Meanwhile, the city above the giant sky, the same view that Atelion showed up in the capital Alpia. The southeast coast of Mandalas.

In the deep seas, far from the horizon where the cradle exists, there were seamen classified as a subspecies.

"You are a dignified ruler. We managed to infiltrate the continent and settle those who were capable of transformation, as you ordered."

The Seaman. He was one of the tribes that divided the Demihumans the most. The Ains were the first to be divided into seamen and acquaintances living on the continent.

Normally speaking, the Demihumans on the continent were included in the race of acquaintances. The seamen were divided into several races, as were the elves, the oaks, and the dwarves.

A sea otter that is characterized by mammals living in the sea, such as dolphins and whales. Distinguished seagulls with various fish characteristics.

A sea snake-like seagull. A place where seagulls of all kinds live together. It was a place called the Dragon Bow that existed in the deep sea to the southeast of the Mandalas continent.

.... What is the situation of the cradle?

"I'm sorry, the cradle where the yogi live is as difficult to infiltrate as it is at the very heart of the horoscope. It looks like the horizon is struggling to get through the aquarium right now. I really don't see it."

The dragon palace in which the seamen live was like a country. A country that makes the deep sea its territory. They were living in a civilized deep sea where no light even came in.

How is that even possible in a space where you can't even smoke? They developed Alchemy and Magical Engineering, like the Meier Empire on the Mandalas continent, to shed light on the deep sea.

I retrofitted the barracks without fire, and built a strong building in spite of the deception of the sea. I built a road that crosses the tide and created a way to eat cooked meat in spite of water trickling.

They formed a civilization not less than the Meier Empire, and were living in this deep sea, creating their own world.

…… it's okay. I wasn't expecting any of you. Poor children who have lost ancient knowledge and are forced to rely on the abilities of the masters of a volatile world.

And the deepest of such dragon arches. There's nothing strange about the bottom of the ocean.

In fact, there was a majestic temple in the deep sea that was difficult to enter even with modern submarines. A foreground that maintains its vitality in the water, even though it is made of wood.

A palace with a living god, built with all the manpower you can to serve a dignified existence.

Inside, there was no light reaching one seaman and the Mock Machine, so the shadowed creature was being talked to. Sharp teeth and sharp fins on the vertebrae.

The seagulls with the characteristics of the shark are covered in shadows and do not know in detail, but the outline alone continues to speak with prostration in front of the giant creature.

"I really don't have a face! We will deploy more soldiers to infiltrate the Horseshoe beyond the Aquarium at the earliest opportunity!"

…… No, I got it. I knew that even aquifers would be hard to cross with your skills, which lost ancient knowledge anyway. Give up the Cradle. I didn't expect that much anyway.

"Ha, Haona....."

It was not just the pressure of the shadows that could see the massive fuselage. A presence that just stands in the same space as it is, causing fear to the dorsal bone.

Instinctively kneeling down and making the space itself heavier than the horse. A sense of intimidation that castrates the rebel doctor himself.

All of it emanates from a creature that hides its appearance in front of a seagull that is characterized by a shark in front of its eyes.

The shark seagulls knew. I didn't even feel any energy from the presence in front of my eyes right now, but I was nonetheless able to realize it instinctively.

To the shadows in front of your eyes, you should never deny it. Even though I could only feel the energy of a normal person, the pressure that was exerting on this space itself was telling me.

Therefore, the shark seagulls were unable to open their mouths. If you make fun of the wrong mouth, it's because of the fear that your neck will fly.....

.... Is there a problem? I told you to give up.

"Beyond that, it's an outrageous word, but I don't know if the dignified ruler wants to be in the cradle……. By the way, if you tell us to give up the cradle, we don't know how to find the existence...."

The shadow before my eyes was silent for a moment on the question of the shark seamen. Shouldn't the shark seagulls have told a story they shouldn't have told?

I was swallowed up by such horror that I was forced to lose my whole body. Despite being in a position of total cognition in the kingdom of the Seamen, even in the Dragon Palace, I instinctively sweated with fear of death.

…… Probably not in the cradle.


But, surprisingly, nothing happened that the shark seamen were worried about. The shadow before my eyes was just a quiet tone that solved the question of shark seamen.

It's the same story as I said. The being I'm looking for is probably not in the cradle. Did you know I ordered you to leave spies all over Mandalas?

As if he thought he was ignoring himself, the shark seagulls stubbed his head to the ground and were unclean.

"No! I never thought of that. I have not lost the truth that a dignified ruler would never give an order when he wrote it!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shark seagulls shoot their heads in the ground of elongation as if they were forgiving their faults. How powerful the power was, the frontal angle that the two beings faced could be thunderstruck.

If you're a normal person, your skull, of course, has a brain drain and a crushing force. With that power, I heard a loud voice from the seamen who clasped their heads in the land of elongation and sought an apology.

That's it. Your Status is going to collapse my temple, so stop.

"I see!"

Finally, the shadow of a shark with his head shattered on the ground sent a gruesome voice to the seagulls again.

.... The owner of the cradle is dead. The one I'm looking for is the owner's son. But there's a good chance he's out of the cradle.

"…… Why? If you are the son of the master of the cradle, why did you need to escape the cradle?"

Isn't that obvious? The master of the cradle, the king, would have known. The fact that if you die, your child will be targeted. And the first thing to be targeted is, of course, the nest of the yogi. It is also natural to shelter your daughter elsewhere.

The seagulls nodded with admiration to the voice of the shadow, speaking in a tone that merely stretched the facts in a dry voice.

"Well, let's give up the cradle and search other places on Mandalas."

Let it be... At the same time, what I ordered is being prepared without setback, right?

The presence of a shadow that had not even fainted until just now lifted up the alleged head and replied forcefully to the question of shark seagulls.

"We are preparing as you have ordered! One million of our seamen. Waiting for a continent-wide siege of Mandalas. If you command a dignified existence, you are ready to start an invasion of land at any time!"

A light bulb installed inside the temple by slowly moving its huge fuselage in a shadow that humbled its head as if the answer of a relentless shark seaman liked it.

…… I slowly moved under the mock-up machine that emits light and slowly began to reveal it.

The presence of a shadow wrapped in a veil reveals itself as a huge, yet long fuselage begins to move. Slowly visible from the head.

A shiny blue scale in the light of the Mock Machine. A body where elegance and beauty coexist, even though they resemble snakes.

Finally, the golden pupils, distinctive of the beard and the longitudinally torn reptile, were telling us with certainty what they were.

Yeah, in a word, that's the word that suits you best. It's no different, dragon! It was a 'blue dragon' that would come from the legend of the East!

…… Immediately move the power as soon as the child's presence is identified. Whatever happens, we need to secure the child. If you notice its presence, move faster than demons, angels, and castes!

"I'll take a few!"

A giant blue dragon that doesn't look strange even if you bite her in the mouth right now. In ancient times, one of eight known coordinators existed.

The only mass on top of coordination among seamen, no, the Ain. King of the Demihumans. Legend of sublimating from Sea Snake to Blue Dragon. The Dragon King is finally starting to move at this moment.

'Master, I will use your legacy to rule the sea!'


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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