something compulsory came flying, so I saw the latest comments, so it was a note from someone who wanted to be patient. blah

.. I, at first, really thought Joara sent you a compulsory quest? Surprised? I was wondering if I should take it seriously! Bigger, and to get to the point, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it this week.

That's actually because my family is sick right now. I don't know if my mother and I are having diarrhea, enteritis, gastritis, etc.

.. No, my brother ate with me, but he's fine and only my mother and I are like this. Fortunately, it's not a serious level, so there's no problem raising one side of the day, but it's not good enough to use two sides of the day.

It's true that progress is slow, so we'll try to be patient about once or twice this week. So read it for fun!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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