It was Marie's limit to see what they looked like when the movements of the four revolutionaries and the Evil Ones, who fought occasionally, stopped.

Without joking, Marie could only see that if the position of the two people changed one day, the space between them would be broken.

However, there was a perception that the result was strong because the result was the power revolution. However, I was forced to feel the reality when I saw the statue of Kwon Hyuk making dolls lightly in my arms.

'Oh, my brother is really strong. …… Is the expression absolute more appropriate than strong?'

Every time he takes a step in Kwon Hyuk's arms, the puppets in front of his eyes snap! Seeing the dust disappear, Marie felt like she was in a starry world.

No, this view was also a landscape that she could see because she was slowing down her movement by caring for Marie in her arms and Hina Aria who followed.

If only Kwon Hyuk had been alone, he would have been able to break through the siege of the dolls by radiating Swallow Aura across the body without such a nuisance.

'It's good to be stressed and crushed like this.... I'm sick of it.'

I was wondering if this was really a Hidden Dungeon for the 200s. First, the difficulty of the dungeon was doubtful, as 200 level monsters appeared in 190 units.

…… Well, this part tends to be self-sufficiency whether Kwon Hyuk drilled holes in the rooms in a straight line or whether the beasts emerging from the other room were gathered in one place.

However, there were too many monsters. An average level of 200 would have been overwhelmed by volume.

You can see that the transcendent symbols that designed the dungeon are not usually nasty. Secondly, even though the difficulty was so bizarre, smashing the dolls lightly was the existence of Kwon Hyuk.

In fact, the existence of Kwon Hyuk, who pushes the monsters straight like a bulldozer, was not realistic enough to be seen as an adventurer coming to the Jereb Dungeon.

…… In some sense, I did not even know that the above expression would be correct. Let's say the proper level is a 200-something dungeon. If you cross the wall, Kwon Hyuk, who will enter the level 400, will be hit by Jerep Dungeon.

"Is it over?"

In that sense, it was time for Kwon Hyuk, who was advancing by defeating the rebellious beasts. Finally, I was able to break through the siege of the beasts who were persistently blocking the front of Kwon Hyuk.

After a three-minute walk, Kwon Hyuk, who pierced the siege of the beasts, saw the wall pierced towards the outside of the fortress and pulled up the tip of his mouth.

'It's finally over.'

If you think that you have held the power revolution for three minutes, you can see how huge the numbers of monsters have been. I couldn't hold him for a second at a time.

"Now, wait a minute?! Brother?!"

Kwon Hyuk escapes out of the stronghold through a hole he finally pierced. However, Marie was appalled the moment Kwon Hyuk jumped into the hole. The hole that Kwon Hyuk pierced is the hole that leads out.

What was important here was where the hole leads out. Now we're talking, but the interior of the fort, where the Kwon Revolutionary Party was moved, was divided into several floors.

Should we say that the cubic space is again making up the cube? The cube so constructed has been modified to the desired shape.

Consider the cubic space that forms the cube as a puzzle and carve it into the shape of a huge mansion.

Or should I say that the cubes are taking the form of a mansion? Anyway, what's important here is that the interior of this mansion was, of course, floored and tall.

That's why there were cubes piled up with consolation, so that sounds natural. And once again, we're only here to talk now, but the Kwon Hyuk group started on a fairly high floor.

Fortunately, the Emperor was on the same floor, so he was able to pierce the passageway at the same altitude, but the end of the pierced passageway was obvious.....

"Float, fall?!!!!!"

…… it has to be a high altitude. The size of the fort's central villa was enormous, as it was a mobile fort that moved the chunks of land intact.

It's bigger than the Imperial Palace of Alpia. And the height was just as high, and the Kwon Hyuk group was in a hierarchy of substantial heights, among others.

Of course, if you jump into a hole just outside the fort....., you will be forced to fall freely.

However, he tried to jump like he had nothing to do with it. Of course, Marie in his arms reacted by screaming in a voice that seemed to cry right away.

"Marie, Hina! You guys jump too!!"

"Yes? Yes..... Yes!"

"Jump, jump! Oh, I get it!"

Marie is in Gwanghyuk's arms as she jumps out of the stronghold! Ignoring what he was screaming, he shouted to Hina and Ariah, who were following him.

Hina and Aria, who stopped at a landscape of considerable height in front of their eyes for a moment, threw their teeth at the cries of Kwon Hyuk and flew away.

It wasn't scary, but there was a huge amount of monsters running behind their backs right now, so there was no other way.

"Die!! Die!!!"

"Calm down because you're not dying! Zhengcha!"

When Marie was halfway into panic by the force of gravity felt as a whole and screamed, Kwon Hyuk embodied Aura under her feet, calming her with a light voice.

And using that brother as a platform, Gwon Hyuk serves as a server in the air. A magic trick to secure an ora to a space that requires the dominant's spatial control.

Using that mechanism, he fixed the aura that is under his feet as it is and used it as a platform. As a result, Kwon Hyuk, who had just fallen, was freely wealthy.


At the same time, wrap the waist of Marie in the princess's arms and tuck it aside with one hand. Then he implemented the form of an ora that would move from his left hand, and he shot at Hina and Ariah who jumped behind him.

Ora, whose shape changed to free material according to the will of Kwon Hyuk, immediately curled up at Ariah and Hina's waist, holding them tightly as if they were holding them by rope.

"…… haha."


"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii profit?!!!"

"Hey, what is this?!! Float, float?!!"

The two men, who had just closed their eyes and jumped, sighed with relief as the fall stopped due to the rope around their waist.

Once I believed in Kwon Hyuk, I jumped, but I was also anxious because my life was at stake.

And even with Hina and Aria, what about the knights who were dragged down by them?

Just throw yourself in the air and say, "Ah! 'I'm going to die!' he cries out in horror after realizing that they were half blind.

"Ha, I'm flying through the sky....."

And so was Marie. As she was indirectly experiencing an unrealistic experience literally standing in the air in the arms of Kwon Hyuk, her spirit was halfway out of control.

The spinning pupil, like a Bangle Bangle whirlpool, was showing how embarrassed she was.

I was better when I moved through the deboard earlier. It was close to the sense of being on board something because of the existence of Deborah.

Most importantly, since Kwon Hyuk took care of Marie as much as possible, moving at the speed of ultrasound did not have any effect on Marie.

But right now, the moment that Kwon Hyuk accidentally missed Marie, it was literally falling. Of course, I know that Kwon Hyuk can't make that mistake, but isn't he different from the machine?

Stability. Stability. In that sense, Marie was really halfway out.

After entering the dungeon, the series of events that took place in such a short period of time, about 10 minutes, were so insane.

If Marie was not a surprisingly brave princess, unlike her outward appearance and naive personality, there was nothing wrong with asking for a bubble.

In order to calm her down, Kwon Hyuk slowly stepped on the stairs, implementing Aura and lowering her altitude.

However, I turned my gaze to a mobile fortress that is moving toward one place in the current progression. Stronghold. The direction Canvaserun travels is the direction of the capital Alpia.

As Marie's guess suggests, Canvaserun is moving to engage in a destructive attack on Alpia. And the way to stop it is to acquire control of Canvaserun.

'Well, we who had to proceed with the winning quest escaped like this....'

With that said, a rising and falling power revolution examined the huge fuselage of Canvaserun. His current direction of movement was not the moving ground of Canvaserun, the mobile fortress.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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