Because of this, the emperor raised his upper body and turned his head and looked around.

Marie looked at the Emperor like she saw any zombie. I was forced to open my mouth to unfaithful situations beyond belief.

It was not just Marie who was ridiculous. The same was true of the Emperor who had just woken up. He seemed to have woken up in a long sleep, but he could not understand the current situation in the middle of Wen Forest.

Obviously, the last memory before I lost my mind was on the dining table in the imperial palace of the capital Alpia. At that time, I definitely remembered that the film of memory had been cut off due to the pain of eating the poison and tearing the whole body.

But when I woke up, was it one of the first woods I ever saw? There's a huge object on one side of the field of view. Kung! I was walking to Group 4 on the street.

What are you looking at? A new turtle? No, a mutant turtle? 'There is nothing strange about it.

In the case of Marie, her daughter there, she was looking at herself like a dead and raised corpse. That lovely Marie!

Those who appeared to be knights of the Imperial Palace were facing the floor in strange poses, painted with white tape on the scene of the murder.

A cute Demibeast girl who looked like she was about 10 years old was looking at herself. The Ryerdasus Empire was a hostile relationship with the Meier Empire in his memory.

Although the Ryerdas tried to come to a peace agreement on the terms of the concession, it was nevertheless a hostile relationship.

But the Demibeast girl is staring at herself? Where the hell is the reality of this situation? In that sense, the emperor nodded and embraced.

.... This is a dream! I say.

"Shall we go to bed again?"

Even though I was dreaming, I was tired of getting up just now. So the emperor decided to lie on the ground again and ask for sleep.

It's a dream anyway, so even if you sleep in a dream, who doesn't say anything? Rather, when I fell asleep again in my dream, I felt like I heard that sleep efficiency was good.

For that reason the emperor tried to fall asleep again in a dream that was strangely unrealistic but realistic……. Will such a fugitive be left alone by a daughter who barely reunites with her father?

"Ah, Abama!! Now, wait a minute?! Why are you lying down again?! Abama? Abama?! Dad!!!!!!"

As it was, Marie lay back in the field and hurriedly grabbed the Emperor's shoulder to close her eyes and began to shake and awaken. But no matter how you call it, the Emperor doesn't react.

No, I just wrinkled my eyebrows and closed my eyes even more like a child who frowned that I didn't want to wake up.

The Emperor's reaction was so impatient that Marie even changed her title, and now she grabs the Emperor's shoulder and starts to rob him of the Talisman at such a high speed as the Talisman.

"Ughhhhh?! Don't worry, Marie? Are you a real Marie? This was a dream..?"

As a result, the emperor regained consciousness by vomiting a moaning that seemed to separate the soul from the body in a sensation of reality that resonated with the brain. I thought it was a dream I didn't feel realistic about.

But now that Marie had grabbed his shoulder and escaped, he could realize. The fact that this shaky, real-life sensation is not a dream.

And as soon as I realized that, I was able to embrace the new senses that my senses conveyed. It was different when I woke up and had a nightmare.

At the moment of awakening, the vast amount of information from the senses was certainly telling us that the sight that was now in front of his eyes was real.

The truth is that the Emperor has not yet grasped the situation properly, and Fisheye looks down at his daughter with a bruised expression.

The sentiment of Marie who is a little more mature than she is in her memory, with a face mixed with emotion and distressing emotion.

In her appearance, the emperor rolled his eyeballs for a while, looking around him and trying to figure out as much as possible what he was currently in.

"Thank God……! Really……! I'm really glad……. Abama. Ugh...!"

But the emperor's efforts began to cry out in front of his own daughter, who had not overcome her emotions in any way. I just woke up so I couldn't figure out what the situation was.

However, the Emperor panicked when Princess Wolbo tried to hit her head and start crying again, trying to calm Marie.

"Gi, wait. It's hard for him to understand what the hell is going on right now. So, I'm touched and crying a little bit later and give a little more details about the current situation...."

"Argh! Argh! Aaaaaah!!!"

However, as the Emperor's efforts went awkwardly, Mary held him in her father's arms and began to mourn.

It was really frustrating to see his father wake up so easily, but more than that, the fact that he woke up could not help but overcome the emotion that came from himself and eventually started to cry.

The emperor began to soothe her with a stroke of his head, holding Marie in his arms, as if she were still accustomed to taking a deep sigh as if she were starting to cry.

"Ouch, my princess. What are you so afraid of this time? This dad's gonna take care of it all, okay?"

.... The emperor who starts to soothe Marie in a tone that is not lacking even if he says she is an idiot.

What's even funnier is that it looked very familiar. Well, three brothers. No, he was the father of four brothers before the prince died, so you should get used to it.

However, the emperor of one country, who was completely focused on Marie, approached him and spoke to him.

"This is tougher than I thought..... and the Emperor was flustered. I thought it would take a couple of hours for her to wake up, even if she didn't get any treatment. I never thought I'd regain my mind. As soon as I woke up there, as soon as I woke up a few months later, I never saw anyone else try to sleep again."

Whether Kwon Hyuk should be said to be absurd or look like he saw something funny.... When he speaks with a slightly subtle expression, the emperor who soothed Marie slightly twists his eyebrows and asks.

"…… hmm? I see. If what I'm looking at right now is real, you too are real. Then I'll ask. Who are you? Who were you with my daughter? No way. Me, boyfriend?!"

The moment the Emperor looked up and down like he was scanning the revolution, he made some speculation about the identity of the revolution and came to one conclusion.

Then I yelled with a dull face, as if I were going to marry again right away. After shouting that, he shook his head with a ridiculous expression in the image of the Emperor who was stricken on his face.

"No, why do you suddenly want the story to skip? Tell me more than you think and don't get yourself hit. No, don't be so hostile when you write."

"Sniff! Khh! Ah, Abama! It's not like that! Kwon Hyuk oppa is not like a boyfriend...."

"Kwon Hyuk?! Your guy?! Are you already so intimate with Marie?! I can't forgive you! I can't forgive you, father, even if everyone in the world forgives you!"

When Kwon Hyuk muttered with a slightly awake expression, Marie was embarrassed and tried to explain who Kwon Hyuk was. But before that, the emperor who opened his eyes to the title Marie called Kwon Hyuk.

Then he got up and began to bring up his attribute by letting out fire from his mouth.

"Whew. Are you still the Emperor of the Nation? You have the fighting power of Prince Carika."

"You're the one I love! How dare you cast iron on the evil enemy who touched our precious daughter! Don't think about going back alive!!!"

After a few months of mixed up, Kwon Hyuk woke up and admired the way he whistled without even knowing.

In comparison, Marie was halfway into panic in the image of her father, who was really trying to hit her with a clan or a power revolution, and somehow tried to explain her relationship with power.

"Ah, Abama! My relationship with Brother Kwon Hyuk is not what Abama thinks! Close to a real boyfriend……."

"What, what?! Boyfriend?! Don't be funny! I don't remember giving birth to such a pompous son!! That's where you're supposed to be, and you're gonna be a baby! This father and the Empress also started out as close brothers at first! So a dangerous person like that has to cut that sprout off from Miri! Don't stop this father!"

The Emperor, who was seriously thinking of blowing up the Sovereign Revolution, now tried to dry him out with tears in a different sense, but he woke up a long time ago and still had a blurred judgment?

The Emperor never tried to listen to Marie's story. Kwon Hyuk looked at the sight as if he was watching the drama on the other side.

It was the emperor who tried to fly like I was in such a mess, but right after..... I was forced to stop the movement due to the enormous earthquake.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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