As the fact that such a thirsty man sells wells proves, Kans had no choice but to declare himself by hand.

That perforated city in the sky, Atleon, will not put anything on Alpia. To be honest, it was an unbelievable story.

The Emperor, but he knows what a huge city is, and he makes that promise? Fortunately, however, the Ryerdassus Empire was a country of nobility and kings in the Middle Ages.

In particular, the empire has been greatly strengthened lately by the influence of the Duke of Maeste's rebellion. The interaction with the Meier Empire has begun to develop very little.

At the same time, citizens' consciousness levels will also gradually rise. But right now, there's no big difference from the consciousness of the Middle Ages. In other words, the emperor...

“No problem, so don't worry about it. Have a good day! ”

It was said that even if the nucleus fell from the sky, it would not be unusual to send a routine and oxidize it as it is.

It was not out of the question, but whatever happened to the capital of the Ryadasus Empire by Atleon immediately, Alpia was not in chaos.

The Emperor's assurance was that in the Lierdasus Empire, the royal family was absolutely trustworthy.

“Really, Hyuk's solution is too desperate. Even if you come with something like that and say it's safe with half the blackmail... ”

Almost so forcefully, Kwon Hyuk, who had calmed down the aftermath of the Atleon he had brought, was currently looking for a swimmer and was with her.

“But is it true that it's safe? Maybe my bail will be more creditable than His Majesty's. ”

“You know, no matter how stubborn it is, when it floats over your head, people are surprised, right? I watched it a few times during the making process, and I was surprised when it suddenly showed up before. ”

Swimming is a little reflective. In one tone, Kwon Hyuk appealed to stability by stretching various stabilizers in the city of performances, rather than reflecting on Kwon Hyuk.

A child sighed as if he was tired of swimming in Kwon Hyuk's remark that he was beginning to increase Atleon's stability, just as he was showing off his work in art time.

Then her party members, Morka, Jeanine, and Maki murmured at the sighless swim with their eyes as uncontrollable as their gaze.

“Why not? Everyone. Obviously, when you see that swim moaning at your boyfriend, you feel like your balls are twisting. ”

“Oh, I haven't heard from Marky in a long time. I'm starting to see why the heat's coming up. What about Morka?”

“…… this is the first time that I feel a little tired of swimming against each other. I feel like I know why I'm making a little impression when I see a couple of chicken meat around me. ”

.... There was no other reason for them to look at the swim and the revolution with their faces twisted.

It is because of the fact that this couple has been dating for a month and has been gone for a long time, and has now reached the level of spontaneously salting in front of people.

Even now, the swim is in a position where Kwon Hyuk is nagging, and the pose is very crooked. I was sitting on Kwon Hyuk's knee and leaning back.

When I talked to him about how serious he was, he just looked salty. If it had been a few weeks ago, I would have been ashamed to have been so clingy in front of people.

However, I am not surprised by the fact that I am now very familiar. Naturally, I sat with my own butt on the knee of Kwon Hyuk in front of the party members.

It is inevitable that the planting of swimming party members becomes very uncomfortable in just a month's time.

“…… I was really ashamed of my boyfriend's relationship until two weeks ago. ”

“…… now I take it with a face that is not okay to be sexy. I was ashamed of this side when I was talking about my boyfriend's energy, just as I was proud of it. ”

“…… there is now a natural increase in bragging about Kang Kyung-hyuk, but it also empathizes with why, frankly, when a man is born, he says that the friendship of women is golden. ”

In the early days of dating two people, the party members were in a position to play swimming. It was fun to jump with a little prick.

But now that I've come and made fun of you like that, I'm like, 'So?’ I was just returning the reaction.

For example, a pervert named Jeanie, who had a doggy dog, said that it was a splash suit, and she shoved it into the swimming pool with a string.

“Of course, I thought I would run to see how to wear something like this.... ”

No, it was normal for Jeanie to swim as far as she knew. However, after a few weeks, a bold swim that felt like it overlapped with Gwon Hyuk's body took the string underwear and looked around for a moment.

Then he said: This, my Hyuk is not a taste, ….. Since that day, Genie has been threatened with perversion of her identity for some time.

“What are you looking at? ”

“ ……? Oh, you want to go to perforated city? I was going to leave the Imperial Palace today anyway, so I don't care if you want to go up ahead. ”

When the three girls were staring at each other saying, "I want you to be patient with sticking in front of them," the swimmer glanced at them and asked.

In the case of Kwon Hyuk, it was said that if they interpreted their gaze in a different sense, it would move them to Atleon.

“…… if you can. We're staying at the Imperial Palace anyway, so we don't have to pack our bags separately, so we don't have to go up there right now. ”

“Yeah, I think I'd rather go up there first, seeing that look in front of my eyes. There's a curiosity about the city itself floating in the sky. ”

“I think it's a good idea to do the same. The more I see, the more I twist my belly. ”

To be honest, I wanted to say a word to Kwon Hyuk and the swimmer who were so audacious that they didn't even notice the meaning of their gaze.

However, Morka, Jeanine, and Marky said that if they died of illness and were disliked, Morka, Jeanine, and Marky would go up to the city of performances first.

After swimming decided to act with Kwon Hyuk, three of her party members decided to move with Kwon Hyuk.

Their original purpose, their success as adventurers, was a situation that had already been achieved in the past. A situation where the prize was also taken in return for the help of Duke Maester during the Rebellion of Ryerdasus Palace.

They have already achieved the goal of making their home glossy.

So the women who took the liberty of life, for the time being, were trying to fill their childhood adventures. It was also decided to act like a group of Kwon Hyuk for friendship with swimming.

For that reason, I decided to stay in Atleon, a perforated city created by Kwon Hyuk, and travel to the Dungeon of Abyss.

“Then I'll take the three of you to Atelion first. You can watch the inside of the city as you wish until I get back. Enjoy the sightseeing with peace of mind, as all important facilities and must-haves have safety devices or passwords. ”

Whatever it was, Gwon Hyuk flipped his finger, announcing it like a guide introducing the tourist attraction.

At that moment, astonishingly, Jeanie, Marky, Morka and the three bodies began to be wrapped in light. Swimming in the sights, of course, forced them to be surprised.


“Wow?! ”

“Wait...?! ”

The first time in their lives, they panicked and tried to open their mouths, but before that, the light swallowed their whole heart.

…… and after a while, I could not find their appearance in the place where the light disappeared. Like telling people to deny the fact that they were standing there.

“Huh? Hyuk? What is this?”

“Mesh Teleport. The three of them made me move to Atleon. You don't have to worry about it. ”

Magic that forces the caster to move the target specified by the caster to the desired space, not the caster. This magic was one of the features installed in Atleon.

Equipment existed to emerge a transparent staircase that allowed Athletics to enter Athletics from the ground.

However, access to Atleon through this equipment is limited to when Atleon descends close to the ground.

In other cases, the only way to enter Atleon was to move Kwon Hyuk directly into the Atleon space using the appliance Mesh Teleport device.

And Kwon Hyuk moved three people into Atleon to test the function. Even if the test failed, the probability was safe to converge to 0%.

“The three of you went up first, and you want to go up first? ”

“Are you Hyuk? You're not going up there with me? You think you're gonna do something? ”

Kwon Hyuk, who sent three people to travel together in advance, asked the swimmer.


P.S.: Thank you for your dedication!

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