I have been summoned as a Champion. But do I really need to catch the Demon King?

Chapter 6 Horseshoe, Yoking, Demon King, 2nd Dungeon, Dum..... Fox?

Please calm down, Princess. I can only hear you right now, so if you don't react like that, you'll be treated as a strange girl by the knight standing next to you? Maybe you think the delusional wall is a bad guy?

“What the hell...! ”

Anse is visibly embarrassed by the bright tone of voice of the young man who began to be heard in his ear without any annoyance and hurriedly looks around the inside of the office.

But there's no way you can see the existence of the revolution by using the power of the dominant power to hide its appearance for ten minutes.

Maybe he was haunted by the sight of Harston and his only office? Anz had a strange resemblance to Marie.

“Princess? What's going on? Do you have anything to care about? ”

On the other hand, in the case of Haston, who could not hear Anse's voice, Anse suddenly seemed to be on a hard drive and worryingly confirmed her regards.

“... No, nothing. Looks like I was a little sleepy. Haven't you been buried in paperwork because of the nobles lately? It looks like it's a sequelae. ”

After clearing his head, which was barely as complicated as Haston worrying about himself and looking at his complexion, Anse immediately set up the fallen chair and sat down.

I am a princess who leads a country instead of an emperor. I didn't expect you to take care of your complexion so soon.

As Kwon Hyuk said, Marie pretends to be okay with the idea that she is being treated strangely as well as worrying about the attention people.

However, as Kwon Hyuk's voice struck his ear again, Haston's expression was so subtly twisted that he could not notice.

In the third voice, I was convinced that this is not just a hallucination that only sounds to me.

So, Kwon Hyuk moved the fan that Anz was holding using the blank air at the same time as the third sonar to show his existence as a reality and said, 'It's the first time I've seen him! It was because she wrote the sentence ^’ in the document she was reading.

“... Haston, do you see this letter in your eyes? ”

“The letter? Where..... first time? Princess.... How can you be bothered? You should go to the bride.... ”

I am genuinely concerned about Anse's condition after Anse read the letters on the corner of her documents.

Suddenly, for no reason, if he reacts strangely and begins to write an indescribable sentence like that on the document, he will of course worry about his body condition.

Especially if the documents that write the sentence are those that define the maestro of a country that is of considerable importance.

The important paperwork said that Princess Anz did graffiti without writing it? This is worse than I thought.

“No, that's okay. I just wanted to make sure it was visible to you. ”

Anz, who, objectively, sprinkles Haston's gaze with the answer that he is simply fine, even though he knows what he will look like now.

Now it was more important that this letter was clearly present than it was, and not an illusion that was only visible to him.

That means that the sound that goes off the ear is not just a fantasy! Taking all of this together, it was said that someone in this room was trespassing, except himself and Haston.

It's deceiving the senses of one of the ten lessons that the Empire boasts! When I realize it, Anz's complexion becomes noticeably pale. Enough to try not to show his face to Haston.

That's right! You are a bright princess. You're speculating about my existence on such grounds, aren't you?

At that time, Anz's shoulders shrug slightly in the sound of good timing again. It was as if he had read his own mind, and his voice was creepy.

Yes. I'm reading the princess' thoughts and answering them? So you don't have to answer out of your mouth.

It was a voice that flowed into the ear in a light tone, but the content was completely unheard of. Because he said he was clearly reading his thoughts!

Well, you don't have to be that scared. I have no intention of harming the princess. I just wanted to have a conversation, so I said,

‘Conversation? You read people's thoughts as you like and use the word "conversation." ’

She is the princess of one country. She then began to hypnotize herself, suppressing as much as possible her fear of the unknown and spontaneously postponing the processing of the documents as usual.

In this situation, where the unknown only speaks to himself, Kwon Hyuk exhorts Haston that he does not want to announce his existence and that he will not go against his heart.

I hope you understand that. I didn't want to use the same method, but I was terrified of the knight who was standing next to me with his eyes open.

‘.. Then I'll let Haston out. Stop reading my thoughts. ’

I'm sorry, folks, but until just now, there's no way that knight is going to leave you alone in this situation, is there? And I don't like to make it so unnatural, let's just talk about it like this.

Kwon Hyuk chooses a boisterous word as part so that Anz doesn't know his identity at all. The tone was also decorated as a natural virtuous man and sent a transcript.

‘Whose fault is that parade? You're telling such an audacious story. ’

Like I said, you want me to understand? It's not going to take that long anyway. Just a few questions to answer..... even if you say this, if you don't answer, I will just read your thoughts as you like here ~

Anz almost broke a pen-shaped mock-up machine that was held in his hand at a moment when he couldn't help but win at his own pace.

But Anz, the princess who now stands in the most important position in this empire. She then calms down somehow, recalling the danger of an unknown being breaking and entering through the security of her office.

It is a hideout that is high enough to deceive the sentiments of Haston. I don't know about combat abilities, but only assassination abilities. Even if you spray pollen on your neck right now, you are a dangerous person with no sense of disguise.

It was better not to provoke..... I thought it would be useful to wear a mask on my face because in the first place I was reading all the thoughts on this side.

I know that. So I just want you to be quiet and give me the answers to my questions. If you like the answer, I intend to hand over important information to the Princess as well.

According to Kwon Hyuk's repressive story, Anz only pretended to handle the paperwork calmly and had no way to resist. I couldn't figure out what that side would look like if I asked Haston for help here.

Okay, so the first question is, what does Princess Anz think of the Warrior Summoner? Talk specifically about whether repatriation is possible.

‘.... Do you intend to send the warriors back forcibly? Sorry, but it's too much. You need an essence of Cannon Power equal to the Dragon Heart used to summon the Warrior. You can't repatriate them unless you catch the Demon King. "

Asked the question posed by an unknown person, Anse recalled the choice of forcibly returning the warriors to their original world, the most likely intention of the question.

I thought I could do enough for those who think that the growth of the warriors is an obstacle. That's why I laughed and replied with some relaxation, but instead, I returned to the tone that the other side understood.

Really, really. I was completely mistaken for information leaked from the transcendent side. Ha....

It's a completely different atmosphere from the light-hearted tone that we used until the end, and Anz would hump his head at the sound of a sigh that was truly lamentable.

Now, the second question, how well do you know the current situation in the Meier Empire?

‘…… Meier Empire? Well, to be honest, it's not detailed. I only know that it is oddly hostile to humanity. ’

Heh, really, this is simply a country of the Subraces that is no different from their own empire, is it oddly hostile to humanity? I have no idea.

I didn't think of the Meier Empire as a den of evil. Rather, like the Lyudas Empire, it is simply a place where the nation of the Demihumans can live.

The problem is the fact that the Meier Empire has developed a mock-up machine in large quantities to develop a considerable level of civilization, and yet an overwhelming power compared to the Lyudas Empire by fostering massive, yet systematic features (power) users.

There was no fact at all of the reasons for the war there, the reasons why people hated humans, and finally, the most important protégé.

‘Wow, it's clear that the vein exists. Does it make sense that the princess of one country doesn't know the truth? ’

You can only catch a mercenary or an adventurer and ask him. No, of course, I know I can't trust the information from the enemy country as it is, but this was a bit harsh.

Obviously someone is distorting the information coming up to Anz in the middle. And Gwon Hyuk had a group that he assumed to be.

‘Noble or noble? Where are the nobles going?! ’

Obviously, we can't just surrender to the underprivileged, so let's increase their influence on this opportunity! And so on and so forth.

And there is a high chance that the factions behind these nobles are moving like angels or demons.

Perhaps the assassination attempt of the Emperor and the Emperor was made by them. To be honest, I wondered if the emperor and the prince could be assassinated so easily.

If there is a level of pigeon child who fought with the Sovereign Revolution, it will be lightly harmed and left.

Things got annoying. What are you planning to do?

‘.... Why don't you go back to sleep and let the princess take care of it. It's hard for me to be bothered to go out and reveal who I am at that time when there are angels at that level called Mipirel. ’

In order to achieve the ultimate goal of Kwon Hyuk, it is necessary to tread on the angel kings and demon kings who are presumed to be coordinators.

And if you step on those two, you won't have a chance to concern yourself with the Lyudas and the Meier Empire.

Therefore, as Kwon Hyuk, I just wished that the princess would survive until then. Specifically, I want you to resolve misunderstandings with the Meier Empire and form a common front, while preserving your life well.


Jesus, your back is bent...

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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