Hina's eyes were shaken like an earthquake, and her lips were slightly bluish.

Even the cold sweat began to drip. Ariana Myris could see that she was clearly agitated.

Even if it was Hinara, no, it would not be possible to maintain a proper focus face if it was challenged by Hyuk Kwon in Hinei.

He sighed as if Kwon Hyuk were cute and scratched his head and talked.

“Hina, I understand you don't like swimming. I know why you did that. I didn't do much damage to the swimmer, so I don't intend to nag, but should I still do it? ”

I knew Hina hated swimming. That's why I've been roughly noticing the causes of the things that are said to be unlucky, like grumbling every time a swimmer comes here for a date with Kwon Hyuk.

No matter how unlucky the swimming was, it seemed deliberate when all this happened simultaneously.

That's why I finally remembered the existence of Hina when I thought about who might be the one who would give the swimmer minor harassment.

"…… Yes. I will refrain as much as I can."

'He didn't say he didn't do it, though. You really don't like swimming, do you? I don't think there's any reason to dislike it.'

I can't figure out why Hyuk Hyuk knows because he thinks that the reason Hina doesn't like swimming is the enemy of the teacher's affection.

But first, I believed Hina's words of self-restraint, and this topic ended. After that, the three people who talk about all this.

"Master! I heard from the maids of the Imperial Palace that the Emperor you saved was a little awkward. How long has it been since I woke up? I've been working for the maids."

"Teacher, the prestige of courtesy has been decided."

"I see strange creatures in the sea on the side of the Meier Empire these days."

Miris, Aria, Hina. When the three of them opened their mouths with the topics, Kwon Hyuk was spending a short time tailoring the topics.

Then, even if it was Kwon Hyuk, Hina took out topics that would not be simple. It was a story of strange beings that were seen in the sea of the Meier Empire, not the other way around.

"…… the sea of the Meier Empire?"

"Yes, is that, uh, Acadian? I stumbled across an Orc with two horns on his head in the Imperial Palace."

The Acadian seemed to be staying in the Imperial Palace of Alpia now that the Warp Gate was closed with her for the escort of Silice.

Then, while moving away from Silice for a while, I saw that I had encountered Hina who was swinging the sword in the field while reviewing what I would learn from Kwon Hyuk that day.

"I ran into him on the ground?"

"Yes, he met with me in search of the right place to swing the sword for training. After that, he respectfully accepted that he was interested in my martial arts application."

"Huhu, and then it broke."

As Aria, who was practicing magic in the same place as Hina at the time, mutters as if she had a good view, and Hina looks at her sharply.

Do you want to drink the tea that Miris gave you with the cup of tea that Miris has at his disposal even when the day of Hina stands? That sight was the nobility.

In a way, Miris is not the Maid of Kwon Hyuk, but rather the Maid of Aria. Now the squabbling of two familiar men calmed Hyuk to a stroke on Hina's head.

While he was on his way, Ariah put out his head and stroked the fox's ears together because it was cute.

…… Miris also sent a signal with a sparkling eye, but both hands just smiled awkwardly facing each other.

However, the two calmed down and resumed the conversation. Hina coughs and says, 'It is true that Aria was defeated by the Acadians.'

"…… big. Well, it's true, but the next time you try again, you'll win!"

Among the most powerful of the current Acadians, he was a capable man on the horizon of a complete absolute. Even though Hina quickly entered the doorway with an absurd talent, she could not be the opponent.

Nevertheless, Hyuk nodded as if Hyuk was satisfied with the image of Hina burning her curiosity against the Acadians.

"Yes, it's not just a dream to climb the scenery in a few years. So let's try harder."


The moment the atmosphere became so fuzzy, Hina woke up. What was important now was not that he had a fight with the Acadians.

Through this struggle, I was able to have a normal conversation with the Acadians, and the news I heard was important.

"That's what I heard after a fight with him, south of Port City Mia these days. It seems that strange creatures are often seen on the beaches of the Elf."

Specifically, the shadow of the fin-like people appeared all over the place at night and the elves of the Elves began to raise their awareness.

"I asked the teacher to give it to me. I was told that I would head to the port city later, and I told you to be careful because those monsters appear by the sea."

Hina tells Acadians who are good knights and respect the revolution with great reluctance.

In Hina's story, Kwon Hyuk stopped eating for a while and thought about it. Probably one of the coordinators for the monsters Akidan delivered.

Subraces of the Dragon King. The fact that they would be seamen could not be assumed to be difficult. To be honest, there are no other expected ones besides them.

Then, what's important here is why Hamar, who lived in the sea as a metaphor and had no nose on the continent of Mandalas, is now beginning to show his face.

'.. I thought that if I move, the demons or angels will move. I never thought I'd move on the Seamen's side. What's the reason?'

Kwon Hyuk thought that no race would see a distinct movement for a month after completing the perforation.

Angels and demons who couldn't kill each other without killing each other. Angels will not miss this opportunity where the evil of demons has been wiped out.

The demons will also fight for their lives. In other words, both species have no interest in the Mandalas continent.

If you have to move hard, if the Demon King feels deeply impatient and entrusts his plan to the conservation of his kind and ignores everything and moves.

In addition, there were only three angels left among the four archangels, so it was like sending one of the three archangels.

to identify the existence of the Sovereign Revolution, which alone swept away the evil. He jumped so spectacularly that the angel, of course, would know his own existence.

I just don't know the details. Therefore, if you move to find out the enemy's information, it will be the angel's side.

Kwon Hyuk, who was thinking that, had no choice but to lean his head in awe of the Eastern seamen who had appeared so suddenly.

'Well, once I found out that the Seamen are starting to move, it's income. I don't know if it's the Sea Otters themselves or the Dragon Kings.'

…… It was not such good news for Kwon Hyuk, who was going to go to the Great Sea of Miriris immediately after the completion of the perforation.

The Miriris deep sea is forbidden from accessing the sea, but once it's the sea, it can be a nuisance to intertwine with the sea.

"Well, let's think about that later. The important thing now is to complete the perforation."

"I think so. Master, I think the ground is complete. What are you planning to make now? Is this also a building to be built on polite ground?"

Let's leave the Seamen alone for now. After making that decision and turning the topic into perforation, Myris asks with a curious expression. Kwon Hyuk shook her head in response to her question.

"No, we need to give Mock Power to the ground right now, and we need to build it before then."

This time, I asked about the story of the power source, whether there was curiosity on the Arias side or whether the fox's tail was waving adorably and with curious eyes.

"…… it was definitely something that created the power to move things, wasn't it? In wagons, it's like horses are the driving force."

Aria, who studied magic and was not lazy to read the book that Kwon Hyuk gave her in order to learn common sense, understood what the power source itself meant.

But that made me more curious. What kind of power source does that giant ground need? And what kind of power source is that?


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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