As he shapes his mock-up power, the sphere of perception, invisible to the eye, that began immediately between Hyuk and Mipirel, is called its size on the other side.

The opaque sphere of color that covers the revolution and mipirel completely distracts the inside and outside, just as the human being was in its place from the beginning in a time when it could not be perceived.

A law imprinted on the world, which does not allow anyone to enter or escape from the inside. The fact that the law offset the teleport magic of Mipirel, who had just tried to escape, wiped him out.

"What is this again?!"

The teleport that he shouted at the starter after finishing his spear had no effect. Exactly the moment he twisted the space to continue moving the space and space to his own position, the force of beating the space itself was sucked into something as fast as the water in the sponge vanished.

Mipirel, who did not know that it was the effect of the one-on-one battlefield, had no idea how many unidentified beings he had to hide.

But it was also a very brief moment. Mipirel's judgment as to why the teleport was not triggered was once again strongly flapping his wings with the idea of flying away from this position.

However, nothing happened as a result of that action. It was because Mipirel opened his eyes to fear and hardened like a statue in the huge space behind the back of Kwon Hyuk.

Dhhhhhhhh! "

It boasts a huge fuselage that squeezes around just by appearing. A bipedestrian weapon that slowly materializes itself in a space gap.

In the Middle Ages, Mipirel, who was trapped in a one-man battlefield, blew his admiration with an adventurer who kept an eye on the situation outside the battlefield.

"What, what is that giant doll?"

"A doll? Is that a doll? But something form...."

An airy deboard that reveals its magnificence in front of people for the first time. There was something that overwhelmed the attention, even though it did not emit the waves and momentum of essence, like a man of great meridian.

With the advent of such bipedestrian weapons and armor, they couldn't really figure out what it was. They simply shed their admiration, but Mipirel, who was captured on the one-man battlefield, was different.

His reaction was much more dramatic, and then he was just about to be swallowed up by an emotion called despair.

"That, Armored Soldier?! Why does this continent have armor?! What the hell are you?! I've never heard of anything like you!!"

"Haha! Exceptions in this world are always a bluff. Don't you think so? Now, say hello, today, to Debord, who will be in charge of my Phase 5."

Mipirel reacted as if he knew very well what Deboard was, precisely, an armor, whether it was taken out of the subspace he was connected to.

Isn't that the ambassador there, like the existence of this' continent ', a line that doesn't seem oddly armored? Even so, magic has been passed on.

It wouldn't be strange if there were armor like the Deboard that was made in ancient times. And I am even more desperate because I know that knowledge. Isn't that a good thing!

"How the hell, how, how the armor is here...!"

The Deboard, managed by Myris, is an unmatched crystal of witchcraft. It's surprising.It's just unpleasant to be treated the same way as a nursing home.

At that time, Mirina's voice echoed on the essence, a devoid spirit who managed the deboard, exactly as the owner called it. The information that his voice conveys.

It was not negligible information. The moment Mirina heard what she said, she said to Mipiril, "What? What did that armor say? 'Enough to unconsciously try to react.

Immediately after that, Mipirel, who has fully accepted the information she spoke of, mutters with a disdainful expression, as if he had now let it all go.

"Ha, hahahahaha! Deity? Deity? Why is there only seven Deity in this place?!!!!!!"

At first, Mipirel, who laughed in a colourless voice like a completely abandoned man, went to the end, expressing his anger like a madman, squawking and screaming.

Yeah, that's how it feels. Nor did I understand. From Mipirel's point of view, you are not just a Raid Mob just before the sudden death of a Raid Mob in a sure Raid, taking out the number (creep) of spleen that you believed was a battle item!

Boss Raid Mob!! He insisted that he had entered the two-faced area as he wanted. That's where it ends? Usually, Phase is a process that requires HP to be consumed. But isn't this boss going to go ahead and increase his difficulty exponentially?!

The last thing I did there was leave the scam or the battle item, and I took it out and opened a shield to invalidate even the player's saves & rods.

Even if you play this game, Kwon Hyuk will immediately shout Kusogem (mange) and knock the game machine to the ground.

The Hell's Game of Souls Dax series wasn't this unreasonable and absurd, man. Screaming.

.... I didn't even understand laughing like Mipirel let go of his mind.

"But I won't let you go. Especially when it comes to armor. I couldn't let go any more. Son of a bitch. Let's see the end. Myris, start!"

yes, my master. From now on, we will enter the boarding and sympathy operations for the maneuvering of the deboard. I will move the master's body into space. Please don't resist.

In the moment that Kwon Hyuk shouted, intense glare was emitted along with the feeling of flashing, from the gloves on the head of the Devon that had just appeared beyond the subspace.

Do you think Mipirel will be out of his mind at that moment? like, "I tried to interrupt Kwon Hyuk's ride by using magic immediately. But there is no way that this will not have any function in preparation for the magic crystal of the era of refined magic, right?

Borrowing the essence of Kwon Hyuk to prepare for boarding, the enchanted enchantment scatters the light. The result is a shield that protects the occupant and the deboard for a short period of time.

Every magic that Mipirel casts rushes back into vain in the appearance of a shield that protects the occupant in less than a second.


At the same time, he naturally entrusts himself to the twisting of the space that surrounds him. Less than 0.5 seconds short, the feeling of wrapping himself around his body opens his eyes, and there is a landscape that has never been thought of.


When Kwon Hyuk first came to the Deboard, the sight was often the inside of a bicycle in Mechamul, where pilots were standing there.

However, unlike such an expectation, Kwon Hyuk opened his eyes and the body floated inside by gravity, and the cockpit was so dark that the interior was almost invisible.


However, for a moment, it seemed that the space in which Kwon Hyuk was floating was ringing intensely, and the situation changed as he began to absorb the aura inside the body of Kwon Hyuk little by little.

When Chan Kwon Hyuk notices that absorbing the aura is for Devon to move in full, the space where Kwon Hyuk floated instantly turns into bright light.


Then, in the eyes of Kwon Hyuk, the appearance of Deboard's cockpit began to come in..... and the moment I saw the sight, the question that Kwon Hyuk was surprised by the unexpected sight came out of Kwon Hyuk's mouth.

Even if it was inside the cockpit that revealed itself in the bright light..... nothing existed.

There was a space of such magnitude that there was no inconvenience in the movement of Kwon Hyuk floating in the air right now. It seemed to be 150 centimeters wide, so it would be okay to have one room.

The problem was that there was no cockpit in it, and of course something plausible was also invisible at all. In fact, Myris' voice was immediately heard when he expressed his doubts about the fact that the gray space was empty.

We have confirmed that the Master's internal summons have been completed. From now on, there will be a ceremonial sympathy between Deboard and the Master. We appreciate your patience.

At that moment, various enchantments began to emit light on the walls of the room where nothing existed.

At first glance, the compatibility of the magicians with each other is complicated, and it evoked the power revolution by reminiscent of the holograms from cartoons and films from the future era.

When the magicians began to function in earnest, Kwon Hyuk felt that new information was added to his senses.

This is a magic faction for the transmission of information rather than sympathizing with consciousness.

I heard the voice of Maheuk, who knew the magic faction in more detail, but Kwon Hyuk was focusing on accepting the new sensory information.

That way, the moment he received all the sensory information and organized it, Kwon Hyuk blocked all five of his feelings except the senses. And at that moment his vision was turned upside down.

Wow! This is amazing!

It was because Mipirel was slightly exaggerated in the view of Kwon Hyuk, who was looking at the empty space inside the Devon until just now, and the landscape was lifted up like a giant.


A walking bicycle is a man's romance!! Tomorrow... it will be today, considering when this post goes up. I'm going to get up and write and decide whether or not to take part today.

Good night, then!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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