Once I thought of implementing the golden stone as a ground, I needed to bring the golden stones before my eyes together. No, not just the golden stones in front of my eyes.


With a light collision, Kwon Hyuk shakes his hand and the space opens up in the air, so the amount of golden stone that seems to be a dozen times the amount of golden scroll that is now in front of his eyes begins to fall like a Ururu wave.

That's right. Kwon Hyuk was left in the inventory because there were too many of them while he was making the golden stone.

“Come to mind.”

When the golden stones are taken out of the inventory, a beautiful diamond that reflects light literally flows down like a waterfall.

Kwon Hyuk recalls all such golden stones through the magic of the Holy Spirit in order to free up space. Then the golden stones that fell by gravity began to rise in the air.

Like Chandelier, the golden stones embroidered in the sky were shining beautifully, and the enormous amount of power was taken away for a moment.

‘Now, how do I put this together in the form I want? That's the problem.... ’

A large quantity of golden stones that display their existence in the sky. How do they come together? Kwon Hyuk came up with two ways to think about it.

The first is how to use magic, atom planning to break down all of these golden stones into molecular units, and then put them back together.

It is not a material that can be melted and hardened by heating with high heat like iron, so it needs to be broken down into molecular units and fused together.

But this was quite a nuisance. The golden stones drop because the magic is released because you need to change from power to magic right now.

.... Well, this is the part where you can order me to stay awake for an hour with the Holy Spirit. The annoying part is that you have to break down Atom Planning once rather than this.

in carbon units. …… If so, I just made carbon from scratch and then combined it with Atomic Planning as a golden stone. I didn't have to make the golden stone itself.

Nevertheless, the reason why we created the golden stone itself is for the mastery of all creation. However, it bothered me to come now and disassemble it and harden it again because it seemed like I was adding work without writing anything.

“Then let's transform the form into a prefabricated form. ”

Even if it was possible to change shape using all creation, it could not be welded together like a golden stone. It is the ability to transform the mass into the desired shape.

There is no ability to interfere with molecules and link them. Nevertheless, the morphological transformation could bring the golden stones together.

“…… conversion. ”

As a test, Kwon Hyuk took two of the golden stones that floated in the air and attached them to each other, and changed them through all creation. Then, the shape of the golden stone changed slowly with the light....

Its shape changed to the form of and and was deformed as if it were just engaged. No, precisely because the seam part was shaped like a tooth, the shape was changed so that it would never fall out.

Why not? Once stiff, there's a strap with a small square hole at the end. And the string itself is a string made of teeth that are dug at intervals.

If you put this in a square little hole once, it's impossible to subtract as much as possible from the string that needs to be cut. It was like that strap.

The teeth of the contact surfaces are engaged with each other and are embodied in a form that cannot be physically removed. In fact, considering the strength of the golden stone, it had to be impossible to put it in.

However, it was possible to engage the two golden stones at the same time by fixing them like this.

“…… hmm. You okay?”

Kwon Hyuk once looked at the golden stone engaged in the shape of a rectangular cube, which was placed on his hand and spoke with admiration.

The seamed portion refracted light like the cut face of a diamond. This caused the dull golden stone to have a real diamond-like atmosphere.

In fact, the neat thing I like is just the refraction of light like a glass plate, and I've been thinking about what Atom Planning brings together seamlessly.

But I made one as a test, so he decided that this side looks like more diamonds, so he thought it would be okay.

‘Okay, so, how about making a golden stone platform using this form change? The level of all creation rises to the ground. ’

After deciding how to form the ground, Kwon Hyuk began to envisage what form to combine the golden stones.

Hmm, why don't you use the refraction of light at the joints of the golden stones to draw a magic camp?

‘Magic Jin? It certainly works best to draw as essence, but if you imprint magic, you can only draw as chalk, not essence. It won't be a problem if you draw it in the light……. ’

The magicians basically didn't care what they drew. Normally, however, the wizard draws the senior wizards as essences.

Essence itself is the best place to draw a magic camp. However, this is possible with more than six circle masters who have the ability to draw magic factions in the air through essence.

The following wizards were forced to draw using the same tools as Chalk when drawing the enchantment. Occasionally, there were methods used by people with a lot of money.

It has a similar effect when it is drawn as essence using an essence with high conductivity such as misril powder.

The important thing is that you can draw a magician with anything. Magic Faction can't be used except to replenish magical power unless it is imprinted, but it doesn't matter what it was used for. Rather, in that sense, the enchanted enchantment is more important than the enchanted enchantment.

According to Mahyuk's story, if the magic camp is painted with light or with water, there is a slight difference in efficiency.

‘.. but.. Draw a magic camp with the light as you say, and imprint the magic camp. Every time the light disappears, you have to re-imprint it? ’

Yes. It didn't matter if the magic scroll has a physically fixed shape, but the magic scroll that can be easily changed, such as light or water, disappears the imprinted magic when the shape is bent.

‘So every time I draw a magic camp with light, I have to imprint the magic.... ’

Hmm, then why don't you use the magical faction of light as an amplifying magical faction, not as an imprint? Or build a magic camp so you can use the magic of a ninth grade master that you can't use.

With the use of the magic faction, if only the corresponding knowledge and a large amount of essence existed, it was possible to implement a higher level of magic than his circle.

Well, most wizards don't use it well except for research. I didn't have a penalty because I had the help of a sorcerer.

The problem is that the preparation of the enchantment itself takes up enormous time. If you were a magician in the same land as yourself, it was possible to build in a short time.

More than a certain number of Wizards can be used by implementing magic instantly as essence in the air. But even if one scripture is higher than the other, the form of magic has changed the story.

Even if you have knowledge of the enchantment, you can build it for a short week according to the enchantment. Sometimes it takes decades.

The reason was simple. I don't understand the magic faction. The enchantment constructed to use the magic of the East Coast could be interpreted by looking through the structure.

However, even if it is around 1, the structure of the enchantment cannot be interpreted due to a lack of understanding of magic. Even with knowledge, it cannot be interpreted, so it is impossible to know if the magic faction you are building is the right answer.

That's why I had to build a magic camp carefully. If you make a mistake in building a magic camp, the magic will not be triggered, or you can die by recklessness.

But you have me, don't you? Originally, building a magic camp that would take a month would also reduce the number of days a tenth of the time I place an order. Well, it doesn't take much time for me to help you because of the lack of understanding of magic.

This was an inevitable part of the existence of a chitki called mahyuk. Even if Maryuk draws it, he is forced to make mistakes because he lacks an understanding of magic.

It takes time to correct this error and produces another error while correcting another error. It was an inevitable phenomenon because Kwon Hyuk did not understand Maheuk's order properly.

‘..... the 9th grade master magic. ’

Nothing comes to mind. It was not a bad idea to imprint absolute defense magic such as anti-magic shells or absolute-barrier.

‘But it took too long to build the 9th grade master magic to plan to complete it in a month. ’

Then the only way left is to use the magic group that refracted the light to amplify the implemented magic.... Are we going to go this way?

‘No, it's too bad you're giving up 9th grade magic again. Every time a magic scroll is drawn, the 9th grade magic triggers another man's romance. ’


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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