"Hmm? The ball..... is it a mockery? Ha, I see. That's exactly what I was looking for."

For a moment, Mipirel smiles around her mouth and faces her.

In that gaze, Kwon Hyuk sighs to get out of the ground and then walks out to the side of Floana, paying attention to Hina to stay still once again.

Hey, back off.

Suddenly, on the pronunciation of Kwon Hyuk, Florina trembled and looked at Kwon Hyuk. I was surprised by the technique of the transcript, but I was also surprised by the fact that Kwon Hyuk, who originally gave him a counter-revolution, suddenly wrote a rebuke.

However, in the light of the annoyance that explicitly aroused in the eyes of Kwon Hyuk, I shun my eyes if I am sorry for my mistake of looking at Kwon Hyuk according to the requirements of Mipirel.

"Ha, really. Yeah, that's what you were looking for. I'm sorry, but I have ownership, so why don't you just give up and go back?"

I looked at the floana once, but immediately I opened my mouth after concentrating on Mipirel in front of me.

"I'm sorry, but that's too much. There's a reason I need that stuff, too. I want you to give up."

In the satellite exploration that Kwon Hyuk is holding in his hand, Kwon Hyuk grinds the image of Mipirel without hitting him at all.

'No, why is the dominant here suddenly falling apart? An angel in there, a coordinator? Are you kidding me? I feel like I've tasted Munchkin for a while. I don't know who's throwing the bomb right away, but you're so dirty!'

Honestly, Kwon Hyuk had no idea why an angel appeared here. When it comes to bipolar life, it was clear that the presence of Sohyuk in front of his eyes was surely an angel of coordination.

But, why! Why is there an angel in this place where you stay! The dominant one, who is constrained to restrict movement by his temperament, appears suddenly!!!

No wonder there is an angel in itself. In this world, as I said before, a demon king called the Demon King has become a reality. Then there is an 80% chance that there is an angel who is the opposite race.

If there is one of the two species of angels or demons in the middle-earth, not in the horoscope or the celestial system, other species often appear for balance. There were exceptions everywhere, but this transcendental world was no exception.

No, it's not easy to collect rice here! Certainly! Though I mentioned something when I heard the explanation before! It's not like this all of a sudden!! It's aiming for the same thing as me!

"I'll say it again. Hand me the item. I'll pay for it."

Mipirel's story of handing things over to him, Kyung-hyuk smiles forcefully as he looks at his lips.

"What price? What price?"

"Yes..... what about the cost of your life?"


Mipirel starts to live with a yellow eye glow from both eyes. When his attitude, which had just reached its full counterpoint, began to be uncovered, Floriana, who was standing next to Kwon Hyuk, of course, was hardened by all the adventurers.

Without ceasing to be there, the horror of death came to his throat, and a large number of adventurers took a piss and began to tremble with their bodies.

Even the floana that was standing in the lead of this attack was encroached upon by fear and could not calm the body that was sweating and trembling. But only one. The response of Kwon Hyuk was as different as that of Kwon Hyuk.

"Puhahaha!! That's lame! That's what I said yesterday. Spit out some more novel lines. Stupid!"

Everyone was terrified and unable to move properly. Mipirel's fine eyebrows twitched as he saw the source of terror flirting with Mipirel.

"... I don't think he's a normal person, unlike what he looks like when he sees me enduring my life. But it didn't work out. I wasn't in the mood for jokes."

At that moment, the ambient air in the room in front of the eyes changes. This change is so subtle that it can only be detected by a revolution on the horizon of the same dominant.

No, it wasn't covert. The dominance of overwhelming essence only disturbs the other person's feelings. Only the Sovereign Revolution with the same level of dominance has broken through the disturbance and realized what the opponent was doing.

'Damn it! Are you just attacking me?!'

Just as the essences that spread in the atmosphere play the orchestra in tune with the Mana that flows out of Mipirel's heart, each one pulls, pushes, and harmonizes at a fast pace.

When Mipirel's mana swung the baton to the right, the instruments produced harmony with precise instructions, and the harmony was a beautiful rate of sound, and the music was complete.

"Hurricane Spike."

A musical note woven in the atmosphere according to Mipirel's syntax twists the laws of reality to embody his music. The death rate that grinds the opponent miserably just by touching it!

Memorized magic! Respond immediately to Kwon Hyuk! If you avoid it, the guys in the back will get caught!

"You bastard!"

Even without Maheuk's warning, it would be. The magic created by Mipirel in front of his eyes is the attack magic of the 8th Circle Biguiner!


The blade of the wind, which generates a sound high enough to give rise to creeps, draws objects from all sides and tears them apart.

Even though it doesn't mean attacking the magic itself as much as the magic of the Gothic Circle, its size and deadly power are powerful enough to transform a dense human being into hundreds at a time.

Even though it may be possible to break through that magic with no skill, in the aftermath, the adventurers standing behind them will be torn apart by the overwhelming magic.

Then no augmentation. The same is true of the Invincible.Even if you take it with your bare body, you can recover immediately, but the adventurers will be wiped out.

Summering will be as defensive as a foot soldier. Problem is counter. The advantage of being able to defend and attack at the same time is summoning, but the biggest disadvantage.

I didn't take the ship into a relationship that takes time to summon, but now I don't know who was ambushed, but I couldn't have enough time to fight back. The same is true of power. Dodge will be relaxed, but it will be inefficient and the aftermath will be bad enough to stop it head-on.

'Then you will be rewarded with the magic of the same power!'

Immediately, the pattern of the enchanted faction came to mind in the eyes of Kwon Hyuk, who made the decision to defend and counter at the same time. And at that moment, Charlna's time becomes longer.

In a world where everything is slowed down, only the consciousness of the revolution is accelerated. A transfer that is only allowed to wizards of the Absolute Subclass 6 or higher. Physician accident acceleration.

In a world where everything is slowed down by such accelerated thinking, Gwon Hyuk consciously controls his Mana and combines the essences in the atmosphere, just like Mipirel just did before.

But the assembly of his essence was more sophisticated and more detailed. If Mipirel, as the conductor, had guided Manah on the right path, Kwon Hyuk would have given out the blueprint and not allowed an error of just 1 mm, and he was building the perfect house for everything he ordered.

As a wizard, Kwon Hyuk was right. It is possible to implement magic more efficiently and powerfully by squeezing the essence of the atmosphere in more detail and precisely.

"Ground Spiller!"

Just before the hurricane that wielded the blade of the wind that Mipirel cast, the magic embodied by Kwon Hyuk moves. According to the doctor of Kwon Hyuk, a magic camp rises in the atmosphere and strengthens his magic even more.

This magic summons and shoots dozens of massive rocks of spirals that rotate at high speed on the ground and collides with a small hurricane.

Kagagagagagagagaga River!!!!!!!!!!!!




As the magic and magic of the High Circle collides, massive waves scatter everywhere. In the aftermath, the mountain trees were uprooted, the ground turned upside down, and the dungeon's dens, which were now physically disturbed, were shaken as if they were going to collapse right away.

Ground Spiller and Hurricane Spike's collision-centric spaces are distorted and collapsed. A miracle that contravenes the laws of physics is bitten, stretched, and swallowed.


Winning a clash of intense aftermath is no different than casting a Ground Spiller, not Gwon Hyuk. Dozens of rocks disappear with a third of a gallon, but as much as the windows of the remaining spiral pierce through the hurricane, they shoot at Maha's speed towards Mipirel.



Hoo, it's been a long time since I've been in combat. This battle will focus on magic vs. magic as foreseen.

Of course, I plan to use other abilities besides magic at the last minute, but in the beginning I'll just push it with magic. So read it for fun!

Oh, I'm planning an additional weekend. Two on Saturday, two on Sunday. We're going to split it in four, so stay tuned! (It may be cancelled as planned, but don't worry, I'm not going to keep my promise!)

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

* P.S. 2: I would like to express my condolences to Igracil, who gathered his hands and became the third victim. You can press/. (Igdrasil Jimjimmy)

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