“… so? What are you? I thought it was a mere disguise until just now, but you were following me, right? ”

Immediately after the two men who threw the churches at Mifiana scream and disappear, she sighs in the sense of beating the annoying ones.

After that, he smiles and sighs again as he drifts down the alleyway, meaning that he has a hump that seems more annoying.

“Heh, is the swordsman rumored to be different? I don't know anything else, but I was in hiding. I never thought I'd notice. ”

In response to Mifiana's discreet question, Kwon Hyuk gave an answer that would inspire her impression as a 'hidden peculiar one’.

“I didn't notice the hideout. I just felt instinctively stealthy about something. So let me ask you again. What is your identity, and for what purpose did you contact me? Apparently, I have been in contact even though I know that I am a swordsman.... If you give a false answer, is there a plan? ”

Mifiana, who wears her aura around the sword in her hand. In the wake of Aura's admirable and frightening attitude to the subject of her inability to use power, Kwon Hyuk hurriedly drowns her.

“Now, wait a minute?! I don't want to fight! I've been everywhere, you know. I specialize in hiding, so my fighting power sucks! I need you to calm that down too! ”

The imposition effect of ascending to the rank of dominant, applying complete control of the whole body and acting on a person who is completely compromised and terrified.

Whether it was eaten or not, Mifiana straightens her body by looking at the revolution with a vigilant eye, killing the posture and feeling like she is going to eat it right away.

“... Okay, I believe I don't intend to fight. I've been excited about being strong for a long time, but I don't think I really have the strength to fight. ”

At this moment, the guy named Swordsman, who was really a battlecrasher for Mifiana's remarks? Though I'm a little tired of thinking about it, I immediately embrace the emotion and shrug.

“Well, that's it. ”

“Then let's ask again. Why are you following me? I don't know about combat power, but it looks like Hiding is the first thing. What kind of assassin or intelligence group are you? No, that kind of organization would never reveal itself in this situation. ”

Of course, Miffiana had doubts about the intelligence or assassination organization she didn't know about, but she couldn't understand what she had just seen in the whole situation.

“Hmm……, this is quite complicated. What should I explain? First of all, how about a full name? My name is G (rat). You can call me G. First of all, to explain the situation, what kind of organization did you say I belonged to and did what I was told? Let's talk about it. I'm a person who moves personally. ”

Kwon Hyuk introduces himself and asks for good advice. Mifia who looks at his actions and doesn't shake hands.

What are you shaking hands with a man who doesn't even know who he really is? He had no choice but to reap the hand he had put out with an awkward smile.

“All right, G. So you want me to tell you why you followed me so quickly? Even if I knew I was a swordsman. I have my limits. ”

She replies in a voice that Gwon Hyuk is troubled when she rushes to answer in a manner that looks like Hina's burning, flaming red hair is really like a flame right now.

“No, even if you ask me that, it's not a big deal..... Are you curious? ”


When Mifiana reflectively asks for an answer that won't be answered by Kwon Hyuk, Kwon Hyuk answers with a playful smile.

“Yes, how could that great swordsman be so badly wounded, so curious...? Huh?! ”

The moment Kwon Hyuk opens his mouth, he pokes the sword in his hand at a speed that Mifiana can't think of as human.

Even if you say flashing, there's no shortage of screening. Of course, from the point of view of the Revolution, it was a level of screening that could be avoided, but I realise that I do not intend to kill myself in an attack that is understated rather than accompanied by life.

.... Well, honestly, it's not even a kind body that just dies of throat piercing.

That is why, when Kwon Hyuk gives back the reaction that he did not react thoroughly, Mifiana shines her pupils and is convinced that the power of Kwon Hyuk is below her. At the same time, I have been conjecturing Kwon Hyuk in a growling tone.

“... where did you get that information? ”

“Now, wait a minute? Can we get rid of this sword and talk about it? ”

It is a tone that persuades Mifiana to put a sharp blade in her neck with a blatant cold sweat.

However, Mifiana merely drew the sword so close that the skin of Kwon Hyuk's neck was slightly cut off that the blood would come out.

“When you say good things, don't you? ”

“Oh, okay. Okay, you can tell me. Well, my job is a little special. It's a job that specializes in seeing, hiding, and healing. That's why I knew it! So, beautiful sister? Let's get rid of this sword and talk, shall we? I think I'm going to get tired. ”

Speaking in the tone that Kwon Hyuk would be exhausted right away with a voice that was truly frightened, Mifiana hurriedly opened her eyes and distance from Kwon Hyuk.

That's how he reacts to live, and lets go of the act of a bride who strokes his neck with an elongation.

…… There was now a field of courtesy where the presence of a dominant who had complete control of his body could be determined and how scary it would be if he acted.

“Wow, I'm going to live. ”

“Okay, I don't trust you perfectly, but you're less likely to lie even in the immediate aftermath of your death. I get it. I'm going to believe you now. Stop following me anymore. And if..... there are any rumors about my injuries, I will find you and kill you no matter what. ”

When Kwon Hyuk releases the smoke of a hard-earned man, Mifiana tries to put an end to the situation and get out of it. In response to her actions, Kwon Hyuk hurriedly shouted at her.

“Wait?! Wait! I still have work to do with you! If you hear that, it won't hurt you, either. ”


Mifiana pauses at Gwon Hyuk's call and mutters with a look behind her. The power revolution, which sensed the muttering with a distinctive developed sensation, asked fluently.

“What? You don't like the title? Then why don't you call me sister? ”

“... no matter how old you and I seem to be. ”

As she said, Swordsmanship Mifiana is an old maiden entering her 30s tomorrow....


“Wow?! What, what? All of a sudden! Why are you shooting a knife in the air?! ”

“…… I was just trying to punish the evil that has just torn the world apart. Never mind. ”

…… Khh, big. Anyway, Joe, she's a little older, but she was young enough to look good in her early twenties.

Kwon Hyuk was also facing a young man who appeared to be in his early to mid-20s due to the effects of desquamation, even though he was not 17 years old.

…… The real picture is a shortage of junior high school students, but in some ways, the appearance now seems to have aged more than Mifiana.

Kwon Hyuk nods at the thought that such a man might be objectionable because he calls himself his sister.

“No, even if you say so. You're older than me, in fact... ”

“Why? What? What part of you is convinced that I'm older than you?! ”

As a woman, Kwon Hyuk trembled at her shauting and explained why she couldn't even get past her old age.

“..... That's it, I'm 18, no, I'm 17? No way. Rumor has it that the swordsman was 17 or younger?! ”

Kwon Hyuk takes a step back and stops his mouth with the look that he will be surprised to know the big secret hidden in the world.

When Hyuk-hyuk takes such an overbearing gesture, Mifiana looks ridiculous.

“... No, I'm more frightened of the look of you who only look like me and my family. Well, good. Then I don't care what you call me. ”

“Eh? Not your sister? ”

“... What kind of backstreets do you think I am? What are you, sister? Just call me sister. ”

“No, I only heard rumors about personality and swordsmanship, but I thought there was more, there was less…. ”

“ ……. ”

In the instant when you look at yourself like you're really going to kill yourself, Kwon Hyuk changes his words to 180 degrees.

“I don't do it! Yes, there's less than enough! Rather, for a beauty like you, you deserve an inviting title! Of course!”

Mifiana nods her head gently to see if she likes the rapid transition. Then he puts his hand in the pocket of his slim trousers, which reveals all the leg lines he was wearing, and he stands up and asks.

“So, what do you want me to do? If it wasn't for use, would you start by dropping your right arm? ”

“I don't think I'm joking, so I'm afraid to get the horse out……. Well, my business is simple. Sister, as I said, I'm good at professionalism, hiding, seeing, and healing, and you don't think you can take care of me? Perfect treatment in no time, G's Internal Healer! Strong carriers are free to consult now! ”

The eyes of Miffiana, who was not interested at all at the moment, changed.


The Sovereign Revolution of the Acting Legion. By the way, this time chapter five is over. Next time, I will come to Chapter 6, Magic Glass, Ureter, Demon King, 2nd Dungeon!

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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