'How do you do this guy.....'

Kwon Hyuk was immersed in the energy of prestige felt beyond the door. I wouldn't have really cared.

Honestly, Myeong-myung didn't like him, but more than that, the proportion of Myeong-myung's life was just flooded.

Whatever this guy was doing had nothing to do with the revolution. It has nothing to do with the alchemy, the alchemy, the power revolution.

But there's one problem here. It is no different that this anti-Semitic god did something truly anti-Semitic. I think I put a knife in myself.

Well, it's true that Kwon Hyuk was really dead at the time, so I had no idea, but it was true that Myung Hyuk was grinding his teeth to kill him.

So I thought about what to do. I had a strong feeling that if I let it go, I would make a nuisance of it later. However, it took a lot of time to kill again.

'It doesn't make any difference between the Imperial Palace and Marie.'

Fame was a warrior, even if he was alchemized. If you kill a warrior at your own discretion in this situation, you will be forced to plant a bad image in the Ryerdasus Palace.

It was also clear that the relationship with Marie, who was fond of fame, was about to deteriorate among her classmates.

'It doesn't really matter.....'

Well, I'm a classmate, a warrior. It's been a long time since I saw you, but if you ask me if I want to make friends with them, I will deny it.

They were half a dozen friends and no more to Kwon Hyuk. If it were true that he was a dangerous molecule, his friends' relationship would be off the hook, and I would have killed him first.

Yes, there is also a problem in this area. I thought it would be bothersome to let him live. But it bothers me. To be honest...

I think I can do an apprenticeship no matter what I do. '

.... The difference between the power revolution and the myth is the difference between the earth and Andromeda. No matter what the myth does, it doesn't matter if you go and deal with it.

Yes, I was quite angry that I tried to kill myself. How good would it feel to hear someone try to kill themselves, no matter how dominant you are?

But I didn't have to kill Deuteronomy right now to make my relationship worse with others. I didn't feel it was worth it.

After that, the revolutionary power decided to leave him alone.

Well, apparently, my mind has become powdered with this, and for the time being, I've been having a hard time doing anything.

In all honesty, Gwon Hyuk took a step forward thinking that it would be nice to stay calm until Gwon Hyuk achieves his goal.

"Teacher? Are you going to leave me alone? This is the one who tried to harm you?"

"I too am in favor of Hina's opinion this time. because you don't know when a dog with teeth will attack again."

Chan Hina and Ariah have been compelled to express their opinions, noting that the reason why the revolution stopped at the door was because of the revolution in the room.

"Master, why don't we take out the deboard lightly and smash it?"

Even the myrists on the good axis were burning hostility to the fame to the point of making a slightly harsh remark.

Kwon Hyuk smiled at the three people's remarks and shook his head and replied as he walked away from the visit.

"That's it. Killing a demigod now is more of a thread than a score. Also, what I told you not to ignore...."

Along with the words, Kwon Hyuk provoked the Truth and answered with a voice of confidence after he looked at his condition.

"... objectively, whatever he uses, he can't sneeze at me with his power. How much time has passed."

So I'm just gonna let it go. At the same time, as Kwon Hyuk promised Marie, she went first to the entrance of the Imperial Palace and began to move to wait.

Hina, Ariah, and Myris began to follow the revolution with a purely human face that they did not like. That's how the Kwon Hyuk group was concealed.

In front of an alchemy room with a prestigious reputation, I was silenced with only a mild atmosphere. The atmosphere felt like a cover. Even though it is inside a splendid palace.

+ + +

"Are you going on this wagon?"

After that, Kwon Hyuk, who was waiting for Marie at the entrance of the Imperial Palace as promised, asked with a slightly awkward voice the appearance of Marie in the Imperial Palace with a quite spectacular wagon.

"Yes, I heard the location and I dragged the wagon because it was a long way to walk..... Don't you like it?"

Marie cautiously asked him if he had made a mistake in the face of a powerful revolutionary who meant something different than what he had thought.

In response to her question, Kwon Hyuk said that he felt that he was wrong.

"No, I didn't like the wagon, but I was thinking of moving it in a slightly unusual way until the dungeon where the Emperor was sleeping."

"Strange way? Oh, my brother.."

In Kwon Hyuk's explanation, when he almost died in a crisis, he woke up in the air like a hero! Marie remembers his appearance.

After remembering that she had suddenly disappeared even when she came to the Imperial Palace before, she succeeded in one guess and suddenly became excited and raised her voice.

"Stan, did you really intend to move to space?!"

I nodded with a slightly overwhelming glance at Marie's galactic gaze, staring at myself with glittering eyes, as if some comet's showers were pouring out.

"Well, that's it. And then you walk a little bit, but there's a way to do that. In that sense, I don't think that wagon is going to work...."

What to do with this? When Kwon Hyuk was troubled, Marie said to the horse who dragged the wagon in a hurry.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but can you put the wagon back in?"

"It's a hassle. If it's a request from the princess, I'll do it. All right. We'll put the wagon in the road."

As you can see from Marie's wishes, even though she made a mistake, the horse smiles nicely and sends the carriage back to the Imperial Palace with a gentle drag.

In his appearance, Kwon Hyuk looked at Marie with a new look and remembered that he had been helped in the past. He smiled and opened his mouth.

"Well, let's get going. Marie, if you don't wake up your father as soon as possible, your sister's life will be in danger of being overwhelmed. I don't know why the receiver is mimicking the sleeping princess as he grows older."

"Ha, ha. Two, please be patient to knock and wake up……."

After saying that Kwon Hyuk was joking about Marie's request with an awkward smile, I gave Hina, Ariah, and Myris my gaze.

Three people who had already experienced teleports many times realized what Gwon Hyuk's gaze meant and immediately began to grasp Gwon Hyuk's collar everywhere.

Marie looks at the revolution with her face suspicious of their actions. In his gaze, Kwon Hyuk stretched out one hand and spoke.

"Now, hold on. We'll move to a space near the courtesy dungeon. This magic is the magic that spatially moves objects that have been contacted, including casters. Using mass teleports doesn't make it impossible to move space without having to make contact, but mass teleports have a lot of variables."

Kwon Hyuk gives out his hand in an elusive explanation. However, Marie, who understood that it was necessary to make contact with the revolution in order to move politely, grasped the hand of the revolution with shame and purity.

"Then let's go.... Teleport."

At the same time as Kwon Hyuk shouted the caste language, their space of attention twisted, breaking down the barrier of space, creating a space and space that could not have originally been followed.

Then, at that moment, five bodies were thrown into the space that led to Charlna's death. With that effect, the unfamiliar Marie tasted the sensation of blood being drawn to one side at a time.

No, is this a similar sensation to the sensation of yourself starting to fall apart rather than chop off the blood? Marie felt reluctant about the sense of crossing the space, which was hard to describe.

A sense of intoxication when you ride a boat or wagon for a long time. In that sense, Marie hesitates to sit there without even knowing when her body is moving again.


Then I forced myself to swallow up the futility that was about to come up. In that situation, Kwon Hyuk spoke with a worrying voice.

"Oh, is this the first time you've had a spatial shift? Especially because I'm not a meritocrat.... How are you? Can you stand up?"


If it was the nature of the Sovereign Revolution, even if it was an ant, if it had asked itself, it would have pressed it and killed it.

But because the ant is a pet insect, he can't kill it. Instead, if you ask me again, that's when I'm going to pretend I made a mistake.

P.S.: Thank you for your dedication.

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