"Ah, Anz! I'm really glad you're okay...!!"

Kans' silence was due to the relief and sentiment that Anz had confirmed with his own eyes that he was safer than Duke Maester's vengeance.

I heard from Marie, the daughter of a rod, that Anz died and then came back to life. It was the emperor who was shocked by the fact that the first son, the Crown Prince, was dead.

Of course, I had to worry. After seeing this with my own eyes, I hardened my feelings and finally tried to move to hold my daughter. And at that moment.....

"This incompetent father!! How many months have you been poisoned and put off work for me?! Do you really understand how neglected you are?!"

.... I threw the documents that were on his desk to him, as I said earlier with this cry.

"Woe to you, princess! Calm down! The Emperor!!"

"Haston! I know very well that this damned pervert standing before your eyes is my only father. The fact that he was an incompetent father who had been sleeping with his daughter for months."

Originally, Anz couldn't live with this. She was a princess, and once she was like Marie, it was common for her not to interfere in politics or administration.

However, the author, his father, was poisoned, and only Anz remained among the royal family to see the great amount of administration and political work in the Empire.

Anz, who had originally been rumored to be excellent in fidelity, did not really sleep well after Bourne's fall, but was in a position to deal with the imperial palace's affairs.

Her immediate great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-g It was purely ordained that the empire, which was in a dead-end situation, would be destroyed if he entrusted it to his brother.

At least, it's comforting to say that the strength of a single person is at a general level, a type of force. Because if you say it badly, he was an empty man.

Well, he had a great talent for battlefield stuff, but he had no sense of emptying his head in politics or administration.

That's why Anz handled all the work of his empire, despite the anxiety and opposition around him. What if there's only one person left to do it?

However, even if it started for the family, no matter how much quantity, quality, and most importantly Anz's ability, there was a tremendous amount of stress in the situation where he didn't see the miracle of getting better.

However, given the situation, Hiccup was forced to do a reference job, and eventually the cause of his stress exploded when he appeared before his eyes.

"Now, calm down for a second, Anz...!! This Abby wanted to drink poison..!"

"Doorbell dance!!! Do you know how hard I've been?! Even if you make a fuss, you don't make a fuss at that time! After my father got divorced, the emperor's job was doubled! But the emperor who really needs to take care of it is sleeping comfortably?!"

Anz, even if Kans had an absolute level of self-sufficiency, he was forced to be silent on the paperwork he was throwing in a condition that seemed to eat.

Because Anz, her daughter, had suffered so much while she was a subservient, she was utterly told through her cries.

I could even see how hard she had suffered when I saw the tears in Anz's eyes that were slightly shining.

Anz, who had shed tears since he was a child, showed tears so little that he could count them on his hands. Kans simply apologized for the fact that he had committed the sin of dying.

"Hey, this Abby was wrong! It's wrong!"

"If you think you've done something wrong, you can't handle these documents right now!!"

Anz takes it out! Kans' voices rush to his feet and the documents begin to pick up the Juju Island. Haston couldn't stand the sight of such an emperor. He was just watching.

No matter how much the princess was, it could be a sin to show such disrespect to the emperor.

But honestly, Anz's power was greater than that of the emperor who had been subordinate for months.

Enough to stop him from intervening just by looking sharply at the moment when he was about to step up to the idea that Anse was too big.

Above all, this situation was the salvation of the father and daughter who committed the wrong rather than the emperor and the princess immediately. This is a situation that Haston can't stand.

"…… I am striking today! You're not going to work anymore! Let your father take care of everything! I'm proud of what I've done so far!"

At the moment, Kans, who was collecting documents for the declaration of the princess who was practically more powerful than the emperor, was forced to shrug his shoulders.

"Uh, um……. Oh, is that Anz? But you have to give me the takeover. This father did the latter job...."

When the Emperor grabbed Anz, who was about to run out of the office in an awkward voice, Anz testified with a sharp, knife-like glance.

"If your father is the emperor of one country, take care of him! I'm going to play today! I'm so relieved of this tiresome job!!"

The emperor was forced to look at Anz simply because he was so ignorant of Anz's cry that he pushed him out of the office. Marie was embarrassed because she didn't know what to do either.

".... When Anz's personality burst once, it was like a fire, but I didn't know it was like this."

"... that's how much the Emperor degraded the Princess while she was away. and that's not the only reason."

Haston, approaching the sighing Cans, gives him a slip of paper. Kans' face changed at shovel with a suspicious look on the documents he gave her.

Until just now, the face of a man who had been embarrassed was turned into a demon. The documents that Haston gave me were about the execution of Duke Maester and his Sixole.

In other words, as soon as Anz declared the strike and left this office, all the documents in this room became documents that the Emperor had to pay for.

Including the documents on the death penalty in this hand. In other words, Anz handed over his father the opportunity to avenge his own child.

The emperor gave up most of the rights that the princess held in place of the emperor for personal reasons.

It would give rise to a right to observe obligations. The princess, who neglected her duties, was forced to lose the rights she had always wielded on behalf of the emperor for a cause.

Knowing that this was his daughter's own care, Kans mutters, staring at the documents in his hand with a devilish expression.

"... Thank you, Anz. I thank this father for giving me the opportunity to make less of the sin of leaving my child first."

The Emperor, who muttered like that, ordered Haston in a majestic voice, contrary to what he had just said.

"Roaster Knight Commander. Clean up the scattered paperwork and put it on your desk right now. From now on, Jim will see you on Anz's behalf."

"…… Haona, Emperor. First of all, it is important to spread His Majesty's comfort to the imperial palace as well as to the entire people of the Empire as a matter of priority…."

"Of course, I don't intend to hide the fact that Jim is correcting. But let's deal with this first. Abby took on too much responsibility for her kids because she couldn't. Shouldn't we take that burden off now? …… First of all, Jim wants to take care of this paperwork right away, so I can't stand it."

When the Emperor talks to Haston about how unbearable it is to destroy Duke Maestro immediately, he bows his head and begins to clear the papers.

Marie asked as she looked at Kans with a worried expression at the scene.

"... Avama, as soon as you're happy, is this okay?.... and Anz is actually happy to be able to talk to Abama again...."

"Marie, I know you don't have to tell me. Even if I look at Anz's consideration of something, I can see that he doesn't resent me. But on the contrary, this father, Jim, must do his duty as emperor even more."

After decisively cutting off Marie's worrying words, Kans slowly began to read down the documents that Haston had prepared and spoke to Marie.

"… so you don't have to worry about this father. Marie, can you bring Carrika over? I miss you."

"…… Yes, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that Carika Abama is back. I'll get it now."


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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