“Is that so?" said the warrior group. Yes, I understood the causal relationship. A strange name called Kang Kyung-hyuk. That action that saved the warriors as part of the war. Maybe he was..... a warrior. I think I'm acting separately now. ”

Shortly after Kwon Hyuk's confusion on the border line, after the two meetings, he sighs as he is questioned by Adol about his relationship with Kwon Hyuk who met him in the war.

“I'm sure he said he was summoned as a warrior with his own mouth. ”

When Adolf provides a solid basis for Florina's speculation, Florina accepts with a "yes," face.

‘But I can see his behavior, and I don't think he's willing to go to war. This is a good thing.’

Adol was as stubborn as a dwarf. So I intend to keep my bets with Kwon Hyuk thoroughly.

He turned all the mistakes he had lost in this battle into his own responsibility and kept the contents of the revolution secret.

Even though he was the heir to the Apocalypse, this time it was an operation to use the same heir, Painda, as bait, and the situation was created just before being attacked by a group of warriors.

Therefore, no matter how fast you think of the dragonian's unique recovery, you cannot enter the battlefield for the time being.

Even though there was no great mistake except to miss a warrior, it was a considerable mistake.

Fortunately, there was no major damage to the army itself. That is why Adol was given a week's probation and was able to complete this task.

However, even if Adol keeps secrets and zips the mouths of those who witnessed Kwon Hyuk at the time, it's the same.

Even if it was a racial race, it was difficult to keep secrets perfectly as long as people had their own will.

Because of this, the power comparable to the god of Kwon Hyuk spread around the troops that participated in the war at that time.

At that time, some of the adventurers who participated in the attack on the Dungeon of Elecia spread rumors about Kwon Hyuk fearlessly, so the Meier Empire is now beset by rumors about unidentified monsters.

However, no one believed this rumor because it was strange beyond the level of the power of the Sovereign Revolution, whether it should be fortunate or unfortunate.

It was described as having the power to destroy tens of thousands of troops at a time and blow up a city.

Their eternal emperor, the Emperor of the Meier Empire, had enough time to wipe out tens of thousands of troops, and in the case of the city, she would pay tribute.

The battle took time to complete when 100,000 troops were exterminated by themselves and called the Demon King. As a result of fighting without sleeping or eating for about a week.

By the way, even if you hear the rumors of force, don't you think they have the power to exceed their horizons? Therefore, there were very few who believed in the rumors, but only the rumors were utter.

When I thought about what had not been mentioned at the Belleville Conference, I realized that the Belleville Conference was not very interested either.

Yes, except for Florana, who witnessed the power of the Sovereign Revolution with her own eyes. So I summoned Adol, who was on probation, to hear the rumors and ask him what was going on.

However, when I summoned Adol, it seems that Adol questioned her about her relationship with him, reminding her of the fact that she has a face.

He only told her about the line he could roughly tell her that he was helping Elesia.

Well, the story about the Dungeon of Elecia is the Elves' fortune. You can't tell him in detail, Dwarf.

In her explanation, Adolfo told the story of the first time she met him on the battlefield, and as a result, she was able to roughly guess why he was walking after suddenly showing up on the battlefield.

“Florina, the Empress wants to talk to you for a moment. ”

Currently, she arrived in the capital of the Maier Empire for the meeting of the Apostles and remained there for a few days after the meeting.

She looked at Adol in front of her eyes, who was commenting on the news that the Empress Silis had come to see her.

At the same time, Floana nods at him, meaning to end the story with this and to allow Silice to enter the room.

“Then let's watch.... ”

“I know. Like I said, it's stupid to be hostile to someone with that kind of power. If they don't want to be hostile, let's just leave them alone. ”

At the end of the conversation, the door of the office where she was staying and doing administrative work was opened, and the green-haired witch, Silis, opened the door.

“Florina, I have to talk to you for a second, but I can give you some time..... Oh? Was Lord Adolf with you? ”

“Greetings, Your Majesty. I was going to back off after work, so I want you to talk to Florana. ”

“Yes, well done, Lord Adolf. Ah, I just passed by earlier, but I think Lord Rondoll's father was looking for you. Wouldn't you like to go quickly? ”

“Oh, you mean my father? Ugh, I've been doing this since I retreated as promised... Oh, I see. So I'm going to step back. ”

No matter how much you think about it, Rondol, the father, only thought about the nagging of missing a group of warriors in this war.

So while I was sweating cold, I greeted Silice with courtesy and turned my back. That's how Silis and Flora are the only offices left.

Silice naturally touches on Florina's actions to clear the seat she was sitting on for Silice.

“Ah, that's okay. Don't sit there and talk. She's a busy body, you know. I can't take long. ”

“But, Your Majesty, then I will take the shape of looking down on you. As you can see, this place is... ”

“Oh, I didn't say you can sit down. Now that we don't have time, let's get to the point. ”

Floana sat there again sighing in her stubborn words. But as much as possible, she opens her mouth with a body and posture that will not be an excuse for Silice.

“So……, Your Majesty. What happened to me while you were busy? If there are any mistakes on our side of the Elves, even if there is a hole in the administrative work I saw.... ”

“No, your administrative skills are acceptable to me. No problem. If it had been 150 years ago, it would have been a closed and self-serving flavor…, big. Your mother was a little harsh. ”

“No, it's true that at the time, as His Majesty said, our elves were arrogant in the idea that they were free from slavery by their own power. ”

When Silis is proud of his words, he easily sighs of relief in Floriana's remarks acknowledging the Elves' preoccupation.

“Thank you for telling me that. Anyway, I don't know about the past, but don't elves live well with other species these days? No problem. I was just wondering what happened to the courtesy Dungeon Attack. ”

Due to the fact that the elves attacked the dungeons in the basement of Elecia, the ground almost collapsed. It was devastating for the elves.

That's why it didn't come on the agenda of the Doomsday Conference, even though one city could literally be destroyed.

Those who are aware of this include those who targeted the dungeon at the time, and those of the Ain 'eyn, a high-ranking officer working in Elesia (other than Elves).

Lastly, no matter how rich a race may be as the emperor of the Meier Empire, Silis is the only one who has the right to know.

That's why it was natural for Silis to ask her questions about the Dungeon Attack.

“Judgment Miss suddenly had a crisis that almost hit the ground itself, but somehow it was overcome with the help of world water. ”

“Ah, is the rumor of the earthquake in Elesia affected by it? Well done. You're the Elf's servant, as the Maiden acknowledged. ”

That's why Floriana naturally posted a status report to Silice. But then I feel a disguise, and I raise my head.

“... Your Majesty? If it was your information organization, would you be able to see the situation if you didn't come and ask me directly? ”

The sharp questions of Flora, who stabs the core, cast a shadow on the face of Silis, whose charm was always to smile vigorously.

“... In fact, she is completely excluding the information she brings from the information organization and is on the move. ”

“Yes? What does that mean? That information organization was the one you raised before the founding of the kingdom...., Standing, no way?! ”

The moment Floriana faces the incomprehensible answer, she is alarmed to think of the story of the spy mentioned in the doorbell meeting a while ago.

“…… I've also got solid evidence. But I think there are some people behind it, so I'm postponing the search. ”

“…… That's why you decided not to leave the spy information to the intelligence organization. ”

With the look on her face that she could not understand how the spy was hiding in the clandestine intelligence organization, she understood why she had declared herself elected at the doomsday meeting.

“…… Be quiet about this. At least in a month, I'm going to solve it. Until then, I want you to keep your mouth shut. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. This is certainly as important an agenda as this. I'll make sure you're in custody, too. ”

Silis smiles satisfactorily and turns away from the black skirt she was standing up in.

“Then she heard about the Dungeon Attack that she was curious about. Ah, I think I solved the old Elf's homestead, congratulations, Florina. ”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Go in carefully."

The way she looks at herself worryingly, whether it's because of the spy courtesy, Silis says, 'Have you forgotten who your daughter is?' I leave the room with my hands out.

After watching her for a while, Florina suddenly realized two things, and she shed her resilience from her mouth.

‘By the way, I forgot to inform Adol that Kwon Hyuk is an Abyss Dungeon Attacker..... And why haven't you asked me any questions about Mr. Kwon Hyuk who is so rumored these days? ’

Originally, you should keep the fact that Kwon Hyuk is the target of Abyss Dungeon as promised. However, he had already met with Kwon Hyuk, and only Adol, who had watched his power with two eyes, intended to inform him of it.

Then I think I was going to appeal for his danger and ask for a stronger secrecy. But at the end of the day, Silis missed the opportunity to visit.

Also, she would have deserved more than enough attention to the current mistress of the Meier Empire, the monsters of the powerful forces that are rumored to be rampant all over the country.

However, I didn't ask her any questions at the time that she was known to have participated in the attack on the Dungeon of Elesia.

The dungeon in Elecia's basement was a secret because it was the Elf's healer. That's why it was rumored that one dungeon was being targeted by a number of adventurers, including Florana.

But he didn't ask one question, as if he didn't care about such a monster. Just as you think of it as a rumor, just like any other doofus.

‘.... Well, it doesn't really matter. It's rather comfortable for me. ’

But Florina didn't think deeply. Isn't it true that a person is not what he or she saw or doesn't believe in? I think it's kind of like that, and I think it's kind of like that.

…… It was a context in which I could see how great the effect of the creation of the power revolution was.


Good night!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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