At that moment, the following other killings had to emerge from the mouth of Kwon Hyuk: A state-of-the-art base that I saw in Mafia cartoons that I had fun reading once.

The castle of the structure that seems to have relocated the base. Even this castle moved by itself.

In cartoons, instant movements (?) did not have the ability to move itself to the base itself! It has even become a reality! Yes! The problem is that it has come true!!

"Don't worry, Master. Don't know what the hell this is all about, just explain it to me."

Even though Kwon Hyuk understood this ridiculous situation alone and was facing a grip on his back right away, Myris thought that he knew what was going on and asked him to explain.

"Uh, that's what I mean. Things got a little messy. Originally, the dungeon, which should be embedded in a completely different subspace, revealed itself in reality. There……."

The moment Gwon Hyuk paused for a moment, the vibrations that had stopped like a lie began to resonate as the space itself resonated.

Kung! Kung!

"Argh! Oh, brother?! What the hell is going on?!"

"Teacher. Is this....."

But this vibration was clearly a distinct vibration from the previous one. The vibrations just before were indiscriminate vibrations, like an earthquake, where the number of vibrations occurs dozens of times per second.

However, the vibrations that sounded like they were going over this space were clearly different. Only once in a while, only once in a moment did the vibrations occur.

However, the vibrations that occur once in a charna are regularly spaced and thumping! Kung! Kwon Hyuk was ringing the space where they were standing.

Vibration that clearly shows that the cause is different from the one you just vibrated before. Rather, the vibration that is happening now is a form of vibration that is clearly artificial.

And even those who did not have the same broad sense of vibration as Kwon Hyuk, who did not understand the current situation of the dungeon, were able to challenge one fact.

The fact that the space in which they are now standing is moving a little bit in response to the vibrations that make up the void. Whenever vibrations are sounded, the balance is drawn slightly to one side due to a very slight centrifugal force.

A floating sensation where the body jumps very slightly off the ground for a short while just before the vibration. A holographic window that suddenly appears before the eyes of a group of revolutionaries decisively.

Hidden Piece: Moving Fortress Canvaserun

■ Quest Occurrence: A mobile fortress that took the form of a dungeon, Canvaserun, confirmed the presence of a suitable person to be his owner and began the maneuver. However, the man who built this fortress does not intend to hand over Kanvaserun easily. The test has begun as to whether Canvaserun who existed in the subspace has come to reality and truly deserves to be the master of Canvaserun.

From now on, Canvaserun will move to the most populous areas in the area where it has now begun its manoeuvres, and launch indiscriminate acts of destruction. Eligible candidates must travel to the heart of Canvaserun to acquire control of Canvaserun before this act of destruction occurs. It's the beginning of the trials.

Quest Clearance Condition: Stop the brute force of destruction by stopping Canvaserun.

Π Quest Reward: Obtain control of Movement Fortress Canvaserun. Gain Hidden Unique Skill.

Quest Activation Condition: Level 200 or higher.

"…… This, I think, is starting to move by itself? Does that also serve the purpose of destroying Alpia?"

Without further explanation from Kwon Hyuk, the hologram that appeared before his eyes forced the four girls to throw away their mouths so that they could fully grasp the current situation by the spear.

"…… ah, aaaah."

Even in the case of Marie, she would be a little distracted by the current unreliable situation and try to get sleepy.

When she was drowsy in this situation, Gwon Hyuk hastily supported her and quickly converted her abilities into nothing, and calmed her down by injecting a small amount of endotracheal fluid.

"Oh, brother..... Uh, what do we do with this? From this period, Alpia, whose capital has now begun to be rebuilt……."

Kung! Kung!

You could only hear the sound of vibrations whenever a mobile fortress called Canvaserun moved.

This fortress, it wasn't that big of a spare. Simply moving into Alpia means that Alpia is likely to collapse as it is.

I looked at it with the spirit of Kwon Hyuk, and I didn't see a device that could be a weapon. Siege weapons such as laser weapons that were seen in sf would appear and make Alpia a bludgeoning field.

.... Well, if this mass is just the ground that is the ground of Canvaserun, the Alpia will collapse as it is, even if the leg of the group 4 walker is stomped lightly.

'Is it literally a moving fortress? You were more loyal to defensive than aggressive. However, if we can move this much mass in this era, it will become a siege weapon that cannot be stopped....'

A fortress installed on the ground instead of without weapons. In other words, the space occupied by the Kwon Hyuk group was building a system that was not unusual, even though it was called an iron wall.

The materials of the building materials that make up the castle are different now. Unknown material that looks harder than the current concrete.

An improvised labyrinth-making system reminiscent of the Merox base, no matter how you look at it. Most importantly, from the moment the holographic window emerged, things began to flourish in one corner of the room.



Along with the unpleasant mechanical sound, the android, whose skin was completely peeled off and revealed a silver skeleton, began to maneuver.

Before entering the dungeon, Marie had never heard of such a beast in her description.

The identities of those machines were perceived as monsters, although they looked like Android, the crystal of the latest technology. A mock-up machine close to the beast, to be exact.

It's not a creature to be called a beast. I'd rather see it as a complex golem made with alchemy. '

A golem created by the power of alchemy. No, Golem meant all the creatures created by magic. So there's a fishy situation to call those mock-ups Golems.

It was difficult to see it as a machine because it was moved by the power of the engraved mock-up machines. What do we call that in all sorts of ways? The beasts began to move when they were immersed in such troubles.

Let's call them monsters because they come from the dungeon first. Once that decision was made, Kwon Hyuk began to manipulate the holographic windows that were floating around him.

Creates a new combat mode. By manipulating the composition, I controlled the probability of the behavior of the beasts before my eyes.

Originally, those beasts had less than 0.000001% chance of accidentally attacking their allies. But their chances of error increased to 99.9999% at the time of the revolution.

Simply pushing the finger of the Sovereign Revolution was the only option that the beasts could decide. It leads to the phenomenon that we are forced to attack each other and destroy each other.



As soon as it started to work, the machine monsters rushing towards the Kwon Hyuk group suddenly attacked each other with their own allied magic.

A beast as close as a contour to a human. As I said, even if you decorate it with a little skin, the machines are incredibly sophisticated. They twist their weapons, such as swords, spears, and shields.

And Marie, who held the weapon in her hand without hesitation, swung her limbs to her allies and frowned in the arms of Kwon Hyuk.

Then I looked up at Kwon Hyuk with the face of what was going on. When the beast suddenly appeared, his heart was choked down, and suddenly they started to fight each other, so it was ridiculous.

Of course, the only thing that can create this situation is the idea of a revolution here.

"…… things have changed. I don't have time to explain it here. We're on our way. Hina, Aria! These aren't the ones you should be dealing with yet, so don't beat them up! Miris! I'm in a hurry to unlock the materialization!"

Hina and Ariah, who did not understand the situation properly by the cry of Kwon Hyuk, nodded without saying a word.

The level of those beasts was 190, as confirmed by Kwon Hyuk in the truth. Until just now, 190 monsters started appearing in the dungeon when the level was about 10.

And what this fact meant was considerable. In other words, those monsters started to appear all over the fort the moment the dungeons showed up as mobile forts.

That means again..... The Emperor was dangerous. Marie's explanation suggests that the power of those who stay by the Emperor's side as escorts to deal with Level 10 monsters, which rarely appear inside the dungeon except for the comatose maiden.

No matter how tall you are, you can't exceed 100. If you borrow that kind of power for the Emperor's escort, there is a risk that the Emperor's protected position will be revealed.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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